83 research outputs found

    The EU Foreign Policy: Discursive Impact and ’Actorness’. Analysis of the EU-Russia Negotiations over the Conflict in Georgia

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    This study is about rigorously motivating dynamics of the European Union – its discursive capacity to effectuate change as a sui generis actor in foreign policy. It builds on the case study of the conflict between Russia and Georgia, involvement in which proved to be one of the most successful diplomatic endeavors of the EU. It opened the door for a new political dimension to the east of its borders whilst effectuating positive change towards more inclusiveness and certain predictability with Russia. The analysis also looks broader on some new features of the EU foreign policy ‘actorness’ extracted from the empirical observations. It aims to disentangle counterintuitive interrelationships in interaction of the two political logics applying discourse analysis. It concludes that together with possibilities the unique nature of the EU consisting of 27 soft rationalities of its member states will always have to account for some contextual challenges. However, it does not render the EU as an actor impossible; rather it formulates its unique integrative framework

    Management of adaptation of graduates of medical schools to conditions of independent professional activity: research and optimization

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    The Objective: research of regularities of adaptation of graduates of medical schools to conditions of independent professional activity and justification of the directions of optimization of management by this process. Material and Methods. Object of research included functioning of system of adaptation of graduates of medical schools to conditions of independent professional activity. Are carried out: The study of reports of the Saratov region for 2006-2012, documentation of 16 treatment-and-prophylactic medical organizations and 84 responses on graduates of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky; anonymous retrospective questioning of 164 doctors after professional retraining at the faculty of professional development; expert questionnaire of 15 persons of the faculty of organizational chairs have been carried out. Results. In the work "complex adaptation factor"; dynamics of level of social and psychological, psychophysiological, organizational and professional indicators of adaptation of graduates to conditions of independent professional activity; the characteristic of "lagging behind" doctors; purposes of management of adaptation, importance of stages of its organizational support have been established. The ways to evaluate the success of individual adaptation and management of this process have been worked out, which are designed on the basis of the corresponding authorized optimization technology. Conclusion. Results of the conducted research allowed to expand idea of adaptation of graduates of medical schools to conditions of independent professional activity and to solve a number of applied problems of its optimization


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    Aim of our clinical study was evaluation of the possibility of diagnosing of renal posttransplant complications in recipients using dynamic renal scintigraphy.Materials and methods. In this study were included 118 patients (age 21–60 (38,4 ± 9,8 yrs)), who underwent dynamic renal scintigraphy and renal transplantat biopsy. We determined time to peak uptake and excretion half-life time of radiopharmaceutical in renal transplantat and graft parenchyma. Recipients were subdivided into three groups according to histopathological findings: first – normal (n = 32), second – acute rejection (n = 43), third – chronic nephropathy (n = 43).Results. Time to peak uptake of radiopharmaceutical in graft parenchyma in patients in the fi rst group – 3,24 ± 0,54 min, second – 6,61 ± 3,28 min, third – 6,21 ± 3,17 min (p < 0,001). Time to peak uptake of radiopharmaceutical in renal graft in patients in the fi rst group – 3,87 ± 0,62 min, second – 7,4 ± 3,8 min, third – 8,03 ± 3,28 min (p < 0,001). The half-life time of radiopharmaceutical in graft parenchyma – 10,4 ± 2,95 min, second – 37,09 ± 19,44 min, third – 29,6 ± 15,52 min (p < 0,01). The half-life time of radiopharmaceutical in renal graft in the fi rst group – 12,31 ± 3,09 min, second – 43,29 ± 27,39 min, third – 52,71 ± 26,2 min (p < 0,001). Anderson–Bahadur distance: Tmax of graft parenchyma is the most signifi cant between the fi rst and the second group of patients (1,23); Tmax of renal graft gives maximum index value in chronic nephropathy (0,89), T1/2 of graft parenchyma is more once differentiated between acute rejection and chronic nephropathy (0,95). The sensitivity and the specifi city of renal scintigraphy parameters in the diagnosis of renal posttransplant complications amounted to 71,43–95,24% and 67,7–96,43%, respectively.Conclusion. Renal scintigraphy is an additional test for early detection of renal posttransplant complications and correction of recipient surveillance. The kinetic parameters of renotrophic radiopharmaceuticals provide diagnosis of acute rejection and chronic nephropathy of renal graft. The introduction of radionuclide imaging to monitor the state of renal transplantat optimizes approaches to graft biopsy


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    The energy and angular distribution of neutron flux density has been invastigated in order to obtain the 'true' value of personal dose equivalent. The comparison of personal and ambient dose equivalents to 'true' value.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-38-90096


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    Objective: The aim of our clinical study was to evaluate the possibility of diagnosis of postrenal-transplantation complications in recipients using dynamic scintigraphy basing on temporary parameters standard zones of interest and medullary zone of renal transplantat comparing the results with the histological findings. Methods: We determined time of maximum and one-half maximal activity of radiopharmaceutical medication in renal transplantat, parenchyma and medullary zone the graft. According to pathological diagnosis, patients were categorized into threegroups: first — normals (n =32), second — acute rejection (n =43), third — chronic nephropathy (n =43). Results: In this study 118 patients aged 21–60 (38.4±9,8) years were included who underwent dynamic renal scintigraphy and biopsy renal transplantat. The time of maximum activity radiopharmaceuticals parenchyma the graft in patients in first group — 3.24±0.54 min, second — 6.61±3.28 min, third — 6.21±4.17 min (р 0,001). The time of maximum activityradiopharmaceuticals medullary zone the graft in patients in first group — 3.95±0.95 min, second — 8.94±5.23 min (р 0,001), third — 7.29±4.16 min (р 0,01). The time of maximum activity radiopharmaceutical the whole graft in patients in first group — 3.87±0.62 min, second — 7.4±3.82min (р 0,001), third — 8.03±4.28 min (р 0,01). The time one-half maximal activity radiopharmaceuticals parenchyma the graft in first group — 10.4±2.95 min, second — 37.09±3.89 min (р0,001), third — 29.67±3.1 min (р0,005). The time one-half maximal activity radiopharmaceuticals medullary zone the graft in first group — 11.71±5.93 min, second — 79.34±9.81 min (р 0,001), third — 29.67±3.95 min (р 0,005). The time one-half maximal activity radiopharmaceuticals the whole graft in first group — 12.31±3.91 min, second — 53.29±8.22 min, third — 52.71±7.86 min (р 0,001). Anderson–Bahadur distance: Т1/2medullary zone the graft most significant between first and second groups patients (17.43), gives maximum index value at chronic nephropathy (-9.07), at differentiation between acute rejection and chronic nephropathy (8.48). Estimate of the area under the ROC indicate most informative time of maximum accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical of the whole graft (SRoc=0,907) in acute rejection and Tmax parenchyma the renal transplantat (SRoc=0,847) in patients with chronic nephropathy the graft. Sensitivity and specificity renal scintigraphy parameters of diagnosing on postrenal transplantation complications amounted 71.43–98.7% and 67.7–96.43% respectively. Conclusion: Renal scintigraphy is an additional test for early detection on postrenal transplantation complications and correct tactics conducting recipients. The parameters of kinetics of nephrotropic radiopharmaceuticals provide diagnosis of acute rejection and chronic nephropathy the graft. Inclusion of radionuclide diagnostics to monitor the state renal transplantat optimizes approach to biopsies graft. Цель исследования: оценить возможность диагностики постренотрансплантационных осложнений методом динамической сцинтиграфии, используя временные показатели стандартных зон интереса и медуллярной зоны ренотрансплантата, сравнивая результаты с гистологическими данными. Методы: рассчитываливремя максимального накопления и время полувыведения радиофармпрепарата (РФП) из ренотрансплантата, его паренхимы и медуллярной зоны. Реципиенты разделены по морфологическим данным на 3 группы: 1-я — с нормальным ренотрансплантатом (n =32); 2-я — с острым отторжением ренотрансплантата (n =43); 3-я — с хронической нефропатией ренотрансплантата (n =43). Результаты: динамическая сцинтиграфия и биопсия ренотрансплантата выполнены 118 реципиентам в возрасте 21–60 (38,4±9,8) лет. Время максимального накопления РФП паренхимой ренотрансплантата у реципиентов 1-й группы — 3,24±0,54; 2-й ― 6,61±3,28; 3-й ― 6,21±4,17 мин (р 0,001). Время максимального накопления РФП медуллярной зоной ренотрансплантата у реципиентов 1-й группы — 3,95±0,95; 2-й — 8,94±5,23 (р 0,001); 3-й — 7,29±4,16 мин (р 0,01). Время максимального накопления активности ренотрансплантатом в 1-й группе — 3,87±0,62; во 2-й — 7,4±3,82 (р 0,001); в 3-й — 8,03±4,28 мин (р 0,01). Время полувыведения РФП из паренхимы ренотрансплантата в 1-й группе — 10,4±2,95; во 2-й — 37,09±3,89 (р 0,001); в 3-й — 29,67±3,1 мин (р 0,005). Время полувыведения РФП из медуллярной зоны ренотрансплантата в 1-й группе — 11,71±5,93; во 2-й — 79,34±9,81 (р 0,001); в 3-й — 29,67±3,95 мин (р 0,005). Время полувыведения РФП из ренотрансплантата в 1-й группе — 12,31±3,91; во 2-й — 53,29±8,22; в 3-й — 52,71±7,86 мин (р 0,001). Расстояние Андерсона−Бахадура: Т медуллярной зоны ренотрансплантата наиболее показателен между пациентами 1-й и 2-й группы (17,43), дает максимальную величину показателя при хронической нефропатии (-9,07) и дифференцировке острого отторжения и хронической нефропатии (8,48). Оценка характеристических кривых свидетельствует о наибольшей информативности времени максимального накопления РФП всего почечного трансплантата (ПТ) (SRoc=0,907) при остром отторженииПТ и Тmax паренхимы ПТ (SRoc=0,847) при хронической нефропатии ПТ. Чувствительность и специфичность параметров реносцинтиграфии при выявлении постренотрансплантационных осложнений составили 71,43–98,7 и 67,7–96,43%, соответственно. Заключение: радионуклидная диагностика почечного аллотрансплантата может быть использована в качестве дополнительного теста для своевременного выявления дисфункции пересаженной почки и коррекции тактики ведения реципиента. Параметры кинетики нефротропного РФП обеспечивают диагностику острого отторжения и хронической нефропатии ренотрансплантата. Включение радиоизотопной визуализации в мониторинг состояния почечного трансплантата позволяет оптимизировать подход к применению биопсии ренотрансплантата.

    Radioactive atmospheric discharges of the European and Russian nuclear power plants

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    Comparison of radionuclide specific indicators in airborne discharges to atmosphere from European and Russian nuclear power plants was carried out. The performed analysis allows determining airborne discharge structure and the environmental impact of nuclear power plant with different types of reactor. Analysis of experimental data on radioactive airborne discharges from Russian nuclear power plants is carried out. The nuclear power plants with three different kinds of reactors are investigated. The performed analysis allows determining the list of radionuclides in airborne discharges, which give from 84 to 99 % of radiation exposure population. © RAD Conference Proceedings. All rights reserved


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    Modern spectrometers do not provide an adequate assessment of neutron radiation. To obtain a more accurate radiation spectrum, it is necessary to take into account and be able to change the angle of incidence of the radiation


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    More and more nuclear power plants are being built and put into operation around the world. Emissions requirements are being tightened. Radiation-hazardous enterprises require specialized systems for calculating MPE and other metrics to control the emissions generated