9 research outputs found

    Interferometric detection of prostate specific antigen based on enzyme immunoassay

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    AbstractInterferometric detection of Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) based on enzyme immunoassay are investigated. Refractive index changes of substrate are measured for PSA detection. Michelson scheme of optical interferometer was used so as to be applicable to a disposable fluidic chip. When interferometer is used for the measurements of refractive index changes, the detection is over 8 times more sensitive than that of absorbance changes for the same amount of target protein

    Solid-Phase Immunoassay of Polystyrene-Encapsulated Semiconductor Coreshells for Cardiac Marker Detection

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    A solid-phase immunoassay of polystyrene-encapsulated semiconductor nanoparticles was demonstrated for cardiac troponin I (cTnI) detection. CdSe/ZnS coreshells were encapsulated with a carboxyl-functionalized polystyrene nanoparticle to capture the target antibody through a covalent bonding and to eliminate the photoblinking and toxicity of semiconductor luminescent immunosensor. The polystyrene-encapsulated CdSe/ZnS fluorophores on surface-modified glass chip identified cTnI antigens at the level of ~ng/mL. It was an initial demonstration of diagnostic chip for monitoring a cardiovascular disease

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging-Based Protein Array Chip System for Monitoring a Hexahistidine-Tagged Protein during Expression and Purification

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    A surface plasmon resonance imaging-based Ni(2+)-iminodiacetic acid-coated gold chip system was developed to enable specific detection of a hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein in crude extracts or in column chromatography fractions. This system is especially advantageous for high-throughput analysis of multiple proteins

    Involvement of Estrogen and Its Receptors in Morphological Changes in the Eyes of the Japanese Eel, <i>Anguilla japonica</i>, in the Process of Artificially-Induced Maturation

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    During the long migration from river habitats to the spawning ground, the Japanese eel undergoes sexual maturation. This spawning migration occurs concurrently with morphological changes, such as increases in eye size; however, the mechanisms by which sex steroids and their receptors influence these changes in peripheral tissues remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the eyes of female Japanese eels during sexual maturation, and our research focused on estrogen receptor (ER)&#945; and ER&#946; transcripts. During ovarian development, the gonadosomatic index increased and yolk-laden oocytes developed rapidly. These changes occurred in conjunction with a steady increase in plasma levels of estradiol-17&#946; (E2). Concomitant increases in transcript levels of ER&#945; and ER&#946; in eye, brain, pituitary, and ovary were also observed. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analyses revealed that ER&#945; and ER&#946; transcripts were present in the choriocapillary layer and photoreceptor layer of the eyes, and the analysis also revealed that their signals in these layers became stronger in mature females compared to those observed in immature females, suggesting that under the influence of gonadotropins, morphological changes in the eyes are regulated by E2 through the activation of its receptors. In conclusion, E2 plays a crucial role in physiological adaptations that occur in peripheral tissues during the spawning migration

    Incorporation of SKI-G-801, a Novel AXL Inhibitor, With Anti-PD-1 Plus Chemotherapy Improves Anti-Tumor Activity and Survival by Enhancing T Cell Immunity

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    A recently developed treatment strategy for lung cancer that combines immune checkpoint inhibitors with chemotherapy has been applied as a standard treatment for lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC), and it has improved the outcomes of chemotherapy. Maintenance treatment with anti-PD-1 antibody (aPD-1) enhances the effect of immunochemical combination therapy and improves therapeutic efficacy, which contributes toward a significant improvement in patient survival rates. The AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (AXL), which is expressed in tumor cells, plays an essential role in the resistance of cancers to chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and stimulates signaling associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in metastatic cancer. AXL is thus an attractive target for controlling resistance to anti-tumor therapies. In this study, we examined the effect of AXL inhibitors on immune activation and tumor growth in TC1 and C3PQ mouse tumor models, in the context of clinical immunotherapy/chemotherapy and maintenance treatment, using an aPD-1 with/without pemetrexed. To determine the optimal timing for administration of SKI-G-801, an AXL inhibitor, we investigated its anti-tumor effects based on inclusion at the immunochemotherapy and maintenance therapy stages. We also performed flow cytometry-based immune profiling of myeloid cells and lymphoid cells at different points in the treatment schedule, to investigate the immune activation and anti-tumor effects of the AXL inhibitor. The addition of SKI-G-801 to the immune checkpoint inhibitor and chemotherapy stage, as well as the maintenance therapy stage, produced the best anti-tumor results, and significant tumor growth inhibition was observed in both the TC1 and C3PQ models. Both models also exhibited increased proportion of effector memory helper T cells and increased expression of CD86(+) macrophages. Especially, regulatory T cells were significantly reduced in the TC1 tumor model and there was an increase in central memory cytotoxic T cell infiltration and an increased proportion of macrophages with high CD80 expression in the C3PQ tumor model. These results suggest increased infiltration of T cells, consistent with previous studies using AXL inhibitors. It is expected that the results from this study will serve as a stepping stone for clinical research to improve the existing standard of care.N