80 research outputs found

    Globaliation, Trade and Populism in Germany. Analyzing The Effects Of Trade Exposure On Voting Behavior In The 2013 And 2017 German Federal Elections

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    The author of this paper worked as a freelance project manager for the Global Economic Dynamics team between 2015 and 2018. The paper was originally written as the author’s Master Thesis in obtaining his degree in International Affairs from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin in June 2018. As such, the paper follows a different internal structure and style than other GED studies and focus papers. The original format of the paper also means that the empirical work and statistical analysis presented were necessarily limited in scope and depth. As such, the paper and its findings should be understood as a careful first exploration of the effects of trade exposure on voting behavior in Germany throughout the last elections, rather than a definitive and final statement on this empirical relationship. The paper opens the door to and invites further academic research and writing on this thematic to strengthen the claim for causality of its analysis

    Balanced Budget and Investment Rule: Two Sides of the Same Coin?! Analyzing the economic effects of a binding public investment commitment in Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|7

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    In their statement from December 2016, the independent commission of experts for strengthening investment in Germany, appointed by then-Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel, calls for a significant expansion of investment dynamics in Germany. Along with proposed measures to strengthen private investments, the commission stresses the importance of creating the kind of institutional and political framework needed to push public investments so as to not endanger welfare and economic growth in Germany. In light of this, this study shows what effects an increase and stabilization of the public investment level in Germany would have. To do this, distinct investment scenarios have been created and their impact on a number of economic and politico-economic indicators up to the year 2025 was measured. The results clearly show that an increase in public investments in Germany would lead to a significant rise in German GDP growth over the following years. Factors like productivity, volume of work and the state’s capital stock similarly show higher increases in scenarios with more public investments relative to scenarios with a lower investment level. Another important result of the study is that such a proposed rule of investment would not have to be in conflict with the already existing debt rule of the federal government. Although scenarios with a higher level of public investment first lead to a lower budget balance, the differences between the individual scenarios become insignificant over time due to both the higher economic growth in those scenarios with more investments and the underlying assumptions regarding the counter-financing of these investments. In all five scenarios observed, the debt / GDP ratio swiftly falls below 50 percent in the year 2025. For the purpose of this study’s calculations, additional investments will be financed through an increase in taxes and a cut in spending on public consumption. The focus of this paper is purely macroeconomic, taking a look at the effects of different levels of public investment on the German economy

    Kitsch als Korrektiv des Schönen: Stellung in der Ästhetik und gesellschaftliche Implikationen

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    Kitsch wird hier zunächst ästhetiktheoretisch betrachtet, vor allem anhand von Kant. Er wird als Tabu in Hinblick auf die Reinhaltung des Geschmacksurteils vom Interesse dargestellt. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern und inwieweit Kitsch der Entwicklung von Geschmack dient. Dabei wird herausgearbeitet, dass die vorschnelle Verwendung des Prädikats "Kitsch" Genuss verbauen kann. Es wird auf den Interessenkonflikt zwischen den Geschmackvollen und jenen, die aus unterschiedlichen Gründen der Kitschigkeit zum Opfer fallen, eingegangen. Neben der Bedeutung des Kitsch in der Kunst bzw. dem Diskurs über kulturelle Entwicklung wird auf die kulturelle Bedeutung des lebensweltlichen Genusses eingegangen, der oft - teils zu Unrecht - der Kitschigkeit besonders verdächtig erscheint.Kitsch is here first of all examined in terms of aesthetical theory, especially on the basis of Kant. Its function is presented as that of a taboo in terms of the prevention of a contamination of the judgment of taste by interest. It is examined, if and to what extent kitsch is useful for the development of taste. In doing so, it is shown that the premature use of the claim that something is kitsch can unnecessarily inhibit pleasure. Furthermore, the conflict of interest between the ones with taste and the ones which fall prey to kitsch is explored. Besides the significance of kitsch in arts or rather in the discourse about cultural evolution, the cultural importance of pleasure in everyday life environment is pointed out, where kitsch is especially often presumed to be present, though to some extent unsubstantiatedly

    Ekel und 'Natur': zur Ăśbertragung von Grenzen des Selbst auf Grenzen in der Lebensumwelt

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    "Der Text kann einerseits als Positionsbestimmung in Hinblick auf Theorien zum Ekel gelesen werden. Ekel wird als für die Subjektwerdung in der frühen Kindheit notwendiges, gelerntes Verhaltensmuster beschrieben. Dieses wird zu einem Gefühl und im Verlauf der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch den Einfluss von Moral und Ästhetik weiter geprägt. Andererseits wird gezeigt, dass Analogien zwischen durch den Ekel ausgeschlossenen Triebregungen und Reaktionen auf Objekte der Lebensumwelt bestehen. 'Natürliche' Eigenschaften des Selbst finden sich dabei in der 'Natur' - z. B. als solche von Wildnis - wieder. Der Ausschluss durch das Verbot (Bataille) ist allerdings einer, der von einer Erfahrung des Verbotenen in der Überschreitung nicht zu trennen ist. Es wird dargestellt, dass gerade das Negative des Ekels auch positive Erfahrungen von Innen- und Außenwelt ermöglichen kann." (Autorenreferat)"This text can on the one side be read as a determination of position concerning theories on disgust. Disgust is here described as a behavioural pattern necessarily learnt in the development of the subject in early childhood. It becomes a feeling which is additionally shaped by the influence of morals and aesthetics in the sequel of self-development. On the other hand, it is shown that there are analogies between the exclusion of drive impulses via disgust and reactions to objects in the environment. 'Natural' properties of the self can thus be retrieved in 'nature', e. g. as such of wilderness. Still, the exclusion by means of prohibition (Bataille) is one that cannot be separated from an experience of the prohibited via transgression. It is here depicted that it is just the negative connotation of disgust which can also allow for a positive experience of inner and outside world." (author's abstract

    The role of migration in mental healthcare: treatment satisfaction and utilization

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    Migration rates increase globally and require an adaption of national mental health services to the needs of persons with migration background. Therefore, we aimed to identify differences between persons with and without migratory background regarding (1) treatment satisfaction, (2) needed and received mental healthcare and (3) utilization of mental healthcare. In the context of a cross-sectional multicenter study, inpatients and day hospital patients of psychiatric settings in Southern Germany with severe affective and non-affective psychoses were included. Patients’ satisfaction with and their use of mental healthcare services were assessed by VSSS-54 and CSSRI-EU; patients’ needs were measured via CAN-EU. In total, 387 participants (migratory background: n = 72; 19%) provided sufficient responses for analyses. Migrant patients were more satisfied with the overall treatment in the past year compared to non-migrant patients. No differences between both groups were identified in met and unmet treatment needs and use of supply services (psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, and psychosocial treatment). Despite a comparable degree of met and unmet treatment needs and mental health service use among migrants and non-migrants, patients with migration background showed higher overall treatment satisfaction compared to non-migrants. The role of sociocultural and migrant-related factors may explain our findings. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12888-022-03722-8

    Predictors of competitive employment in individuals with severe mental illness: results from an observational, cross-sectional study in Germany

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    BACKGROUND: Employment is of great importance as it is associated with various positive effects. Individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) are often excluded from competitive employment. Current data on employment of individuals with mental illness are rare, and influencing factors are under-researched. The present study examines possible predictors of competitive employment among individuals with SMI. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional and multicentered study of 300 individuals with SMI aged 18 to 65 years. The following inclusion criteria were used: (I) diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (ICD-10 F2x), or affective disorders (ICD-10 F3x), (II) duration of psychiatric illness ≥ 2 years, and (III) substantial impact of illness on social functioning. Participants were interviewed by trained staff using standardised instruments. The relationship between potential predictors (age, sex, education, marital status, living situation, migration background, psychosocial functioning, age at first mental problem, physical illness, work ability) and employment was analysed using a hierarchic binary logistic regression model. RESULTS: Only one-third (34%) of participants were competitively employed. Almost one-third were unemployed (30%), and 28% reported early retirement due to mental illness. Psychosocial functioning was positively associated with competitive employment (OR = 1.09, 95% CI: 1.05 – 1.13, p < 0.001); concurrent chronic physical illness was negatively associated with competitive employment (OR = 0.38, 95% CI: 0.21 – 0.71, p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Findings confirm a high risk of exclusion from competitive employment among individuals with SMI. Nonetheless, a substantial proportion of individuals are employed. Findings call for efforts to maintain or enhance workforce participation among individuals with SMI. A special focus should be placed on improving physical health and strengthening psychosocial functioning. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) under the registration number DRKS00015801 before the start of recruitment (Registration date: 21.02.2019)

    Employment status and desire for work in severe mental illness: results from an observational, cross-sectional study

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    PURPOSE: People with a severe mental illness (SMI) are at particular risk of occupational exclusion. Among the approaches to occupational rehabilitation, supported employment (SE) has been proven to be the most effective. A requirement to enter SE-programs is that individuals must want to seek competitive employment. The aim of this work is to investigate the relationship between serious mental illness and the desire to work including potential predictors. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional observational study of patients with SMI aged 18–65 years (n = 397). Patients were interviewed by trained staff using standardised instruments. The relationship between potential predictors and a strong preference for employment were analysed using a hierarchic binary logistic regression model. RESULTS: Only about one-quarter (27.9%) of SMI patients is in competitive employment. Another quarter is unemployed (25.9%). Results show that the desire for competitive employment is strong among more than half of the SMI patients. Among the unemployed, two-thirds express a strong desire for work. These individuals are an ideal target group for SE interventions. Comorbid chronic physical illness, diagnosis, and the subjectively judged ability to work are associated with the desire for work. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm a substantial exclusion of individuals with SMI from the workforce. In general, care needs for workplace interventions are not being met and leave much room for improvement. In addition to employment status, the desire for work should be routinely assessed. STUDY REGISTRATION: The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) (https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00015801) and under the WHO-Platform “International Clinical Trials Registry Platform” (ICTRP) (https://apps.who.int/trialsearch/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=DRKS00015801) under the registration number DRKS00015801 before the start of recruitment (Registration date: 21.02.2019)

    The impact of a digital guideline version on schizophrenia guideline knowledge: results from a multicenter cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Background Clinical practice guidelines are crucial for enhancing healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Yet, their implementation remains inconsistent across various professions and disciplines. Previous findings on the implementation of the German guideline for schizophrenia (2019) revealed low adherence rates among healthcare professionals. Barriers to guideline adherence are multifaceted, influenced by individual, contextual, and guideline-related factors. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a digital guideline version compared to print/PDF formats in enhancing guideline adherence. Methods A multicenter, cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in South Bavaria, Germany, involving psychologists and physicians. Participants were divided into two groups: implementation of the guideline using a digital online version via the MAGICapp platform and the other using the traditional print/PDF version. The study included a baseline assessment and a post-intervention assessment following a 6-month intervention phase. The primary outcome was guideline knowledge, which was assessed using a guideline knowledge questionnaire. Results The study included 217 participants at baseline and 120 at post-intervention. Both groups showed significant improvements in guideline knowledge; however, no notable difference was found between both study groups regarding guideline knowledge at either time points. At baseline, 43.6% in the control group (CG) and 52.5% of the interventional group (IG) met the criterion. There was no significant difference in the primary outcome between the two groups at either time point (T0: Chi2(1) = 1.65, p = 0.199, T1: Chi2(1) = 0.34, p = 0.561). At post-intervention, both groups improved, with 58.2% in the CG and 63.5% in the IG meeting this criterion. Conclusions While the study did not include a control group without any implementation strategy, the overall improvement in guideline knowledge following an implementation strategy, independent of the format, was confirmed. The digital guideline version, while not superior in enhancing knowledge, showed potential benefits in shared decision-making skills. However, familiarity with traditional formats and various barriers to digital application may have influenced these results. The study highlights the importance of tailored implementation strategies, especially for younger healthcare providers

    Wege zu nachhaltigem Wachstum, Beschäftigung und Stabilität: Dokumentation des Makroökonomischen Kongresses der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund vom 25.11.2004 in Berlin

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    Seit 6 Jahren waren die Aussichten für eine Belebung der Konjunktur nicht mehr so günstig wie 2006. Die positiven Impulse resultieren aus den nach wie vor boomenden Exporten. Achillesferse der Konjunkturentwicklung ist und bleibt jedoch die Binnennachfrage, die in keinem größeren Industrieland während der letzten 10 Jahre so schwach wie in Deutschland verlief. Die derzeitigen Belebungstendenzen sind noch zu schwach und von zu kurzer Dauer, um den Arbeitsmarkt zu erreichen. Die Wirtschaftspolitik steht deshalb vor der Herausforderung, einen sich selbst tragenden Aufschwung zu befördern. Der wirtschaftspolitische Diskurs hierzulande ist jedoch im Wesentlichen geprägt durch die angeblich mangelnde Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands im internationalen Vergleich und dem daraus abgeleiteten erforderlichen Bedarf an Strukturreformen, insbesondere an dem als zu starr erachteten Arbeitsmarkt. Haushaltskonsolidierung unabhängig vom realen Konjunkturverlauf und das Ignorieren der Folgebewältigung der deutschen Einheit sind zum Dogma geworden. Der Patient deutsche Volkswirtschaft leidet angeblich unter Sklerose. Die verkrusteten Institutionen des Arbeitsmarktes und Sozialstaates verhindern, dass der Preis der Ware Arbeitskraft angemessen - sprich sinkend - auf die Herausforderungen der 'Globalisierung' und des technischen Fortschritts reagieren kann. Zu hohe Arbeitskosten und eine falsche Lohnstruktur sorgen für niedrige Wachstumsraten und steigende Arbeitslosigkeit. Ähnlich verläuft auch die Diskussion auf europäischer Ebene. Das bisherige Modell Europas der gleichberechtigten Betonung von Wirtschaftswachstum, sozialem Zusammenhalt und Nachhaltigkeit droht zugunsten der einseitigen Fixierung auf Wettbewerbsfähigkeit aufgegeben zu werden. Die Ziele von Lissabon sind in weite Ferne gerückt. Ausgeblendet wird dabei, dass nicht das durch Strukturreformen beförderte Wachstumspotenzial, sondern das tatsächlich realisierte Wachstum einer Wirtschaft mehr und bessere Arbeitsplätze schafft. Ein Blick auf die Antriebskräfte der Weltkonjunktur zeigt, dass es hierzu eines makroökonomischen Policy-Mix bedarf, der eine spannungsfreie Koordination von Geld-, Fiskal- und Lohnpolitik ermöglicht. Der Ruf nach einer aktiven Konjunkturpolitik wird aber zumeist als altkeynesianische Forderung der Gewerkschaften vor dem Hintergrund angeblich überholter wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse abgetan. Dieses in Europa und besonders in Deutschland vorherrschende Dogma zu entkräften war Zielsetzung des Kongresses unter der Beteiligung von internationalen Wissenschaftlern. Die hier wiedergegebenen Beiträge haben angesichts der wirtschaftspolitischen Herausforderungen an Aktualität nicht verloren

    Die beschaeftigungspolitische Verantwortung des oeffentlichen Dienstes: Dokumentation e. wissenschaftl.-polit. Symposiums d. GEW am 14., 15. Mai in Frankfurt (Main)

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    Includes 7 articlesAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel A 161969 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
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