209 research outputs found

    Resilience of Birds to Habitat Change: Identification of Interspecific Variation in Avian Resilience and its Possible Mechanisms

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    Humans have been changing landscape features that are important to birds for many years. This is a problem because 3 billion birds have been lost since 1970 and this affects our lives every day, since birds help us by pollinating our crops and controlling pests, among other services. It is critical that we understand which birds are most susceptible to a changing landscape so that we can slow their decline. Understanding birds’ resilience to these habitat changes can help wildlife managers make better informed decisions for birds living in a changing world. We looked at which bird species are present in areas with different levels of habitat change throughout the state of Utah, and created two metrics that help describe how resilient bird species are to habitat change. We also investigated four hypotheses described by birds’ physical characteristics and preferences to explain the reasons why bird species are resilient. We found three patterns of bird responses to habitat change: positive, negative, and no response. Managers could integrate these relationships with their goals to choose the best habitat modification projects for their species and/or communities of interest. Within the four hypotheses explaining bird resilience, not all predictions about resilience were supported, and support was often driven by one trait (e.g. preference or physical characteristic). Understanding the traits that indicate birds’ resilience to habitat change can help develop new approaches to wildlife and habitat management. This could be done through predicting areas in which habitat change will have disproportionate negative impacts on the largest number of birds, for example

    Integration of CRM into the product development process of the automotive industriy

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    Die Abläufe in der Automobilindustrie lassen sich in drei maßgebliche Hauptprozesse kategorisieren und durch diese beschreiben: 1. den Produktentwicklungsprozess 2. den Produktionsprozess 3. und den Kundenbetreuungsprozess. Während es zwischen den jeweils direkt aufeinander folgenden Prozessen, also zwischen Produktentwicklungs- und Produktionsprozess als auch zwischen Produktions- und Kundenbetreuungsprozess, viele Schnittstellen mit einem umfangreichen Informationsaustausch gibt, finden nur wenige Erkenntnisse der Fahrzeugverwendung durch die Kunden ihren Weg direkt zurück in die Produktentwicklung. Diese Arbeit beschreibt zunächst die wichtigsten Eigenschaften und Besonderheiten der beiden Hauptprozesse und begründet, warum eine Integration lohnend und sinnvoll ist. Dabei wird detailliert dargestellt, wie aus der Rückmeldung eines einzelnen Kunden in verschiedenen Schritten eine für die Produktentwicklung verwertbare Information entsteht und wie diese schließlich zu einer Modifikation bereits produzierter, in Produktion befindlicher und zukünftiger Fahrzeugmodelle führen kann. Anhand eines Umsetzungsbeispiels mit einer auf dem Markt verfügbaren Integrations¬software wird nachgewiesen, dass die zunächst nur in der Theorie beschriebene Vorgehensweise auch in der Praxis umsetzbar ist. Dabei spielt es keine entscheidende Rolle, welche Anwendungssoftware der Fahrzeughersteller in den jeweiligen Hauptprozessen verwendet, da die Integrationskomponente universell einsetzbar ist. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die weiteren Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten des vorgestellten Integrationskonzeptes im Zusammenspiel mit der fortschreitenden Vernetzung der Fahrzeuge mit Hersteller, Handel und weiteren Anbietern ab.Business in the Automotive Industry is regularly described by three main core processes: 1. Product Development Process 2. Production Process 3. Customer Relations Process While between subsequent processes (i.e. between Product Development and Production Process as well as between Production and Customer Relations Process), there are many interfaces with an intensive exchange of data and information, hardly any insight from customers using their vehicle finds its way back to the Research and Development Department. At first, this paper elaborates on characteristics and peculiarities of the two involved core processes and justifies why their integration is both necessary and useful. At the same time, it describes in detail how any kind of feedback from an individual customer can be transformed through various steps into useful information for R&D and how this information can lead to modifications for already produced vehicles, actual vehicles in production and future model lines. By using already existing integration software, a successful implementation is demonstrated and proves that all theoretically described procedures could be realised in one single application. Furthermore, it is shown that the actually implemented software for the Product Development as well as for the Customer Relations at the vehicle manufacturer does not impede such an integration using the above mentioned software. The paper concludes with an outlook on future possibilities of such integration, taking into account the steadily increasing connectivity of vehicles with manufacturer, supporting dealer network and third party service suppliers

    Sodium Regulation of Agonist Binding at Opioid Receptors. I. Effects of Sodium Replacement on Binding at and #{244}-Type Receptors in 731 5c and NG1 08-15 Cells and Cell Membranes

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    SUMMARY The effects of varying the sodium concentration (at constant ionic strength) on oploid binding at -and #{244}-opioid receptors in 731 5c and NG1 08-1 5 cells has been examined

    Human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 induce chemokine receptor 2 expression in rat dorsal root ganglia neurons and release of chemokine ligand 2 from the human LAD-2 mast cell line

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    Primate-specific Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 (MRGPR-X1) are highly enriched in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and induce acute pain. Herein, we analyzed effects of MRGPR-X1 on serum response factors (SRF) or nuclear factors of activated T cells (NFAT), which control expression of various markers of chronic pain. Using HEK293, DRG neuron-derived F11 cells and cultured rat DRG neurons recombinantly expressing human MRGPR-X1, we found activation of a SRF reporter gene construct and induction of the early growth response protein-1 via extracellular signal-regulated kinases-1/2 known to play a significant role in the development of inflammatory pain. Furthermore, we observed MRGPR-X1-induced up-regulation of the chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) via NFAT, which is considered as a key event in the onset of neuropathic pain and, so far, has not yet been described for any endogenous neuropeptide. Up-regulation of CCR2 is often associated with increased release of its endogenous agonist chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2). We also found MRGPR-X1-promoted release of CCL2 in a human connective tissue mast cell line endogenously expressing MRGPR-X1. Thus, we provide first evidence to suggest that MRGPR-X1 induce expression of chronic pain markers in DRG neurons and propose a so far unidentified signaling circuit that enhances chemokine signaling by acting on two distinct yet functionally co-operating cell types. Given the important role of chemokine signaling in pain chronification, we propose that interruption of this signaling circuit might be a promising new strategy to alleviate chemokine-promoted pain

    Os livros como referência nos trabalhos de conclusão de curso de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: uma análise de citações

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    O livro, foco deste estudo, atua ao lado de diversos outros suportes de comunicação, resultados do desenvolvimento tecnológico e temporal, todos com o objetivo de disseminar a informação. Apesar de cada tipo de documento ter características próprias, a evolução digital trouxe consigo o formato eletrônico e assim a possibilidade de que alguns suportes físicos, como o livro, não tivessem o mesmo uso de outrora. Assim, surgiu a hipótese de que talvez o livro venha sendo cada vez menos utilizado do que tantos outros veículos de comunicação científica. O livro eletrônico passa por situação semelhante, porém, sua pouca presença pode se dar muitas vezes pela dificuldade ao acesso a livros digitais. De forma especifica, este estudo procurou identificar a frequência do livro como citação, observar a presença do livro em relação à área da Biblioteconomia, apontar os autores mais citados e analisar o uso do livro como referência em relação aos demais tipos de suporte do conhecimento científico em meio eletrônico. Os dados coletados foram extraídos das listas de referência das monografias e reunidos numa planilha Excel. Os resultados mostram que o livro e Capítulo de livro nacional é o tipo de documento mais utilizado com 1834 citações (36,99%); os 24 autores mais citados representam 21,13% do total de citações, sendo que Antonio Carlos Gil é o autor mais citado (2,63%), seguido por Marina de Andrade Marconi (1,88%) e Eva Maria Lakatos (1,84%), todos autores de textos relativos a Metodologia Científica; a área Ciências Sociais Aplicadas obteve a maior incidência de citações de livros (47,44%), seguida pelo campo Biblioteconomia (27,11%), e pelo assunto Metodologia Científica (16,48%); os documentos eletrônicos são amplamente utilizados pelos alunos com percentual de 42,47%, enquanto livros e capítulos de livros em meio eletrônico representaram apenas 1,49% dos documentos citados. Esse estudo proporcionou um panorama das fontes de informação nas quais os alunos se baseiam para a produção de seus trabalhos de conclusão de curso, principalmente sobre o documento livro, objeto principal deste estudo. Identificando também características e tendências de citação.The book, focus of this study, works alongside many other communication supports, results of technological and temporal development, all with the aim of disseminating information. Despite each type of document has its own characteristics, the digital evolution brought with it the electronic format and thus the possibility that some physical supports, like the book, wouldn't have the same use as before. Thus, came up the hypothesis that maybe the book is being increasingly less used than many other scientific communication vehicles. The e-book goes through a similar situation, however, his little presence can often ocurr by the difficulty of access to digital books. In specific form, this study sought to identify the frequency of the book as a citation, observe the book’s presence in relation to the area of librarianship, point the most cited authors and analyze the use of the book as a reference in relation to other types of scientific knowledge support in electronic means. The data was extracted from the reference lists of monographs and gathered in a excell spreadsheet. The results show that Book and National Book Chapter is the most used type of document with 1834 citations (36.99%); the 24 most cited authors represent 21.13% of total citations, and Antonio Carlos Gil is the most cited author (2.63%), followed by Marina de Andrade Marconi (1.88%) and Eva Maria Lakatos (1,84%), all authors of Scientific Methodology related texts; the Social and Applied Sciences had the greatest incidence of book’s quotations (47.44%), followed by the field related to Librarianship (27.11%), and by the Scientific Methodology subject (16.48%); electronic documents are widely used by students with percentage of 42.47%, while “books and book chapters” on electronic means represented only 1.49% of the cited documents. This study provides an overview of information sources in which students are based for the production of their final papers, particularly about the book document, the main object of this study. Also identifying characteristics and citation trends

    Os livros como referência nos trabalhos de conclusão de curso de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: uma análise de citações

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    O livro, foco deste estudo, atua ao lado de diversos outros suportes de comunicação, resultados do desenvolvimento tecnológico e temporal, todos com o objetivo de disseminar a informação. Apesar de cada tipo de documento ter características próprias, a evolução digital trouxe consigo o formato eletrônico e assim a possibilidade de que alguns suportes físicos, como o livro, não tivessem o mesmo uso de outrora. Assim, surgiu a hipótese de que talvez o livro venha sendo cada vez menos utilizado do que tantos outros veículos de comunicação científica. O livro eletrônico passa por situação semelhante, porém, sua pouca presença pode se dar muitas vezes pela dificuldade ao acesso a livros digitais. De forma especifica, este estudo procurou identificar a frequência do livro como citação, observar a presença do livro em relação à área da Biblioteconomia, apontar os autores mais citados e analisar o uso do livro como referência em relação aos demais tipos de suporte do conhecimento científico em meio eletrônico. Os dados coletados foram extraídos das listas de referência das monografias e reunidos numa planilha Excel. Os resultados mostram que o livro e Capítulo de livro nacional é o tipo de documento mais utilizado com 1834 citações (36,99%); os 24 autores mais citados representam 21,13% do total de citações, sendo que Antonio Carlos Gil é o autor mais citado (2,63%), seguido por Marina de Andrade Marconi (1,88%) e Eva Maria Lakatos (1,84%), todos autores de textos relativos a Metodologia Científica; a área Ciências Sociais Aplicadas obteve a maior incidência de citações de livros (47,44%), seguida pelo campo Biblioteconomia (27,11%), e pelo assunto Metodologia Científica (16,48%); os documentos eletrônicos são amplamente utilizados pelos alunos com percentual de 42,47%, enquanto livros e capítulos de livros em meio eletrônico representaram apenas 1,49% dos documentos citados. Esse estudo proporcionou um panorama das fontes de informação nas quais os alunos se baseiam para a produção de seus trabalhos de conclusão de curso, principalmente sobre o documento livro, objeto principal deste estudo. Identificando também características e tendências de citação.The book, focus of this study, works alongside many other communication supports, results of technological and temporal development, all with the aim of disseminating information. Despite each type of document has its own characteristics, the digital evolution brought with it the electronic format and thus the possibility that some physical supports, like the book, wouldn't have the same use as before. Thus, came up the hypothesis that maybe the book is being increasingly less used than many other scientific communication vehicles. The e-book goes through a similar situation, however, his little presence can often ocurr by the difficulty of access to digital books. In specific form, this study sought to identify the frequency of the book as a citation, observe the book’s presence in relation to the area of librarianship, point the most cited authors and analyze the use of the book as a reference in relation to other types of scientific knowledge support in electronic means. The data was extracted from the reference lists of monographs and gathered in a excell spreadsheet. The results show that Book and National Book Chapter is the most used type of document with 1834 citations (36.99%); the 24 most cited authors represent 21.13% of total citations, and Antonio Carlos Gil is the most cited author (2.63%), followed by Marina de Andrade Marconi (1.88%) and Eva Maria Lakatos (1,84%), all authors of Scientific Methodology related texts; the Social and Applied Sciences had the greatest incidence of book’s quotations (47.44%), followed by the field related to Librarianship (27.11%), and by the Scientific Methodology subject (16.48%); electronic documents are widely used by students with percentage of 42.47%, while “books and book chapters” on electronic means represented only 1.49% of the cited documents. This study provides an overview of information sources in which students are based for the production of their final papers, particularly about the book document, the main object of this study. Also identifying characteristics and citation trends

    Multiple agonist-affinity states of opioid receptors: Regulation of binding by guanyl nucleotides in guinea pig cortical, NG108-15, and 7315c cell membranes

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    Multiple affinity states of opioid receptors of the μ and δ types have been identified in membranes prepared from cells which bear only one type of opioid receptor (μ receptors in 7315c cells, δ receptors in NG 108-15 cells), and in guinea pig cortical membranes where both types of receptors were present in the membrane preparations. States of μ and δ receptors which have agonist affinities too low to be identified by radiolabeled agonist have been measured indirectly by agonist competition for sites labeled by radioactive antagonist. Using analogues of guanyl nucleotides, we have examined the competition of the μ and δ agonists DAGO and DSLET against [3H]DIP or [3H]NAL binding to opioid receptors and identified several agonist affinity states. In the absence of added nucleotide, competition of DSLET for [3H]DIP binding to δ opioid receptors revealed the presence of two binding sites with differing apparent agonist affinities. Addition of GDPβS produced a steep monophasic curve which was best fit by a one-site model. In contrast, in the presence of added GTP or GTPγS, two affinity states were again apparent for DSLET competition at the δ receptor. The competition curve with GTP was shifted to the right relative to that produced in the absence of added guanyl nucleotide, indicating the presence of a lower apparent affinity state than any observed under other treatment conditions. DAGO competed against [3H]DIP or [3H]NAL binding to μ receptors over a wide concentration range in the absence of added guanyl nucleotide, consistent with the occupation by this ligand of more than one agonist affinity state of the μ receptor. However, when GDPβS was added to the incubation mixture, only a single binding site was identified. Two μ receptor affinity states were again observed in the presence of added GTP or GTPγS. One of these had significantly lower apparent affinity than those states detected in the absence of added nucleotide or with GDPβS. Pertussis toxin treatment resulted in a monophasic agonist competition curve which was best fitted by a single-site model in both 7315c and NG108-15 cell membranes. Addition of 100 μM GTP did not affect the agonist K(app) or B(max) after pertussis toxin treatment, suggesting that sites labeled under these conditions were not functionally associated with a G protein. In general, the effects of guanyl nucleotides were qualitatively similar at μ and δ receptors. The multiple apparent affinity states of each type of receptor probably reflect the preferential occurrence of different forms of agonist-receptor-G protein-guanyl nucleotide complex depending on the agonist or antagonist properties of the ligand and the guanyl nucleotides present

    Effects of chronic morphine exposure on opioid inhibition of adenylyl cyclase in 7315c cell membranes: A useful model for the study of tolerance at μ opioid receptors

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    The effects of prolonged morphine exposure on the μ opioid receptor in 7315c pituitary tumor cell membranes have been examined. Since a low concentration of naloxone reversed the inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase induced by the μ-selective agonist, Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol (DAGO), and by high concentrations of [D-Pen2-D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE), we suggest that these cells contain a homogeneous population of μ opioid receptors coupled to adenylyl cyclase via a guanyl nucleotide-binding protein. Studies measuring the ability of [D-Ala2-D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADLE), an opioid agonist, to inhibit adenylyl cyclase in cells that had been exposed to 100 μM morphine for varying periods of time, indicated that the agonist no longer inhibited enzyme activity after 5 hr of morphine exposure. Measurements of 3H-antagonist binding in membranes from cells exposed to morphine demonstrated a decreased receptor density after 24 hr of 100 μM morphine exposure with no change in the antagonist affinity. Computer analysis indicated a 20% decrease in the number of μ receptors labeled after 24 hr of morphine exposure and a 60% decrease after 72 hr of exposure. Computer analysis of agonist competition against 3H-antagonist binding confirmed the existence of one binding site with an affinity intermediate between the high and low apparent affinity states observed in membranes from untreated cells. Addition of 10 μM GTPγS did not affect the agonist affinity or receptor density in membranes from morphine-treated cells, suggesting that the receptors were uncoupled from G proteins, as observed in 7315c cell membranes that have been treated with pertussis toxin. Thus chronic morphine treatment induced a rapid loss of opioid μ receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (desensitization), and a more slowly developing reduction in receptor number. The desensitization was accompanied by a loss of guanyl nucleotide regulation of agonist affinity. These findings are comparable to results reported for the δ opioid receptor and the β-adrenergic receptor upon prolonged agonist exposure