5 research outputs found

    Drinking Water Risk Management Plan: A Case Study in the Ore Processing Industry

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    All of the water supply system development needs to be safe and meet health requirements. Due to the expansion of the ore processing industry, water supply providers are required to identify the risks that may arise from dangerous and hazardous events. The purpose of this study was to build a structured approach to drinking water risk management plans (RMPs). We used risk assessments with reference to the environmental management system, risk management, and the food safety management system. The results of the risk assessment show two critical control points (CCPs) of high risk: Dam (catchment) and pipe reticulation. Some CCPs were categorized as posing very high risks of hazardous events due to pathogen contamination, including the clean water tank, the disinfectant injector, and pipe reticulation. The RMPs recorded and identified various preventive measures that could be taken to reduce and eliminate the risks. Daily operational requirements can be implemented to prepare for these hazards and risks that have the potential to negatively affect the quality of the drinking water supplied to the workers. Risk assessments were conducted in two stages: Preventive measures and operational monitoring. The involvement of all departments and authority agencies was crucial to ensure the success in the development and review of the operational aspects of these RMPs


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    Pekerja laboratorium memiliki risiko bahaya ergonomi berupa gangguan otot rangka akibat kerja atau disingkat GOTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi potensi bahaya ergonomi di laboratorium analisis dan assay Divisi Concentrating PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). Metode penelitian menggunakan observasi. Adapun rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan teknik sampel yaitu sampel jenuh. Standar yang digunakan dalam pengukuran dan evaluasi potensi bahaya ergonomi adalah SNI 9011:2021, dimana hasil pengukurannya digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi gangguan kesehatan dan perlindungan teknisi laboratorium analisis dan assay tersebut. Hasil survei keluhan GOTRAK menunjukkan bahwa dari 33 teknisi laboratorium terdapat 9 teknisi (27,3%) terdiri dari 4 teknisi sample preparation, 3 teknisi fire assay dan 2 teknisi wet assay yang mengalami tingkat risiko keluhan tinggi. Dari hasil survey GOTRAK yang dilakukan, teknisi laboratorium analisis dan assay memiliki jenis keluhan yang serupa seperti kelelahan fisik, mental dan mengalami rasa nyeri/sakit setelah melakukan pekerjaan. Mayoritas teknisi laboratorium teridentifikasi memiliki  tingkat risiko tinggi pada bagian leher, punggung bagian bawah, dan tubuh bagian bawah seperti betis, pinggul, lutut, serta kaki. Mayoritas bahaya ergonomi yang teridentifikasi adalah bahaya postur janggal pada bagian tubuh bawah dan pengangkatan beban secara manual Kata Kunci: bahaya ergonomi; GOTRAK; teknisi laboratorium analisis dan assay; risiko ergonomi; SNI 9011:202

    GIS-based mapping of noise from mechanized minerals ore processing industry

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    Monitoring workers’ exposure to occupational noise is essential, especially in industrial areas, to protect their health. Therefore, it is necessary to collect information on noise emitted by machines in industries. This research aims to map the noise from mechanized mineral ore industry using the kriging interpolation method, and ArcGIS 10.5.1 to spatially process and analyze data. The experimental calculation result of the semivariogram showed a 0.83 range value, with an essential parameter of 1.75 sill and a spherical total theoretical model. The result shows that the main machines with the highest power consumption and the Leq value are located in the southwest position of the sampled areas with a noise map-projected to assess the workers’ noise exposure level. In conclusion, the study found that the highest noise level was generated ranged from 88 to 97 dBA and contributed to the whole sound pressure level at certain positions