248 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Pada Monopoli Cafe and Resto Soekarno Hatta Malang)

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    This study aims to clarify: the influence of store atmosphere on purchase decision, the influence of store atmosphere on customer satisfaction, the influence of purchase decision on customer satisfaction. The results of path analysis showed that: store atmosphere has significant influence on purchase decision, store atmosphere has influence but not significant on customer satisfaction, purchase decision has significant influence on customer satisfaction. Based on results of the study, it was recommend that Monopoly Cafe and Resto should maintaining the excellence of store atmosphere, since some customers decide to buy the products depend on their interest in the store atmosphere. In addition, Monopoly Cafe and Resto should continue to satisfy their customer in order to stimulate their future purchase intention

    Hubungan Antara Pengelolaan Kelas Dengan Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa SMA Kelas XI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengelolaan kelas dengan motivasi berprestasi siswa kelas XI dan penelitian dilakukan di SMA Don Bosko Semarang. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 97 siswa kelas XI yang didapatkan melalui teknik cluster random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Motivasi Berprestasi (30 aitem; α=0,884) dan Skala Pengelolaan Kelas (48 aitem; α=0,94). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara pengelolaan kelas dengan motivasi berprestasi (r=0,598 dan p<0,001). Pengelolaan kelas memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 35,8% terhadap motivasi berprestasi siswa

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Kelapa Sawit Rakyat (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Provinsi Riau)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi besar biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan oleh petani kelapa sawit rakyat menurut umur tanaman, untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pendapatan petani kelapa sawit rakyat per tahun menurut umur tanaman, dan untuk menganalisis tingkat kelayakan finansial kelapa sawit rakyat di Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah, Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Provinsi Riau. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi besar biaya produksi adalah dengan rumus TC=FC+VC, untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pendapatan adalah dengan rumus I=TR-TC, dan dan untuk menganalisis tingkat kelayakan finansial adalah dengan analisis NPV, IRR, dan B/C. Metode penentuan sampel adalah metode accidental. Besarnya sampel penelitian adalah sebanyak 57 sampel. Metode pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa USAha perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di daerah penelitian memiliki biaya rata-rata produksi per hektar selama setahun adalah Rp 10.013.643,- yang terbesar adalah biaya sarana produksi sebesar Rp5.521.838,- yang kedua ialah biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp 4.334.894,- dan yang terakhir biaya penyusutan hanya sebesar Rp 156.911,-. Rata-rata pendapatan petani sampel per hektar dalam setahun adalah Rp 8.939.940,- dan Rata-rata pendapatan per petani selama setahun adalah sebesar Rp 124.382.567,-. Secara finansial, USAha Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di daerah penelitian dikatakan layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai NPV 28.692.267, IRR sebesar 24,034%dan B/C sebesar 2,81

    Perbedaan Efektivitas Constructed Wetlandssubsurface Flow System Dan Free Water Surface Padatanaman Cattail Untuk Menurunkan Bod, Cod Dan Fosfat Limbah Laundry Di Kelurahan Tembalang, Kota Semarang

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    Small laundry industry is activities that related in laundering services. Laundry wastewater directly disposed into sewerage without treatment. The checking result of BOD, COD and phosphate of laundry waswater is 260,3 mg/l, 832,9 mg/l, and 10,83 mg/l this number is exceed the standard of Perda Jateng No 5 2012 th. The study research is using quasi experiment (quasi experiment) with pre test - post test design.The research objects are the laundry liquid wastes from "Rahma" laundry, "Zone" laundry, and "Pelangi" laundry. The analysis of data using different test Independent t-test for normal distribution of data. The levels of BOD, COD, and phosphate pre experiment of using subsurface flow system was 260,25 mg/l; 823,938 mg/l; 10,8973 mg/l. And the levels of BOD, COD, and phosphate post experiment of using subsurface flow system had decreased 29.0625 mg/l; 80.5625 mg/l; 4.556 mg/l. While the levels of BOD, COD and phosphate pre experiment of using free water surface is 260.25; 823.938, 10.83, and post treatment had decreased to 58.8125 mg/l; 160.375 mg/l; 7,545 mg/l. The levels of BOD, COD and phosphate with subsurface flow system treatment decreased 87.22% BOD; COD 87.81%; and Phosphate 59.2%, while the decrease from the free water surface treatment was BOD 74.89%; COD 76.54%; and phosphate 30.55%. The different test result of BOD(Sig 0,001), COD (Sig 0,001) and Fosfat (Sig 0,002) shows there are an average difference beetween effectiveness differences constructed wetlands subsurface flow system and a free water surface on cattail plants to reduce the number of BOD levels, COD levels, and phosphate levels of laudry wastewater

    Pengaruh Intensitas Komunikasi Orang Tua Kepada Anak terhadap Kenakalan Remaja

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    This study aimed to analyze and describe the influence of the intensity of communication between parents to children to the misbehavior of teenagers in Adipuro villege Trimurjo district, Lampung Tengah. The Methods used in this research was quantitative research. Population in research also used as determining sample were 36 teenagers as the respondents. Data analysis of this research was using chi square formulas. The result showed that lack intensity of communication between parents to children can affect the children in the determining what he would do , it means there is are influence of the intensity of communication between parents to children against misbehavior of the teenagers.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh intensitas komunikasi orang tua kepada anak terhadap kenakalan remaja di Desa Adipuro Kecamatan Trimurjo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sekaligus dijadikan sampel yaitu 36 remaja sebagai responden. Analisa data penelitian ini adalah menggunakan rumus Chi Kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya intensitas komunikasi orang tua kepada anak mempengaruhi anak dalam menentukan prilaku yang akan dilakukannya, artinya terdapat pengaruh intensitas komunikasi orang tua kepada anak terhadap kenakalan remaja

    The Added Value Of Smoke Catfish ( Pangasius Sutchi ) ( Cases Catfish Processing In Koto Masjid Village XIII Koto Kampar District Riau Province)

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    Research on Added value of smoke catfish ( Pangasius sutchi ) ( Cases Catfish Processing in Koto Masjid Village XIII Koto Kampar District Riau Province) should be conducted in march 2016 in Koto Masjid village the kabupaten kampar Riau Province. This study attempts to ( 1 ) to know much value added economical catfish after processed into catfish smoke , ( 2 ) know the production and marketing catfish smoke. Methods used is the method case study such respondents in purposive sampling as many as 3 people who have a role as processing catfish smoke. Based on the results of research ( 1 ) added value of smoke catfish is Rp.3.265,6 per kilogram fresh catfish by a ratio of added value of Rp. 18,1422 .The advantage gained catfish processing smoke is Rp. 2.465,6 per Kilogram with operating margin Rp. 3.700 per Kilogram catfish fresh ( 2 ) in once used of fish production catfish fresh with 1.000 Kg , produce 300 kg of smoke catfish .Of processing of smoke catfish is still in traditional. Smoke Catfish produce tea processing factory in the village Koto Masjid was marketed in pekanbaru 20 %, to palembang as many as 5 % , to Malaysia as many as 5 %, to the market Air Tiris 15 % , market kuok 15 % , Bangkinang market as many as 12 % , Kampar market as much as 13 % and in taratak Buluh 15 %

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa H. Sudiarto Bc, Hk Dalam Membangun Desa Sokokidul Kecamatan Kebonagung Kabupaten Demak Menuju Desa Berprestasi Tahun 2013/2014

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    This research discusses the leader in village The leader is essentially a person who has the ability to influence the behavior of others in his work with the use of power. Sokokidul village is one of the villages that has a leader who has the ability to successfully build the village to be developed. The research aims to explain the leadership of the village head in order to build Sokokidul village into a growing and achieving village with various potential village. Both from natural resources and human resources. The research was conducted using qualitative method. Technique of collecting data is done by interview, documentation and literature study. Validity and data reliability are tested using the source triangulation technique. The author uses the leadership and the government leader. The result show tha H. Sudiarto's leadership is good, because he has innovations to develop the village as well as the many awards received by Sokokidul village. He can also perform his role well as; The role of generating spirit, the role of social relationships and the role of information delivery. He is also a democratic leader proven by good communication between leaders and subordinates and repect the opinions of subordinates and include subordinates of each decision-making
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