4 research outputs found


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    The number of violations of children’s rights in the form of exploitation and violence against children is increasing in Indonesia. The increase is due to the lack of understanding of children’s rights from related parties. Repositioning children’s rights is needed because children need a specific right and specific protection under a specific human rights framework, so that they do not lose power when establishing relationships with adults; where at this point, children are very vulnerable to treatment discriminatory. The repositioning of children’s rights is carried out by making a protection and enforcement of human rights as guaranteed constitutional rights, which is based on the understanding that human rights are human rights in toto and not merely as an individual’s legal rights in their capacity as legal subjects that are legally listed in the applicable law. The failure of the government to carry out this obligation is violation by omission

    Administrative Enforcement of Food Safety Regulation in Indonesia: Loopholes and Recommendations

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    Food safety regulation requires adequate resources. Due to its complexity, food safety regulation needs multidisciplinary stakeholder intervention. The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC) as the appointed body encountered problems in law enforcement works with other food safety-related bodies. The discussion focuses on the administrative enforcement of food safety regulation in Indonesia and these shortcomings is followed with analysis of some possible solutions. However, their performances are hampered by several issues. This research is conducted with a desktop study of information obtained from primary and secondary sources. Also, to get some insights to improve the administrative enforcement in Indonesia, this study is carried out using comparative method. Therefore, the New South Wales (NSW) laws, regulations, policies, and principles are analysed. This study finds that the drawbacks of the administrative enforcement of food safety regulation in Indonesia is caused by limited enforcement funding; lack of community knowledge and awareness towards food safety; lack of competent food inspectors; and lack of coordination between food safety administrative bodies. Some recommendations have been proposed, namely applying industry funding; implementing food hygiene rating; establishing enforcement guidelines; and appointing a single coordinating body for food safety

    Framework Convention On Tobacco Control sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Kesehatan dalam Konteks Gatt

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    Penulisan hukum ini membahas tentang Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) yang ditujukan sebagai upaya perlindungan kesehatan dilihat dari konteks General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1994).Kesehatan manusia semakin memburuk karena dampak buruk rokok yang peredarannya tidak terkendali.Untuk mengatasi hal ini dibentuklah suatu ketentuan yang bersifat global sebagai upaya perlindungan kesehatan manusia, yang disebut dengan Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).Lahirnya FCTC disambut baik oleh para ahli kesehatan masyarakat karena FCTC diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi bagi masalahan kesehatan akibat rokok.Namun, FCTC juga menuai protes keras dari berbagai kalangan seperti dari para pelaku industri rokok.Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang menolak FCTC sehingga tidak meratifikasinya.Selain itu, pokok- pokok kebijakan FCTC dianggap mengancam kelangsungan industri rokok.Penelitian hukum ini dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif.Bahan hukum yang dikumpulkan merupakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier.Bahan hukum tersebut diinventarisir, dikategorikan, dan di sistematisir untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan interpretasi teleologis atau sosiologis.Bahan- bahan hukum yang telah dianalisis tersebut kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk laporan skripsi (penulisan hukum).Hasil penelitian hukum ini menunjukkan bahwa penolakan ratifikasi FCTC oleh Indonesia didasari oleh perdebatan yang panjang antara pihak yang pro dan kontra terhadap FCTC. Menurut GATT 1994, FCTC dapat dikategorikan sebagai hambatan. Hambatan ini dapat dibenarkan selama diterapkan secara non- diskriminatif