30 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Gaya Belajar Anak Usia 12 S/d 18 Tahun Dengan Program Bantu Media Visual Aural Read Kinesthetik (VARK)

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    β€” Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangkan media pembelajaran yang mendukung hasil uji VARK dan menganalisis hasil uji coba pengembangan media pembelajaran yang mendukung hasil uji VARK untuk anak usia 12 sampai 18 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodelogi Research and Develompment untuk pengembangan produk, sedangkan untuk uji coba ddigunakan metode One Shoot Case Study. Instrumen penelitian berupa produk media pembelajaran yang pengujian validitas media dan materi produk tersebut menggunakan angket, dan pengujian instrumen soal menggunakan tes. Validitas materi dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran yang ahli dibidangnya, validitas media dilakukan oleh ahli media, dan untuk validitas soalh dilakukan oleh siswa yang telah memahami materi tersebut. Sampel untuk uji coba media pembelajaran adalah anak usia 12-13 tahun sebanyak 36. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 32 media pembelajaran yang terdiri dari 4 gaya belajar dan 8 materi dikatakan layak untuk digunakan. Media pembelajaran sebanyak 32 sampel diterapkan dan diujikan kepada 36 siswa umur 12-13 tahun diperoleh hasil gaya belajar yang 89% mendukung hasil uji VARK dan 11% tidak mendukung hasil uji VARK. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan pula gaya belajar lain pada siswa. Kata kunciβ€” VARK, Questionnaire Younger Version, learning style, learning medi

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan dan Kualitas Audit terhadap Manajemen Laba

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    This research aims to analyze the effects of ownwership structure and audit quality on earning management of manufacturing sector in Indonesia\u27s companies The sample in this study were manufacturing sector companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the periode 2009-2011. The number of sample used were 39 companies listed were taken by purposive sampling. The analysis method of this research used multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this research showed that ownership of managerial and audit firm size had negative and significant influence to earning management; meanwhile ownership of institutional, auditor independence and industry specialization auditor had not significant effect to earning management

    Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Model Learning Cycle 7e pada Materi Listrik Dinamis untuk Meningkatkan Penalaran Formal Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack: This research aims to describe and differentiate the student formal reasoning through the implementation of learning cycle 7E model for the material dynamic electricity in the class of X SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru. Population of this research is all of X classes with 304 students. Meanwhile the samples are 37 students in X3 as experimental class and 37 students in X4 as control class. The instrument of data collection in this study is a formal reasoning performance test which consists of 15 multiple choice items. Analysis of the data in this study was a descriptive analysis that was used to determine the performace of the physic learning through the criteria of absorption and effectiveness of learning. The inferential analysis was used to differentiate a formal reasoning considerably using independent sample t-test using SPSS 20 program. The analysis data shows: the average absorption of the class is 80.16% with the good category, and declared as an effective learning. The value of t tests is p = 0.008 means p < 0.05, then H0 is rejected. Which means that there are differences in formal reasoning test result between students in experiment class that taught using learning cycle 7E and control class that uses conventional learning with a level of 95%. It can therefore be concluded that the implementation of learning cycle 7E can be used as an alternative in the learning process in the classroom X SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru

    E-Learning Utilizing Schoology: Teaching Theory of Relativity Using Online

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    Physics is not only learning through the presentation of concepts or formulas, but many events can be understood through various learning media. Evidently, students better understand the material if they can interact directly with the topic of the lesson. In addition, the rapid internet makes teachers are required to actively develop learning media. This research aims to develop physics learning using E-Learning learning media on the Special Theory of Relativity material for high school students in class XII. This study uses research and development methods that refer to the ADDIE model. This research is limited to making applications. Based on the results of research, this development has produced products that function well and present features that support student learning. Available features include quizzes, learning videos, materials and simulations that students can access. E-learning developed using Schoology can support learning through the online platform. E-learning using Schoology can display the stages of stimulus that can be determined by educators when using this e-learning. Therefore, e-learning learning that utilizes Schoology on relativity material can be designed and developed according to the needs of teachers and students in the learning process in class

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran terhadap Senjangan Anggaran dengan Locus Of Control dan Goal Commitment sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Empiris di Pemerintahan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    This study aim to examine the influence of budgetary participation to budgetary slack with locus of control and goal commitment as moderated variables at (Empirical Study On Pekanbaru City Government). The data was collected by distributing questionnaires with purposive sampling to the respondents. While responders is consisted by the functional functionary aselon III and IV at governmental institution of Pekanbaru City which is participation in budgetary process, with a total sample are 93 respondents. The method analisys used in this study is multiple regression analysis with software SPSS for windows. From the results of multiple regression, there is three hypothesis that influent to budgetary slack : 1) the effect of budgetary participation having an effect on budgetary slack. 2) budgetary participation and locus of control interaction have significant influence to the budgetary slack. 3) budgetary participation and goal commitment interaction have significant influence to budgetary slack.Keywords: budget, participation, control, goal, and commitmen

    Hubungan Kesinambungan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal Dengan Pemberian Imunisasi Lengkap Di Indonesia

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    Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immunization program. Some studies indicate that sustainability utilization of maternal health care will improvematernal health and the quality of child care including immunization.Objective: The aim of the analysis is to determine the relationship between sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services with complete immunization of children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.Methods: Secondary data analysis of Baseline Health Research 2013. The samples in this analysis werechildren aged 12 – 23 months of mothers aged 10 – 54 years who has history of immunization recorded onKMS / KIA / infant health records. The main independent variable was the sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services. The dependent variable is the immunization status. Odds ratios and 95%Confidence were calculated by logistic regression.Result: Pregnant women who were not sustainably utilize maternal health services were 1.58 times morelikely to not provide complete immunization to their children compare to women who continuously utilizedmaternal health services adjusted by economic status and number of children in family.Conclusion: The sustainability utilization of maternal health care significantly related with completeimmunization of children aged 12 – 23 months in Indonesia. Latar Belakang: Upaya untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian karena infeksi pada anak dapatdilakukan dengan program imunisasi. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kesinambungan pemanfaatanpelayanan kesehatan maternal akan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu serta kualitas perawatan anaktermasuk didalamnya imunisasi.Tujuan: Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanankesehatan maternal dengan pemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia.Metodologi: Data yang digunakan di dalam analisis ini ialah data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013.Sampel di dalam analisis ini ialah anak umur 12 – 23 bulan dari ibu umur 10 – 54 tahun yang memilikiriwayat imunisasi yang tercatat pada buku KMS/KIA/catatan kesehatan bayi. Variabel bebas utama ialahkesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal. Variabel terikat ialah status imunisasi dasarlengkap. Analisis regresi logistik dilakukan dengan perhitungan odds ratio dan 95% Confidence Interval.Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil yang tidak berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal, memiliki kecenderungan 1,58 kali untuk tidak memberikan imunisasilengkap kepada anaknya dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal.Kesimpulan: Kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal berhubungan signifikan denganpemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia

    Kejadian Pendek-gemuk pada Anak Berusia Bawah Dua Tahun Berhubungan dengan Konsumsi Lemak dan Pendidikan Ibu

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    Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the other hand, the prevalence of overweight and obesity also increases. The result of the situation is double burden of child nutrition status, both stunted and obese/overweight at time same. The objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of children under two years of age who are stunted and overweight at the same time and its associated factors in Indonesia. The study used secondary data from the National Basic Health Research in 2010. The samples were 2116 under two year of age from all provinces in Indonesia. Anthropometry indices were generated using 2005 WHO standards for children. A child that categorized as stunted and overweight were those with a length-for-age z-score &lt;-2 SD and a weight-for-length z-score &gt;2SD from the median of the reference standard adjusted for the relevant sex and age group. Logistic regression and sample weighting factors were performed for the data analysis. The result wasthe prevalence of stunting with concurrent overweight 19.8 percent. Factors that significantly associated with stunting overweight were fat intake and maternal education. Low fat intake was associated with stunting and overweight (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.94). Mother with no schooling is also associated with stunting and overweight of their children (OR 3.24, 95% CI 1.35-7.78). This analysis emphasizes that there had been double burden of child nutrition among children in Indonesia.However, eventhough low fat intake was one of the factors associated with stunting and overweight among under two children, restriction of fat intake in first year of life is not recommended

    Asupan Zat Besi Dan Seng Pada Bayi Umur 6 – 11 Bulan Di Kelurahan Jati Cempaka, Kota Bekasi, Tahun 2014

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    Infants are at higher risk of iron and zinc deficiency because of their rapid growth and higher iron and zinc needs. The infants' iron and zinc status are directly affected by their dietary intake. The aims of this study were to measure the average and the deficit of iron and zinc intake in infants aged 6 – 11.months in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka Kota Bekasi, 2014. The research was conducted in 10 Integrated Health Service in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka, Bekasi City, 2014. Eighty pairs of infants and mothers were selected as samples. Infants' intake were assessed by 2 x 24 hours non-consecutive dietary recall. Independent T test analysis were conducted to identify the differences in iron and zinc intake between underweight infant and infant with normal nutritional status. Analysis showed that iron and zinc the total of average of breastfeeding infants were 2,3 Β± 1,2 mg/day and 1,7 Β± 0,7 mg/day. Iron and zinc The average deficit of of breastfeeding infants were 4,7 Β± 1,2 mg/day and 1,3 Β± 0,7 mg/day. There was significant difference on the average of iron intake between underweight infant and infants with normal nutritional status. But there was no significant difference on the zinc intake. However zinc intake the average of of underweight infant was lower than the normal infant with normal nutritional status. Nutrition counseling about good complementary feeding practice to the mothers of infants is needed, especially complementary food from animal source. Multi micro nutrient supplementations to the infants need to be considered, regarding low consumption of complementary food from animal source

    Sekolah Petra (Penanganan Trauma) Bagi Anak Korban Bencana Alam

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    Kurangnya perhatian pada penanganan korban bencana alam, khususnya upaya pemulihan trauma di setiap bencana alam yang terjadi di Indonesia merupakan masalah yang belum ditangani secara serius dan efektif. Padahal trauma dapat menyebabkan masalah besar dalam kehidupan pasca bencana alam. Bencana berarti juga terhambatnya laju pembangunan. Berbagai hasil pembangunan ikut menjadi korban sehingga perlu adanya proses membangun ulang. Siswa pun harus terpaksa berhenti sekolah. Kenyataan seperti ini berarti pula muncul kemungkinan kegagalan di masa mendatang. Dari berbagai masalah seperti itu bisa menyebabkan timbulnya trauma (Faturochman, 2013). Melalui kajian pustaka, sebuah gagasan membentuk Sekolah Petra muncul sebagai solusi permasalahan di atas. Sekolah Petra dengan metode penanganan berdasarkan kebutuhan korban dan pemulihan tiga aspek penting dalam korban, yaitu emosional, intelektual, dan spiritual diharapkan mampu memulihkan kondisi korban bencana secara menyeluruh. Sekolah Petra diterapkan secara bertahap: pertama, identifikasi masalah dengan mengumpulkan data-data di lapangan; kedua, spesifikasi masalah berdasarkan data-data yang telah diambil, sehingga terbentuk kelompok-kelompok yang digolongkan berdasarkan tingkat trauma, permasalahan, dan kepribadian korban, dan kategori lain yang dianggap penting; ketiga, pemecahan masalah dengan mencari solusi yang tepat terhadap penanganan masing-masing kelompok. Setelah terbentuk kelompok-kelompok dengan metode penanganan masing-masing, maka sekolah dapat dimulai. Lamanya waktu pelaksanaan program ini disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan korban dan mengacu pada evaluasi yang dilakukan. Program Sekolah Petra dirancang untuk menjawab permasalahan penanganan trauma pada korban bencana alam terutama untuk anak-anak. Di harapkan Sekolah Petra mampu menyembuhkan luka trauma secara permanen dan memulihkan kondisi, serta meningkatkan kualitas hidup korban bencana alam