6 research outputs found


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    The lack of availability of biology learning materials integrated by Qur'an's verses, especially in biology subjects, even though Indonesia has the largest number of moeslim in the world. We should have variations of learning materials integrated by Quran’s verses to help students understand biology subject matter that is integrated by Quran’s verses. The aim of study was test the validity of the biology handouts on animalia material for SMA/MA. This type of research was research and development using the Plomp model. This research is limited to two phases, namely the prelimanary research and the prototype phase. The data collection technique was obtained from the validation sheet. Validation was carried out by four validators, namely media, linguists, material , and experts in interpreting Quran’s verses. Based on the validation stage, the results were very valid for the four fields, namely media (3.63), language (3.25), material (3.62), and interpretation of the Quran’s verses (3.67). Thus, it can be concluded that the integrated biology handout of the verses of the Qur'an on animalia material is declared very valid


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    Pembelajaran menggunakan media Virtual Reality sangat sederhana dan dapat diakses secara mudah melalui banyak platform contohnya di Smartphone. Media pembelajaran Virtual Reality diimplementasikan terhadap siswa SMP. Hal yang menarik dari media Virtual Reality yaitu bisa diakses dengan mudah dan dimana saja contohnya pada website YouTube, sehingga siswa dapat belajar dan memiliki peluang yang sangat besar, khususnya pengembangan pada potensi keilmuwan dalam dunia pendidikan.Penelitian ini menjawab permasalahan bagaimana kemampuan analisis media pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan media Virtual Reality di jenjang SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah meta analisis . Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini membuktikan adanya perbedaan kemampuan analisis pada aspek membedakan, mengorganisasikan, dan mengatribusikan antara siswa yang menggunakan media Virtual Reality dengan yang menggunakan media presentasi dalam mata pelajaran IPA di jenjang SMP/MTS. Dalam situasi pandemi sistem pembelajaran daring adalah solusi dari permasalahan COVID-19. Oleh sebab itu penting adanya media pembelajaran untuk siswa, salah satu media yang dapat dilakukan pendidik khususnya pada jenjang SMP/MTS adalah media pembelajaran virtual reality menjadi solusi agar pendidikan di Indonesia tidak mengalami penurunan karena adanya pamdemi COVID-19


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    Babies are children with an age range of 0-12 months. Infancy is the first period of critical life. During infancy, children will adapt to the environment, changes in blood circulation, and body organs begin to work. From the observation process of identifying physiotherapy problems in infants by lecturers and students of D-III Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, Pekalongan University conducted by interviewing Posyandu cadres, it was found that the most common problems experienced by toddlers was a decrease in appetite in toddlers. Situation analysis in the form of observations made by the whole team in the environment of activities in Posyandu Balita Seruni XII Poncol, Pekalongan City was in form of interviews to Posyandu cadres. The process of observing the identification of physiotherapy problems in toddlers used an assessment method. The purpose of this activity was to increase the knowledge and understanding of cadres and parents about the role of physiotherapy in toddlers, especially in increasing appetite in children. The solution offered by the team was to use the counseling and training methods to improve appetite in toddlers with baby massage and neurostructure techniques. The implementations of counseling and training activities were attended by seventeen toddlers accompanied by their mothers. Before counseling and training process, the toddlers’ mothers were given a pre-test and post-test that became a benchmark for toddlers’ mothers understanding about counseling and training conducted. The results of the pre-test and post-test proved that the level of understanding of mothers under five increased after being given counseling and training in physiotherapy. It can be concluded that after being given counseling and physiotherapy training, the level of toddlers’ mothers understanding in increasing the appetite of infants was increased


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    Background: Frozen shoulder is a pain in shoulders which conduces limitedness of shoulder joint motion. Tendinitis in M.Rotator Cuff, is an inflammation occured in  muscle tendons fused in Rotator Cuff. Physiotherapy problematics of Frozen Shoulder are the existence of pain, the limitedness of joint motion, the decline of muscle strength, and the interference of functional activity. Physiotherapy examination includes examining pain with Verbal Descriptive Scale (VDS), examination of Limited Range Of Motion with Goneometer, examination of muscle strength with Manual Muscle Testing (MMT), and inspection of daily functional activities with the Shoulder Pain And Disability Index (SPADI) index. In this case, the chosen technology to resolve these problems are by using the modality of Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Active Resisted Exercise and Codman Pendular Exercise.Objective: To know the effect of Physiotherapy Management Frozen Shoulder e.c Tendinitis Muscle Rotator Cuff conditions with Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Active Resisted Exercise and Codman Pendular Exercise.Methods: This research was done in RSUD Kraton Pekalongan with analytic descriptive research design. Research subject in this Scientific Writing was a patient with Frozen Shoulder condition e.c. Tendinitis M.Rotator Cuff who was given physiotherapy interventions with the modality of Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Active Resisted Exercise and Codman Pendular Exercise. Method of data collection and data analysis of this research were by using Autoanamnesis method. Research instruments consisted of the examination of pain, joint motion, muscle strength, and potentiality of functional activity.Result: After four times in therapy, the researcher got four result. They are there was a decline of force pain in T3 = 3 and motion pain in T2 = 2, there was an enhancement of joint motion in T3 and T4 in flexion movement, abduction, exorotation and endorotation of the left shoulder to active and passive movement, there was an enhancement of muscle strength in T3 = Muscle group exorotator and endorotator, and there was an enhancement of functional activity in T3.Conclution: a physiotherapy intervention with device modality and therapeutic exercise modality of can help reduce the problems arising on the conditions of Frozen Shoulder.Keywords : Frozen Shoulder e.c Tendinitis M.Rotator Cuff, Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Active Resisted Exercise and Codman Pendular Exercise, Autoanamnesis Method, Indeks SPADI (Shoulder Pain And Disability Index

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Remaja dalam Memilih Obat Swamedikasi Nyeri Haid dan Nyeri Gigi di Desa Ngalas, Klaten Selatan

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    Swamedikasi adalah Tindakan pengobatan sendiri yang dilakukan oleh seluruh Masyarakat, termasuk pengobatan untuk nyeri. Tujuan pengobatan adalah untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan, maka diperlukan pengetahuan yang cukup. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Masyarakat terkait penggunaan obat untuk swamedikasi nyeri haid dan nyeri gigi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan ceramahdan dialog 2 arah dengan Masyarakat remaja. Pengukuran pengetahuan dilakukan dengan kuesioneryang dibuat dalam g-form kepada28 responden. Pengetahuan yang diukur adalah tindakan mengatasi nyeri dan jenis obat yang digunakan untuk swamedikasi. Hasil menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan dengan kategori cukup dan baik, dan pada saat pengukuran postes, tidak ada responden dengan kategori kurang