17 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Filipina dalam Menangani Ancaman Gerakan Moro Islamic Liberation Front

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    The issue of terrorism and separatism are common in recent years. Both problems can arisebecause of radical thinking that develops within a group. Moro Islamic Liberation Front(MILF) is one example of groups related to terrorism and separatism. The group wants toform its own state or independent from the Philippines, which then leads to conflictbetween the Philippines and MILF. The existence of cooperation that is established withseveral terrorist groups expose threats in the form of physical or thought. The PhilippineGovernment has issued several policies that are expected to resolve the conflict with theMILF. This study aims to understand how the policies undertaken by the Philippines inresolving conflicts with the MILF. This research uses constructivism paradigm andproblem solving theory with qualitative method. From the research that has been done, it isknown that the Philippines uses the method of hard approach and soft approach in order tosolve the problem. However, the soft approach method is more often used in terms ofnegotiation and mediation. This proves the Philippines has applied the value of democracyto deal with the problem

    14. Peran Home Country Dalam Bisnis Perusahaan Multinasional: Strategi Diplomasi Amerika Serikat Dalam Perpanjangan Kontrak Chevron Di Indonesia Tahun 2011-2013

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    This research aims to describe United States foreign policy to extend the contract of Chevronin Siak Block, Riau, Indonesia. Chevron's effort to extend its contract was not receivepositive feedback from Indonesia, because the profit sharing system or a Production SharingContract (PSC) that Indonesia have had changed. As the home country of Chevron, the usedof smart diplomacy in which both of soft and hard diplomacy employed in order to extend thecontract. This research uses both primary and secondary data. This research found that theextension of the Chevron's contract in Siak Block, Riau, Indonesia was influenced by smartdiplomacy employed by the United State by combining elements of threat and persuasive suchas aid and lobbies

    9. Dilema Hak Asasi Manusia Di Asia Tenggara: Ketiadaan Peran ASEAN Dalam Kasus Perekrutan Tentara Anak Di Myanmar Dalam Perspektif English School

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    ASEAN as a regional organization of Southeast Asia is considered absent and did notcontribute in the case of child soldiers' recruitment in Myanmar. ASEAN, which hashuman rights commission such as the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on HumanRights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of theRights of Women and Children (ACWC), has failed in promoting the protection of humanrights and child rights in the case of child soldiers in Myanmar. The absence of ASEAN iscontradictory to the actions taken by UN, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Child SoldierInternational (CSI) and neighboring countries in preventing and stopping the recruitmentof child soldiers in Myanmar. This research is aimed to analyze the reason behind suchsituation. Based on the view of pluralist International society, the absence of ASEAN inchild soldiers' case in Myanmar is caused by two main reasons. First, non-interferenceprinciple which is upheld by ASEAN to respect the sovereignty of Myanmar. Second,inability to reach consensus within ASEAN, while consensus itself is decision makingprinciple in ASEAN aimed to avoid any action which may compromise the sovereignty ofother member states. On the other hand, the opposite responses given by UN, NGOs andneighboring country of Myanmar can be viewed by solidarist International society, whichargued that such actions are forms of protection of the values of individual freedom andhuman rights

    23. Analisis Penggunaan Offensive Cyber Operations Menghadapi Ancaman Nuklir Iran

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    Iran's nuclear program was first initiated by joining the U.S. Atoms For Peace program. Ithowever, changed when Iranian Revolution was occuring in 1979. Since then, the U.S haswithdrawn its support to Iran's nuclear program. Although the program has beensuspended, Iran continues its development after war with Iraq. The U.S. concerned thatIran's new nuclear program was built to produce nuclear weapons. After failing to preventIran from developing its nuclear program through diplomatic approaches, the U.S. wasseeking a new alternative by using Offensive Cyber Operation or also known as OlympicGames. Together with Israel, the U.S. created the first ever cyber weapon called Stuxnet.The target of this operation is Uranium Enrichment Facility in Natanz, Iran. Specifically,Stuxnet has damaged around 1000 centrifuges whose primarily function is to enrich theuranium. This research aims to find out the reason of the U.S. in using Offensive CyberOperations instead of Conventional Military Operations with regard to Iran's nuclear threat.To do so, this research uses Offensive Realism theory with qualitative method. Theoutcome of this research is: the U.S. as a rational actor has chosen Offensive CyberOperations because the operation has brought the U.S. a number of strategic gains thatcannot be necessarily achieved by Conventional Military Operations. These strategic gainsare 1) Anonimity 2) Practicality in terms of distance, cost and risk 3) Execution easinessand 4) Political and bureaucracy leeway

    1. Diplomasi Indonesia Dalam Pembebasan Sandera Di Luar Negeri Studi Kasus: Diplomasi Total Dalam Pembebasan WNI Sandera Abu Sayyaf Pada Maret-April 2016

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    This research aims to explain the reasons behind Indonesia's total diplomacy strategy to release hostages under Abu Sayyaf Group. The Abu Sayyaf Group kidnapped 14 Indonesian ship crews on March and April 2016, while was passing through the Sulu Sea. Qualitative research with the explanative method is used to explain the correlation between variables. This research uses Interdependence Liberalism as analytical tool, which states that transnational actor is more significant than military force. The result indicates that there are four underlying reasons on why Indonesian Government employs total diplomacy to release the hostages from Abu Sayyaf Group. First, Indonesia was a dialogue partner for MNLF and Philippine Government in the case of the peace agreement; Second, there is trade cooperation between South Philippine and Indonesia; Third, Indonesia has global network; and fourth, soft power is being chosen / prioritized to protect the hostages

    16. Analisis Kebijakan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat Era Presiden Barack Obama Terhadap Praktik Forced Labour Di Industri Perikanan Thailand 2009-2014

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    Tobacco issue has become world's attention in 1990. The issues that arise due to tobaccoconsumption become the background of International tobacco control regimes establishment,called Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in 2005. In 2001, a tobacco controlalliance also established in Southeast Asia, it is called Southeast Asia Tobacco ControlAlliance. Malaysia is a country that faces high illegal cigarette trade, they are kreteksmuggling and illicit white. Illegal cigarette trade has harmed Malaysia in social, economy,and health. After the establishment of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, SoutheastAsia Tobacco Control Alliance has a function as the main pillar of tobacco control inSoutheast Asia. Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance has a duty as an implementationcatalyst of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Southeast Asia. Southeast AsiaTobacco Control Alliance encourages the Southeast Asian countries to make policies inaccordance with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and to overcome all theexisting tobacco issues to achieve the common goal. The purpose of this study are to identifyand explain the effectiveness of Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance in handling illegalcigarette trade in Malaysia in 2010-2012. The type of this research is explanative. This studyis analyzed by using qualitative data analysis techniques and theory of International regimes.The result of the research shows that Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance as the mainpillar of tobacco control in Southeast Asia is not effective in handling illegal cigarettes inMalaysia in 2010-2012