27 research outputs found

    Reinventing place-identity and embracing new economic opportunities: promoting creative economy of Sanur through public participation

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    Every place on the planet has unique characters that make it distinguishable from other sites. Place-identity is the term widely accepted to explain this phenomenon. It is argued that the place-identity could not only strengthen the sense of belonging of the locals to a place and improve social cohesion but, in the age of global tourism, it could also increase the attractiveness of the place to visitors. Therefore, it contains economic values if managed in a proper way. But places are transforming. The dynamics of contemporary activities where tradition is seen as outdated, new government system, new economic activities, and new actors and their roles challenge the stability of place-identity. Unfortunately, the transformation of a place may benefit some actors but may trouble other groups. Some places, however, maintain their place-identity for the social and economic values it holds. Collaboration among different actors in managing the transformation of such place could maintain the place-identity of a place which ensures its attractiveness to visitors, sustains its economic values amidst rapid changes. The collaboration confirms no one is left behind. The case study research conducted in Sanur showed that the sustained place-identity could economically benefit all actors

    Keberkesanan ruangan lebuh medan pasar dalam mempengaruhi aktiviti masyarakat setempat

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan mengenalpasti dan memahami sejauh manakah kepenggunaan sesebuah ruangan awam serta mengkaji karakter fizikal dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat sekeliling yang mempengaruhi aktiviti tersebut. Ruangan awam yang telah dipilih ialah ruangan Lebuh Medan Pasar yang terletak di tengah kawasan Kuala Lumpur Lama. Ruang awam tersebut dipilih kerana menjadi tumpuan masyarakat di ibu kota serta mempunyai kepentingan dan keistimewaan sejarah yang tersendiri. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah metodologi kualitatif dimana ia melibatkan dua teknik pengumpulan data iaitu kajian kes, pemerhatian di tapak kajian serta kajian literatur. Teknik pemerhatian akan dianalisa secara kualitatif di mana pendekatan pemerhatian berstruktur digunakan. Oleh itu, hasil penemuan dan dapatan kajian ini akan membantu dalam membangunkan kawasan kajian serta mengekalkan elemen penting sebagai identiti setempat terhadap ruangan awam tersebut

    Impact of cropland management on invertebrate richness and abundance in agroforestry systems in Bali, Indonesia

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    The intensive management of cropland refers to a reduction in habitat complexity (i.e., shade tree cover, tree species richness, crop species richness) to gain more profits. This usually entails a decrease in biodiversity, but agroforestry systems have been shown to provide a solution to the need for profits while maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Invertebrates are important bioindicators since they are not just affected by a decrease in habitat complexity; they are also key for the maintenance of ecosystems given their ecological roles. We aimed to understand how agricultural intensification impacted invertebrate abundance and richness in an agroforestry system in Bali, Indonesia. We set up 53 Ă— 25 m2 plots and collected data via pitfall and pan traps. We linked those data to vegetation data (canopy cover, tree species richness, crop species richness), habitat type (rustic vs. polyculture), and productivity. Overall, we found that the abundance and richness of invertebrate taxa were positively influenced by increasing canopy cover and crop and tree species richness. This supports the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis, which indicates that increased habitat complexity promotes higher invertebrate species richness and abundance. The abundance and richness of certain invertebrate taxa, including agents of biocontrol, were shown to increase in plots with higher yields, thus solidifying the important role of invertebrate communities in the provision of ecosystem services. Harvesting crops from complex agroforestry systems ensures a sustainable income for local communities as well as habitats for invertebrates

    Analysis of Proposed Adaptation of Fostered Environment and Evaluation of Built Environment in Bali in Facing Covid-19

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    At the time this paper started being written, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had been taking place for more than a year. To date, it has caused fear in society because the number of deaths it causes is nearly 3 million people, the effectiveness of the vaccines being developed is uncertain and there is no convincing drug available. As a result, the virus having hit almost all countries and regions around the world has affected the way humans behave and will have an impact on the architectural design and urban spaces in which humans live. This paper explores the possible criteria for architectural design and urban design in response to a pandemic, particularly in Bali. Plural society serves as the characteristic of the island whose inhabitants have traditional activities mixed with modern trends. The mixed society has a rich tradition of communal living with social activities involving large masses of people. To produce post pandemic design criteria, this study critically reviewed recent publications including peer-reviewed articles, journals, and expert’s blog posts. In the next stage, the results of the review were used to evaluate activity patterns and fostered environment at several locations in Bali. The locations observed included traditional houses in Ubud, urban houses in Denpasar, offices, and traditional markets. Secondary data were organised into several themes. Meanwhile, field observations were focused on the possibility of implementing Health protocols in different places as well as community compliance in complying with them. This study found that during the period of limiting community activities due to the pandemic, health, safety and environmental hygiene had received the attention of all groups. The study also revealed that the built environment tried to make many adjustments. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these adjustments is questionable. For this reason, further research that will produce new built spaces needs to be carried out. It will result in the need for more detailed design criteria as a mechanism to prevent the spread of the virus

    Kriteria Desain Pusat Penelitian Dan Pameran Agrikultur Di, Petang, Badung, Bali

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang kriteria desain dalam perancangan pusat penelitian dan pameran agrikultur yang dapat memberikan sebuah inovasi dan mendorong sektor agrikultur menjadi lebih maju dan berkembang. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah kecamatan Petang, kabupaten Badung, yang mana merupakan daerah pertanian di Bali dengan upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan ketahanan pangan.serta kurangnya daya tarik terhadap sektor agrikultur didorong oleh permasalahan yang dihadapi petani dan kurangnya pengembangan di dunia agrikultur. Dengan melakukan studi literatur dari berbagai sumber termasuk studi banding dengan fasilitas yang sudah ada di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Sehingga didapatkan hasil berupa spesifikasi ruang dan pengguna serta aktivitas yang akan dilakukan di dalam kawasan ini, dan juga bagaimana skema yang dirancang pada fasilitas ini baik dari segi arsitektur maupun keterkaitan nya dengan lingkungan dan sektor agrikultur itu sendiri yang mengimplementasikan arsitektur yang eksperimental dan menarik serta eksibisi dalam sektor pertanian untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebuah pusat penelitian dan pameran agrikultur yang dirancang dengan kriteria desain yang baik akan melahirkan sebuah inovasi baru yang secara eksperimental akan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan di dalam sektor agrikultur terutama di daerah Bali

    Seminar Nasional Arsitektur Pertahanan 2022 - Apa yang Diajarkan oleh Pandemi Covid-19 serta Hikmah yang Bisa Kita Petik dari Arsitektur dan Permukiman Tradisional?

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    ABSTRAKKota merupakan salah satu karya manusia yang paling spekatakuler. Produk fisik ini terus bertransformasi, dibentuk dan membentuk manusia yang menghuninya. Perubahan formasi fisik, merupakan keniscayaan sebagai respons dari perubahan dan dinamika penduduk yang menghuni kota. Transformasi sekaligus menjadi bukti ketahanan kota terhadap berbagai macam kejadian yang dialaminya selama proses pertumbuhannya. Dalam tulisan ini, reaksi dan perubahan kota dan penduduknya terhadap pandemic covid-19 dievaluasi. Pada tahap awal, akan dibahas berbagai respons arsitektur dan desain kota dalam menghadapi pandemic dari berbagai lietrature. Selanjutnya, saya akan mengevaluasi pengalaman personal saat didiagnosis sebagai pasien yang terpapar virus yang pertamakali dideteksi di Kota Wuhan China ini. Pada tahap ketiga, evaluasi dilanjutkan dengan perkembangan kota sebelum masa hingga menjelang pandemic. Denpasar dijadikan sebagai contoh kasus. Dari sana, refleksi terhadap desain kota dan arsitektur dilakukan untuk melihat komponen-komponen permukiman yang membantu atau yang menghambat penyebaran virus. Pada tahap terakhir, akan dianalisis unsur-unsur yang mengalami perubahan selama masa pandemic. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa merebaknya virus yang telah menimbulkan banyak kekacauan ini mendorong, bahkan memaksa, banyak aktivitas manusia harus disesuaikan ulang. Arsitektur dan permukiman tradisional memberi contoh tentang bentuk fisik yang adaptif terhadap berbagai bencana. Meski demikian, bukan berarti kita harus kembali ke masa lalu karena kehidupan berlangsung terus ke masa depan. Kemandirian dalam beberapa hal terutama pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, pemanfaatan teknologi untuk membuat manusia saling terkoneksi satu sama lain dan dengan lingkungan fisiknya, serta aksesibilitas terhadap fasilitas kesehatan menjadi kata kunci penting di samping perbaikan kualitas lingkungan kota secara umum..Kata kunci: ketahanan kota, pandemic covid-19, tranformasi arsitektu.ABSTRACTCity is one of the most spectacular human works. This physical product continues to transform, shaped by and shape its inhabitants. City transformation is a necessity as a response to changes and the dynamics of the people who inhabit it. The transformation is also a testament to the city's resilience to the various events it experienced during its lifespan. In this paper, the reactions and changes of the city and its inhabitants to the COVID-19 pandemic are evaluated. At the initial stage, various literature that discussed architecture and urban design responses to the pandemic were examined. Next, I will evaluate my personal experience when I was diagnosed as a patient exposed to the virus. In the third stage, the evaluation is continued with the development of the city before the period until the time of the pandemic. Denpasar is selected as a case in point. From there, reflection on urban design and architecture is carried out to see the components of settlements that help or hinder the spread of the virus. In the last stage, the elements that have changed during the pandemic will be analysed. The results of the analysis show that the outbreak of the virus that has caused so much chaos has prompted, even forced, many human activities to be readjusted. Traditional architecture and settlements provide examples of physical forms that are adaptive to various disasters. However, that does not mean we have to go back to the past because life continues into the future. The ability of a city to fulfil its own needs in several respects, especially the fulfilment of basic needs, the use of technology to make people connected to each other and with their physical settings, and accessibility to health facilities are important keywords in addition to improving the quality of the urban environment in general.Keywords: architectural transformation, covid-19 pandemic, urban resilienc

    Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Olahraga Bulutangkis di Kabupaten Buleleng Singaraja

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    Badminton field is one of the facilities to accommodate several people who carry out sports activities as well as holding competitions for badminton. The Badminton Court is able to become a training ground for the younger generation who are starting to like badminton, and can further hone the skills of the young athletes candidates and open an opportunity to become Badminton Athletes. Aims as adequate facilities for a place to practice and able to accommodate the activities of badminton competitions held both at the national and international levels. The location chosen as the Badminton Court is in Buleleng Regency – Singaraja City. This location has criteria that can be considered as a place to build a badminton court. Singaraja City is an Education City, broadly speaking, there are more and more prospective young athletes who like badminton. By making this field more attractive to demand as a means for badminton, the design of the badminton court does not only provide facilities other than sports/badminton workshops, but there is a gathering place or a place to relax (communal space), food court, cafeteria, and mess . by applying the Hightech Architecture Trend, with the concept of Sportive Solidarity that attracts the attention of the public. With the context of trend development and also adapting high-tech modern architectural style.Lapangan Bulutangkis merupakan salah satu tempat fasilitas untuk menampung beberapa orang yang melakukan aktivitas olahraga maupun diadakannya event perlombaan untuk olahraga bulutangkis. Lapangan Bulutangkis yang mampu menjadi tempat latihan untuk para generasi muda yang mulai menggemari olahraga bulutangkis tersebut, dan lebih dapat mengasah kemampuan para calon atlit muda dan membuka sebuah peluang untuk menjadi Atlit Bulutangkis. Bertujuan sebagai fasilitas yang memadai untuk tempat berlatih dan mampu menampung aktivitas perlombaan cabang olah raga bulutangkis yang diadakan baik ditingkat nasional maupun internasional. Adapun tempat yang terpilih sebagai Lapangan Bulutangkis yaitu di Kabupaten Buleleng – Kota Singaraja. Lokasi ini memiliki kriteria kriteria yang dapat menjadi pertimbangan sebagai tempat terbangunnya sebuah lapangan Bulutangkis. Kota Singaraja merupakan Kota Pendidikan, secara garis besar peluang adanya calon atlit muda yang menggemari olahraga bulutangkis semakin banyak. Dengan menjadikan lapangan ini lebih menarik untuk diminati sebagai sarana untuk olahraga bulutangkis, maka pada desain lapangan bulutangkis tidak hanya menyediakan fasilitas selain olah raga/workshop bulutangkis, namun ada nya tempat berkumpul atau tempat bersantai (communal space), food court, cafetaria, dan mess. dengan menerapkan Tren Arsitektur Hightech, dengan konsep Sportive Solidarity yang menarik perhatian masyarakat. Dengan konteks perkembangan tren dan juga mengadaptasikan gaya arsitektur modern high-tech

    Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Beach Club Di Pemuteran Beach, Gerokgak, Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Beach Club is an association of several activities located on the beach and provides recreational and relaxation facilities such as restaurants, rooftops, bars, lounges, sunbathing areas, swimming pools, and several other supporting facilities. Beach Club is very much needed apart from being a place of recreation as well as a place to relax, it can also support the needs of tourists who after carrying out activities around Pemuteran Beach because of the very attractive tourism potential with stunning natural beauty and the existence of marine tourism that can be enjoyed by tourists. Therefore Pemuteran Beach is one of the beaches visited by many tourists in the North Bali area. Then the basic concept that will be applied later is "Jus For Fun" which means just for fun. The design theme that will be used in planning and designing this Beach Club is "Tropical Architecture" which can adapt to buildings, climatic conditions in a tropical area (Pemuteran Beach).Beach Club merupakan suatu perkumpulan beberapa kegiatan yang terdapat di pinggir pantai dan memberikan fasilitas rekreasi dan relaksasi seperti restaurant, rooftop, bar, lounge, tempat berjemur, kolam berenang, dan beberapa fasilitas penunjang lainnya. Beach Club sangat di butuhkan selain sebagai tempat rekreasi juga sebagai tempat bersantai, hal tersebut juga dapat menunjang kebutuhan wisatawan yang sehabis melaksanakan kegiatan disekitar Pantai Pemuteran karena potensi wisata yang sangat menarik dengan keindahan alam yang mempesona serta adanya wiasata bahari yang dapat dinikmati wisatawan. Maka dari itu Pantai Pemuteran adalah salah satu pantai yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan di kawasan Bali Utara. Kemudian konsep dasar yang diterapkan nantinya adalah “Jus For Fun” yang berarti hanya untuk bersenang-senang. Tema rancangan yang akan digunakan pada perencanaan dan perancangan Beach Club ini adalah “Arsitektur Tropis” yang dapat beradaptasi terhadap bangunan, kondisi iklim di suatu daerah tropis (Pemuteran Beach)

    Perencanaan dan Perancangan Eco Lakeside Glamping (Glamour Camping) di Kecamatan Kintamani, Bangli

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    Berkembangnya akomodasi Glamping menjadi salah satu jenis akomodasi wisata kreatif dan telah menjadi tren beberapa tahun belakang. Glamping tercipta dari kejenuhan akan akomodasi wisata dengan keinginan untuk pengalaman menikmati alam terbuka atau berkemah dengan memperhatikan kenyamanan pengguna dan fasilitas yang diperlukan tanpa menghilangkan makna dari berkemah itu sendiri. yang dimiliki Kintamani. Meningkatnya akomodasi wisata yang ada di bali kususnya kintamani setiap tahunnya diimbangi dengan perusakan lingkungan maka akomodasi Glamping menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Disamping itu dengan adanya potensi yang dimiliki Kintamani dengan keindahan alam yang sangat diminati salah satunya Danau Batur itu sendiri yang berada di Kintamani mampu memberi nilai tambah untuk menikmati akomodasi glamping namun dalam perancangannya nanti iklim dingin dan eksisting topografi yang ada menjadi poin penting yang harus diperhatikan.The development of Glamping accommodation into one type of creative tourist accommodation and has become a trend in recent years. Glamping is created from the saturation of tourist accommodation with the desire to experience the outdoors or camping by paying attention to user comfort and the necessary facilities without losing the meaning of camping itself. owned by Kintamani. The increase in tourist accommodation in Bali, especially Kintamani every year is balanced with environmental destruction, so Glamping accommodation is the right choice. Besides that, with the potential that Kintamani has with natural beauty that is in great demand, one of which is Lake Batur itself which is in Kintamani able to provide added value to enjoy glamping accommodation, but in its design later the cold climate and existing topography are important points that must be considered