33 research outputs found

    Comparison of Feeding Ability Between Ischiodon Scutellaris (Diptera: Syrphidae) and Menochilus Sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aphis Craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Study on the feeding ability of two predators of Aphis craccivora (Koch), i.e. larvae of syrphid fly, Ischiodon scutellaris and coccinellid beetle, Menochilus sexmaculatus has been done in the laboratory. The study was conducted to determine the impacts of prey densities on larval development time, and the survival rate of larval stage. The results showed that M. sexmaculatus larvae required more prey than I. scutellaris in the 1st instar, but I. scutellaris ate more prey than M. sexmaculatus in the 3rd instar. Furthermore, addition of prey number shortened significanly the development time of the larvae stage, almost all of 1st and 3rd instars M. sexmaculatus and I. scutellaris were able to develop into pupae, whereas, only 45% out of total 1st instar provided with 20 prey individuals succeed to pupate. The impact of the number of prey on the biology of aphidophaga in relation to their role as controlling aphid in nature is discussed in this paper. IntisariKajian tentang kemampuan makan dua predator Aphis craccivora (Koch), yaitu larva lalat syrphid, Ischiodon scutellaris dan kumbang koksi, Menochilus sexmaculatus telah dilakukan di laboratorium. Kajian juga dilakukan untuk memahami dampak jumlah mangsa pada lama perkembangan larva menjadi pupa dan keloloshidupan larva menjadi pupa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa larva M. sexmaculatus membutuhkan lebih banyak mangsa daripada I. scutellaris pada instar 1, namun I. scutellaris makan lebih banyak mangsa daripada M. sexmaculatus pada instar 3. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa penambahan mangsa mempercepat waktu perkembangan larva secara signifikan. Semua larva instar 1 dan 3 M. sexmaculatus dan I. scutellaris mampu lolos menjadi pupa, kecuali larva instar 1 M. sexmaculatus yang hanya mampu lolos menjadi pupa sebanyak 45% jika diberi mangsa 20 ekor. Dampak jumlah mangsa pada biologi afidofaga dalam kaitannya dengan peran mereka sebagai pengendali populasi kutu afid di alam dibahas dalam tulisan ini

    Morphological and Molecular Characters of Mimegralla Spp. (Diptera: Micropezidae) on Zingiberaceae in Central Java

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    Rhizome fly, Mimegralla sp. (Diptera: Micropezidae) is a major pest on Zingiberaceae plants. Some of those fly species have been reported attacking some of Zingiberaceae plants, but in Indonesia, only one species, Mimegralla coeruleifrons has been reported as being a pest. Since Indonesia has many species of Zingiberaceae plants, it may raise a prediction that more than one species of Mimegralla was found on this plants. Therefore, a taxonomic research on the species of rhizome flies to find the species other than M. coerulifrons on Zingiberaceae plants is urgently required. This study was conducted by using hand-picking method on Mimegralla adult inhabiting Zingiberaceae plants (ginger, turmeric, javanese ginger, and aromatic ginger), and was then identified by using morphological characters and through molecular technique by using mtCO1 gene. The results showed thatM. albimana and M. coeruleifrons found at four zingiberaceae plants were the member of Mimegralla. As a conclusion, these two species have high values of phylogenic relationship (88%) and bootstrap (92).INTISARILalat rimpang (Mimegralla spp.) adalah hama utama pada beberapa tanaman anggota Family Zingiberaceae. Beberapa spesies lalat rimpang dilaporkan menyerang tanaman Zingiberaceae, di antaranya jahe, kunyit, temulawak, dan kencur. Di Indonesia hanya satu spesies yang pernah dilaporkan menyerang tanaman jahe yaituMimegralla coeruleifrons.Sementara itu, jenis tanaman Zingiberaceae yang ditanam di Indonesia sangat beragam, sehingga muncul dugaan bahwa Mimegralla yang menyerang tanaman Zingiberaceae di Indonesia tidak hanyaM. coeruleifrons saja. Oleh karena itu, penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi spesies-spesies lalat rimpang yang menyerang tanaman Zingiberaceae di Indonesia perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode pemungutan/penangkapan (hand-picking) imago Mimegralla pada tanaman keempat tanaman Zingiberaceae. Imago yang diperoleh diidentifikasi secara morfologi dan molekuler menggunakan genmtCO1. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa M. albimana dan M. coeruleifrons yang ditemukan pada pertanaman Zingiberaceae merupakan satu genus yang sama yaitu Mimegralla. Hasil identifikasi molekuler menunjukkan bahwa kedua lalat rimpang tersebut mempunyai derajat kekerabatan dengan nilai homologi sebesar 88%, dan nilaibootstrap pada pohon filogeni sebesar 92

    Morphological and Molecular Observation to Confirm the Taxonomic of Coptocercus Biguttatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Cloves in Ambon and Part of Ceram Island

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    This research was conducted to confirm the species of longhorn beetle (Coptocercus biguttatus) drilling clove stems in Ambon and part of Ceram Island, Moluccas, which has been noted as an important pest. Aim of this investigation was to characterize the species morphologically, and more detailed with molecular technique via mtCO1 gene analysis. The longhorn beetle was taken in Ambon and part of Ceram Island, Moluccas and then was etablished in laboratory with host rearing method on pieces of clove stem. The results showed that C. biguttatus attacking clove stems in Ambon and part of Ceram Island, Maluku was closely related and grouped into same cluster with C. rubripes and P. semipunctata in of New Zealand with 85% homology value. C. biguttatus distributed evenly in all clove planting areas in Ambon and part of Ceram Island. IntisariPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengonfirmasi spesies kumbang sungut panjang (Coptocercus biguttatus) yang menggerek batang tanaman cengkih di Pulau Ambon dan sebagian dari Pulau Seram, Maluku menggunakan karakter morfologi dan molekuler berbasis gen mtCO1 untuk sidik kekerabatan. Pengambilan sampel kumbang sungut panjang dilakukan di Pulau Ambon dan sebagian dari Pulau Seram, Maluku dengan cara host rearing pada potongan batang cengkih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa C. biguttatus di Pulau Ambon dan sebagian dari Pulau Seram, Maluku berkerabat dekat dan berada dalam satu kelompok dengan C. rubripes dan P. semipunctata di New Zealand dengan nilai homologi 85%. Penyebaran C. biguttatus di Pulau Ambon dan sebagian dari Pulau Seram merata di seluruh area pertanaman cengkih

    Survei Penggerek Batang Jagung dan Kompleks Musuh Alaminya di Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Corn borer is one of the important pests on corn plant in Gorontalo Province, especially in three districts which are the center of maize planting development. Corn borer and its natural enemy complex in Gorontalo Province has not been clearly studied. The purpose of this study is to determine the complexity of the natural enemies of maize stem borer by calculating the diversity and composition. The survey method was used, in which the older larvae, pupae, and corn borer natural enemies were collected from the field in the three districts (Gorontalo, Boalemo, and Pohuwato). Observation plots in each district area of 2,500 m2, were divided into 3 sub plots with the size of 3Γ—3 m, each plot is consisted of 45 plants at the spacing of 75Γ—25 cm. The data were analysed descriptively and organized into tables. Shannon Index was used to count the diversity and composition of the pests and their natural enemies. The results showed that the corn borer species was Ostrinia furnacalis, while the dominant natural enemy was the tachinid fly. The analysis of Shannon diversity index for natural enemies of three districts of Gorontalo, Boalemo, and Pohuwato were 0.63, 0.61, and 0.97 respectively. Penggerek batang jagung adalah salah satu hama penting pada tanaman jagung di Provinsi Gorontalo terutama di tiga kabupaten sentra pengembangan jagung. Hama penggerek batang jagung dan kompleks musuh alaminya di Provinsi Gorontalo belum banyak dikaji. Tujuan kajian ini adalah melihat kompleksitas musuh alami penggerek batang jagung dengan menghitung keragaman dan komposisi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, yaitu mengumpulkan larva instar akhir, pupa penggerek batang jagung dan musuh alaminya dari lapangan di tiga kabupaten (Gorontalo, Boalemo, dan Pohuwato). Petak pengamatan di setiap kabupaten seluas 2.500 m2 yang dibagi dalam 3 sub plot berukuran 3Γ—3 m. Jumlah tanaman jagung per plot sekitar 45 tanaman dengan jarak tanam 75Γ—25 cm. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disusun dalam tabel, untuk keragaman dan komposisi menggunakan Indeks Shannon. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa jenis penggerek batang jagung adalah Ostrinia furnacalis, musuh alami didominasi Ordo Diptera Famili Tachinidae. Analisis Indeks Shannon keragaman musuh alami untuk Kabupaten Gorontalo, Kabupaten Boalemo, dan Kabupaten Pohuwato berturut-turut sebesar 0,63; 0,61; dan 0,97

    Keragaman Semut pada Ekosistem Tanaman Kakao di Desa Banjaroya Kecamatan Kalibawang YOGYAKARTA

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of ants in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) ecosystems in six hamlets in the village of Banjaroya, District Kalibawang Yogyakarta. The sampling was carried out by the method of feeding ants using tuna and sugar solution, which is placed on the cacao tree and the ground surface; pit-fall traps; and direct picking by hand. Six sub-family of ants, namely Cerapachynae, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, and Pseudomyrmicinae were found. Six of the most abundant genera found in each catchment were Dolichoderus sp., Anoplolepis sp., Paratrechina sp., Crematogaster sp., Pheidole sp., and Pheidologeton sp., which is known to be aggressive and invasive. The analysis showed that the diversity of ant communities in the Village Banjaroya categorized as medium (H β€˜> 1-3), meaning that the overall state of the ecosystem of the cocoa crop was classified as stable or steady. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the dominance index (C) shows that the community of ants in each village tends was tended to be dominated by a single species (C close to 0). The relationship between habitat condition and the diversity of ant was discussed in this article. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman semut pada ekosistem kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) di 6 dusun di Desa Banjaroya, Kecamatan Kalibawang Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel semut dilakukan dengan metode pengumpanan menggunakan ikan tuna dan larutan gula yang diletakkan pada pohon kakao dan permukaan tanah; lubang perangkap; dan pemungutan dengan tangan. Enam subfamili semut, yaitu Cerapachynae, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, dan Pseudomyrmicinae telah ditemukan di lokasi pengambilan sampel. Enam genus yaitu Dolichoderus sp., Anoplolepis sp., Paratrechina sp., Crematogaster sp., Pheidole sp. dan Pheidologeton sp. yang dikenal agresif dan invasif, ditemukan paling melimpah di setiap dusun. Hasil analisis keragaman komunitas semut di Desa Banjaroya menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan keadaan ekosistem pada tanaman kakao masih tergolong stabil atau mantap dikategorikan sebagai medium (H\u27>1-3). Sementara itu, hasil analisis indeks dominasi (C) menunjukkan bahwa komunias semut pada setiap dusun cenderung didominasi oleh satu spesies (C mendekati 0). Hubungan antara kondisi habitat dengan keragaman semut didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini

    The Sex Pheromone Content of the Spodoptera Exigua (Hubner) Under Artificial and Natural Diets

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    The control of the Spodoptera exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera: noctuidae) through sex pheromones is feasible by mass trapping, mating disruption, and population monitoring. Both synthetic sex pheromones and virgin females were used on the mass trapping and population monitoring methods as attractant source. The virgin females must be available through the mass rearing without affected on its pheromone content production. Therefore, a study on the response of the female\u27s pheromone which reared by artificial and natural diets was important to be done. The GCMS analysis result had shown that female\u27s pheromone glands extract which had reareded by natural diets contained tetradecan-1-ol (0.23%) pheromone compounds and several other compounds, such as hexadecane (14.31%), heptadecane (0.42%), nonadecane (1.09%), and beta-caryophyllene (1.37%). Meanwhile, only tridecanol (3.39%), hexadecane (8.52%), nonadecane (0,23%), and trans-caryophyllene (3.11%) compounds had been found on the artificial ones. The cross-copulation test showed that both types of moths could do mating. The field trapping test showed that both extracts were attractive to male

    Aktivitas Harian dan Preferensi Burung Predator Lanius SP. terhadap Hama Sexava Spp.

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    The objective research is to know the daily activities and preference of predatory birds Lanius sp. to several stages of Sexava spp. Ten predatory birds 12 to 14 months of age were bought at merchant bird in Yogyakarta. The study was conducted naturally under controlled condition in cages. Before the study was conducted the predatory birds were acclimatized for three days by feeding them cricket and gradually changed to Sexava spp. The young nymphs, old nymphs, adult male, and adult female of Sexava spp. were found at coconut plantation in Dumagin village became the new dietary of the predator. The result showed that Lanius sp. is a diurnal bird; the activities were dominated by hunting and preying (16.52%), followed by flying (6.53%), jumping (5.70%), and walking (4.58%). The Lanius sp. preferred to prey on significantly more nymphs of Sexava spp. than the adult. The birds prey proportionally on the young nymphs, old nymphs, male, and adult females for 50%, 41%, 5%, and 4%, respectively. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas harian burung predator Lanius sp. dan preferensinya terhadap berbagai fase hama Sexava spp. Burung berumur 1–1,2 tahun sebanyak 10 ekor diperoleh dari pedagang burung di Yogyakarta. Kajian preferensi burung predator Lanius sp. terhadap belalang Sexava spp. dilakukan di bawah kondisi fisik alami dan terkontrol dalam kandang uji. Sebelum kajian dilakukan burung predator diaklimatisasi selama 3 hari dengan pakan jangkrik dan berangsur-angsur diganti dengan belalang Sexava spp. Belalang Sexava spp. stadia nimfa muda, nimfa tua, imago jantan, dan imago betina diperoleh dari kebun kelapa desa Dumagin, dipakai sebagai mangsa burung predator. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Lanius sp. termasuk burung diurnal; aktivitas siang hari didominasi berburu mangsa dan makan (16,52%), diikuti terbang (6,53%), melompat (5,70%), dan berjalan (4,58%). Lanius sp. Secara signifikan lebih memilih stadia nimfa dibandingkan imago belalang Sexava spp. Proporsi nimfa muda, nimfa tua, imago jantan, dan imago betina yang dimangsa berturut-turut yaitu 50%, 41%, 5%, dan 4%

    Keanekaragaman Serangga Dan Struktur Vegetasi Pada Habitat Burung Insektivora Lanius Schach Linn. Di Tanjungsari, YOGYAKARTA

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    Insect diversity and vegetation structure are two aspects that affect the reproduction of insectivorous birds. The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the original habitat Lanius schach in Tanjungsari of particularly the type, composition of vegetation, and preference to insect sprey. Observation of vegetation and insects were conduct using a combination methods of the track and checkered line on the transect along the 10 km (ten observation points). Insect and tree species were counted on plot (20 m x 20 m), shrub (10 m x 10 m), bush (5 m x 5 m), and grass (2 m x 2 m). Vegetation analysis was used to calculate the structure and composition of vegetation, whereas Shannon diversity index was used for insect diversity. Prey test was conducted to determine the preferences of insectivore birds on insects. The composition of the vegetation species consists of 7 grasses, 20 bushes, 5 shrubs and 18 trees. The dominant species of vegetation based on highest important value index was Tectona grandis, Ipomoea sp., I. cylindrica, and Panicum brevifolium respectively. The highest diversity index of vegetation group were bush (2.430), tree (1.696), grass (1,680), and shrubs (1.364), respectively. Insect diversity index was 2.572 and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) was the most preferred prey by L. schach. Overall, the habitat of insectivore birds L. schach are dominated by T. grandis, and has high diversity of bush