3 research outputs found

    Sejarah Eksploitasi Minyak Minas Pada Tahun 1938-1963

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    Indonesia is one country that is rich in natural resources one of which is petroleum, the oil sector is never apart from the polemic in many countries including Indonesia, which is a country that has oil reserves are abundant, but occurring oil reserves are actually in the "master "by a foreign company in which of the 47 mining area consisting of 25 groups majors (International oil companies are huge), comprising Chevron to 7 working area of operation, Exxon / Mobile with 5 WKP, British Petroleum with 3 WKP, Gulf Resource with 5 WKP , Total / Fina with 2 WKP Petro and other Majors with 3 WKP WKP and the remaining 22 are not classified Majors.1 Indonesia is a country that is very strategic to attract many multinational companies to invest corporation. Indonesia is one of the oldest centers of oil production in the world. So far in 1871 the Dutch had drilled oil seepage areas in an attempt to obtain the filtered oil into light oil. In 1883, a tobacco planter, Aeilko Janszoon Zijlker, obtaining a concession to drill in North Sumatra, which resulted in commercial production. The purpose of this study was to determine the history of the discovery of oil Minas during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia, to determine the Minas oil exploitation during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia, the Japanese government policy To know of the existence of oil Minas, Riau. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method with specific historical and documentary. The research location is Minas, Riau. When the study began seminar as from proposal to test the thesis. The technique of collecting data from the sources of books, interviews and documents relavan. The results of this study indicate that Minas is a decent area explored as a local history

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Structured Numbered Heads (Kepala Bernomor Terstruktur) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur di Kelas X Mia Sman 5 Pekanbaru

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    Research on the application of the Structured Numbered Heads learning model was done to improve students learning achievement in the topics of the atomic structure and the periodic system of elements in class X MIA SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This research was experiment based on pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, which are X MIA 4 as experiment class and X MIA 3 as control clas that randomly selected after testing normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was a class treated by applying the Structured Numbered Heads learning model. Analyzed of data used t-test. Results of the analysis it was found that tscore>ttable (3,58>1,67), it means the Structured Numbered Heads learning model can improve students learning achievement on the structure of atoms and the periodic system of elements in class X MIA SMAN 5 Pekanbaru with an increase of 14,14%

    Development of commercial-off-the-shelf imaging payload for cloud coverage monitoring

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    Locana Bhumi payload is one of the selected payloads in The 2nd GRSS Student Grand Challenge, and it will be installed in a 3U Cube Satellite. Its main mission is to monitor cloud coverage in several regions such as Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Australia. Clouds have a role in climate change, they are able to reflect infrared light and cool the surface of the earth that is covered by clouds. At the same time, clouds are also able to trap heat, as a result, they warm the earth. By monitoring cloud coverage over the selected areas, it is expected that we will be able to study how cloud coverage could affect the climate system on the earth. In order to monitor the cloud coverage, the Locana payload will capture cloud images by using a small serial camera that is equipped with a low voltage ¼-inch 5-megapixel OV5642 image sensor. This camera also employs a 4.14 mm focal length fixed-infrared-cut-filter lens. This camera is able to capture 500 x 375 km2 of the area from about 575 km above the earth's surface, with that area observation, the cloud coverage is expected to be easier to observe. In terms of image storage, this payload is integrated with a 1 Gigabit memory. This memory is also used for saving the payload housekeeping data. To prevent the payload from overcurrent situations, the payload system is integrated with an Over Current Protection module. Moreover, an alloy-based enclosure has been designed to protect the component from outer space radiation. The material used for the enclosure is aluminum alloy 7075. The payload has a compact dimension, which fits in 0.5U of Cube Satellite size. Currently, the development of this payload has reached the Critical Design Review stage and it is expected to be ready in Quartal-1 2022