5 research outputs found

    Lichens from the Lake Burano Nature Reserve (Tuscany, Central Italy)

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    48 species of lichens are reported from the Burano Lake Nature Reserve. Three taxa are new to the Region of Tuscany. The lichen florula of the Nature Reserve is characterized by a relatively high incidence of mediterranean species of humid habitats

    Protesi dentale fissa con cantilever supportata da impianti (PDFIC) ultracorti: nostra esperienza clinica

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    In questo studio siti edentuli mandibolari posteriori con osso alveolare molto riassorbito di tre pazienti sono stati riabilitati con Protesi dentale fissa con cantilever supportata da impianti (PDFIC) ultracorti e ne è stata valutata la sopravvivenza a due anni (T2) dalla protesizzazione. MATERIALI E METODI L'osteointegrazione degli impianti è stata valutata radiograficamente con l'utilizzo di radiografie periapicali, eseguite al tempo 0 (T0 applicazione della protesi), al tempo 1 (T1 a sei mesi) ed al tempo 2 (T2 a due anni), secondo la tecnica del cono lungo con centratore di Rinn e l’ausilio di una griglia millimetrata in rame di dimensioni 31x41 mm, applicata sulla pellicola radiografica , al fine di misurare in mm l'eventuale riassorbimento di osso crestale. RISULTATI In tutti e tre i pazienti si è osservato un riassorbimento medio (mesio-distale) della cresta ossea di 0.5 mm a T1; non ci sono state modifiche fra T1 e T2. CONCLUSIONI L’utilizzo di impianti corti e ultracorti si è dimostrato essere un’interessante opzione terapeutica e alternativa agli interventi di aumento verticale della cresta ossea, più rapida, più economica e con una ridotta morbilità (1) (2) (3) (4). Nonostante ciò, spesso ci si trova di fronte all'impossibilità di inserire un impianto nel sito edentulo. L'ausilio del cantilever in protesi implantare si è dimostrata essere una buona opzione per sopperire a tali problematiche. (5) (6). L'utilizzo di impianti corti per supportare una protesi con cantilever ha mostrato risultati simili a quelli degli impianti con lunghezze tradizionali (7). Nonostante il numero limitato di pazienti, in questo studio abbiamo osservato come, nei casi di pazienti con quantità di osso alveolare molto limitate, l'utilizzo di impianti ultracorti per supportare protesi dentale fisse con cantilever è da considerarsi una valida opzione terapeutica.Posterior mandibular edentulous ridges with extreme residual bone resorption within three patients have been rehabilitated using ultrashort implant-supported cantilever fixed dental prostheses (ICFDPs)(one5.0x5.0, three4.5x6, two4.0x5.0 Bicon Dental Implants, Boston, MA, USA) and 2 years survival rate since prosthetic rehabilitation (T2) has been evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Implants’ osseointegration has been evaluated at T0 (prostheses insertion) T1 (12 months after prostheses insertion) and T2 (24 months after prostheses insertion) using Periapical x-rays performed accordingly to the long cone paralleling technique and using both a Rinn positioning system and a radiographic template in order to evaluate in millimetres the amount of marginal bone loss in both mesial and distal point. RESULTS We have observed an average mesio-distal bone-loss of 0,5 mm at T1 within all the three patients while there hasn’t been any modification between T1 and T2, so as in accordance with other literature works (4). CONCLUSIONS Short and ultrashort implants rehabilitation have proven to be a valuable alternative therapy when compared to surgical vertical bone ridge augmentation procedures, the former being more inexpensive, more rapid and presenting less morbidity (1) (2) (3) (4); yet, it could still be impossible to insert an implant on the edentulous ridge. Implant-supported cantilever fixed dental prosthesis is a good option in order to provide such cases (5) (6).The choice of short implants instead of traditional ones as prosthesis’ support has proven to give similar results (7). Despite the limited number of patients, it’s been possible to show that ultrashort implant-supported cantilever fixed dental prosthesis (ICFDPs) is a valuable therapeutic option for patients with reduced amount of bone left. 1 Carl E. Misch, Jennifer Steigenga, Eliane Barboza, Francine Misch-Dietsh, Louis J. Cianciola, Christopher Kazor Short Dental Implants in Posterior Partial Edentulism: A Multicenter Retrospective 6-Year Case Series Study J Periodontol 2006;77:1340-1347. 2 Douglas Deporter, Bunnai Ogiso,Dong-Seok Sohn,Kevin Ruljancich, Michael PharoahUltrashort Sintered Porous-Surfaced Dental Implants Used To Replace Posterior Teeth J Periodontol 2008;79:1280-1286. 3 M. Esposito, G. Cannizarro, E. Soardi, G. Pellegrino, R. Pistilli, and P. Felice, “A 3-year post-loading report of a randomised controlled trial on the rehabilitation of posterior atrophic mandibles: Short implants or longer implants in vertically ugmented bone?” European Journal of Oral Implantology, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 301–311, 2011). 4 Eduardo Anitua, MD, DDS, PhD, Laura Piñas, Degree of Dentistry; Gorka Orive, PhDRetrospective Study of Short and Extra-Short Implants Placed in Posterior Regions: Influence of Crown-to-Implant Ratio on Marginal Bone LossClinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2013 5 Marco Aglietta Vincenzo Iorio Siciliano Marcel Zwahlen Urs Bragger Bjarni E. Pjetursson Niklaus P. Lang Giovanni E. Salvi A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of implant supported fixed dental prostheses with cantilever extensions after an observation period of at least 5 years Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 441–451 6 Aglietta M, Iorio Siciliano V, Blasi A, Sculean A, Bragger U, Lang NP, Salvi GE. Clinical and radiographic changes at implants supporting single-unit crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) with one cantilever extension. A retrospective study.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23, 2012, 550–555 7 Anka k Ipikcioglu H Finite element stress analysis of the effect of short implants usage in place of cantilever exension in mandibular posterior edentulism Jornal of oral rehabilitation 2002 29; 350-35

    Corpi estranei endorettali introdotti per via anale. Case report

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    The Authors refer about two cases of retained rectal foreign bodies by trans-anal introduction as consequence of anal eroticism: a deodorant aerosol-can cap and a sizeable phallic object. These reports represent an occasion to talk about the etiology (the wide variety of foreign bodies) and the motivations (eroticism or sadism, clumsy diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, true or presume accidents) responsible for this pathological condition and to consider every therapeutic options employed during the past years, without forgetting that, despite difficulties, non-surgical extraction is to prefer, if possible, because of the negative prognostic implications often related to the surgical treatment. The Authors finally confirm, because of the severity of this pathological condition - with negative outcomes especially in that cases with complete or incomplete perforative complications (produced during introduction through the anus or during several attemps of extraction of the object or caused by its long staying in the rectum because of the patient’s denial of medical care) - the surgeons can’t put aside possible indication for surgical tratmen

    Accumulation of heavy metals in epiphytic lichens near a municipal solid waste incinerator (central Italy)

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    The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata was used as biomonitor in the area of a municipal solid waste incinerator (Poggibonsi, central Italy) to investigate the levels and the spatial distribution of the heavy metals Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn. Levels of Al, Cu and Hg were similar to those in unpolluted areas, whereas high values were found for Cr, Zn and especially Cd. The distribution pattern of the last three metals and the exponential relationship of their concentrations with distance from the incinerator, showed that the disposal plant is a local source of atmospheric pollution due to Cd, Cr and Zn. For these metals, long-term hazard should be seriously taken into account

    A retrospective study using epiphytic lichens as biomonitors of air quality: 1980 and 1996 (Tuscany, central Italy)

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    The results of a retrospective study (data of 1980 and 1996) performed in the Chianti Region (Tuscany, central Italy) using epiphytic lichens both as sensitive indicators and accumulative monitors are presented. Floristic data, particularly the presence of numerous species known to be sensitive to air pollutants, indicated that air quality in the study area remained fairly good throughout this 16.year period, and may even have improved. Accumulation of trace elements in Parmelin cuperutu thalli collected in 1980 and 1996 supported this conclusion, with concentrations similar or even lower than those previously reported in other unpolluted areas of Tuscany. Most elements showed a marked decline from 1980 to 1996, suggesting that in the last years, the study area was subjected to a lower load of metal air pollution. Sulphur was the only element showing higher concentrations in 1996, probably due to the increased use of S-based pesticides in vineyard