29 research outputs found


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(歯学)Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Sciencedoctora

    Hubungan osmolalitas dan level elektrolit saliva terhadap prevalensi karies anak cerebral palsy

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    Pendahuluan: Salah satu faktor resiko tingginya prevalensi karies pada anak cerebral palsy adalah faktor saliva. Anak cerebral palsy mengalami hipohidrasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan output saliva, termasuk mempengaruhi osmolalitas dan level elektrolit. Osmolalitas saliva dapat menggambarkan status hidrasi dari anak cerebral palsy yang memiliki unstimulated salivary flow rate rendah yang berhubungan dengan prevalensi karies. Tujuan: Untuk meneliti adanya hubungan nilai osmolalitas saliva dan level elektrolit (ion Na,K) terhadap prevalensi karies pada anak cerebral palsy. Metode: 33 anak (11±5 tahun) di Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) dan Yayasan Peduli Cerebral Palsy (YPCP) Surabaya berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Unstimulated whole saliva diambil saat pagi hari menggunakan pipet plastik. Osmolalitas saliva diukur menggunakan freezing point depression osmometer dan level elektrolit ++, Cl-saliva (ion Na+, Cl-, K) menggunakan Respective Ion Selective Electrode. Prevalensi karies dihitung menggunakan indeks DMF-T/def-t. Hasil: Indeks def-t pada fase geligi sulung adalah 10,167, indeks DMF-T pada fase geligi permanen 4,625 dan pada fase geligi bercampur indeks DMF-T =4,083, def-t=0,667. Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square, nilai Sig. (2-tailed) pada variabel osmolalitas, ion Cl-, ion K++ memenuhi persyaratan p<0,05. Pembahasan: Tingginya nilai osmolalitas saliva pada anak cerebral palsy disebabkan oleh rendahnya asupan cairan. Osmolalitas yang tinggi menyebabkan clearance saliva menurun, kolonisasi pada permukaan gigi dan pembentukan biofilm meningkat sehingga meningkatkan resiko karies. Penurunan produksi saliva mengakibatkan penurunan level ion Na+, Cl-, K yang mempengaruhi kapasitas buffer dan kelarutan hidroksiapatit. Kesimpulan: Nilai osmolalitas yang tinggi dan level elektrolit saliva yang rendah pada anak cerebral palsy berhubungan dengan prevalensi karies

    Lingual Frenectomy as Treatment of Ankyloglossia in Children: A case report

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    Background: Ankyloglossia or tongue tie is a congenital condition that results when the inferior lingual fraenulum is too short and attached to the tip of the tongue, limiting its normal movements. It causes restricted tongue mobility which in turn causes feeding difficulties and speech problems. Purpose : The article was aimed to report the treatment of an eight years old boy who came with the chief complaint of difficulty in moving his tongue freely which causes speech difficulties. Case Management : The patient was treated for a lingual frenectomy procedure under local anaesthesia using one haemostat method. The haemostats were used to delimit the area to be excised as well as to guide the incisions. One haemostat used to clamp the upper aspect of the fraenulum may be helpful to guide the incision close to the ventral surface of the tongue. After the release of the tongue, care must be taken not to injury the submandibular ducts when making the second incision at the lower aspect of the fraenulum. After 1 to 2 weeks the incision was completely healed. Discussion: Ankyloglossia occurs due to failure in cellular degeneration leading to longer anchorage between tongue and floor of the mouth. Surgical intervention for treating ankyloglossia includes conventional technique with hemostats, electrocautery and laser. In this case, patient was undertaken surgical intervention using one hemostat method. Conclusion: The ankyloglossia case showed that the frenectomy gave good healing with no post operative complications in 8 years old boy

    The Effect of Uv-B Exposure and Vitamin K2 on the Bone Formation in Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    Vitamin D deficiency is malnutrition that occurs in developed and developing countries, which worsened by Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 pandemic forces all activities doing from home (e.g., study and work from home). Reduced activity outside the home causes less UV-B exposure that beneficial for vitamin D synthesis endogen (>80%). The role of UV-B lamp considered more effective than the sun exposure with unstable intensity. The use of a UV-B lamp is one of new alternative to overcome vitamin D deficiency. Except the UV-B, the vitamin D3 and K2 are also effective in activating vitamin D. It claimed that combination of vitamin D3 and K2 is more effective in activating active vitamin D than single dose of the vitamin itself thus enhancing bone formation markers within the serum. In vivo experimental study conducted in 96 rattus novergicus. The total sample was 96, consisting of 48 BALP serum level groups and 48 OCN serum level groups. The sample divided into six groups, consisting of one control group and five experimental groups (UV-B, Vitamin D3, and K2). A significant difference was found. ANOVA and paired t-test used to compare the results of each group. An increase was found in all BALP and OCN serum level groups, compared to the control group. A significant difference was found in all BALP and OCN serum level groups (P <0.005). Combination of 290-315 nm of UV-B, vitamin D3, and K2 supplements improve bone formation marker production in the serum (BALP and OCN

    Pubertal Growth Spurt Peak in Angle Class I and II Malocclusions Using Cervical Vertebrae Maturation Analysis in Deutero-Malay Children

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    Background. The incidence rate of Angle Class I and Class II malocclusions in mixed dentition is higher than Class III. In orthodontic interceptive treatment, it is necessary to identify pubertal growth spurt peak individually because the best growth modification could be obtained during this period. One of the methods in assessing the pubertal growth spurt peak is cervical vertebrae maturation (CVM), which is done using a lateral cephalometric radiograph. CVM evaluates potential growth and skeletal maturity by assessing cervical vertebrae anatomy. Identifying the duration of growth spurt peak on both malocclusion classes is the most pivotal aspect of optimizing remodeling and correction of children’s malocclusion. Objective. Distinguishing the duration of pubertal growth spurt peak of children with Angle Class I and II malocclusions based on CVM analysis in Deutero-Malay children so that it can be used in determining optimal orthodontic treatment plan and timing in children with Class I and Angle II malocclusion for Deutero-Malay children. Methods. Analytical observational with cross-sectional approach was applied using lateral cephalometric radiographic images from patients’ medical records attending or had attended orthodontic treatment in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Airlangga University Dental Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2014-2019 that met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed with Baccetti’s method of CVM analysis. This study involved 66 conventional lateral cephalometric photographs that were selected using total sampling. The data were analyzed using Independent T-Test and Mann- Whitney U Test. Result. The duration of pubertal growth spurt peak in Angle Class I and II malocclusions was 11 and 7 months, respectively. The age of onset for Class I with CS3 was 9 years and 5 months, while for Angle Class II malocclusion starts entering the stage at 10 years 3 months of age, while for CS4 skeletal maturity we found that the age of onset for subjects with Angle Class I and II were 11 years 2 months and 12 years 4 months, respectively. The average duration of the pubertal growth spurt peak in female and male patients was 11.3 months and 18.2 months, respectively. All of these results were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001) and representative of the population, in this case, Deutero-Malays

    The Role of MMP-1 Gene in the Osseointegration of Dental Implant

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    Dental implant is one of the most common standard therapies to substitute the loss of the teeth. In some cases, the implant therapies outcome was not successful, since there are several causes, which can be caused by infection or the disruption in the osseointegration process. This study aims to present an evaluation of literature regarding the rule of MMP-1 Gene in Osseointegration in Dental Implant. DNA polymorphism is related to the enhancement of the MMP-1 levels that occur in the fluid surrounding the implant associated with osseointegration disruption and periodontitis. MMP-1 gene polymorphism can be identified with disruption of osseointegration, in which its presence could predict individuals who are at high risk of early implant failure

    Correlation Of Mother's Behavior In Autistic Children With DMF-T Value And Dental Care Need

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    Background: The prevalence of autism is 6 per 1000 people, usually seen before a child is 3 years old. The main characteristics of autism are related to problems of social interaction with others, disturbances in communication, repetitive, behavioral repetition, and cognitive instability. Purpose: To analyze the relationship between the mother’s behavior with autistic children in terms of DMF-T values and dental care needs. Methods: This study is observational analytic by using cross-sectional research design. Data collection was obtained from the filling out of the HU-DBI (Hiroshima University - Dental Behavioral Inventory) questionnaire. Results: After analyzing the results of the study, it is known that the significance value (p) is> 0.05, so there is no correlation between mother's behavior and DMF-T / dmf-t value (DMF-T score) both in terms of knowledge, attitudes, Practice and correlations with dental care needs. Conclusion: the results of research that has been done shows that there is no significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and practice in maintaining oral health with caries index and care needs in children with autism

    Anti-biofilm Activity of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) against Streptococcus mutans bacteria

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    Dental caries is a disease caused by Streptococcus mutans. The use of chlorhexidine to inhibit bacterial colonization has side effects such as tooth staining and can kill the normal flora when used long term. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a chemical compound in the form of polyphenols from green tea catechins which have antimicrobial potency to inhibit microorganism growth and biofilm formation. Type Laboratory Experimental Research In-vitro. The group that will be studied are the negative control group in the form of S.mutans + 5% sucrose, the treatment group in the form of S. mutans + 5% sucrose and EGCG concentration of 0.125mg/ml, 0.25mg/ml, 0.375mg/ml and a positive control group is S.mutans + 5% sucrose and 0.1% chlorhexidine. Data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the normality of the data, Levene's test for homogeneity of data, One Way ANOVA Post Hoc Tukey HSD Multiple Comparison to determine differences between treatments. Results: There were significant differences between the treatment groups and the negative control at test results Post Hoc Tukey HSD and the significant differences in the concentration of EGCG 0.375mg/ml with the positive control given chlorhexidine 0.1% (p <0.05). Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) influence on the activity of S. mutans biofilm formation and EGCG concentration of 0.375mg/ml are more effective as an antibiofilm of S. mutans compared with chlorhexidine 0.1%

    Biomarker of Malnutrition in Terms of Total Salivary Protein in Stunting Children (Literature Review)

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    The prevalence of children under five (or Balita) with stunting in Indonesia is relatively high, it is 29.6% above the limit set by WHO (20%). Stunting is a condition where children fail to grow due to long-term malnutrition. Parents regrettably often underestimate such conditions. In case it is not detected prior to 24 months old, the consequences will be permanent. Oftentimes, malnutrition is detected at a later time, make it occurs even more frequently. Malnutrition affects general and oral health. In malnourished children, salivary gland hypofunction ensues which cause a decrease in flow rate, buffer capacity, and salivary secretion, both in quantity and composition, especially protein. The condition where increased severity of malnutrition followed by a decrease in salivary protein concentration is expected to be a biomarker of malnutrition. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of total salivary protein as a malnutrition biomarker