8 research outputs found

    Sexually transmitted diseases still an existing problem

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    Increasing number of cases of STD is an alarming issue. It is a cause of serious health consequences within society and concern for public health. According to WHO 2/3 of STD affect young people (around 20 years old). The aim of the study is examine the epidemiological situation with selected STD in Poland in 2015. The study has been based on literature and data related to incidence of syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, HIV and HPV infections. The data has been obtained from the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, National AIDS Centrum and National Oncology Register. In 2015 within Poland there have been 1338 incidences of early and late syphilis, on average 3.22 per 1 thousand people. The incidence of congenital syphilis has decreased from 20 cases in 2014 to 12 in 2015. There have been 441 incidences of gonorrhoea (on average 1.15/100 000). In 2015, 1295 people were diagnosed with HIV, 134 incidences of AIDS have been reported, 40 patients died. There were 220 cases of infections (0.57/100000) caused by chlamydia. Every year in Poland there are 4000 cases of malignant cervical cancer (4%) and 2400 of deaths because of cervical cancer. The epidemiological situation is affected by the lack of preventive and educational actions, low awareness of health within society and easy access to sex services. The National plan to fight STD should have a social character and it should ensure that there are sufficient funds necessary to conduct preventive and educational programs

    Awareness of the threats of sexually transmitted diseases among youth – review of studies

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    Background: Increasing problem of sexually transmitted diseases needs a well-organized effort allowing preserving and strengthening sexual health. Proper knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases (STD) allows not only to protect oneself against contagion but also others. Incorrect information in that field may give false sense of security and in consequence increase in STD rates. Appropriate sources of knowledge are inherent in awareness-raising and taking mature actions. Seeking effective methods of transferring knowledge and awareness-raising about STD is the subject of actions of many professionals. Objective: Analysis of chosen scientific work concerning the level of knowledge and the awareness of the threats of sexually transmitted diseases among Polish youth. Material & methods: The basis for this paper was the review of articles and scientific work in Polish magazines that were the results of studies of the awareness of the threats of STD among youth. Papers of high quality of presented studies and with interesting results were selected for analysis. Results: Analyzed studies were using questionnaires created by authors and containing questions dealing with knowledge about etiological factors, symptoms and risky behaviour leading to STD infection. The results of the studies confirmed significant yet in some aspects selective and limited knowledge of the subjects about threats and prevention of STD. The youth knew few diseases, did not realize STD were asymptomatic, and often did not notice the risk of infection caused by early sexual initiation and having many sexual partners. Women and residents of urban areas knew more about STD than men and residents of rural areas. Conclusion: Selective and not well-organized knowledge limits possibility of eliminating hazardous behaviour contributing to transferring STD. The lack of understanding of the threat and asymptomatic course of STD leads to unaware carriage of STD and, in consequence to spreading the diseases and their complications. Observed decrease of the age of sexual initiation requires to introduce effective prevention based on coordination of the actions of young man or woman, their surroundings and educational units. It is necessary to complement school educational programmes by regularly repeated information about etiology, clinical picture of reproductive system diseases, paying particular attention to early detection of cancer and STD prevention

    Mental Disorders Related to Stroke

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    Stroke is third most common cause of death and the most common reason for disability in people over 45 years old. It impacts people in social and economic aspects. As a result of stroke, patients struggle to function in everyday life, they often require rehabilitation as they are limited in the way they can move. Experts reckon that the most serious complications after stroke are problems with cognitive functions and depression (1). Very often there is more attention paid to deficit of mobility or speech than cognitive function problems or depression. Stupor occurs in 1/3 of patients that experienced stroke

    Role of food and nutrition in pathogenesis and prevention of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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    Background: Over 300 million people around the world have thyroid problems. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common reason for hypothyroidism among people aged 45 to 65, mostly women. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a mysterious immune-mediated disease and its reason is still not fully clear. According to specialists nutritional habits have impact on the development of the disease. Fatigue, reduction of exercise capacity, movement deceleration, drowsiness, hair and eyebrow loss, dry skin, nail fragility, feeling cold and chronic constipation are dominant feelings in the clinical picture of the disease. The objective of the paper is indication of food ingredients that support thyroid gland activity as well as those that should be limited. Content: In many publications it is emphasized that right nutrition and proper selection of nutrients are necessary in occurring and development of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The diet of patients with hypothyroidism should be based on increased content of complete protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index. Consumption of complex carbohydrates which provide the most of mineral nutrients, vitamins and dietary fibres is recommended. The supply of vitamins and mineral nutrients is important due to their impact on secretory activity of the thyroid. They include iodine, iron, selenium and zinc as well as vitamins: A, D, E, B2, B3 and B12. Existence of relation between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of development of autoimmune thyroiditis is also indicated. Summary: The diet of patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should be considered in a complex way, including hormone deficiency as well as changes in diet and supplementing it in necessary mineral nutrients and vitamins. Therefore education regarding the rules of proper nutrition should be a component of the process of treatment

    The effects of tanning on health

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    Ultraviolet (UV) ray exposure can lead to serious consequences to a person(s) health. Consequences include skin pigmentation and can also lead to cancer. Not everyone however is aware of the risks involved with exposure to these rays. Lack of protection against these UV rays can lead to serious health consequences with a reported increase in skin cancer including melanoma

    Knowledge about sexual transmitted disease (STDs) and risks involved amongst young people population living in south-eastern region of Poland

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    Introduction: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are considered to be a serious health matter with the numbers of cases continuously increasing. Numerous studies have pointed out that Polish youth do not have a sufficient knowledge of the risks involved with contracting STD, mainly because there are no effective sexual education within schools, families or medical institutions. Aim: The aim of this research was to investigate the level of knowledge concerning STD amongst the population of young adults between 19 and 24 years old living in the South-eastern region of Poland. Methods and Materials: The analysis was comprised of 104 people between 19-24 years old from which 57.7% were women and 42.3% were men. The method used to conduct described research was a diagnostic survey, from which a questionnaire created by the author was used alongside a Polish adaptation of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC). The analysis was carried out using Statistical 13 PL program. Results:  More than half (54.8%) of those surveyed believed that STD contraction could only be possible via sexual intercourse. Amongst those surveyed the most known itemized STDs were HIV/AIDS (93.3%), genital herpes (86.5%), gonorrhoea (84.6%) and syphilis (80.8%). The knowledge of those surveyed was based on the information obtained through the internet (67.3%), leaflets and handouts (28.8%), television (22.1%) and lastly parents (1.9%). In the opinion of participating surveyed sexual education should come from a gynaecologist or sexual health professional (61.5%) or an experienced pedagogue (18.3%). There was no difference in STD knowledge between women and men (p>0.05). There was a significant difference in knowledge which was shown in the results of those surveyed between people with a basic and a higher education (p<0.05) with a statistically significant link between the ages of those surveyed and their knowledge (p<0.01). Conclusion: • The knowledge of those surveyed is unsystematic and incomplete. • Young people expect information from gynaecologist, sexual health professionals and experienced pedagogue. • The subject of STD should be addressed more not only in schools but also within their own home whilst highlighting the importance of the role of the parents in this aspect. • It is recommended to educate young people on where to obtain sufficient and adequate information from reliable sources

    Polymeric nanoparticles – a novel solution for delivery of antimicrobial agents

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    The increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens requires additional efforts to develop new antimicrobial agents and alternative methods to prevent and treat infections. In response to this challenge, a variety of nanotechnology-based tools are currently being designed and thoroughly investigated. To date, a considerable number of studies have reported increased activity of antibiotic-conjugated polymeric nanoparticles against bacteria and fungi associated with various infections, including those caused by drug-resistant pathogens. Importantly, high biocompatibility of these structures coupled with enhanced biological activity and improved pharmacokinetic properties supports the potential of these nanosystems as new tools to treat infections. In this review, we summarize the synthesis of polymer-based nanoparticles and describe their mechanism of action. We also highlight the recent advances in the application of antibiotic-conjugated polymeric nanoparticles as novel antimicrobial agents