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    Pemberian Grasi Dan Maaf Dalam Bingkai Kajian Teoritik Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan (Studi Komparatif Hukum Positif Dan Hukum Islam)

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    In the Criminal Code there are several differences that are the reasons for the review of theories and the application of reasons for clemency or forgiveness. The theories that form the basis of forgiveness will lead to different views. In connection with sources of clemency (Positive Criminal Law) and forgiveness (Islamic Criminal Law) have differences. Where clemency is the prerogative of the president as the temporary head of state, forgiveness can only be given by the heirs of the victim as the party who lost the victim. This study aims to find out where the justice is if the granting of pardon/ apology is given by the president with only consideration from the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, in Islamic Law also regulates the apology for the perpetrators of the crime of murder which is the right of the heirs of the victim. This research is a qualitative research with the type of research used is library research. It is said as library research or document study because this research is mostly conducted on written regulations or other legal materials which are secondary in the library