8 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kebugaran Jasmani Melalui Latihan Lompat Tali Terhadap Siswa SD Negeri 3 Sempalai

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    Efforts improve physical fitness through exercise jump rope students primary school 3 sempalai. The purpose of research to determine the influence of jump rope exercise in improving physical fitness. The population of this research is the grade V consisting of 2 class as much as 36 students. Sample as many as 36 students using the technique of sampling is divided into saturated experimental classes 18 people and control classes 18 people. The research consists of three stagesnthe initial stage (pre-test), jump rope treatment stages for 12 times (frequency of exercise 3x perminggu), and the final stage (post-test). Method of processing data using t-test hypothesis, test before the best is performed the test hypothesis analysis requirements of normality and its homogeneity. Once granted, the result shows there treatment increased physical fitness student students primary school 3 Sempalai, tcalculate 3,271 > ttable 2,110

    Perbedaan Metode Konvensional dan Metode Bermain terhadap Partisipasi Belajar Penjas

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    : The purpose of this study: To determine the difference in theconventional method and the method of playing against penjas study participation.This research is a form of experimental research is a study to determine thedifferences in the methods of learning. This study will compare the two methodswith a conventional play. The population in this study were students in the mildmental retardation adaptive SLB Asih Dharma Pontianak. Sampling techniqueusing total sampling technique. Variables in the study consisted of theindependent variables and the dependent variable. Means of data collection usingobservation / observation. Furthermore, to analyze the data using manualcalculation. These results indicate that in teaching physical education usingconventional methods only 60% of time spent out of 100%, and its studentenrollment by 23% while playing using only 75% of time spent of 100%, and theparticipation of 55 students %. The conclusion of this study was the difference inthe conventional method and the method of playing against student participationin adaptive learning penjas mild mental retardation in SLB compassion DharmaPontianak

    Minat dan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan Siswa SMA Taruna Bumi Khatulistiwa

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    High school students interest and learning outcomes in physical and health education subject of taruna bumi khatulistiwa high school. This study aims to determine the interest and learning outcomes in physical and health education subject on class XI students. This study uses percentage descriptive with survey techniques. Population is all students in class XI Taruna Bumi Khatulistiwa high school, this study use sample which is amounted to 45 students and method removal sampel use random sampling. The variables this study are interest and learning out comes. The results research interests and class XI student learning outcomes are good ideals, talents, social, cultural, and background/ancestry whose answer are SS (27%), S (47,2%), TS (21,7%), and STS (4,1%). It can be concluded that the students have high interest to follow the lesson amounted to 62,3% and learning outcomes 29 student are classified as good and 16 students classified as very good

    Survei Minat Siswa-siswi dalam Pembelajaran Penjas di SMP Negeri 3 Samalantan

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    The research problem is how the students\u27 interest in learning physical education at the First Middle School State 3 Samalantan.Research purposes to determine students\u27 interest in learning physical education at the First Middle School State 3 Samalantan. The study population was all students in Middle School First School 3 Samalantan the following physical education teaching 162 students, sampling using random sampling techniques to obtain samples 77. Form of quantitative descriptive research using survey techniques. Research variable interest students in learning physical education. Research instrument using a questionnaire. Results of testing 20 question questionnaire is valid, reliability figure 0.973. Research shows students\u27 interest in learning physical education in Middle School First School 3 Samalantan: 1) The success of self-42.78%; 2) Accept the learning of physical education with fun 47.73%; 3) The desire to do something 46.49%; 4) always present in the following study physical education 48.05%; 5) Improving physical fitness of 53.25%; 6) Methods of teaching physical education play in the 42.21%; 7) Facility 42.21%; 8) Curiosity 38, 10%. Conclusions: Interest in learning physical education students in Middle School First School 3 Samalantan done well, averaging 40.31% very good category

    Meteor Club Volleyball Smash Technique Detection Identification Pontianak

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    The research motivated by the problem of lack of correction in the volleyball smash technique. This study aims to identify the errors of the Pontianak meteor club volleyball player smash technique. Thi research was a descriptive percentage. The method used was a survey with an observation sheets, field observations, and documentation. The sample in this study consisted of 11 athletes who have the criteria: (1) athlete were present at the time of data collection, (2) athlete who has a specialist as a speaker. The data analysis technique used a descriptive analysis which an stated in the form of a percentage. The results showed that there was an error volleyball smash technique in: (1) the initial stage was 25.39%, (2) the repulsion / jump stage was 25.37%, (3) the hitting stage was 25.42% and, (4) when landing is 23.82%. So it can be concluded that the landing stage has the largest percentage of errors