6 research outputs found

    Peran Suami Selama Proses Kehamilan Sampai Nifas Istri

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    During pregnancy and delivery process, women need the husbands support because they worry, afraid and it can influencing the wifes convenience to faces the delivery. Lack of husbands role during pregnancy and delivery process of their wife indirectly may cause infant and to the mothers death. The purpose of this research was investigating of husbands characteristic and husbands role during pregnancy until delivery process of their wife and its related factors. A cross sectional research conducted at Diwek sub district, Jombang Regency.Population of this research is men who have baby, and the samples were 87 men randomly selected from 110 population men. Some variables analyzed were respondents characteristics including educational level, knowledge, pregnancy characteristic, wifes parity, family income, husbands occupational status, and the delivery process. Data collected by interviewing the respondents by using structured questionnaireand statistically analyzed by chi-square test. The result indicates that all variable correlated to husbands role during pregnancy until delivery process. Considering the result of this research, it is expected that health officer must be more innovative to encourage the husband role during pregnancy until delivery process, and suggested should equipped link book between health officer and husband in order to increase the husbands role to give attention to their wifes health during pregnancy.Key words: husbands role, pregnancy, delivery proces

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan pada Wanita Perimenopause

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    Menopause is the time in a womans life in which the menstrual cycle ends, which happens as a natural result of decrease in estrogen andprogesterone production. A two-year period before and after the menopausal symptoms develop is termed as perimenopausal period. Manyphysical and psychological changes happen during this period, such as hot flushes, excessive sweating during night time, and many others.Although hot flushes is the most common menopausal symptom, for some women emotional changes is the first sign of menopause. Thesechanges may provoke anxiety which otherwise properly managed, would decrease the womans quality of life and finally lead to depression. Thisresearch aimed to analyze the effect of several factors to the level of anxiety on perimenopausal women by analytic survey with cross sectionaldesign. One hundred perimenopausal women are randomly sampled out of 793 population of 4554 year old women. Data was collected withinterview by questionnaires and analyzed by Ordinal Logistic Regression and Spearmans Correlation technique. This result shows that factorhaving significant effect on the level of anxiety on perimenopausal women are knowledge, attitude, family support, economic condition, andlifestyle, while social and cultural characteristics show insignificant effect. This research concludes that the better those significant factorscan be maintained, the lower anxiety level can be suppressed. Healthy diet, exercise, and emotional life all play an important role in womenshealth during and after menopause. So, perimenopausal women should be encouraged to enrich themselves with extensive knowledge aboutmenopause, improve positive behavior, and healthier lifestyle to suppress the anxiety level as low as possible.Key words: perimenopause, anxiety level, menopaus

    Praktik Senam Hamil Hubungannya dengan Kelancaran Proses Persalinan

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is higher than other countries, even among Asian countries. Exercise during pregnancy is the one of method to prepare delivery process and further is to prevent maternal death. The objective of this research is to analyze relationship between knowledge and practice of pregnancy exercise, also relationship between practice of pregnancy exercise and delivery process. This was a cross sectional research. Moreover, the population involve in this research were all primi para (mother that having first pregnancy) that recorded at Jagir Public Health Service Centre in Surabaya. The samples were taken by simple random sampling method. Furthermore, the relationship among variables was analyzed using chi square and fisher exact test. The result shows that there was no relationship betweenknowledge and practice of pregnancy exercise (p = 0.060), but there was a relationship between practice of pregnancy exercise and delivery process (p = 0.000). According to result of the research, its suggested that health promotion by doing pregnancy exercise should be developed because it can prepare physically and psychologically of delivery process and reduce the risk of maternal death.Key words: knowledge, pregnancy exercise, delivery proces

    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak Usia di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) dari Ibu Penderita Gondok

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    The objective of this research was to study the growth and development pattern of under two year age children of mother with maternal goiter. The research design was retrospective cohort. The Study was conducted in Banyu Arang village, Ngoro Sub distric, Jombang Distric, because this village was categorized as severe endemic goiter area. The observed variables were iodine status of children, the growth parameters such as body weight gain, nutritional status, head circumference, chest circumference; the development parameters such as motor miles stone, and score of pre screening questionnaire for development (KPSP).The result of the study indicated that prevalence of maternal goiter was 48.21%, prevalence of iodine deficiency among under two years children was 8.93%. Median of urinary iodine excretion amongchildren of mother with maternal goiter was 404 μg/L and 506 μg/L for children of mother without maternal goiter. Mean of birth weight among children of mother with maternal goiter was 3.02 kg and 2.96 kg for children of mother without maternal goiter. The growth rate of children of mother with maternal goiter was 278.33 gram and 264.16 gram for children of mother without maternal goiter. The head circumference among children of mother with maternal goiter was 46.35 cm compared with 46.05 cm for children of mother without maternal goiter. Ratio of head circumference and chest circumference were 0.96 and 0.97 respectively, and indicated that no asymetric growth retardation among two groups. Despite no significant diference of total score of KPSP between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goite, but there were 2 (two) children that detected under developed children because total score of KPSP less than 7, and they were found from mother with maternal goiter.It was concluded that there was no significant difference of growth pattern between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goiter. It found that generally development of children of mother without goiter better than children of mother with maternal goiter.Key words: growth, development, IDD, maternal goite

    The Body Size and Micronutrients Status Among the Bride-To Be in Probolinggo Districtof East Java

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    Micronutrients deficiency is prevalent among women in reproductive age, particularly in developing countries, including in Indonesia. Small body size reflects a chronic deficiency of nutrients intake. Both of those problems may correlate each other and making maternal nutrition more complicated. Brides-to be are the most important group of women in reproductive age who require better recognition, because they will become mothers. This study was to describe inter-correlation among anthropometric indices which reflected the maternal body size and several indicators of micronutrient status. A cross sectional study was conducted in selected sub-districts of Probolinggo District, East Java Province year 2012. The samples size of 115 brides-to be were randomly selected from list of brides-to be in Sub-district Office of Religious Affair. The observed variables were body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), mid upper arms circumference (MUAC), micronutrients status including concentration of hemoglobin, serum ferritin, serum retinol and serum zinc. Pearson correlation test was used to analyze data using SPSS for Window version 13.0. Result showed that the average of body weight was 47,3 kg, average stature was 150,4 cm, BMI was 20, MUAC was 25,3 cm. The average of hemoglobin level was 12,4 g/dL, serum ferritin was 50,6 µg/L, serum retinol level was 1,06 µmol/L, and serum Zn level was 12,9 µmol/L. Statistical analisis showed significant correlation between the body weight and hemoglobin concentration (r =0,25, p = 0,01) and serum retinol (r = 0,21, p = 0,03); between BMI and hemoglobin concentration (r = 0,31, p = 0,00) and serum ferritin (r = 0,23, p = 0,03), and serum retinol (r = 0,21, p = 0,02); between MUAC and hemoglobin (r = 0,32, p = 0,00) and serum retinol (r = 0,24, p = 0,02); between hemoglobin concentration and serum ferritin concentration (r = 0,30, p = 0,00). Stature did not correlate with any indicators of micronutrient. It implies that among the indices of body size, body weight and BMI as well as MUAC are important indicators relating to iron status, and vitamin A status, but not zinc status

    Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Dismenore Primer

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    Primary dysmenorrhoea is defined as nausea and low abdominal pain during menstruation occur predominantly in young women in the absence of pathology such as endometriosis. Primary dysmenorrhoea is a very common problem in young women, but the very high risk of prevalence and the substantial morbidity of it may not come to medical attention because many women were conditioned to regard the pain as a normal, physiological event, even if it restricts their daily activities and may reduce their quality of life. The aim of this study was to analysis the risk factors influencing primary dysmenorrhoea symptoms. Dependent variable is primary dysmenorrhoea and independent variables are present age, age of menarche, menses duration, marriage status, childbearing experiences, nutritional status, genetic factor, regular exercise and smoking behavior. This research was a cross sectional study and investigation was done on 100 women ages 1530 years old, who lives in Banjar Kemantren village. These women must already menstruate and not yet reach menopause, not pregnant, not using any contraception and for the past six months always menstruate. Information on present age, age of menarche, duration of menses, marriage status, experiences of childbearing, nutritional status, genetic factor, regular exercise and smoking behavior were obtained through questionnaire and direct interview, while height and weight were measured to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) in order to show nutritional status. The results of the Logistic Regression using Backward Stepwise (LR), showed that theres significant correlation between present age, marriage status and genetic factor with primary dysmenorrhoea symptoms. For further research on primary dysmenorrhoea, it is suggested that other variable such as stress, dietary intake, alcohol consumption, etc can also be included in this research. It is also suggested that women should retain a healthy life style in order to avoid primary dysmenorrhoea.Key words: risk factor, primary dysmenorrhoeaPENDAHULUA