30 research outputs found
Pengembangan Model Matematis Untuk Optimasi Perencanaan Produksi Minuman Marimas
PT Ulam Tiba Halim merupakan salah satu industri minuman serbuk di Indonesia, dimana salah satu produknya adalah minuman serbuk dengan merk Marimas. Kebijakan perencanaan produksi yang dilaksanakan di PT Ulam Tiba Halim selama ini didasarkan pada suatu target produksi yang ditetapkan oleh bagian Pemasaran. Target produksi tersebut merupakan hasil dari peramalan dan tidak mempertimbangkan kapasitas produksi yang tersedia di Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu model matematis perencanaan produksi yang dapat mengatasi ketidakseimbangan dalam proses perencanaan produksi, serta dapat memenuhi sejumlah tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh Perusahaan. Model matematis Goal Programming yang dikembangkan terlihat lebih realistis dalam menggambarkan sistem nyata, karena mampu menyertakan multi tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam perencanaan produksi. Dengan demikian, pencapaian dari satu tujuan tertentu tidak berdampak pada tidak terpenuhinya tujuan yang lain. Selanjutnya, perencanaan produksi yang optimal secara menyeluruh diharapkan dapat tercapai melalui penerapan model Goal Programming
Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis Untuk Meminimumkan Cacat Pada Crank Bed Di Lini Painting PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha
[Quality Control Analysis Using Fault Tree Analysis to minimize Defects OnCrank Bed In Painting Line at PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha] PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha is a company engaged in the field of hospital furniture appliance. The object of research is in the process of crankbed painting. The percentage of product defects in the painting division in the period January 2014 - August 2015 to reach 11%. Whereas provisions that the company have is the amount of the product defect does not exceed 3% of the products produced. This problem relates to the quality of the company\u27s products can cause the increasing of production costs due to produce a new one and rework. It can also lead to loss of customers due to the disappointment of a bad product. This research was conducted to find the biggest problems that lead to defects of crankbed and find the root of the problem. Pareto diagrams are used to see what the biggest problems that cause defects in the painting process. From 36 352 products that are produced, there is 11% of defective products produced are 4,081 products where the biggest flaw is the paint rough by 6%. Having obtained a rough paint as a producer of the largest number of defects, sought the root causes of rough paint using Fault Tree Analysis. After creating an FTA, I obtained four minimal cut-set (the root of the problem), not having a periodic training, the working environment is a mess, the operator does not use the APD, and the operator does not apply the SOP wholefully. Due the roots of the problem, Proposed improvements that have been prepared are Acquisition training periodically for operator painting, Counseling and implementation of 5S, Doing the field inspection and periodic evaluation of the operator, Sticking to the rules shall use PPE, work evaluation periodically to measure the performance of operators, attachment of SOP painting in the area working process of painting, scheduling process of paint, wait process (curing time), and the drying process (oven)
Usulan Perbaikan Proses pada Lini Produksi 18 Bagian Jahit PT. Star Fashion Ungaran Menggunakan Metode Lean Six Sgima
Development of the industry makes companies have to work extra to win the competition. PT. Star Fashion Ungaran (SFU) is one of company that works in the garment industry. Based on the value stream mapping, the production processes at PT. SFU still found some types of waste like defect products, waiting time, and unnecessary motion. The approach used in the solution of this problem is a lean six sigma with methods DMAI (without phase control). It is known that the efficiency of production processes at PT. SFU is 65%, while Japan's standard of Institute of Plant Maintenance said that good PCE is above 95%. The sigma level in the company is 3,75 which the target is to achieve six sigma. The results are still far from what is expected so that company need for improvement. The first to do is root-cause analysis with fishbone diagram then do improve with the 5S method. If the recommendation is applied to the PT. SFU then it can be estimated that an increase in the production process efficiency to 84% and increase the value of sigma to 3,94
Penentuan Waktu Baku Untuk Produk Solid Dan Semi Solid Di PT Paragon Technology and Innovation
[Title: Determination Of Standard Time For Solid and Semi Solid Product At Paragon Technology and Innovation] PT . Paragon Technology and Innovation is a company engaged in the field of cosmetics, which the company has a problem in synchronizing between worker performance targets to be achieved. Most of the targets were not achieved every day, whether it's for the morning shift and evening shift. Problems like this occur on the product type of solid and semi- solid, where the product - this product has a target production. In addressing these issues PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation determined the standard time. There are several stages to get standard time. Before getting standard time is determined first cycle time of each process, but before the first defined sequence of processes - the process through. Having obtained the data is assessed feasibility consisting of test the adequacy of the data, the data uniformity test, and test for normality. Once all the data is passed the test, then all the data is referred to as cycle time. Having obtained the cycle time, with the added element's result normal time performance rating. After that, the normal time is added to the allowance, after it obtained standard time. In this study there are five types of products which: long lasting lipstick products 200.052 seconds, exclusive lipstick 163.652 seconds, lipgloss 175.003 seconds , Refill TWC light feel 132.654 seconds, and luminious Face Powder 139.991 seconds
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Bengkel Cs Knalpot Semarang Dengan Metode Service Quality (Servqual) Dan Importance-performance Analysis (IPA)
Customer Satisfaction Analysis in CS Knalpot Workshop Semarang using Service Quality (SERVQUAL) and Importance-Performance Analysis Method . In an effort to serve the needs of customer, CS Knalpot Semarang workshop always want to improve its quality. With so many competitors CS Knalpot workshop should be able to retain their customers. This research target is to know the quality of services workshop and customer satisfaction at CS Knalpot Semarang. This research did by spreading questionnaires to 30 workshop customers. The results of those questionnaires were analyzed using SERVQUAL and IPA method. There are 5 dimensions that measured are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. According to the result of this research, the proposed improvements provided to CS Knalpot are to repainting the walls of the workshop to make it more cleaner, doing cleaning up activities routinely and rearrangement muffler or other equipment to make it look tidy, and also adding supporting facilities such as a waiting room which equipped with TV, magazines, and fan so that the customers would not feel bored while waiting their car muffler repair
Studi Kepustakaan Penerapan Konseling Solution-focused Brief Therapy (Sfbt) dalam Lingkup Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penerapan konseling Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) dalam lingkup pendidikan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan atau disebut dengan Library Research. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Untuk menjaga ketepatan pengkajian dan mencegah adanya misinformasi dalam analisis data, maka dilakukan pengecekan antar pustaka dan membaca kembali pustaka serta memperhatikan komentar dari dosen pembimbing. Hasil penelitian ini tersusunnya kajian penerapan konseling Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) dalam lingkup pendidikan yang merujuk pada komponen-komponen 20 artikel jurnal nasional dan Internasional serta masukan dari dosen pembimbing yaitu: 1) Keberhasilan penerapan konseling SFBT dalam lingkup pendidikan, 2) Prosedur implementasi konseling SFBT dalam lingkup pendidikan, 3) Metode atau teknik konseling SFBT dalam lingkup pendidikan, 4) Ruang lingkup dan sasaran SFBT dalam lingkup pendidikan, 5) Saran atau rekomendasi penerapan konseling SFBT dalam lingkup pendidikan
Optimalisasi Penempatan Proses Preparation pada Divisi Pembuatan Kulkas dengan Mempertimbangkan Metode Algoritma Dijkstra pada PT Hartono Istana Teknologi
Meningkatnya suatu kapasitas suatu produksi berbanding lurus dengan Perubahan layout lantai produksi dalam sebuah pabrik. Perubahan layout untuk menambah kapasitas produksi terjadi pada PT Hartono Istana Teknologi dengan menambah mesin Printing untuk divisi Kulkas. Dampak dari penambahan mesin printing baru menyebabkan stasiun kerja preparation yang awalnya di gedung preparation lantai 1 dekat dengan mesin printing harus dipindah menjadi di gedung Preparation lantai dua atau Gedung N3. Pemindahan lokasi stasiun kerja preparation harus optimal dari segi jarak, waktu dan frekuensi pengiriman. Jika sebuah stasiun kerja yang lokasi nya berjauhan dengan lokasi stasiun kerja lainnya, maka dapat menyebabkan waktu pengiriman akan semakin lama dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya bottleneck di stasiun kerja lainnya. Pada penelitian ini, untuk mengoptimalkan pemilihan lokasi yang akan djiadikan sebagai tempat untuk stasiun kerja preparation yaitu algoritma djikstrak. Algoritma djikstrak akan memperhitungkan jarak perpindahan yang paling minimum. Berdasarkan perhitungan algoritma Djikstrik, lokasi paling optimum yaitu berada di gedung N3 dengan total penggunaan forklift selaama 29,80 menit. Tetapi berdasarkan perancangan workplace di gedung N3 untuk stasiun preparation, maka frekuensi pemindahan jadi dua kali lebih banyak dari pada lokasi preparation di gedung preparation lantai dua dikarenakan tempat yang tidak terlalu luas. Sehingga lokasi optimal baik dari segi penggunaan forklift dan juga waktu pengiriman beserta lokasi yang dapat memenuhi raw material dan sub assembly yaitu di gedung preparation lantai 2. Optimization Selecting Of Preparation Process In Refrigerator Division Using Dijkstra Algorithm In PT Hartono Istana Teknologi. Increasing a capacity of a production is directly proportional to changes in the floor layout of production in a factory. Changed a layout of the shop floor to increase a production capacity occurred in PT Hartono Istana Teknologi with adding machine Fridge Printing division. The impact for addition of a new printing machine in building preparation at first floor is to move the preparation stations into the second floor in the preparation building or N3 Building. Relocated the preparation stations have to be optimal in a distance, time and frequency of delivery. If a work station is to far with another work stations, it can make the delivery time will longer and a bottleneck in the other work stations. In this study, to selected the optimum location for work stasion of preparation is Dijkstra Algorithm. Dijkstra algorithm will accounting the minimum distance for the transfer. Based on the calculation of Dijkstra Algorithm, N3 building is the optimum location with 29,80 minutes for forklift time. But based on the design of workplace in the building N3 for preparation station, the frequency of transfer is two times more than at the preparation location at preparation building because is not enough space.. Based on the forklift utility and delivery time for transfer the raw material and sub assembly, thus the optimum location at second floor of preparation buildin