22 research outputs found

    Analisis Kecepatan Rata-Rata Lalu Lintas Di Ruas Jalan Pilau Akibat Kendaraan Berbelok

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    Often we encounter several obstacles that cause traffic concentration at several points on a road segment which causes traffic movement to slow down and even stop. Concentration of traffic flow occurs at intersection points, such as one at the Pilau-Keruing intersection, where traffic moving on the Pilau road is forced to slow down when the traffic flow from Keruing road turns right to cut the flow. Therefore, it is very important to know the effect of turning movement on the smooth flow of traffic. Data collection was carried out by sending several surveyors to the field to obtain secondary and primary data. Furthermore, the analysis of road performance using the 1997 Indonesian Road Capacity Manual. The average space speed obtained from the graph of the relationship between DS and vlv is vlv=28 km/hour. The average speed from the results of the speed survey on the road section gives a value of vlv = 29.6 km / h with conditions without any obstacles to the flow of turning from the Keruing road to the Pilau road, and vlv = 25.6 km / h with the presence of turning current obstacles . There was a decrease in average travel time of 5.9 seconds, with a decrease in traffic speed of 4 km/hour due to the influence of vehicles turning from Keruing road to Jati road

    Pengaruh Pelebaran Ruas Jalan terhadap Perubahan Kapasitas Jalan dan Lingkungan

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    Ruas jalan yang dianalisa adalah jalan Diponegoro, RTA. Milono, Imam Bonjol, Yos Soedarso dan G. Obos. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan cara survey lapangan. Data yang diambil adalah data tipe jalan, geometrik jalan, tipe lingkungan, hambatan samping dan jumlah penduduk yang mempengaruhi kapasitas jalan kota, serta data jenis tanaman yang ada di median jalan tersebut. Hasil analisa data menunjukan kecepatan arus bebas pada ruas jalan kota tersebut berkisar 50,41 km/jam sampai dengan 55,43%.km/jam untuk ruas A, dan 48,01 km/jam sampai dengan 54,67 km/jam untuk ruas B, menunjukan kondisi arus lalu lintas masih berjalan dengan lancar. Pelebaran ruas jalan A meningkatkan kapasitas jalan tersebut berkisar 2,8603% sampai dengan 3,9139% untuk pelebaran 0,5 meter, berkisar 5,6145% sampai dengan 7,8278% untuk pelebaran 1,0 meter dan berkisar 8,4746% sampai dengan 31,9542.% untuk pelebaran 1,5 meter. Pelebaran ruas jalan B meningkatkan kapasitas jalan tersebut berkisar 2,7458% sampai 10,8399% untuk pelebaran 0,5 meter, berkisar 5,7296% sampai dengan 14,3666% untuk pelebaran 1,0 meter dan berkisar 8,6486% sampai dengan 40,413% untuk pelebaran 1,5 meter. Pohon yang dominan di tanam pada median jalan adalah pohon tanjung dengan kemampuan menyerap karbon monoksida sebesar Dengan berkurangnya lebar median selebar 0,5m, 1m dan 1,5 m dari masing-masing ruas A dan B, maka maka terjadi pengurangan penyerapan karbon monoksida sebesar 35,94 mg, 71,88 mg dan 107,82 mg untuk setiap panjang 1 meter ruas jalan

    Pengaruh Ukuran Sampel Terhadap Model Bangkitan Perjalanan Kota Palangka Raya

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    Kemampuan model untuk menjelaskan variasi yang terjadi diukur dengan nilai koefisien Determinasi (Model yang sederhana dengan nilai yang tinggi akan jauh lebih baik daripada model dengan variabel yg lebih lengkap dengan nilai yang lebih rendah. Untuk ukuran sampel 100 % model terbaik adalah Y = -3,666 + 0,635.P dengan R2 = 0,998, sedangkan untuk sampel 75 % model terbaik adalah Y = -3,065+ 0,641.P dengan R2 = 0,998 dan untuk sampel 50 % model terbaik adalah Y = -2,707 + 0,645.P dengan R2 = 0,998, dimana P adalah jumlah penduduk dan Y adalah jumlah bangkitan perjalanan. Pengaruh ukuran sampel dapat dilihat dari perubahan koefisien model bangkitan perjalanan, yang menunjukan bahwa semakin kecil ukuran sampel yang diambil maka koefisien variabel bebasnya semakin besar. Perbandingan sampel 100 % dengan 75 % diperoleh nilai ha = 2,hb = 0,hbp = 2, perbandingan sampel 100 % dengan 50% diperoleh nilai h = 2,25 , h = 0, h = 0 , a b bp dan perbandingan sampel 75 % dengan 50 % diperoleh nilai ha = 2,909, hb = 0,101, hbp = 0,182 yang ternyata kurang dari h tabel = 3,841 pada taraf kepercayaan 0,95

    Pemanfaatan Garam sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung di Kalimantan Tengah

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    Clay soils generally have low CBR and UCS values. Has poor characteristics. In Central Kalimantan the prices of CBR and UCS are low. The soil of clay by its predominance is fine grain easily by air. Some efforts to improve the soil are carried out by stabilizing the soil. One of the clay stabilizing ingredients that can be used is salt. The use of salt as a soil stabilizing agent can provide better benefits compared to other ingredients such as chemicals, sand and semen. The aim of the study was to determine the values of CBR and UCS Soil in Central Kalimantan before and after stabilization using salt. The study was conducted at the Land Mechanics Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. Samples of clay soil will be given in 6 (six) Regencies in Central Kalimantan Province. Tests carried out on clay are CBR tests and tests before and after stabilization with salt. The salt mixture released is 5, 10,15,20,25% and 30% of the dry weight of the clay. Based on the results of the study indicate that the original land CBR value between 3.90% to 4.75%, can be referred to as land that has a poor / low carrying capacity. Then after stabilizing 5% to 15%, the CBR value increased to reach 5% to 9%. However, after being mixed with salt as much as 20% to 30%, the soil CBR value is adjusted significantly. From this it can be explained that the CBR value reaches the maximum value with a salt rate of 10% to 15% of the weight of the soil

    Kajian Jasa Travel Jurusan Palangkaraya-Sampit Ditinjau dari Biaya Operasional Kendaraan Penumpang

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    Transportasi merupakan peranan yang penting pada aspek kegiatan ekonomi sosial dan budaya. Dilihat dari distribusi keluar masuknya arus penumpang transportasi darat jurusan Palangkaraya-Sampit merupakan jasa travel yang paling diminati sebab waktu tempuh lebih cepat dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya biaya operasional kendaraan, pendapatan, tarif dan Fare Box Ratio (FBR) dari perusahaan jasa travel CV. Sumertha Sari Jurusan Palangkaraya-Sampit. Metode pengumpulan data penumpang dan analisis untuk data armada adalah metoda pengambilan sampel semesta, mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder, biaya operasional kendaraan dianalisis dengan metoda pendekatan biaya per kilometer yang dikeluarkan setiap kendaraan, pendapatan dianalisis dengan metoda pendekatan jumlah pendapatan rata-rata perusahaan per tahun dan dikurang dengan total biaya operasional kendaraan (BOK) per kilometer, tarif dianalisis dengan metoda menjumlahkan komponen biaya tetap, biaya tidak tetap dan biaya overhead dalam satuan/pnp (per penumpang) dan Fare Box Ratio (FBR) dianalisis dengan metoda perbandingan nilai Biaya operasional kendaraan (BOK)/tahun dengan pendapatan per tahun. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: besar biaya operasional (BOK) pada perusahaan CV. Sumertha Sari adalah sebesar Rp. 760.460.275,81/tahun pendapatan yang didapatkan oleh perusahaan CV. Sumertha Sari sebesar Rp. 1.669.000.000,00/tahun, tarif yang didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan adalah sebesar Rp. 50.092,60/penumpang dan hasil Fare Box Ratio (FBR) yang didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan adalah 2,20 dimana hasil FBR > 1 menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan dari jasa travel yang dilakukan

    Analisis Jalinan Jalan (WEAVING AREA) pada Ruas Jalan Yos Soedarso-Kinibalu di Bundaran Besar Palangka Raya

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    The analysis was calculated based on the method of Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual 1997, which resulted in the form of volume, capacity, degree of saturation, delays and queues opportunities. Whereas the performance on the part of weaving area of daily traffic average at peak hours in the morning can actually capacity (C) = 3481.848 smp/h, the degree of saturation DS = 0.695, delay braided section (DT) = 3.799 sec/smp, and opportunities queue braided section (Qp%) = lower limit/minimum of 12.12%, and the upper limit/maximum of 28.18%. On the daily traffic average at peak hours during the day obtained the capacity actually (C) = 3495.967 smp/h, the degree of saturation DS = 0692, delay part of weaving area (DT) = 3,766 det/smp, and opportunities queue section weaving area (Qp%) = lower limit/minimum of 11.99%, and the upper limit/maximum of 27.89%. On the daily traffic, the average at peak hours in the afternoon, the accually capacity can be obtained (C) = 3593.639 smp/h, the degree of saturation DS = 0673, delay part weaving area (DT) = 3,546 det/smp, and opportunities queue section weaving area (Qp %) = lower limit/minimum 11.16%, and the upper limit/maximum of 25.95%. Based on the analysis, the results obtained Degree of Saturation (DS) to all parts of weaving area is less than 0.75 the terms set forth in MKJI, 1997 so that each hour of the peak that occurred in parts of weaving area on Yos Sudarso-Kinibalu street is still qualify

    Pemanfaatan Garam Sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung di Kalimantan Tengah

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    Clay soils generally have low CBR and UCS values. Has poor characteristics. In Central Kalimantan the prices of CBR and UCS are low. The soil of clay by its predominance is fine grain easily by air. Some efforts to improve the soil are carried out by stabilizing the soil. One of the clay stabilizing ingredients that can be used is salt. The use of salt as a soil stabilizing agent can provide better benefits compared to other ingredients such as chemicals, sand and semen. The aim of the study was to determine the values of CBR and UCS Soil in Central Kalimantan before and after stabilization using salt. The study was conducted at the Land Mechanics Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. Samples of clay soil will be given in 6 (six) Regencies in Central Kalimantan Province. Tests carried out on clay are CBR tests and tests before and after stabilization with salt. The salt mixture released is 5, 10,15,20,25% and 30% of the dry weight of the clay. Based on the results of the study indicate that the original land CBR value between 3.90% to 4.75%, can be referred to as land that has a poor / low carrying capacity. Then after stabilizing 5% to 15%, the CBR value increased to reach 5% to 9%. However, after being mixed with salt as much as 20% to 30%, the soil CBR value is adjusted significantly. From this it can be explained that the CBR value reaches the maximum value with a salt rate of 10% to 15% of the weight of the soil

    Analisis Penggunaan Lampu Lalu Lintas Pada Persimpangan Jalan Imam Bonjol Dengan Jalan Suprapto Kota Palangka Raya Dengan Menggunakan Metode MKJI

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    The better of society welfare makes the development rate of traffic as a means transportation is increasing as well. On the crossroad of Suprapto and Imam Bonjol street in Palangka Raya city, traffic conflicts often happened there due to the flow of traffic at the intersection is quite crowd in the morning, afternoon and evening. This study was conducted to analyze the performance of intersection by using MKJI done by comparing the time of red, green and circle time with the analysis results due to the changes in volume today. By using MKJI method, the variable is the size of the city, geometric, direction of flow, volume, velocity and phase. The results of the field survey dan the result of the analysis so the level of service and utilization of signal light at Suprapto – Imam Bonjol is good enough, but for the using of traffic light at the intersection is still needed because of the degree of saturation (DS) on pendekat North = 0.618, Pendekat West = 0.635 and Pendekat East = 0.364 which still meets the standard value of Degree of Saturation, that is ≀ 0.85 with an average delay of 2.83 sec/smp, and it means that the crossroad did not have traffic jams during rush hour. At this crossroad, it does not need any setting with traffic lights, but it is enough to be paired in median only

    Analisis Kinerja dan Pengaruh Pelebaran Jalan serta Pembuatan Median Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Temanggung Tilung Kota Palangkaraya)

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    Jalan Temanggung Tilung is a 2/2 UD type road (two undirected two-way lanes) with a road width of 5.5 meters, which is a connecting road between two major roads, namely the RTA road. Milono and the path of G. Obos. Over time, the volume of traffic through these roads increases every year, plus roadside activities that also increase cause congestion at several points of the way. To overcome this problem, the local government carried out road widening to increase the capacity and level of road services. The study was conducted to determine the amount of traffic volume, performance, service level of the Temanggung Tilung road section at peak traffic hours before and after road widening. Data retrieval is done by the direct survey to the field to obtain primary data in the form of geometric road data, two-way traffic volume data, and side obstacle data. Performance analysis refers to the 1997 Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) for urban roads. From the results of data processing, before increasing the road (Type 2/2 UD), the traffic volume that passes through the path is 842 pcs/hour and after road widening (Type 4/2 UD) the traffic volume for two directions is 973 pcs/hour, with route A equaling 528 pcs/hour and direction B equaling 445 pcs/hour. Based on the analysis of road performance before road enhancement, the capacity = 2551 pcs/hour, saturation degree = 0.331, and the service level of the two-way road are level B. Based on the analysis of the performance of the way after increasing the way, the direction capacity A = 2686 pcs/hour and direction B = 2674 pcs /hour, saturation degree for direction A = 0.196 and direction B = 0.166, service level for road direction A and direction B increase to level