7 research outputs found


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    Saat ini kinerja merupakan kunci utama dalam sebuah perusahaan, kinerja yang baik tentunya akan mendorong perusahaan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam aktivitas logistik ukuran kinerja dapat diukur agar dapat membantu mengidentifikasi aktivitas logistik dalam menganalisis peflormance indicator manakah yang perlu ditingkatkan oleh perusahaan. Aktivitas mt~upakan ha1 yang sangat mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan, oleh karena itu identifikasi untuk mengetahui aktivitas yang terjadi perlu dilakukan pengukuran. Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) merupakan salah satu ukuran penilain kinerja untuk Supply Chain Management yang dapat digunakan dalam menganalisis atau identifikasi kinerja, oleh karena itu SCOR dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu metode dalam penelitian ini. Proses penelitian ini dibagi rnenjadi tiga tahapan proses Matriks, yakni matriks SCOR 1, Matriks SCOR 2 dan Matriks SCOR3. Ketigatahapan matriks tersebut mendapatkan hasil spesifik mengenai aktivitas proses logistik yang akan diperbaiki agar KPI perusahaan meningkat. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan observasi dan menggunakan data primer. Hasil penelitian dengan metode SCOR tersebut membuktikan bahwa dari beberapa kriteria KPI perusahaan hanya ada 3 (tiga) KPI perusahaan yang perlu ditingkatkan yaitu penguatan pelayanan yang ada, penambahan layout inventory manajemen, order processing fulfillment, sertaproduct assembly dan penguatan kompetensi SDM


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    This paper analyses the viability of supply chain practices created for fisheries industries to moderate role of market and to implement knowledge acquisition adoption as mediating on part of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices focus on (investment recovery and reverse logistics practices) across a supply chain towards sustainability performance. It examines investment recovery and reverse logistics adopted in the supply chain as a result of pressures from primary stakeholders. We derive a conceptual framework with underpinning theory. The resulting hypotheses are tested using fishery industries in Indonesia and Malaysia data of 473 samples utilizing primary and secondary data. Finding reveal, a phenomenon with role of market and knowledge acquisition adoption have significant effect to enhancing sustainability performance. Moreover, our results yield insights to green practices in optimizing their supply chain performance

    Evolved Leader Behaviours for Adopting Lean and Green in Family Firms: A longitudinal study in Indonesia

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    This longitudinal study focuses on the specific behaviours of both top and other leaders in family firms that are implementing lean and green practices in order to contribute to the sustainability transition. Over the course of two years and two months, longitudinal comparative case research was carried out within two Indonesian family firms in the logistics and transportation business. Data were collected via of 86 interviews, 37 observed meetings within the firms, and 12 work floor visits. The thematic analysis approach was based on the ‘fuller full-range theory of leadership’. Over time, the leaders at various hierarchical levels learned to diversify their behavioural repertoire; solely exhibiting the transactional or transformational leadership style was not effective for employees’ adoption of lean and green practices. Instead, the leaders had to integrate the behaviours from the transactional, transformational, and instrumental leadership styles. This study explores the extension of leaders’ behaviours over time. Our findings result in two propositions that theoretically explain the evolved behaviours that steered the organizational transformation toward a lean and green firm. Given its context (i.e., Indonesian family-owned logistics firms), this study offers insights that might generalise to similar family firms in other Asian countries