14 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Student athletes should be involved in assessment and self-assessment of psychophysical conditions. These psychophysical conditions reflect their physiological status, functional stability, and physical readiness that contribute to taking care of health, physical improvement, adhering to regulations of the institute of higher education, and changing the lifestyle in accordance with the objectives. The lack of scientific knowledge on self-assessment of psychophysical conditions is a problem for effective managing student athletes' sports training. Such a work helps to maintain student athletes' psychophysical readiness for competitive activities during their studies at a law institute of higher education. The novelty of the study lies in student athletes' training in managing their psychophysical conditions after their self-assessment. Materials and Methods. Student athletes had to master the information on the criteria of health. The study employed the assessing program which included a number of control exercises, functional trials, tests, tasks, and computational methods. These were the methods for assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, physical development, and anthropometric data. Taken together these parameters reflected their psychophysical condition. The efficiency of managing the process of education and training depended on the following: (a) control activities; (b) knowledge differentiation and specialization; (c) optimal solutions; (d) associations between substantive and procedural aspects of measured indicators. This promotes student athletes' motivation for conscious control and strategic self-regulation of psychophysical conditions. Results. During the experiment student athletes have changed the common knowledge of their body functioning. Study participants studied how to manage their psychophysical conditions on the basis of profound knowledge, individual experience of measuring and interpreting the results of control exercises, functional trials, and computational methods. Methods of self-control contribute to revealing the cause and effect relationship, prediction, revealing weak link, choosing of solutions, drafting individual training programs, predicting diseases and injuries, and the coach - athlete interaction at a high-level subject relationship. Discussion. Thus, the practical mastering the methods of self-assessment of conditions contributed to effective managing the process of education and training, and also competitive activities


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    Found that figure skating classes help to increase adaptive reserves of the cardiorespiratory system in children 5 years relative to the preschoolers, receiving the physical load only in the classroom for physical education in preschool institutions.Установлено, что занятия фигурным катанием способствуют повышению адаптивных резервов кардиореспираторной системы у дошкольников относительно детей, получавших физические нагрузки только на занятиях по физической культуре в дошкольном учреждении


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    С целью развития интереса и познавательной деятельности у младших школьников к занятиям физической культурой теоретический цикл дисциплины был представлен виде интерактивных занятий с использованием таких методов, как дискуссия и круглый стол. Были представлены две темы - «Физическая культура в Древней Греции» и «Философы античности о физическом воспитании». Показано, что использование интерактивных технологий способствует развитию познавательной активности детей младшего школьного возраста и развивает стойкий интерес к предмету «Физическая культура»

    Состояние системы внешнего дыхания у юношей, проживающих в разных регионах России

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    Objective of the study was to assess the functional state of young people living in various regions of Russia, based on an analysis of their external respiration system functionality. Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 30 apparently healthy youngsters aged 19.26±0.18 years (Arkhangelsk) and 35 ones aged 18.07±0.72 years (Moscow). We studied the subjects’ external respiration function using an automatic SPIRO C-100 spirometer. Results of the study and conclusions. It was shown that the young people living in Moscow were characterized by an increase in the energy demand of the body in a state of relative muscular rest, higher rates of total inspiratory volume, reserve expiratory volume and tidal volume. At the same time, the residents of the northern region were found to have significant reserve capacities of the respiratory system to improve pulmonary ventilation. In general, the young people from both groups had a high ultimate level of the external respiration system functioning. Based on the data obtained, at the initial stage of adaptation to cold weather (November), university students of the central region of Russia are recommended to reduce the level of physical activity, which requires increased energy consumption, as well as include in the educational process less energy-intensive health and fitness activities, such as Pilates, yoga, stretching, Nordic walking.Цель исследования - оценить функциональное состояние молодых людей, проживающих в различных регионах России, на основе анализа показателей системы внешнего дыхания. Методика и организация исследования. Изучение функции внешнего дыхания было проведено у 30 практически здоровых молодых людей в возрасте 19,26±0,18 года (г. Архангельск) и 35 человек в возрасте 18,07±0,72 года (г. Москва). Оценка функционального состояния системы внешнего дыхания проводилась с помощью автоматического спирометра «СПИРО С-100». Было проведено исследование функций внешнего дыхания. Результаты исследования и выводы. Показано, что у молодых людей, проживающих в г. Москве, зарегистрировано повышение энергетического запроса организма в состоянии относительного мышечного покоя, у них выше показатель общей емкости вдоха, резервный объем выдоха и дыхательный объем. В то же время у жителей северного региона имеются значительные резервные возможности дыхательной системы к увеличению легочной вентиляции, В целом, молодые люди из обеих групп имеют высокий уровень предельных возможностей системы внешнего дыхания. Исходя из полученных данных, при начальном этапе адаптации к холодному периоду года (ноябрь) у студентов, обучающихся в вузе центрального региона России, рекомендуется снизить физическую нагрузку, требующую повышенных энергозатрат, и включить в образовательный процесс менее энергоемкие физкультурно-оздоровительные направления, такие как пилатес, йога, стретчинг, скандинавская (северная) ходьба


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    Introduction. Student athletes should be involved in assessment and self-assessment of psychophysical conditions. These psychophysical conditions reflect their physiological status, functional stability, and physical readiness that contribute to taking care of health, physical improvement, adhering to regulations of the institute of higher education, and changing the lifestyle in accordance with the objectives. The lack of scientific knowledge on self-assessment of psychophysical conditions is a problem for effective managing student athletes' sports training. Such a work helps to maintain student athletes' psychophysical readiness for competitive activities during their studies at a law institute of higher education. The novelty of the study lies in student athletes' training in managing their psychophysical conditions after their self-assessment. Materials and Methods. Student athletes had to master the information on the criteria of health. The study employed the assessing program which included a number of control exercises, functional trials, tests, tasks, and computational methods. These were the methods for assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, physical development, and anthropometric data. Taken together these parameters reflected their psychophysical condition. The efficiency of managing the process of education and training depended on the following: (a) control activities; (b) knowledge differentiation and specialization; (c) optimal solutions; (d) associations between substantive and procedural aspects of measured indicators. This promotes student athletes' motivation for conscious control and strategic self-regulation of psychophysical conditions. Results. During the experiment student athletes have changed the common knowledge of their body functioning. Study participants studied how to manage their psychophysical conditions on the basis of profound knowledge, individual experience of measuring and interpreting the results of control exercises, functional trials, and computational methods. Methods of self-control contribute to revealing the cause and effect relationship, prediction, revealing weak link, choosing of solutions, drafting individual training programs, predicting diseases and injuries, and the coach - athlete interaction at a high-level subject relationship. Discussion. Thus, the practical mastering the methods of self-assessment of conditions contributed to effective managing the process of education and training, and also competitive activities


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    Found that figure skating classes help to increase adaptive reserves of the cardiorespiratory system in children 5 years relative to the preschoolers, receiving the physical load only in the classroom for physical education in preschool institutions.Установлено, что занятия фигурным катанием способствуют повышению адаптивных резервов кардиореспираторной системы у дошкольников относительно детей, получавших физические нагрузки только на занятиях по физической культуре в дошкольном учреждении

    Evaluation of quality of life and psychological condition of persons having undergone aortocoronary heart shunting

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    Introduction: This paper deals with an estimation of the quality of life (QOL) and a psychological condition of the persons of different age having undergone aortocoronary heart shunting, in the course of physical rehabilitation. Organization and Methods of Research: The study was carried out on the basis of the Regional Hospital of Rehabilitation in the city of Arkhangelsk. Patients who had undergone both aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS) on the basis of MHI "First City Clinical Hospital" in the city of Arkhangelsk and rehabilitation on the basis of the Regional Hospital of Restorative Treatment in Arkhangelsk took part in the examination. The QOL survey was assessed using the Russian version of the World Health Organization questionnaire (100 questions), designed to assess the QOL of an adult Russian-speaking population of Russia and other countries (WHOQOL Group, 1993). Using the questionnaire, six major QOL areas were assessed: Physical functions, psychological functions, independence level, social relations, the environment and the spiritual sphere, as well as the respondents' perception of their QOL and health in general. The level of situational and personal anxiety was assessed using the Spielberger-Khanin questionnaire. Results: The analysis of the QOL and psychological state in people having undergone ACBS in the course of rehabilitation was conducted, which revealed the features of the dynamics of the studied indicators in groups of people of middle and old age. It was established that the improvement of the psychological sphere of the QOL, situational, and personal anxiety is slower in elderly people in comparison with middle-aged people. Conclusion: This indicates the need to create individual approaches to physical and psychological rehabilitation in persons of different age at all stages of rehabilitation. © Drug Invention Today, 2018


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    This article discusses the quality of life and psychological state in persons undergoing a coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), in the dynamics of physical rehabilitation. We study the interrelationships of quality of life, psychological state with the level of tolerance to physical activity. The analysis of indicators of quality of life in the main areas and psychological state, taking into account personal and situational anxiety, in patients at different stages of rehabilitation, which allowed to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of the studied parameters in groups of people with different tolerance to physical activity. The novelty lies in the fact that direct relationships have been found between the level of exercise tolerance and the quality of life, the psychological state of those who have undergone CABG surgery. Methods. Evaluation of the quality of life of the surveyed was carried out using the Russian version of the World Health Organization questionnaire WHOQOL-100 (100 questions), designed to assess the quality of life (QOL) of the adult Russian-speaking population in Russia and other countries (WHOQOL Group, 1993) [1]. The level of situational and personal anxiety was assessed using the Spielberger-Khanin questionnaire. Exercise tolerance was assessed using a Six Minute Walk Test (SMWT). Results. The study involved men (n = 60) who underwent CABG surgery. It has been established that in patients with a decrease in exercise tolerance, the overall indicator of quality of life decreases and situational and personal anxiety increases. The discussion of the results. It is concluded that it is necessary to create individual approaches in physical and psychological rehabilitation for people with different levels of exercise tolerance at all stages of rehabilitation