1,126 research outputs found

    Critical scaling of jammed system after quench of temperature

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    Critical behavior of soft repulsive particles after quench of temperature near the jamming trasition is numerically investigated. It is found that the plateau of the mean square displacement of tracer particles and the pressure satisfy critical scaling laws. The critical density for the jamming transition depends on the protocol to prepare the system, while the values of the critical exponents which are consistent with the prediction of a phenomenology are independent of the protocol.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Crystallization of hard-sphere glasses

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    We study by molecular dynamics the interplay between arrest and crystallization in hard spheres. For state points in the plane of volume fraction (0.54≤phi≤0.630.54 \leq phi \leq 0.63) and polydispersity (0≤s≤0.0850 \leq s \leq 0.085), we delineate states that spontaneously crystallize from those that do not. For noncrystallizing (or precrystallization) samples we find isodiffusivity lines consistent with an ideal glass transition at ϕg≈0.585\phi_g \approx 0.585, independent of ss. Despite this, for s<0.05s<0.05, crystallization occurs at ϕ>ϕg\phi > \phi_g. This happens on time scales for which the system is aging, and a diffusive regime in the mean square displacement is not reached; by those criteria, the system is a glass. Hence, contrary to a widespread assumption in the colloid literature, the occurrence of spontaneous crystallization within a bulk amorphous state does not prove that this state was an ergodic fluid rather than a glass.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Properties of cage rearrangements observed near the colloidal glass transition

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    We use confocal microscopy to study the motions of particles in concentrated colloidal systems. Near the glass transition, diffusive motion is inhibited, as particles spend time trapped in transient ``cages'' formed by neighboring particles. We measure the cage sizes and lifetimes, which respectively shrink and grow as the glass transition approaches. Cage rearrangements are more prevalent in regions with lower local concentrations and higher disorder. Neighboring rearranging particles typically move in parallel directions, although a nontrivial fraction move in anti-parallel directions, usually from pairs of particles with initial separations corresponding to the local maxima and minima of the pair correlation function g(r)g(r), respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; text & figures revised in v

    Equilibrium phase behavior of polydisperse hard spheres

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    We calculate the phase behavior of hard spheres with size polydispersity, using accurate free energy expressions for the fluid and solid phases. Cloud and shadow curves, which determine the onset of phase coexistence, are found exactly by the moment free energy method, but we also compute the complete phase diagram, taking full account of fractionation effects. In contrast to earlier, simplified treatments we find no point of equal concentration between fluid and solid or re-entrant melting at higher densities. Rather, the fluid cloud curve continues to the largest polydispersity that we study (14%); from the equilibrium phase behavior a terminal polydispersity can thus only be defined for the solid, where we find it to be around 7%. At sufficiently large polydispersity, fractionation into several solid phases can occur, consistent with previous approximate calculations; we find in addition that coexistence of several solids with a fluid phase is also possible

    Dynamics of hard-sphere suspension using Dynamic Light Scattering and X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy: dynamics and scaling of the Intermediate Scattering Function

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    Intermediate Scattering Functions (ISF's) are measured for colloidal hard sphere systems using both Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS). We compare the techniques, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Both techniques agree in the overlapping range of scattering vectors. We investigate the scaling behaviour found by Segre and Pusey [1] but challenged by Lurio et al. [2]. We observe a scaling behaviour over several decades in time but not in the long time regime. Moreover, we do not observe long time diffusive regimes at scattering vectors away from the peak of the structure factor and so question the existence of a long time diffusion coefficients at these scattering vectors.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Glasses in hard spheres with short-range attraction

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    We report a detailed experimental study of the structure and dynamics of glassy states in hard spheres with short-range attraction. The system is a suspension of nearly-hard-sphere colloidal particles and non-adsorbing linear polymer which induces a depletion attraction between the particles. Observation of crystallization reveals a re-entrant glass transition. Static light scattering shows a continuous change in the static structure factors upon increasing attraction. Dynamic light scattering results, which cover 11 orders of magnitude in time, are consistent with the existence of two distinct kinds of glasses, those dominated by inter-particle repulsion and caging, and those dominated by attraction. Samples close to the `A3 point' predicted by mode coupling theory for such systems show very slow, logarithmic dynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Critical behaviors of sheared frictionless granular materials near jamming transition

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    Critical behaviors of sheared dense and frictionless granular materials in the vicinity of the jamming transition are numerically investigated. From the extensive molecular dynamics simulation, we verify the validity of the scaling theory near the jamming transition proposed by Otsuki and Hayakawa (Prog. Theor. Phys., 121, 647 (2009)). We also clarify the critical behaviors of the shear viscosity and the pair correlation function based on both a phenomenology and the simulation.Comment: 13pages, 26 figure

    Dynamic regimes of hydrodynamically coupled self-propelling particles

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    We analyze the collective dynamics of self-propelling particles (spps) which move at small Reynolds numbers including the hydrodynamic coupling to the suspending solvent through numerical simulations. The velocity distribution functions show marked deviations from Gaussian behavior at short times, and the mean-square displacement at long times shows a transition from diffusive to ballistic motion for appropriate driving mechanism at low concentrations. We discuss the structures the spps form at long times and how they correlate to their dynamic behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The short-time self-diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods

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    The short--time self diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods is calculated in first order in the rod volume fraction. For low rod concentrations the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant of the sphere is a linear function of the rod volume fraction with the slope proportional to the equilibrium averaged mobility diminution trace of the sphere interacting with a single freely translating and rotating rod. The two--body hydrodynamic interactions are calculated using the so--called bead model in which the rod is replaced by a stiff linear chain of touching spheres. The interactions between spheres are calculated numerically using the multipole method. Also an analytical expression for the diffusion coefficient as a function of the rod aspect ratio is derived in the limit of very long rods. We show that in this limit the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant does not depend on the size of the tracer sphere. The higher order corrections depending on the applied model are computed numerically. An approximate expression is provided, valid for a wide range of aspect ratios.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Phase Separation in Charge-Stabilized Colloidal Suspensions: Influence of Nonlinear Screening

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    The phase behavior of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions is modeled by a combination of response theory for electrostatic interparticle interactions and variational theory for free energies. Integrating out degrees of freedom of the microions (counterions, salt ions), the macroion-microion mixture is mapped onto a one-component system governed by effective macroion interactions. Linear response of microions to the electrostatic potential of the macroions results in a screened-Coulomb (Yukawa) effective pair potential and a one-body volume energy, while nonlinear response modifies the effective interactions [A. R. Denton, \PR E {\bf 70}, 031404 (2004)]. The volume energy and effective pair potential are taken as input to a variational free energy, based on thermodynamic perturbation theory. For both linear and first-order nonlinear effective interactions, a coexistence analysis applied to aqueous suspensions of highly charged macroions and monovalent microions yields bulk separation of macroion-rich and macroion-poor phases below a critical salt concentration, in qualitative agreement with predictions of related linearized theories [R. van Roij, M. Dijkstra, and J.-P. Hansen, \PR E {\bf 59}, 2010 (1999); P. B. Warren, \JCP {\bf 112}, 4683 (2000)]. It is concluded that nonlinear screening can modify phase behavior but does not necessarily suppress bulk phase separation of deionized suspensions.Comment: 14 pages of text + 9 figure
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