3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of ESAP plus: a web-based server for EST-SSR marker development

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    A list of 15 SSR primers used to amplify DNA fragments by PCR reaction with genomic DNAs extracted from 15 sugarcane cultivars. (DOCX 15 kb

    Additional file 1: of ESAP plus: a web-based server for EST-SSR marker development

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    Supplementary materials. Lists of in-house Shell script in ESAP Plus. Nine in-house Shell scripts including: (1) est1_formatting.sh, (2) est2_length_N.sh, (3) est3_vector.sh, (4) est4_lowcom.sh, (5) est5_est_clustering_cdhitest.sh, (6) est5_est_clustering_tgicl.sh, (7) est6_ssr_misa.sh, (8) est6_ssr_repeatmasker.sh, and (9) est7_primer.sh. Format: The above shell scripts were compressed in one zip file. (ZIP 10 kb