168 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Pada Program Pemberdayaan Fakir Miskin (Studi Penelitian Di Desa Mundak Jaya Kecamatan Cikedung Kabupaten Indramayu)

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    Poverty is a phenomenon or a social phenomenon that is almost as old as the human civilization. In each area there is poverty in Indonesia name must always be there no matter how good the area is, because of poverty and well-being are like two sides of a coin that can not be liberated. Therefore, to address the problem of poverty that exist in Indramayu Regency, Regents and Local Government / agencies related to the problem of poverty has put together a strategy to address the problem of poverty in the district of Indramayu.Research approaches in Poor People Empowerment Program Year 2011 (Case Studies Business Group in the Village Mundak Jaya sub-district of Indramayu district Cikedung). This departs from the meaning of descriptive research approach itself, that an analytical descriptive method of gathering facts through the proper interpretation. This method is shown to study the issues that arise in the community in certain situations, including public relations, activities, attitudes, opinions, as well as ongoing processes and their effects on certain phenomena in the society.The fact shows that the implementation of the program in the field of KUBE FM in the village Mundak Jaya sub-district of Indramayu district Cikedung can not say success, is evident from the 8 (Eight) KUBE FM in the village Mundak Jaya. The program is now not active / running again, but the goats on the KUBE FM Desa Jaya Mundak from the year 2011 until now there are growing well and the goat, which is only 4 KUBE FM who still survive, thrive and breed goats that KUBE FM "Harapan Jaya, Tanjung Jaya Mulya Hope and Jaya Mulya" the goat still survive and thrive better than in 2011-until now. So failure KUBE FM program in the village Mundak Jaya starts from the number of goats that do not develop properly and die, so that members of KUBE FM getting lazy (pessimistic) to take care of the goats in the implementation of future programs KUBE FM. Therefore, not a few of the members KUBE FM out of the group, because goats are dying and not well maintained, so many goats were submitted / deposited to the people who breed goats personal (non-program) and there is also a goat deposited / submitted to be treated to Mundak Jaya Village residents who also receive assistance from government programs that cultivate other programs in the field of poultry rearing Mundak Jaya village with the intention that the goats stay healthy and breed well

    Optimalisasi Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (Bpsk) sebagai Lembaga Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen di Luar Pengadilan

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    Sengketa konsumen adalah sengketa antara pelaku USAha dengan konsumen berkenaan dengan pelanggaran hakhakkonsumen. Secara normatif sengketa konsumen dapat diselesaikan melalui lembaga peradilan, namun dalamkenyataannya tidak mudah dilakukan karena pelbagai sebab. Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK)sebagai produk UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen (UUPK) merupakan lembaga penyelesaiansengketa konsumen di luar pengadilan yang seharusnya bisa menjadi bagian dari upaya perlindungan konsumen(akhir) yang lemah ketika bersengketa dengan pelaku USAha yang lebih kuat. Realitasnya, BPSK masih memilikibanyak kelemahan. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan semakin kuatnya neoliberalisme yang mempengaruhi sistemperekonomian global, yang disadari atau tidak telah terjadi penguasaan yang kuat (pelaku USAha) terhadap yanglemah (konsumen). Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan gunamengoptimalisasi BPSK sebagai lembaga penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di luar pengadilan yang cepat,bermanfaat dan memenuhi nilai keadilan. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada kajian terhadap data-data sekunder yangdianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat dikemukakan upaya-upaya optimalisasi BPSK meliputiaspek: a) substansi peraturan; b) kelembagaan; c) sumber daya; d) budaya hukum

    Akuisisi Data Sederhana Untuk Radar FM-CW

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    This paper describes the development of a simple data acquisition modul for FM-CW radar. The modul is design to be integrated in a through wall radar system using UWB and FM-CW technologies for life detector application. It uses a CY7C68013A, an EZ-USB family IC, from Cypress Semiconductor which is operated in slave FIFO mode. A Max II CPLD IC EPM1270T144 from Altera is used as a FIFO master. While for ADC, an AD9235 from Analog Devices is used. The modul is used to convert analog beat signal into digital data at a sampling rate of 1Msample/s and a resolution of 12 bit per sample

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Penataan Pasar Johar, Pasar Bulu Dan Pasar Jatingaleh

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    This study was conducted to explain the results of an evaluation The Development Program ofJohar's market, Bulu's market, and jatingaleh's market which held by Semarang Government's city,Semarang city council market, UPTD johar's Market, UPTD Bulu's Market and UPTD Jatingaleh'sMarket within period of 2009-2011. The Program motivation start by increasingly the poor quality oftraditional market in Semarang. The purpose of this program is to restore the functions of traditionalmarket into a modern semi market that clean, safe, comfort, and tidy.In order to explain the evaluation of implementation, management, and accountability fromthis development program of Johar's market, Bulu's Market and Johar's market, the research is usingqualitative method. The subject of this study is semarang city council market, UPTD johar's Market,UPTD Bulu's market, UPTD Jatingaleh' market, as well as consument and the owner of the stall/ kioskin each market. The data collection method such as interviews, observation, document investigation,and questionnaires using random sampling method.The result of this Research explained in 2009, Goverment city together with Semarang citycouncil market, UPTD Johar's Market, UPTD Bulu's market, and UPTD Jatingaleh's market formedthe Development program for various traditional markets such as Johar's Market, Bulu's Market, andJatingaleh's Market. This Development program increase positive results including Building renovationto previous functions. In line with the holding of this program, there are some obstacles in theimplementation of this program, they are lack of interest from the owner to support and participationfor this development program, moreover the constrained funding allocations intended for theconstruction of Johar market. Meanwhile, The society strongly agrees with the Development Programfor Johar's Market, Bulu's Market, and Jatingaleh's market.It is rerecommended for future research to prepare adequate funding before starting theimplementation of development program for Johar's Market, Bulu's Market, and Jatingaleh's market .So that, the results achieve maximum point and to fulfill customers wishes for comfort, save, clean, andtidy's traditional market

    Etnis Tionghoa Dan Politik Studi Kasus Elit Etnis Tionghoa Dalam Kepengurusan Partai Politik Pdi-P Dan Gerindra Di Kota Semarang Periode 2009-2014

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    The reason why the writer focuses on this study is the political of Tionghoa in a structure of political party in kota Semarang period 2009 until 2014 there is an interesting phenomenon because Tionghoa joining in a political activities. Another condition, which tend to better in condition.The purpose of this study is that the writer would like to catch and to explain elite politics behavior of Tionhoa about the existence of this ethnic in managing Gerindra Party and PDI-P in Semarang. Beside, the writer would like to see the whether there is a correlation between political background of Tionghoa, its contribution and function in a political party, and also the problem found in organizing internal or external party of gerindra or PDI-P in SemarangThe method user by the writer is qualitative research, in term of snow ball method and structural interview guide as one of the technique in collecting data. The Writer gave his general poin of view as the result of the whole content of questionarries and analyzing interviewing as a method based on someone's interpretation that give a real description of elite politic behaovior of Tionghoa in Semarang at this present reformation eraThe result of this study showed that Tionghoa elite politic joining in political party is a sociological base a the leader of those parties, family and friends support. The joining of political actor of tionghoa in social activity is still low. Tionghoa political actors in political structure are tend to economical side. Tionghoa polical actors should be able to see that politic is not only as someone's side job but also a kind of serious duty and long term oriented to develop its potential function seriously when choosing the actors from their strategically position

    Implementasi Peraturan Bupati No 20 Tahun 2010 Tentang Kebijakan Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan Berbasis Sumber Daya Lokal Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Diversification of food consumption is an attempt to cultivate food consumption patterns are diverse and balanced in the amount and composition sufficient to meet nutritional needs. Decree No. 20 Year 2010 on Food Consumption Diversification Acceleration Policy-Based Local Resources in Kudus is one of the government's efforts in implementing food consumption patterns are diverse, nutritious, balanced and safe to the public. In a broad sense the implementation of the policy is a way for a policy can achieve its objectives and bring results, as expected.The research method used in this study the descriptive research method with quantitative-qualitative approach to research that aims to describe and interpret the research object in accordance with the reality, and to develop theories and phenomena are interrelated.In the implementation of the policy of diversification of food consumption based on local resources in Kudus, has been carried out properly and in earnest since 2011 and received an award from the Ministry of Agriculture as one of the 50 districts / cities that have implemented P2KP best version of the Ministry of Agriculture and grown steadily every year, The implementation of the P2KP policies supported by the socialization, coaching, and counseling is done by executing competent, and can not be separated from the support of the people who actively participate in each program. Based on the research, there are obstacles in the implementation process of policy implementation P2KP is the total lack of executive experts, coordination among the implementing competent with implementing a junior less, and the results achieved have not been in line with expectations due to the consumption patterns of grain / rice still dominates, but the decline annually from 2011 to 2014.The implementation of policy implementation accelerated diversification of food consumption based on local resources in Kudus, it can be said that the role and support of the government has been optimal, but changing patterns of food consumption will be grain/rice as a staple food is hard to diverted. Education from an early age to form a pattern of food consumption varied, nutritious, balanced and secure much needed, to form the next generation that understands and memahani diverse patterns of food consumption

    Persepsi Birokrasi Terhadap Kepemimpinan Bupati Ahmad Marzuqi Di Kabupaten Jepara

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the bureaucracy against the district head Ahmad Marzuqi in Jepara district, with indicators; 1) the perception of bureaucracy to figure Ahmad Marzuqi regent; 2) perception of the bureaucracy against the Regent Ahmad Marzuqi ability to communicate; 3) perceptions of ability in the ability to take policy; 4) perceptions of the ability to excite or motivate subordinates; and 5) the perception of the ability to establish cooperation with outside parties. This type of research is descriptive analysis and used a qualitative approach because it only intends to describe the leadership of Ahmad Marzuqi Jepara regent in perspective, so it does not require a quantitative approach requires standard size.The results showed that the leadership of Regent Ahmad Marzuqi period served as Regent of Jepara between 2012 s / d 2017 is quite good, because its action can be perceived in a positive way for the majority of the people of Jepara, good development in infrastructure, health, education and public policy developed. Based on data analysis are built according to information sources and documentation, then it is understood that: 1) The Regent Ahmad Marzuki figure Jepara Regent known as the most popular over-the regent of Jepara Regent before, as evidenced by the survey results of the Office of Information and Communications; 2) Before serving, Regent Ahmad Marzuqi has completed a Master degree as the level of formal education. Phenomena such as these have at least been able to justify their pernyaataan that higher levels of formal education a person, the higher the level of social status were successfully acquired, so the expectation is led by the mayor, with formal education, it will be able to bring a breakthrough policy of positive and innovative ; 3) Regent Ahmad Marzuki from among noble families with socio-economic tingakat high enough, so in this case can be expected to be able to create a pattern of obedience to the community leaders. It is based on the feudalistic system is quite thick and thrive in Jepara society, which regards the social status and economic status of a person is one of the references; 4) Profession of Ahmad Marzuki before this was teak furniture entrepreneurs who reside in District Keling, so sociologically have a level of social closeness (proximity) to build Jepara regency to be similar or parallel to the district / city to the other; and 5) Figure Regent Ahmad Marzuqi very popular in the public eye today Jepara, where the provision of such popularity in the elections simultaneously, the later Regent still have a high level of elektabilitas anyway

    Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Pemberdayaan USAha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM) Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    According to UU No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government is expected to further enhance the ability of all levels of government together to manage and utilize the potentials and resources that exist, whether the potential social-economic communities, natural resources and government assistance. Kudus is one district that pro-investment in Central Java, by having as many as 13.659 UMKM in 2014UU No. 20 of 2004 on UMKM, the empowerment of UMKM itself was an attempt by the government, local government, businesss and society synergilistically. Conceptually UMKM mainly to do with the system itself is empowering UMKM. Empowerment success relies heavily on the participation of UMKM as actors and other stakeholders who as well and was intrumental in this development
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