15 research outputs found

    Context, Input, Process, Product Analysis in the Implementation of Iron Supplementation Program in Banyumas, Central Java

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    Background: Iron supplementation program has been implemented in Banyumas, District, Central Java, but the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women remains as high as 55.37%. The Banyumas District Health Office has launched an ad hoc (temporary) iron supplementation program, namely Hemafort, in order to reduce anemia prevalence. This study aimed to investigate the factors that determine the effectiveness of the iron supplementation program for pregnant women in Banyumas, Central Java.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with case study approach, and CIPP (context, input, process, product) framework. This study was conducted Wangon II and South Purwokerto Health Centers from October to November 2016. Informants were selected by purposive sampling including midwives, nutritional program managers, pharmacists, head of nutrition section, and pregnant women. The data were collected by in-depth interview, observation, and archival review. The data were analyzed by a multiple case study. The data were validated by data source triangulation.Results: The iron tablets coverage for pregnant women reached 94.88% and 89.26% in 2014 and 2015, respectively, in Banyumas. The minimal target of iron coverage for pregnant women was 90%. There was no local government policy or standard operating procedure (SOP) that regulated the efforts to tackle anemia problems in pregnant women. The number of health personnel in charge of nutrition and their competence were sufficient. But reliable budget to tackle anemia problem did not exist. Spending district budget was an exit strategy to take when there was deficiency in central budget allocation. The number of iron supplementation tablets was not guaranteed.Conclusion: The effectiveness of iron supplementation program for pregnant women depends on the existence of relevant policy, SOP, allocation of sufficient and reliable budget, as well as adequate supply of iron tablets.Keywords: iron supplementation tablets, pregnant women, local government, budgetCorrespondence: Purwati. Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University at Purwokerto, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285735145236.Journal of Health Policy and Management (2016), 1(2): 113-120https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2016.01.02.0

    Analisis Perbandingan Fluktuasi Perubahan Volume Waduk Penjalin Dengan Metode Pemeruman Dan Pengukuran Elevasi Muka Air

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    Waduk Penjalin terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dibangun sekitar tahun 1930 – 1934. Waduk Penjalin hanya dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi seluas 29.000 Ha. Sumber airnya selain dari Kali Pemali juga berasal dari air hujan yang jatuh di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Waduk Penjalin dan yang jatuh langsung ke waduk. Curah hujan tahunan rata-rata di daerah ini berkisar antara 2.750 mm. Pemeliharaan Waduk Penjalin belum dilaksanakan secara serius oleh pengelola. Sejak dibangun tahun 1934 hingga sekarang, baru dilakukan dua kali pemeruman untuk mengontrol Perubahan Waduk Penjalin, sehingga Perubahan secara perodik tidak bisa dideteksi. Dengan kata lain, apabila terjadi Perubahan tidak bisa dilakukan tindak lanjut secara berkala. Volume efektif waduk pada awal mula beroperasi sebesar 9,5 juta. Setelah beroperasi selama 76 tahun diperkirakan volume Waduk Penjalin kurang dari 50%, terbukti dari volumenya sudah tidak dapat lagi mengairi irigasi seluas 29.000Ha

    Karakteristik Morfologi dan Pola Pita Izosim Varietas Mangga (Mangifera SP.) di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Mangga (Mangifera indica) merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Untuk membedakan antara varietas mangga, penanda genetik yang digunakan karena mereka tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Salah satu penanda genetik yang sering digunakan adalah Isozim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola bandeng dan variasi genetik beberapa varietas mangga dari Kabupaten Banyumas berdasarkan peroksidase isozim (PER), aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), esterase (EST), asam fosfatase (ACP). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pabrik Laboratorium Biologi, Biologi Pusat Penelitian Ilmu, IPB, Bogor dari Juni sampai September 2012. Sampling daun dari tujuh varietas mangga dilakukan dengan purposive random sampling. Setelah eletrophoresis dan scoring, data kemudian dianalisis dengan Unweighted Pair-group Method with Arithmetic (UPGMA) under Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Sistem (NTSYS) version 2.20i. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EST memiliki empat pola pita yang bermigrasi anodally. AAT memiliki lima pola banding dan ACP memiliki lima pola pita yang bermigrasi anodally. PER memiliki lima pola pita yang bermigrasi anodally dan katodally, MG4 (lokal dari indramayu mangga) tidak muncul. PER, AAT, ACP dan ACP menunjukkan pola yang berbeda dari dendogram. Kombinasi dari empat isozim menunjukkan bahwa variasi genetik antara MG4 (mangga lokal indramayu) dan MG5 (mangga lokal dari gedonggincu) adalah 79%, MG1 (lokal dari golek mangga) dan Mg3 (mangga lokal arummanis) adalah 75 %

    The Effect of Pediococcus Pentosaceus on Stool Frequency, TNF-α Level, Gut Microflora Balance in Diarrhea-induced Mice

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    Background: Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are pathogenic microorganisms causing inflammation and imbalanced gut microflora that may result in diarrhea. Pediococcus pentosaceus (P. pentosaceus) isolated from “dadih” (milk curd) are used as probiotics containing lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are useful to improve the balance of intestinal microflora and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This study was aimed to recognize the effect of P. pentosaceus supplementation on stool frequency, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and gut microflora balance in experimental mice with EPEC-induced diarrhea. Method: The study was conducted in 60 white mice (Mus muscullus) at Biomedical Laboratory, Biotechnology/Production and Animal Husbandry Technology Institute, University of Andalas, Padang in April 2012. The frequency of stool, TNF-α level and microflora balance of the mice were measured before and after the EPEC-induced diarrhea and following the administration of antibiotics. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Duncan test. Results: The highest mean stool frequency was found in positive control group, i.e. 55 times, which was reduced significantly after 12-hour P. pentosaceus supplementation in a dose of 2 x 108 cfu/g into 18 times. The mean TNF-α level in positive control group was 128.17 pg/mL that lowered significantly to 48.0 pg/mL. The highest mean total number of LAB was 97.0 x 107 cfu/g, which was significantly different from positive control group of 7 x 107 cfu/g. Conclusion: P. pentosaceus supplementation in a dose of 2 x 108 cfu/g may reduce the stool frequency, lower TNF-α and improve the gut microflora balance following 12-hour supplementation in diarrhea-induced mice

    Response of Superovulation by Using FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and Sex Determination of Embryos Using PCR in Pesisir Cows of West Sumatra

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    This study was conducted to determine the response of superovulation by giving 16 ml dosage of FSH hormone to female Pesisir cattle. The estrus schedule of 15 Pesisir cows was set by inserting CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) into the vagina for 12 days. At day 10, all cattles were injected with FSH for three consequent days but with decreasing dosage. On the 3rd day, FSH injection was accompanied by PGF2α injection and CIDR was removed. The detection of estrus was performed at day 13. Natural mating was proceeded after the estrus signs visible. Collection of donor embryos was done on the 6th and 8th day after mating. The variables measured were the response of superovulation, total number of corpus luteum, number of embryos and sex ratio. The results obtained were all Pesisir cows responded to superovulation. The average number of of corpus luteum and embryoes per cow were 5.93±3.17 and -----, respectively, while the total of transferable embryoes were 90, with an average of 6.00 or 61.64%. The sexing of embryoes obtained in this study from 146 embryoes awere 76.03% males (111 embryoes) and 23.97% females (35 embryoes). Based on total of transferable embryoes, there were 51.37% male embryos and 11.28% of females embryos. The result of this study showed that the sex ratio of male embryos was higher than female embryos

    Kualitas Mikrobiologis Susu Kambing Fermentasi Menggunakan Starter Lactobacillus Fermentum Strain Ncc2970 Pada Penyimpanan Suhu Refrigerator

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas mikrobiologis susu kambing yang difermentasi dengan Lactobacillus fermentum strain NCC2970 dengan waktu penyimpanan susu fermentasi yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan waktu penyimpanan susu kambing fermentasi pada suhu refrigerator 4oC yaitu selama0, 5, 10 dan 15 hari dengan 5 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai pH mengalami penurunan berkisar antara 4,09-4,04. Total asam tertitrasi mengalami peningkatan selama penyimpanan dengan nilai 0,80 hingga mencapai 1,52% sampai penyimpanan 15 hari. Total koloni bakteri asam laktat berkisar antara 4.8 x 108cfu/ml sampai 21.6 x108 cfu/ml. Nilai Total Plate Count selama penyimpanan mengalami penurunan dari 219.4 x 102cfu/ml sampai 106.4 x 102cfu/ml. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa susu kambing fermentasi dengan Lactobacillus fermentum strain NCC2970 dapat mempertahankan kualitas sampai masa penyimpanan 15 hari dengan viabilitas bakteri asam laktat yang memenuhi kategori sebagai probiotik

    Benefits of Asam Gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis) Tea as a Source of Antioxidant Compounds on Malondialdehyde Levels in Adults with Obesity

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    Garcinia atroviridis is one of the well-known plant grown in Indonesia that contains antioxidant compounds. Ingestion of G.atroviridis tea is expected to protect from oxidative stress. The aim of the this study was to evaluate the antioxidative benefit of G.atroviridis leaf tea on malondialdehyde levels of obese adults. This research recruited fifteen obese adults. All of the subjects were given G.atroviridis tea for a month. As a result, current study obtained statistically nonsignificant differences of post-test malondialdehyde levels compared with pre-test levels among all subjects. It can be concluded that G.atroviridis tea taken once daily for 30 days was not sufficient to decrease MDA levels significantly. Although anthropometric measures decreased significantly, the subjects were still in the criteria of obesity. In addition, the lifestyle factors that increases MDA should be avoided