10 research outputs found
Effect of Land Use and Organic Matter on Nitrogen and Carbon Labile Fractions in a Typic Hapludult
A study that was aimed to determine the effect of organic matter from groundnut and maize biomass on the availability of N and C labile fraction was conducted in laboratory and glasshouse, Iletry, Malang. Research used randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was land use : (1). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for less than 10 years, and (2). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for more than 30 years. The second factor was type of organic matter: (1). Groundnut biomass, (2). Maize biomass, (3). Groundnut-maize biomass, with a ratio of 1:1, (4). Groundnut – maize biomass, with a ratio of 2:1, (5). Groundnut – maize biomass, with a ratio of 1:2, and (6). Without organic matter. The results showed that application of groundnut and maize biomass were affect the N and C labile fraction. Application of groundnut + maize biomass increases N and C labile fraction more 40% than without biomass as well as the landuse of planted with cassava less than 10 years was 20 % higher N and C labile fractions than the land that has been planted with cassava more than 30 years. This research showed that analysis of N or C labile fraction is more sensitif than analysis of N total or C organic. It indicates that analysis of labile fractions can be used to analyze of N and C availability in the soil, beside of N total and C organic analysi
Pengaruh Pupuk Majemuk NPK + Zn terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi dan Serapan Zn Padi Sawah di Vertisol, Sragen
Vertisol is a soil that has neutral to slightly alkaline pH. Zinc availability decreases with increasing pH. The existence of symptoms micronutrients scarcity, especially zinc, also caused by the use of highly yielding seeds with unbalanced fertilization. In addition, Zn uptake by plants is sustainability process which resulted in a decrease in nutrient levels of Zn in the root zone. The aim of the research was to determine the optimum Zn formula that can be added to the NPK compound fertilizer and to determine the effectiveness of the fertilizer on the growth and yield of rice. The experiment was arranged by completely randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 replicates of each treatment. NPK compound fertilizer dose was given 300kg / ha. The result of this study showed that the compound fertilizer NPK + Zn had no effect on plant height, number of tillers and weight of the plant. The additional dose compound of 2% Zn to the dose of compound fertilizer NPK + Zn did not increase the yield. There was a tendency NPK treatment +0.75% Zn deliver the highest results. NPK compound fertilizer application + Zn significantly increased the uptake of Zn
Restorasi Gambut dengan Tiga Jenis Surfaktan, dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Efisiensi Penyimpanan Kation dan Kapasitas Memegang
Percobaan restorasi gambut hidrofobik dan hidrofilik dari Kalimantan Tengah dilaksanakan di laboratorium de ngan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial terdiri atas 2 faktor. Faktor I adalah jenis gambut yaitu gambut hidrofobik dan hidrofilik dan faktor kedua adalah jenis surfaktan yaitu anionik, inonik dan larutan deterjen. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperbaiki sifat kering tidak Balik (hidrofob) gambut agar dapat produktif lagi yang ditunjukkan de ngan efisiensi penyimpanan pupuk (kation) dan kapasitas memegang air (water holding capacity). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan surfaktan meningkatkan efisiensi penyimpanan kation K+ dan Mg2+ dan dapat mengembalikan kelengas an gambut yang kering dari 20 % menjadi 150 %
Pengaruh Pasang Surut terhadap Pengendapan Lumpur di Lahan Sawah Rawa Kawasan Sungai Barito Kalimantan Selatan
Swamp land has a great potential to be developed as a paddy field area. However it has many constraints such as-phyrite (FeS2) at the depth of 30–60 cm and lack of soil nutrition. On the other hand, supply of marine clay from the sea which contains a lot of smektit clay mineral can be used to netralize this condition. Mud clay is very important for the development of rice root because it contains much nutrition and to enlarge the top of soil reducing the oxidation of phyrite. This study was conducted from January 2016 to June 2017 in swamp land area of Barito River of South Kalimantan. Data was collected by measuring the difference between maximum and minimum sea tide (tidal amplitude) and the deposition of mud clay. The results indicated that the distribution of mud clay deposit vary depends on the geography and the tidal amplitude of the zone. Zone VII has higher concenration of mud clay than the other one. The distribution pattern of mud clay deposit follows the parabola type, verticaly and horizontaly type, as well. Increasing of mud clay at all of the zone areas are not significantly effected by the daily tidal amplitude, only depends on climate condition/the season change