5 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Sepeda Motor di Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus : Pns Kota Semarang)

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    Semarang city is the center of government, commerce, education and others in Central Java. High mobility makes transportation system is very important, both the transport of goods and people. Current urban transport problems have become a very complex issue, especially because of the increasing dependence of the city on private vehicles both cars and motorcycles. As a result, the number of vehicles that is not accommodated by the condition of the road is available. This causes congestion becomes higher and seemed to be accepted as has been customary for the city, including Semarang. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the demand for motorcycles in the city of Semarang. The variables used in this study is income, public transport tariff, number of family members, motorcycle prices, and tastes. Types of data collected primary data from Surveying using questionnaires completed by respondents are civil servants (PNS) in Semarang and secondary data from the literature-literature related to this study. Based on the results of the regression analysis motorcycle demand in the city of Semarang at 61.63% can be explained by the variable income, public transport tariff, number of family members, motorcycle prices, and tastes. Revenue has positive and significant impact on demand for motorcycles, public transportation tariff has positive and significant, number of family members have a positive and significant impact on demand for motorcycles, motorcycle prices and no significant negative effect on demand for motorcycles and taste negatively affect the demand for bicycles motors

    Strategi Pengembangan Batik sebagai Salah Satu Aset Wisata Belanja di Kota Pekalongan

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    Setono Wholesale Market is a shopping tourism, which sells batik with wide range ofdistinctive motifs. From ancestral times up to now, the wholesale market is able to competewith other markets. From year to year, it has a growing number of visitors, and its revenuehas a significant impact on Pekalongan's PAD.This research is achieving toward the development strategy of batik mass production onwhich should prioritized by batik entrepreneurs, due to strong competition nowadays.The analytical tools used in the research are SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations,Opportnities, and Threats) dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Using variablesinclude the production, supply and place.Results of this study using SWOT and AHP analysis showed that Setono Wholesale Marketswell to every existing opportunities and threats. Conducting the batik festival can increasethe number of tourist visit to Pekalongan. Conducting national and International batikfestival as a solution for Pekalongan batik development having the value of 0.256 based ontourists respondent and value of 0.277 based on respondents with the consistency ratioabout 0.1, which means that the results are consistent. Proposed policy to conduct nationalbatik week (Pekan Batik Nasional/PBN) and International batik week (Pekan BatikInternasiional/PBI) is a solution with the highest priority. The batik festival can increasethe number of tourist visit to Pekalongan. The 5 leading priority according to keyinformans are: conducting national and International batik festivals, doing promotionthrough travel packages, establishing partnership with the private sector, conducting atraditional batik art performances and complementing infrastructure of batik tourism

    Analisis Potensi Pajak Restoran di Kawasan Wisata Anyer Kabupaten Serang

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    Anyer Tourism Region as one tourist destination in Serang regency has a high potential to be developed. The existence of the restaurant tax is very important as a source of local revenue. Every year, the restaurant tax revenue is always improved and restaurant tax revenue also always meets the target set. The difference between realization restaurant tax revenues and restaurant tax revenues target indicates that the potential is not optimal.The purpose of this study is to analize the potential and effectiveness of the restaurant tax in Anyer Tourism Regions, Serang regency. The data is uses in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data includes the number of seats filled, crowded and less crowded period, turn over, average price, number of days in a year and amount of restaurant tax rates. The analytical method uses in this research is descriptive quantitative method and potentiality analize, effectiveness analize, and also pearson product moment correlation analize.The analize shows that the potential of the restaurant tax value is very large compared to the restaurant tax revenue realization. The gap shows that the actual potential is also very large, but local governments have less attention. Effectiveness of tax collection and the restaurant shows that the management of the restaurant tax in Anyer Tourism Regions ineffective. Product moment correlation analysis indicate the potential variables significantly influence the restaurant tax receipts taxes, but only restaurants are in the medium category

    Analisis Dana Dekonsentrasi dan Dana APBD Sektor Pendidikan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2003 -2011

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    Deconcentration a grant from central government to the regions to help increase local government programs are still a central concern: education, health, infrastructure, and others. Deconcentration fund is part of central government expenditure, which consists deconcentration of personnel expenditure, spending on goods, and social assistance.This study aims to analyze the allocation of deconcentration and demonstrate empirically difference deconcentration funds and funds from the budget of the school dropout rate in the province of Central Java. Study of this research uses quantitative data, the type of time series data. Time series data are used from the period 2003-2011. Analysis tools used are different test, to see the difference in the concentration funds and the absence of deconcentration funds with funds from the budget for education and educational development from year to year.Results of the study showed that the concentration funds allocated to primary education, secondaryeducation, early childhood education. The largest allocations to basic education about 90%, different test results indicate that the presence or absence of deconcentration deconcentration has no difference with funds from the province expenditure of the school dropout rate in the province of Central Java