13 research outputs found

    Ketahanan Pangan: Situasi, Permasalahan, Kebijakan, Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    The problem of food security is availability, distribution, and consumption. The problem of availability is limited and decreasing production capacity; the distribution's problems are infrastructure, institution, safety link of distribution's and the variation production capacity between region and season. The problem of consumption is most of energy consumption are grain and rice biased. The policy of food security not only to create the food sufficiency with development economic with rural and agriculture are the basis, but also the sufficiency of food for poor society. In order to create food reserve of society, lumbung desa is important to be improved

    Ketahanan Pangan Para Pekerja Sektor Industri di Kota Solo

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of workers by household food security, and the determinants of household food expenditure workers and household level food security workers. The analysis used for the identification is description of the characteristics, and two different test mean to know whether there are differences between the characteristics of workers are not food secure and food secure. The analysis used to analyze the determinants of food expenditure is multiple regression analysis. The analysis used to analyze the determinants of the level of food security is logit regression. Results of research on karaketeristik workers according to the level of food security showed no difference in average age of workers and the average number of household members who work. Most of the workers according to the level of food security is SMTA and up. There is no difference in the average wage level of food security. Source of household income are the private sector employees, trader, self-employed. There are differences in the average proportion of food expenditure and food workers not bear resistant food. The results determinant of food expenditure shows wage and gender have a significant effect on food expenditure, while the number of household members who work and level of education was not significant. The results determinant of food security shows wage levels, number of household members who work and gender had no effect, whereas education level affect the level of food security

    Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran melalui Model Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Berbantuan Flip Chart dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa Kelas X MA Nurul Iman Dasan Makam Lombok Timur

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    The research was used Research and Development Approach (R&D). The procedure of the research was applied reffering to design and development research according to Borg and Gall that contained 6 steps of the development such as: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) develop preliminary form of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, (7) operational product revision, (8) Operational field testing. The internal validation of learning strategy through cooperative learning type model Group Investigation using the Flip chart was involved the experts of learning, the experts of learning media, the experts of material and practitioner such as the economic teacher in this school.. Though, the external validation was done by tryout Learning strategy through cooperative learning type model Group Investigation using the Flip chart that involved the students of X IPS class. The subject of this research was the all of eleven grade social sciences MAN Nurul Iman Dasan Makam in academic year of 2014/2015 the total of the students was 44. In this research, the sample technique was taken by sampling population technique that was the technique to decide samples whether all member of population became the samples. The analysis technique data was used kualitatif descriptive, descriptive analysis and statistic inferential analysis.The result of the research showed that: (1) The learning strategies through cooperative learning type model Group Investigation using the Flip chart was stated valid based on the validity test by the experts, (2) The learning strategies through cooperative learning type model Group Investigation using the Flip chart was proved effective to be implemented in learning activity so that it could be to increase the economic study for students.

    Analisis Faktor Penentu Daya Saing Komoditas Pangan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study identifies and analyzes competitiveness factors of food commodities in Central Java. The research data covers primary data with 245 respondents of food commodities sellers. The research method was using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP calculation results show that food competitivesness factors involve: a) the agricultural sector investment with a value of 0.28; b) agricultural infrastructure with a value of 0.24; c) government program of food security and safety with a value of 0.20; d) government\u27s active role in supervision of food with a value of 0.18; e) the accessibility of local food commodities with a value of 0.06; and f) the high demand for domestic food with a value of 0.05

    Pengeluaran Konsumsi Masyarakat: Dari Teori Sampai Dengan Empiris

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    The household behavior in deciding consumption expense and revenue which will be saved is individual decision in microeconomic scope, but this behavior aggregately contains macroeconomic consequence. Household consumption decisions influence on the whole behaviors, either in long or short term.This writing is a study on consumption expense from theoretical to empirical point of view. The discussion is begun with consumption theories, influencing factors, and research results or consumption data as empirical discussion