36 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mikroba Tanah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Panen Kedelai (Glycine Max L.)*[effect of Soil Microorganism on the Growth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine Max L.)]

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    A study was conducted in order to know the effect of soil microorganism as biofertilizer on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) in Malang, East Java.The purpose of the study was to get inoculants as biofertilizer to improve the production of soybean.The experiment was carried out in Bantur village, Bantur district, South Malang, East Java, by using the rice land.The strain used were five single inoculants as follows: A (Bio 20R + Bio 22R + Bio 277R), B (Bio 277R + Bio 278R + Bio 302R), C (1L + 8L + Bio 302R), D (Bio 20R + Bio 22R + Bio 277R + Bio 278R + Bio 302R + 1L + 8L), V (MVA fungi), and four mixed inoculants (AV, BV, CV, and DV). Four controls as uninoculated plant and without fertilizer (Ki), uninoculated plant and with Urea fertilizer equal to 100 kg/ha (K2), uninoculated plant and with TSP fertilizer equal to 80 kg/ha (K3), uninoculated plant and with Urea and TSP fertilizer (K4). The experiment was designed as Randomized Complete Block as 13 treatments with three replications for each treatment, and interval planted with 20 x 35 cm. The plants were harvested after 90 days. The parameters of investigation were the dry weight of canopy, roots, root nodules, seeds, 100 of seeds, number of nodules and pods with harvest productions. The results showed that single inoculants (MVA fungi) and mixed inoculants CV (1L + 8L + Bio 302R) and MVA fungi) gave better results on the production of soybean

    Isolasi, Populasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Pada Daerah Perakaran Dan Tanah Dari Bengkulu, Sumatra

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    The research was conducted in order to know the isolation, population and characterizations of phosphate solubilizing bacteria on the soil from rhizosphere plants from Bengkulu, Sumatra. The purpose of the study to know the population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from rhizosphere plants, and the get pure culture. The sample wastaken from 25 sample soil from rhizosphere of plants. Isolation was done with dilution methods in standard medium Pycosvkaya, the inculation at (27-280C) after 15 days, and the population with plate count methods. The population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria was in the range of 13-101 X 105 CFU/g soil, and the highest population wasfound from the sample soil from rhizoaphere with Semangka (Citrulus lanatus) plant. Seventy five gave of pure culture. The growth characteristic of pure culture was observed by using Pycosvkaya medium. Incubation at (27-280C) after 15 days. The clear zone surround the colonies indicate that the phosphate in the medium was hydrolyzed and the formed zone from two days until eight day

    Komunikasi Pendek Isolasi Populasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Rhizobium Pada Tanah Asal Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun*[isolation of Population and Characterization of Rhizobium Bacteria in Soil From Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java]

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    The studies on the isolation of population and characterization of Rhizobium bacteria have been carried out in soil samples from Gunung Halimun National Park. West Java. Soil samples taken from rhizospheres of rasamala (Altingia exsetsa), puspa (Schima wallichii)and kianak (Castanopsis aciaunaassima).Isolation was done in YEMA (Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar) medium, and the population done with MPN (Most Probable Number) method. The growth characteristic was observed by using YEMA medium mixed respectively with Brom Thymol Blue and Congo Red as indicators.The population of Rhizobium bacteria in YEMA medium was in the range of 0.28-35 5CFU/g "' soil x 10 . The highest population of Rhizobium bacteria was found from the samples collected from soil with rasamala (Altingia excelsa) as the host plant Twent> four isolates were isolated, including nine isolates may be grouped as slow growing, while fifteen isolate

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal Fisika Statistik pada Mahasiswa Semester VI Pendidikan Fisika Jurusan Pmipa Fkip Universitas Jambi

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    Rendahnya aktivitas belajar mahasiswa disebabkan banyak mahasiswa yang tidak dapat menyelesaikan soal-soal yang diberikan kepadanya. Pada saat diberikan latihan soal ternyata hanya sebagian kecil mahasiswa yang dapat mengerjakannya dengan benar, sebagian besar mahasiswa tidak mampu mengerjakannya dengan benar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal fisika statistic dengan memotivasi mahasiswa melalui pemberian tambahan point pada mahasiswa semester VI program studi pendidikan fisika PMIPA FKIP Universitas Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada saat melaksanakan lesson study yang terdiri dari empat siklus, yaitu siklus I, siklus II, siklus III dan siklus IV. Pada setiap siklus memiliki tahap-tahap plane,do, see. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengamatan terhadap aktivitas mahasiswa melalui lembar observasi selama kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal fisika statistic. Aktivitas mahasiswa pada siklus I adalah47%, meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 71%, meningkat lagi pada siklus III menjadi 74% dan pada siklus IV menjadi 80%. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa dengan memotivasi mahasiswa melalui pemberian tambahan point dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa untukmenyelesaikan soal-soal fisika statistic

    The Influence of Habitat Management on Pod Borer Conopomorpha Cramerella and Mirid Helopeltis Antonii Attack on Cocoa

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    Habitat management of cocoa cultivation must be carried out to improve the fertility of soil, increase the biodiversity and the plant\u27s health. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of habitat management on the cocoa pod borer Conophomorpha cramerella and cocoa mirid Helopeltis antonii attack. The research was conducted from October 2013 to April 2014 in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency, East Java. The research was compared cocoa plantation with habitat management and the conventionally managed cocoa plantation as a control. Habitat manipulation techniques used in this research were providing ditch and worm biopores, applying organic matter and compost tea drip irrigation. There were 24 sub blocks for each plot and 4 plants per sub block. The results showed that the habitat management was capable to increase the number of cocoa pods, stimulate an increasing in the diversity of insects, particularly the number of natural enemies, and decrease the percentage and intensity of C. cramerella and H. antonii attack

    Kandungan Mineral Remis (Corbicula Javanica) Akibat Proses Pengolahan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan komposisi kimia, kandungan mineral dan kelarutan mineral daging remis segar dan setelah pengolahan, serta menentukan metode pengolahan terbaik dengan kehilangan mineral terendah dan kelarutan mineral tertinggi. Komposisi kimia remis diuji dengan metode termogravimetri, soxhlet dan kjeldahl. Kandungan mineral dan kelarutan mineral diuji dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Pengolahan menurunkan komposisi kimia remis, namun meningkatkan kandungan kadar abu setelah dilakukan metode pengolahan dengan cara perebusan garam. Metode pengolahan juga memberikan penurunan kandungan mineral kalsium, magnesium, fosfor, kalium dan seng pada remis. Kandungan mineral natrium pada remis segar meningkat setelah direbus garam, namun menurun setelah direbus dan kukus. Metode pengolahan juga memberikan peningkatan persentase kelarutan mineral natrium, kalsium, fosfor dan magnesium remis. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada masyarakat bahwa untuk memperoleh asupan mineral yang paling baik dari remis, sebaiknya masyarakat mengolah remis dengan cara direbus garam dengan konsentrasi 1,5%

    Pengaruh Sarana dan Prasarana terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pelajaran Ekonomi SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Ambawang

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    This thesis entitled Influence of Infrastructures Against students' Learning Achievements on Economy Subject Class XI IPS At Sma Negeri 1 Sungai Ambawang. The problem in this thesis is whether is there any influence learning facilities to students learning achievement on economic subjects in class XI Ips Sma 1 Sungai Ambawang. The method in this research is an associative method, as a form of causal relationship. The population in this research were 98 students of class XI ips. The data were obtained by direct communication technique using interview sheet and indirect communication by questionnaire. Based on the obtained data analysis technique regression equation is Y = 24.629 + 0,539X. T test results showed that the value t count> t table is 8.889> 1.9850. While the value of the coefficient of determination (R²) 0,452 which means the percentage of donations influence learning facilities to students' learning achievemen is 45.2%