359 research outputs found

    Evaluation of novel starch-deficient mutants of Chlorella sorokiniana for hyper-accumulation of lipids

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    When green algae are exposed to physiological stresses such as nutrient deprivation, growth is arrested and the cells channel fixed carbon instead into storage compounds, accumulating first starch granules and then lipid bodies containing triacylglycerides. In recent years there has been significant interest in the commercial exploitation of algal lipids as a sustainable source of biodiesel. Since starch and lipid biosynthesis involves the same C3 precursor pool, it has been proposed that mutations blocking starch accumulation should result in increased lipid yields, and indeed several studies have supported this. The fast-growing, thermotolerant alga Chlorella sorokiniana represents an attractive strain for industrial cultivation. We have therefore generated and characterized starch-deficient mutants of C. sorokiniana and determined whether lipid levels are increased in these strains under stress conditions. One mutant (ST68) is shown to lack isoamylase, whilst two others (ST3 and ST12) are defective in starch phosphorylase. However, we find no significant change in the accumulation or profile of fatty acids in these mutants compared to the wild-type, suggesting that a failure to accumulate starch per se is not sufficient for the hyper-accumulation of lipid, and that more subtle regulatory steps underlie the partitioning of carbon to the two storage products

    The chloroplast of chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a testbed for engineering nitrogen fixation into plants

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    Eukaryotic organisms such as plants are unable to utilise nitrogen gas (N2) directly as a source of this essential element and are dependent either on its biological conversion to ammonium by diazotrophic prokaryotes, or its supply as chemically synthesised nitrate fertiliser. The idea of genetically engineering crops with the capacity to fix N2 by introduction of the bacterial nitrogenase enzyme has long been discussed. However, the expression of an active nitrogenase must overcome several major challenges: the coordinated expression of multiple genes to assemble an enzyme complex containing several different metal cluster co-factors; the supply of sufficient ATP and reductant to the enzyme; the enzyme’s sensitivity to oxygen; and the intracellular accumulation of ammonium. The chloroplast of plant cells represents an attractive location for nitrogenase expression, but engineering the organelle’s genome is not yet feasible in most crop species. However, the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii represents a simple model for photosynthetic eukaryotes with a genetically tractable chloroplast. In this review, we discuss the main advantages, and limitations, of this microalga as a testbed for producing such a complex multi-subunit enzyme. Furthermore, we suggest that a minimal set of six transgenes are necessary for chloroplast-localised synthesis of an ‘Fe-only’ nitrogenase, and from this set we demonstrate the stable expression and accumulation of the homocitrate synthase, NifV, under aerobic conditions. Arguably, further studies in C. reinhardtii aimed at testing expression and function of the full gene set would provide the groundwork for a concerted future effort to create nitrogen-fixing crops

    Cyanobacterial metabolites as a source of sunscreens and moisturizers: a comparison with current synthetic compounds

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    The recognition that ultraviolet radiation has harmful effects on the skin has led to the commercial development of inorganic and synthetic organic UV filters that can reduce the negative effects of exposure to sunlight. In addition, moisturizing chemicals are extensively used in personal care products to improve the ability of skin to retain water. Whilst current UV filter and moisturizing chemicals have clear beneficial qualities, they may also have adverse effects such as contact sensitivity, oestrogenicity and even tumorigenic effects on human skin. Furthermore, the accumulation of these chemicals in the aquatic environment could be potentially harmful. Consequently, there is interest in exploiting safer alternatives derived from biological sources, especially from photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria which have developed mechanisms for coping with high UV irradiation and desiccation. In order to overcome the detrimental effects of UV radiation, these microorganisms produce UV screening compounds such as mycosporine-like amino acids and scytonemin, which are good candidates as alternatives to current synthetic UV filters. In addition, extracellular substances produced by some extremophilic species living in hyper-arid habitats have a high water retention capacity and could be used in cosmetic products as moisturizers. In this review, we present an overview of the literature describing the potential of cyanobacterial metabolites as an alternative source for sunscreens and moisturizers

    Over-expression of a cyanobacterial gene for 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii perturbs chlorophyll: carotenoid ratios

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    Terpenoids are a diverse class of naturally occurring compounds consisting of more than 50,000 structurally different molecules and are found in all living organisms. Many terpenoid compounds, in particular those isolated from plants, have applications in various commercial sectors including medicine, agriculture and cosmetics. However, these high value terpenoids are produced in relatively small quantities in their natural hosts and their chemical synthesis for large scale production is costly and complicated. Therefore, there is much focus on producing these compounds in novel biological hosts using metabolic engineering technologies. As a photosynthetic system, the unicellular green alga C. reinhardtii is of particular interest as the most well-studied model alga with well-established molecular tools for genetic manipulation. However, the direct manipulation of terpenoid biosynthetic pathways in C. reinhardtii necessitates a thorough understanding of the basic terpenoid metabolism. To gain a better understanding of the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway that leads to terpenoid biosynthesis in the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii, hence this study has investigated the effect of over-expressing 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (DXS) on plastidic downstream terpenoids. We produced marker-free chloroplast transformants of C. reinhardtii lines that express an additional cyanobacterial gene for DXS. The analysis of terpenoid content for the transgenic line demonstrates that overexpressing DXS resulted in a two-fold decrease in the chlorophyll levels while carotenoid levels showed variable changes: zeaxanthin and antherxanthin levels increased several-fold, lutein levels dropped to approximately half, but β-carotene and violaxanthin did not show a significant change

    Applications of Microalgal Biotechnology for Disease Control in Aquaculture

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    Aquaculture industries, and in particular the farming of fish and crustaceans, are major contributors to the economy of many countries and an increasingly important component in global food supply. However, the severe impact of aquatic microbial diseases on production performance remains a challenge to these industries. This article considers the potential applications of microalgal technology in the control of such diseases. At the simplest level, microalgae offer health-promoting benefits as a nutritional supplement in feed meal because of their digestibility and high content of proteins, lipids and essential nutrients. Furthermore, some microalgal species possess natural anti-microbial compounds or contain biomolecules that can serve as immunostimulants. In addition, emerging genetic engineering technologies in microalgae offer the possibility of producing 'functional feed additives' in which novel and specific bioactives, such as fish growth hormones, anti-bacterials, subunit vaccines, and virus-targeted interfering RNAs, are components of the algal supplement. The evaluation of such technologies for farm applications is an important step in the future development of sustainable aquaculture

    Molecular structure of photosynthetic microbial biofuels for improved engine combustion and emissions characteristics.

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    The metabolic engineering of photosynthetic microbes for production of novel hydrocarbons presents an opportunity for development of advanced designer biofuels. These can be significantly more sustainable, throughout the production-to-consumption lifecycle, than the fossil fuels and crop-based biofuels they might replace. Current biofuels, such as bioethanol and fatty acid methyl esters, have been developed primarily as drop-in replacements for existing fossil fuels, based on their physical properties and autoignition characteristics under specific combustion regimes. However, advances in the genetic engineering of microalgae and cyanobacteria, and the application of synthetic biology approaches offer the potential of designer strains capable of producing hydrocarbons and oxygenates with specific molecular structures. Furthermore, these fuel molecules can be designed for higher efficiency of energy release and lower exhaust emissions during combustion. This paper presents a review of potential fuel molecules from photosynthetic microbes and the performance of these possible fuels in modern internal combustion engines, highlighting which modifications to the molecular structure of such fuels may enhance their suitability for specific combustion regimes

    Improving recombinant protein production in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast using vivid Verde Fluorescent Protein as a reporter

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    Microalgae have potential as platforms for the synthesis of high-value recombinant proteins due to their many beneficial attributes including ease of cultivation, lack of pathogenic agents, and low-cost downstream processing. However, current recombinant protein levels are low compared to other microbial platforms and stable insertion of transgenes is available in only a few microalgal species. We have explored different strategies aimed at increasing growth rate and recombinant protein production in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast. A novel fluorescent protein (vivid Verde Fluorescent Protein, VFP) was expressed under the control of the native atpA promoter/5'UTR element. VFP levels were detected by western blotting, with increased protein levels observed when co-expressed with a gene encoding the Escherichia coli Spy chaperone. We used these transformant lines to study the effect of temperature, light and media on recombinant protein production and cell growth. VFP levels and fluorescence, assessed by flow cytometry, allowed a determination of improved cultivation conditions as 30°C under mixotrophic mode. These conditions were tested for the accumulation of an antimicrobial endolysin (Cpl-1) of potential commercial interest, observing that the outcome obtained for VFP could not be easily replicated for Cpl-1. This study suggests that recombinant protein expression is product-specific and needs to be optimized individually

    Characterisation of a simple 'hanging bag' photobioreactor for low-cost cultivation of microalgae

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    BACKGROUND: Microalgae are a diverse group of photosynthetic microorganisms of significant interest to the biotechnology industry, either as a sustainable source of natural compounds, or as light-driven cell factories to produce recombinant metabolites and proteins. Their ability to utilise light, CO2, and basic nutrients leads to a simple and low-cost phototrophic cultivation process. This is particularly relevant to low- and middle-income countries, all of which require a cultivation system that is cheap, technically simple to operate, readily scalable, and can meet basic Good Manufacturing Practice requirements. A disposable ‘hanging bag’-type photobioreactor operated as a bubble column fits these criteria. RESULTS: In this study, the characterisation and design modifications to improve the performance of a 15 L hanging bag is reported. The bubble behaviour using different sparger designs was investigated together with gas hold-up, mixing time, and mass transfer coefficient of CO2. A gas flow rate of 5 L min−1 using a new sparger design and a modified height-to-diameter ratio of the bag led to a two-fold improvement in algal biomass productivity when culturing the green microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. The cultivation of a luciferase-expressing Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain in the modified hanging bag also demonstrated an 11% increase in luciferase content. CONCLUSION: This is the first attempt to characterise this simple hanging bag system that brings the industry-favoured single-use bag concept into the research field of photobioreactor technology. The hanging bag with modified sparger and dimensions improves microalgal biomass productivity and demonstrates the potential of simple and low-cost systems for microalgal cultivation. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)

    The phosphite oxidoreductase gene, ptxD as a bio-contained chloroplast marker and crop-protection tool for algal biotechnology using Chlamydomonas

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    Edible microalgae have potential as low-cost cell factories for the production and oral delivery of recombinant proteins such as vaccines, anti-bacterials and gut-active enzymes that are beneficial to farmed animals including livestock, poultry and fish. However, a major economic and technical problem associated with large-scale cultivation of microalgae, even in closed photobioreactors, is invasion by contaminating microorganisms. Avoiding this requires costly media sterilisation, aseptic techniques during set-up and implementation of 'crop-protection' strategies during cultivation. Here, we report a strain improvement approach in which the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is engineered to allow oxidation of phosphite to its bio-available form: phosphate. We have designed a synthetic version of the bacterial gene (ptxD)-encoding phosphite oxidoreductase such that it is highly expressed in the chloroplast but has a Trp→Opal codon reassignment for bio-containment of the transgene. Under mixotrophic conditions, the growth rate of the engineered alga is unaffected when phosphate is replaced with phosphite in the medium. Furthermore, under non-sterile conditions, growth of contaminating microorganisms is severely impeded in phosphite medium. This, therefore, offers the possibility of producing algal biomass under non-sterile conditions. The ptxD gene can also serve as a dominant marker for genetic engineering of any C. reinhardtii strain, thereby avoiding the use of antibiotic resistance genes as markers and allowing the 'retro-fitting' of existing engineered strains. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the application of our ptxD technology to a strain expressing a subunit vaccine targeting a major viral pathogen of farmed fish

    A Simple Technology for Generating Marker-Free Chloroplast Transformants of the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

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    The availability of routine methods for the genetic engineering of the chloroplast genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is allowing researchers to explore the use of this microalga as a phototrophic cell platform for synthesis of high value recombinant proteins and metabolites. However, the established method for delivering transforming DNA into the algal chloroplast involves microparticle bombardment using an expensive "gene gun". Furthermore, selection of transformant lines most commonly involves the use of a bacterial antibiotic resistance gene. In this chapter, we describe a simple and cheap delivery method in which cell-DNA suspensions are agitated with glass beads: a method that is more commonly used for nuclear transformation of Chlamydomonas. We also describe the use of plasmid expression vectors that target transgenes to a neutral site within the chloroplast genome between psbH and trnE2, and employ psbH as the selectable marker-thereby avoiding issues of unwanted antibiotic resistance genes in the resulting transgenic lines. Finally, we highlight a feature in our latest vectors in which the presence of a novel tRNA gene on the plasmid results in recognition within the chloroplast of UGA stop codons in transgenes as tryptophan codons. This feature simplifies the cloning of transgenes that are normally toxic to E. coli, serves as a biocontainment strategy restricting the functional escape of transgenes from the algal chloroplast to environmental microorganisms, and offers a simple system of temperature-regulated translation of transgenes