4 research outputs found

    Spiral Computed Tomographic Evaluation and Endodontic Management of a Mandibular Second Molar with Four Roots. A Case Report and Literature Review

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    The vast majority of mandibular second molars have two roots with three root canals; however, variations in molar root canal anatomy are not uncommon. To the best of our knowledge, four rooted mandibular second molar with three mesial roots and one distal root has never been reported. Herein, we present the endodontic management of a four rooted mandibular second molar tooth, diagnosed with the assistance of spiral computed tomography (SCT) with a brief review of literature

    Comparative Evaluation of Physical Surface Changes and Incidence of Separation in Rotary Nickel-Titanium Instruments: An in Vitro SEM Study

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate the physical surface changes and incidence of separation in rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Methods and Materials: A total number of 210 freshly extracted human maxillary and mandibular first molars were selected and distributed between three groups. Three different systems of rotary NiTi instruments, namely ProFile (PF), RaCe (RC) and Twisted File (TF), were used to prepare the canals using crown-down technique. All instruments were evaluated by means of SEM with 500× and 1500× magnifications, at four different stages; before use, after preparation of 7 and 14 canals and after instrument separation. Photomicrographs were also taken. The data was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the level of significance was set at 0.001. It was found that H (HAT matrix) was 15.316 with 2 degrees of freedom. Moreover the various groups were compared using the Student-Newman-Keuls test with P<0.05 and it was found that all groups were significantly different. Results: RC showed the maximum wear of the surface followed by TF (P<0.05). PF showed the minimum wear except for its tip. There was no correlation between electropolishing and file fracture. Insignificant difference was observed in the mean number of canals shaped by PF and TF before their separation. Conclusion: Clinically, TF performance was superior, followed by PF then RC. RC fracture rate was the greatest after preparing the least number of canals

    Effect of preoperative ibuprofen in controlling postendodontic pain with and without low-level laser therapy in single visit endodontics: A randomized clinical study

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation and ibuprofen in reducing the onset and severity of postoperative pain following single visit endodontics. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty patients were recruited for this study. Group A (n = 30) patients were administered 400 mg of ibuprofen orally 1 h before the institution of an endodontic procedure. Group B (n = 30) patients were given irradiation of a low-level laser at 50 Hz for 3 min after the standard endodontic procedure at the periapical region on both buccal and lingual aspect. Group C (n = 30) patients were given preoperative ibuprofen followed with a low-level laser at 50 Hz for 3 min after endodontic treatment. Group D (n = 30) patients were administered no preoperative ibuprofen nor low-level laser irradiation after the endodontic procedure. The patient immediately recorded his/her pain perception on the Heft Parker pain survey after completion of the appointment and at 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h postoperatively. Inter group analysis was carried out using the analysis of variances with “least significant difference” post hoc test. For intra group analysis, Student's t-test was used. Chi-square test was applied for nonparametric data. Results: Pain was significantly reduced in all the treatment groups postoperatively. Ibuprofen showed significant pain reduction at 4 h and 8 h period. The combination of low-level laser and ibuprofen showed the best results in terms of postoperative pain reduction. Conclusion: This study proved that low-level laser therapy can be an effective alternative for conventional use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in controlling postendodontic pain thereby eliminating the adverse effects of such drugs on the patients