3 research outputs found

    Akurasi Text Mining Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbour pada Data Content Berita SMS

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    Since 2004, LKBN ANTARA still using SMS-Gateway application as media delivery of news from the field, due to Internet network conditions in the Territory of Indonesia is still limited. SMS-GATEWAY also be used for sending notifications or activities in the workplace from the Leader, editor, Bureau Chief, reporter or IT team. Indicated in case of misuse or SMS sending application that does not comply with labor. Due to these conditions, the research carried out by manual methods as well as methods of K-Nearest Neigbour to know about it. Results of research conducted to get the results on the accuracy of the prediction selection YA number 772 does not fit properly and a number of 32, so that the precision is 96.02%. While predictions TIDAK have the results of a number of 0 and 14 correct errors in the prediction of YA. So that the accuracy of the results obtained number of 96.15%. So the use of SMS-Gateway application used ANTARA environment in accordance with the needs during November 2015. As well as can help ANTARA within the classification SMS content with klasifika YA and TIDAK

    Effectiveness Wound Care Using Modern Dressing Method to Diabetic Wound Healing Process of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus causes a lot of various complaints and complications. One of the most serious and most common complications is diabetic ulcers. Prevention of diabetic ulcer complications can be done with comprehensive wound care. The Appropriate wound care management can prevent amputation. One of a method of wound care that can accelerate the wound healing process is modern dressing wounds. This researched aim to analyze the effectiveness of wound care using modern dressing method to the diabetes mellitus patients. The research design was pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test with 15 samples.  The data analyzed using Paired T-test. The result of data analysis using Paired T-test with significance level of 5% obtained à= 0,000 and the average value of wound development before and after wound treatment using modern dressing method has decrease from 39,67to  29,93 because wound care with modern dressing method make environment of wound is moist so that capitalization and granulation process growth up be faster. So it can be concluded that there is an effect of wound care using modern dressing method to the wound healing process with diabetes mellitus

    The Effect of Referral and Treatment of Severe Preeclampsia on Maternal Death at Sultan Imanudin General Hospital Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan

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    Background: Severe preeclampsia is an obstetric emergency, requiring a rapid app­ro­priate re­ferral and treatment. Emergency obstetrics are still facing three phenomena belated recog­ni­zing and deciding. Preeclamsia is also often belated reaching a reference place, and belated getting and adequate treatment. This study aimed to determine the effect of referral and treatment of severe preeclampsia on maternal death at Sultan Imanudin General Hospital Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan. Subjects and Method: This was retrospective cohort study conducted at Sultan Ima­nudin Hospital, Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, from January to December 2017. A sample 0f 94 pregnant women with preeclamsia was selected for this study by purposive sampling. The dependent variable was maternal death. The independent va­ri­ables were referring, early treat­ment, referral travel time, operating room response time, delivery room, delivery time, and delivery, emergency response time, MgSO4, and Nifedipine. The data was obtained from medical records and analyzed by multiple lo­gistic regression. Results: The risk of maternal death increased with complicated delivery (OR=27.66; 95%CI = 3.71 to 206.26; p= 0.001), incompetent referal (OR= 21.80; 95%CI= 2.70 to 175.60; p= 0.004), and late treatment (OR=13.62; 95%CI= 2.25 to 82.45; p= 0.004), long referral travel time (OR= 9.99; 95% CI= 1.76 to 56.75; p= 0.009), long operating room response time (OR=0.05; 95%CI <0.01 to 0.56; p= 0.014), and long delivery room response time (OR=9.80; 95% CI=1.56 to 61.51; p= 0.015). Conclusion: The risk of maternal death increases with complicated delivery, incompetent re­feral, late treatment, long referral travel time, long operating room response time, and long de­livery room response time. Keywords: maternal death, severe preeclamsia, complicated delivery, late treatment