129 research outputs found

    Library and information education at Islamic universities in Indonesia: Obstacles and opportunities

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    The Library and Information Studies programs at Islamic universities in Indonesia were born from the idealism thought that the advent of globalization era is a reality fact that we have no choice but to face and anticipate it. This is, not only as a challenge toward social culture and social religious for each society group or country, but also as an opportunity for all people to enrich their vision and empower their identity. The establishment of these library studies programs at state Islamic universities in Indonesia also has a pragmatic background, the real needs of professional librarian provision to fulfill the expectation of people in improving the quality of Islamic educational institutions is very high. It means that the absence of this library and information education, including that is characterized by Islamic literatures, in Indonesia will cause stagnation of our efforts to improve the quality of Islamic educational institutions as a whole. In Indonesia among Islamic universities, which are offering library and information science program, are Arraniry State Islamic University, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Sunan Kali Jaga State Islamic University and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. In general, at least, there are three similar elements in the mission of the library and information program offered in Islamic Universities. Firstly, to be involved actively in developing librarianship sciences in Indonesia, specifically related to Islamic sciences. Secondly, to fulfill the needs for professional librarians for all kinds of library, documentation and information centers, especially in Islamic educational institutions like madrasah libraries (Islamic school libraries) and Islamic university libraries. And finally, to apply and anticipate the global development of information technology for improving library services. Our mission in establishing the program of library and information sciences is not only to prepare professional librarians but also to keep in touch with all our stakeholders in the government and private sectors

    The Presence and Roles of University Museums in Indonesia

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    The study of museums in almost all leading universities in Indonesia continues to develop from time to time. This research aims to explore the arguments of the campus community about the founding factors and their opinions about the presence and roles of university museums. The Airlangga University History and Culture Museum and the UGM Mandala Majapahit Museum are the main references for this research. A phenomenological approach with in-depth interviews, observations and relevant literature studies is used in this study. Research findings reveal that several factors of the university museums presence are due to the initiatives from university leaders. University museums serve as historical reminders, fulfill educational and research needs, and instill the identity of campus communities. In relation to the role of university museums, the campus community believes that its role is similar to libraries in supporting learning and research activities and even as community service. Considering the importance of university museums, both university leaders and the education ministry authorities are required to provide optimal support, especially by providing official regulations to support the function of museums as part of information institutions at universities

    Library and information education at Islamic universities in Indonesia: Obstacles and opportunities

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    The Library and Information Studies programs at Islamic universities in Indonesia were born from the idealism thought that the advent of globalization era is a reality fact that we have no choice but to face and anticipate it. This is, not only as a challenge toward social culture and social religious for each society group or country, but also as an opportunity for all people to enrich their vision and empower their identity. The establishment of these library studies programs at state Islamic universities in Indonesia also has a pragmatic background, the real needs of professional librarian provision to fulfill the expectation of people in improving the quality of Islamic educational institutions is very high. It means that the absence of this library and information education, including that is characterized by Islamic literatures, in Indonesia will cause stagnation of our efforts to improve the quality of Islamic educational institutions as a whole. In Indonesia among Islamic universities, which are offering library and information science program, are Arraniry State Islamic University, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Sunan Kali Jaga State Islamic University and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. In general, at least, there are three similar elements in the mission of the library and information program offered in Islamic Universities. Firstly, to be involved actively in developing librarianship sciences in Indonesia, specifically related to Islamic sciences. Secondly, to fulfill the needs for professional librarians for all kinds of library, documentation and information centers, especially in Islamic educational institutions like madrasah libraries (Islamic school libraries) and Islamic university libraries. And finally, to apply and anticipate the global development of information technology for improving library services. Our mission in establishing the program of library and information sciences is not only to prepare professional librarians but also to keep in touch with all our stakeholders in the government and private sectors

    Mapping Publication of Gus Dur Thought: a Bibliometric Study

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    Gus Dur is a well-known multidisciplinary Muslim intellectual figure. This study focuses on exploring the immortality of Gus Dur's thoughts which are available in different formats of publications written by himself or written by other authors. A bibliometric approach is used to analyze data in terms of the subject matter of the study, type of work, language, author's profession, and publisher. The population of this research is 635 works obtained from Google Scholar and Wahid Institute Library. Based on the Slovin formula, 86 sample works are taken. The study's results revealed that out of 86 works, there are 17 works written by Gus Dur and 69 by other authors. This study found 18 subjects of discussion. Nearly half of publications are in the format of books (25 works) almost all publications are written in Indonesian (76 works). Most of the writings about Gus Dur were written by lecturers (32 works). The works written by other people were almost entirely published after Gus Dur's death. Various formats of publications are identified; there are 13 books, 29 journals, 1 magazine, 23 theses (undergraduate) and 2 theses (S2). The study on the publication of Gus Dur can be used as a reference for people who want to investigate his life and thoughts

    The Meanings of Publication in Open Access Journal: Experience of State Islamic University's Lecturers

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    The Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education always encourages lecturers to publish their scientific works in open access publications. This study explores the meaning of open access publications from the experiences of UIN lecturers. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach to identify the interpretation and meaning of lecturers on open access journal publications. This study found that lecturers know about publishing in open access journals and their advantages. They choose reputable journals in their scientific field as their first reference because the journals that fall into this category have a high level of readability and citation. However, the informants stated that they were also pragmatic; they will reconsider the decision to publish in a reputable and open access journal if the publication fee is deemed too expensive. This study uses Hall's meanings concept, whose application is not only to explore the views of lecturers on open access publications but also to explore the actions they take so that their writings can be included in open access publications. Here, the researcher finds the emerging theme that is the importance of collaboration. It is as a way to overcome barriers to open access publishing and also as the key to the productivity of writing articles in academic journals. This study highlights several important themes related to collaboration. The integration of Islamic knowledge with scientific disciplines is an interesting issue when discussing the benefits of cooperation. The results of this study can provide insight into the meaning of open access journals published by lecturers and how they overcome the barriers in this matter. The researcher suggests using a quantitative approach based on our data for future research

    Pengaruh Latihan Drill Bola Pantul Terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Passing Bawah Bola Voli

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    Tujuan penelitian ini agar mengetahui keterampilan passing bawah bola voli. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif secara eksperimen dengan One Group Pre Test dan Post Test Design. Selanjutnya pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling yang dimana penentuan sampel yang mempertimbangkan secara khusus dan seleksi bagi yang memiliki skill terbaik. Kriterianya yaitu pemain yang aktif dan tidak ikut penelitian lain. Dengan menggunakan 20 orang sebagai sampel yang telah dipilih sesuai dengan kriteria ketentuan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa adanya permbedaan yang signifikan antara pretest dan postest dalam passing bawah bola voli WIVOK Junior menggunakan drill pantul. Perbedaan yang terjadi adanya peningkatan secara signifikan terlihat nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 48,85 menjadi 52,45 saat postest dan nilai sig. 0,000 0,05. Ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta WIVOK Junior sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan treatment ada perbedaan peningkatan sehingga dalam melakukan passing bawah siswa WIVOK Junior perlu ada beberapa treatment yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan hasil belajat passing bawa bola voli yang lebih

    Profesionalisme versus Birokrasi; perpustakaan dan perubahan sosial

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    Perkembangan informasi yang terjadi di era globalisasi sekarang ini sangat luar biasa, sehingga penggunaan sarana teknologi informasi sebagai penunjang adalah sangat mutlak dimiliki termasuk pada perpustakaan. Hal demikian tentunya akan sangat mempengaruhi dan merubah sikap dan kinerja cara para pustakawan bekerja. Karena itu kompromi untuk menyelaraskan antara norma-norma kebijakan birokrasi dan norma-norma keprofesionalan perlu dipertimbangkan atau dikaji ulang agar dapat menghindari dari adanya saling kontradiksi satu sama lainnya yang akan menghambat program kerja. Kata Kunci: Profesionalisme; Birokrasi; perpustakaan; perubahan sosia

    Pengembangan koleksi kearifan lokal (local content) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta : Peluang dan tantangan

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    Tugas perguruan tinggi hanya terdiri atas tiga hal atau yang popular dengan sebutan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi tersebut adalah meliputi pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Namun menurut Rektor UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, menyatakan bahwa selain tiga hal tersebut diatas ada satu hal lagi yang juga merupakan tugas dari sebuah perguruan tinggi yaitu tugas untuk melakukan konservasi terhadap semua perkembangan dinamika ilmu pengetahuan terlebih lagi khususnya karya kearifan lokal dari para sivitas akademika. Dalam hal inilah maka perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dituntut untuk mengambil perannya. Karena itu artikel ini mendiskusikan dua hal penting dalam rangka pengembangan koleksi karya kearifan lokal yaitu pentingnya perpustakaan lebih intens lagi untuk menerapkan metode deposit dan melakukan beberapa kerjasama kemitraan dengan fakultas dan unit-unit lainnya.

    Sumber informasi dan pelayanannya pada institusi perguruan tinggi Islam : Agenda riset

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    Beberapa area utama dari sumber-sumber dan pelayanan informasi yang berkaitan dengan literature keIslaman yang perlu dikaji telah diuraikan dalam artikel ini. Para pakar dan pemakai adalah orang-orang yang paling mempunyai otoritas/wewenang dalam menilai tentang keefektifan dan keefesienanan system yang ada tersebut. Persepsi dan pemahaman para pakar ilmu social merupakan yang paling penting dalam membentuk komunitas peneliti yang handal. Karena itu kejasama yang baik antara para pakar dengan para spesialis informasi akan menghasilkan evaluasi dan usaha penelitian yang kokoh. Upaya pengkajian tersebut diyakini akan menciptakan instrumen yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber informasi dan pelayanannya pada institusi perguruan tinggi Islam di Indonesia umumnya
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