248 research outputs found
Population Assessment and Appropriate Spraying Technique to Control the Bagworm (Metisa Plana Walker) in North Sumatra and Lampung
Over the last few years, the bagworm Metisa plana Walker (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) has become an important pest of oil palm, especially in North Sumatra. Recent report suggested that the bagworm has also been found in Lampung. The report requires preliminary survey to assess M. plana status and to prepare an effective control measure for the pest. This study was conducted to determine the relative density of M. plana in North Sumatra and Lampung and to compare the effectiveness of the spraying versus fogging application to control M. plana in oil palm fields. The observation confirmed that in 2010 M. plana colonies have developed in Lampung with an average relatively similar to that in North Sumatra during 2005. The finding implies that monitoring should be taken routinely to anticipate further development of the bagworm population in Lampung. Overall results of carbosulfan treatments suggested that the fogging insecticide technique was potentially as effective as spraying technique. This finding could be beneficial for bagworm control program due to the extensive areas of oil palm and the large size of canopy. A more thorough experiment is required to explore the most economical doses and to select effective insecticides to control M. plana
20 Years of Progress in Intestinal Parasitic Diseases Research
Since 1968 investigators from U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2 Detachment (NAMRU-2) and the National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) have conducted parasitological/biomedical surveys in every major island in the Indonesian archipelago. Even smaller islands such as Nasi and Beras off of Sumatra and Beeuw off of Irian Jaya are represented in these studies. These activities were aimed to update and provide new information on the prevalence and distribution of intestinal parasites as well as other infectious agents. These surveys were done in collaboration with the Directorate General of Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health (CDC&EH), universities and other health institutions such as the Indonesian Armed Forces Health Services, Provincial Health Services, and others. Stool specimens, blood smears, and venous blood examined in these studies showed that most of the population surveyed were infected with one to 7 different species of parasites. Between 50% to 95% of the population had multiple infections
Purnomo, Ardian The correlational study between vocabulary mastery and student interest in
listening to English song toward their ability in pronouncing English words. A Correlational
study at eight grade student of MTs N Tinawas academic years 2014/2015.
Advisor I : Dr. H Sujito, M.Pd
Advisor II :Zainal Arifin S.Pd.,M.Pd
Key words : Correlational Study,
Students are expected to be able to make simple transactional and interpersonal
conversation which is potentially needed to communicate in the context of school. Here,
the teacher plays important role since he has to be able to set students interest and
motivation in learning English in order to develop students’ ability to communicate using
all the resources they have already acquired to interact with others about their needs and
Interest occurs when a student’s needs, capacities, and skills are a good match for
the demands offered by a particular activity. To facilitate the development interest,
teacher should structure their classroom around goals
From this research the reseacrh find that there are many factors besides students’
formal and informal activities that can influence the success of the students of learning
English. That is why the researcher expects that there will be other researchers who
investigate other aspects related to writing or other language skill. The other researcher
should have more innovation in doing the similar research then the result can deeply
achieve contribution for education. The other researchers also have to do more creative in
the study about speaking, and to find the other factor that can improve speaking ability
Transformasi Struktur Nafkah Pedesaan: Pertumbuhan “Modal Sosial Bentukan” dalam Skema Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat di Kabupaten Kuningan
Sumber-sumber nafkah bentukan (constructed livelihood resources) yang disemaikan bagi petani oleh agensi ekstra-lokal (Negara), ternyata tidak serta-merta dimaknai secara sama-dan-sebangun oleh masyarakat lokal. Respons yang diberikan secara berbeda itu disebabkan, masyarakat lokal memiliki logika, sistem etika atau cara-pandang yang berbeda dalam membangun sistem nafkah mereka. Sistem norma, nilai dan tradisi lokal ikut mempengaruhi proses formasi sistem nafkah pedesaan secara keseluruhan. Pembentukan sumber-sumber nafkah artifisial yang menggunakan rasionalisme ekonomi non-lokal membawa akibat pada inefisiensi sistem yang mubazir. Respons non-receptive dari petani lokal atas hadirnya keterlimpahan kelembagaan nafkah bentukan (artificial livelihood institution endowment) yang dibangun oleh agensi ekstra-lokal di sekitar hutan di Kuningan Jawa Barat, menjadi bukti bahwa memang ada perbedaan sistem rasionalitas yang nyata antara Negara (dalam hal ini Perum Perhutani) dengan apa yang dianut oleh komunitas lokal. Studi ini hendak melihat mengapa sebuah kelembagaan nafkah hasil bentukan dari agensi ekstra-lokal (Perum Perhutani) mengalami disfungsionalitas-peran dalam menopang dan mentransformasikan keseluruhan sistem nafkah di pedesaan sekitar huta
Simulasi Kesesuaian Model Pakaian Wanita Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Interaktif
Pakaian merupakan kebutuhan penting yang melekat pada diri seseorang.Pakaian memiliki corak dan komposisi yang berbeda tergantung dari situasi dimana seseorang menggunakannya.Untuk itu,seseorang harus cermat dalam memilih dan mengkombinasikan warna dan model-model pakaian yang akan dikenakannya.Tetapi hal itu tidak mudah sekali dilakukan oleh orang awam yang tidak tahu-menahu tentang desain.Walaupun dewasa ini, butik menjadi pusat tujuan untuk memilih dan membeli pakaian dengan desain dan kualitas yang bagus.Tetapi tidak semua orang dapat memanfaatkan fungsionalis dari butik tersebut.Hanya orang dengan tingkat perekonomian menengah keataslah yang mampu memanfaatkan fungsi dari sebuah butik,berbeda dengan masayarakat ekonomi menengah kebawah. Di dalam sistem fashion design bahwa komponen pakaian secara utuh tersusun atas tiga bagian diantaranya adalah Silhoutte merupakan tampilan sketsa garis-garis awal yang mengekspresikan karakteristik dari sebuah pakaian, Detail merupakan susunan yang membagi beberapa bagian dari Silhoutte yang termasuk didalamnya kerah,lengan dll dan Trimming merupakan golongan khas dari penyelesaian aksesoris dan corak Oleh karena beberapa alasan diatas ,maka saya memanfaatkan algoritma genetika interaktif,sehingga dapat membantu seseorang dalam hal ini terutama seorang wanita sebagai user dalam memilih model-model pakaian sesuai dengan tingkat kepuasan dan ketertarikan user terhadap model pakaian yang ditampilkan sistem. Dan diharapkan user tidak banyak membuang waktu dan biaya karena harus ke butik. Sistem ini terfokus pada elemen Detail yang meliputi kerah,lengan,dll, dimana pada komponen tersebut dimodelkan dalam objek 2D
Penentuan Nilai Standar Distorsi Berminyak Pada Akuisisi Citra Sidik Jari
Determining the Standard Value of the Oily Distortion of Acquisition the Fingerprint Images. This research describes a novel procedure for determining the standard value of the oily distortion of acquisition the fingerprint images based on the score of clarity and ridge-valley thickness ratio. The fingerprint image is quantized into blocks size 32 x 32 pixels. Inside each block, an orientation line, which perpendicular to the ridge direction, is computed. The center of the block along the ridge direction, a two-dimension (2-D) vector V1 (slanted square) with the pixel size 32 x 13 pixels can be extracted and transformed to a vertical 2-D vector V2. Linear regression can be applied to the one-dimension (1-D) vector V3 to find the determinant threshold (DT1). The lower regions than DT1 are the ridges, otherwise are the valleys. Tests carried out by calculating the clarity of the image from the overlapping area of the gray-level distribution of ridge and valley that has been separated. Thickness ratio size of the ridge to valley, it is computation per block, the thickness of ridge and valley obtained from the gray-level values per block of image in the normal direction toward the ridge, the average values obtained from the overall image. The results shown that the standard value of the oily distortion of acquisition the fingerprint image is said to oily fingerprint when the images have local clarity scores (LCS) is between 0.01446 to 0.01550, global clarity scores (GCS) is between 0.01186 to 0.01230, and ridge-valley thickness ratio (RVTR) is between 6.98E-05 to 7.22E-05.  
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