4 research outputs found
Diana Tri Lestaria*, Noor Cholifahb, Jeki Purnomoc, Heni Risnawatid, Syahrial Aman, Widya Cholide
a,b,c,d,eUniversitas Muhammadiyah Kudus, Kudus, Indonesia. Email : [email protected]
Penyakit hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus masih menempati proporsi tertinggi dari seluruh penyakit tidak menular yang dilaporkan. Hipertensi dan DM tidak menunjukkan tanda dan gejala secara khusus sehingga perlu kewaspadaan dari masyarakat untuk melakukan skrining, pencegahan serta upaya untuk memperbaiki pola hidup terutama adalah pengaturan diet. Untuk itu perlu adanya bahan pangan pengganti yang ramah untuk penderita DM dan hipertensi, salah satunya adalah Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF). Mocaf memiliki kadar kalori, lemak dan gula yang rendah sehingga baik untuk penderita DM dan Hipertensi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dilakukan dengan cara Pendidikan pada masyarakat, mencakup kegiatan pemberian penyuluhan dan demonstrasi pembuatan produk pangan dari tepung mocaf. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bahan pangan substitusi untuk hipertensi dan DM meningkat. Dari aspek afektif, peserta menerima berbagai upaya kesehatan serta perkembangan untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan seperti DM dan Hipertensi dan dari aspek psikomotor, peserta mampu untuk membuat makanan berbahan dasar tepung mocaf.
Kata kunci : Hipertensi, Diabetes Mellitus, Mocaf.
Hypertension and diabetes mellitus still occupy the highest proportion of all reported non-communicable diseases. Hypertension and DM do not show any signs and symptoms specifically so it is necessary to be vigilant from the public to carry out screening, prevention and efforts to improve lifestyle, especially dietary arrangements. For this reason, it is necessary to have friendly substitute foodstuffs for people with DM and hypertension, one of which is Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF). Mocaf has low calorie, fat and sugar levels so it is good for people with DM and Hypertension. This community service is carried out by means of education in the community, including counseling activities and demonstrations of making food products from mocaf flour. As a result of this community service, public knowledge about substitution foodstuffs for hypertension and DM increased. From the affective aspect, participants received various health efforts and developments to overcome health problems such as DM and Hypertension and from the psychomotor aspect, participants were able to make foods based on mocaf flour.
Keywords : Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Mocaf
The Effect of Ballhandling Practice on the Ability to Play Basketball
The ability to carry a basketball (dribbling) is often considered a major ability in the success of playing basketball. Therefore, many coaches encourage practice by mastering a player's basketball dribbling. The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of ball handling exercises or ballhandling on basketball playing skills. This research comes from the problem which is to determine the effect of ballhandling practice on dribbling ability. The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental. With a sample of 28 people consisting of sports students. The results of this study were described using statistical analysis to determine the difference between pre and posttest. The results of the study stated that the average N-gain score for the research group was 5.8994 or 5.8%, which was included in the ineffective category with a minimum score of 0% and a maximum of 13.64%. These results confirm that the ballhandling training method is still not an important factor in assessing dribbling playing basketball. From the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that by using a ballhandling training program, it can still not increase and improve basketball dribbling skills. Moreover, a success in playing basketball is not only determined by the factor of dribbling ability, but there are many factors that influence it
Tingkat Kesadaran Masyarakat Akan Pentingnya Beraktivitas Fisik Selama Pandemi Covid-19
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the corona virus. This virus can be transmitted to other people through droplets from people who have the disease. To prevent the transmission of this virus, people need to do quarantine at their house, self-isolation for those who are infected, and also implementing health protocols and recommendations set by the government. In addition, people can do physical activity to strength and maintain their immune system. Physical activity is an activity that involves the movement of skeletal muscles that requires more energy than the resting phase, and it is important for energy balance in the body. WHO also recommends the people to always keep hygiene and do physical activity to stay healthy. This study aims to determine the level of public awareness toward the importance of physical activity during the pandemic. This research used data analysis method. Researchers conducted direct interviews with residents of RT 003 RW 002, Surau Gadang, Nanggalo District, Padang City. According to the research result, it can be concluded that public awareness is low in doing physical activity to maintain body resistance during the pandemic