16 research outputs found

    Nondestructive monitoring of ageing of Alkali resistant Glass fiber reinforced cement (GRC)

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    Glass fiber reinforced cement (GRC) is a composite material made of portland cement mortar and alkali resistant (AR) fibers. AR fibers are added to portland cement to give the material additional flexural strength and toughness. However, ageing deteriorates the fibers and as a result the improvement in the mechanical properties resulted from the fiber addition disappears as the structure becomes old. The aim of this paper is monitoring GRC ageing by nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques. Two different NDE techniques (1) nonlinear impact resonant acoustic spectroscopy analysis and (2) propagating ultrasonic guided waves are used for this purpose. Both techniques revealed a reduction of the nonlinear behavior in the GRC material with ageing. Specimens are then loaded to failure to obtain their strength and stiffness. Compared to the un-aged specimens, the aged specimens are found to exhibit more linear behavior, have more stiffness but less toughness. Finally, undisturbed fragments on the fracture surface from mechanical tests are inspected under the electron microscope, to understand the fundamental mechanisms that cause the change in the GRC behavior with ageing.The authors want to acknowledge the financial support of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion MICINN, Spain, and FEDER funding (Ondacem Project: BIA 2010-19933) and BES-2011-044624. Also thanks to PAID-02-11 Program from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Eiras Fernández, JN.; Kundu, T.; Bonilla Salvador, MM.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2013). Nondestructive monitoring of ageing of Alkali resistant Glass fiber reinforced cement (GRC). Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation - NDT and E International. 32:300-314. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-013-0183-yS30031432Bentur, A., Fibre, M.S.: Reinforced Cementitious Composites, 2nd edn. Taylor and Francis, New York (2007)Purnell, P., Short, N.R., Page, C.L.: A static fatigue model for the durability of glass fibre reinforced cement. J. 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    Spatio-temporal characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation in sugarcane

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    We report here the results from a glasshouse trial of several transgenic sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) lines accumulating the bacterial polyester polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in plastids. The aims of the trial were to characterize the spatio-temporal pattern of PHB accumulation at a whole-plant level, to identify factors limiting PHB production and to determine whether agronomic performance was affected adversely by PHB accumulation. Statistical analysis showed that a vertical PHB concentration gradient existed throughout the plant, the polymer concentration being lowest in the youngest leaves and increasing with leaf age. In addition, there was a horizontal gradient along the length of a leaf, with the PHB concentration increasing from the youngest part of the leaf (the base) to the oldest (the tip). The rank order of the lines did not change over time. Moreover, there was a uniform spatio-temporal pattern of relative PHB accumulation among the lines, despite the fact that they showed marked differences in absolute PHB concentration. Molecular analysis revealed that the expression of the transgenes encoding the PHB biosynthesis enzymes was apparently coordinated, and that there were good correlations between PHB concentration and the abundance of the PHB biosynthesis enzymes. The maximum recorded PHB concentration, 1.77% of leaf dry weight, did not confer an agronomic penalty. The plant height, total aerial biomass and culm-internode sugar content were not affected relative to controls. Although moderate PHB concentrations were achieved in leaves, the maximum total-plant PHB yield was only 0.79% (11.9 g PHB in 1.51 kg dry weight). We combine the insights from our statistical and molecular analyses to discuss possible strategies for increasing the yield of PHB in sugarcane