150 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Stunting is a health problem that is caused due to not optimal health conditions and nutritional intake of children during the growth process. Kulon Progo is one of the districts in DIY that is registered in the program of 100 priority districts for stunting intervention. This study aims to determine the characteristic of the stunted toddlers aged 12-59 months in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Method: This study used a cross sectional design. This study involved 84 families with stunting children aged 12-59 months. Data was obtained from interviews and questionnaires, and were then analyzed using the descriptive analysis. Results: The results show that the stunted children mostly live with families who smoke (61.90%), were born with gestational age> 37 weeks (85.71%) and weight less than 2500 gr (86, 90%). The majority of the stunted toddlers were male (52.38%), and weaned at less than 24 months (53.57%). Conclusion: This study presents the characteristics of stunted toddlers aged 12-59 months in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results of this study are expected to be an important input to provide further intervention in improving the nutritional intake for the stunted children. Keywords: Stunting, Toddlers, Characteristics, Yogyakarta

    Effectiveness of the pericardium (PC) 6 point massage on emesic decrease first trimester pregnant women

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    Hyperemesis gravidarum is a determinant of LBW occurrence of 4,821. The prevalence of emesis gravidarum is more than 80% of pregnant women in Indonesia. Nausea and vomiting can be treated non pharmacologically. Determine the effectiveness of the Pericardium (PC) 6-point massage on the reduction of emesis in the first trimester of pregnant women. This study was quantitative research, experimental design approach with two group design with pre posttest design. The population of pregnant women in the first trimester is 49. The sample in this study were 34 respondents who were pregnant in the first trimester using a randomization control trial technique. The PC6 group was given 2x massages at the pericardium 6 point for 1-3 minutes and the ginger group was given 2.5 g of ginger drink with 250 ml hot water, drunk 2x1 for 7 days. Data analysis used Shapiro�Wilk test, the number of ratings obtained normal results data processing with paired T test. That was mean decrease was 3.706 in the PC6 massage, while the mean decrease was 0.882 in the ginger. There was a difference in the decrease in emesis frequency in the calculation of the difference between the experimental group and the control group (p-value = 0.000 <0.005). There is effectiveness of the Pericardium Point (PC) 6 massage on the reduction of emesis in first trimester pregnant women


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    Gangguan menstruasi merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada pelayanan kesehatan primer dengan prevalensi terbanyak pada remaja akhir. Apabila tidak ditangani, gangguan menstruasi dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Gangguan menstruasi merupakan masalah kesehatan reproduksi perempuan yang menjadi salah satu fokus layanan bidan. Diperlukan metode pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mata kuliah Kesehatan Reproduksi khususnya mengenai gangguan menstruasi agar mahasiswa bidan mampu mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh Problem Based Learning terhadap pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah kesehatan reproduksi. Jenis penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan rancangan only one group pretest and posttest. Sampel yang digunakan adalah mahasiswa semester II di Akademi Kebidanan Ummi Khasanah sebanyak 40 orang dan Poltekkes Permata Indonesia sebanyak 34 orang (purposive sampling). Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan Uji-T berpasangan (paired) dan Uji-T independen dengan taraf signifikan 5% (p=0,05). Rata-rata pengetahuan sebelum diberi intervensi metode PBL pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 46,2 sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol 48,3. Rata-rata pengetahuan setelah diberi intervensi pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 69,0 sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol 48,5. Secara statistik ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok eksperimen, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Mean peningkatan pengetahuan pada kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (22,5 berbanding 0,11) dengan nilai-p sebesar 0,000. Ada pengaruh metode Problem Based Learning terhadap pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah kesehatan reproduksi

    Similarity: The Advance of Audio Visual Learning Media for Children Development Examination by Using Pre Screening Developmental Questionnaire for Midwifery Students

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    The number of children under five years in Indonesia is approximately 10 percent from the overall population; therefore it needs serious attention to improve the quality of their development as these children will become the next generation of the nation. The examination of child development by using Pre-screening developmental questionnaire (Kuesioner Pre Screening Perkembangan (KPSP) is one of the competences of the midwives to improve the quality of student learning outcomes, teachers should provide creative and interesting learning sources which are easily understood by the students. The video is one of the learning media considered more effective to use because it stimulates sight, hearing, and kinesthetic (movement) at one time (at a time). Further, it enables open discussion among students and facilitators. This research aimed to produce a product of audio-visual learning media or video material used in child examination by using KPSP. The type of research undertaken is product-oriented research and development. Research is conducted by involving the product design stage, product making and development, and product evaluation. The research findings are (1) the audiovisual media or learning video used for teaching child development by using KPSP, (2) material experts, media experts, education experts, and students state that video as the learning media to explain child development by using KPSP is considered feasible. Audio-visual media of children's developmental examination materials using KPSP can be used as an alternative learning media to improve students' motivation and creativity in improving child's developmental examination skills

    SIBINAR on increasing midwife competence and independence of pregnant mothers in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

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    The competence of midwives and mother's independence in early detection of high-risk pregnancies and prevention of stunting are important factors to improve health status in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives and the independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention. This type of research was a quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test design. The subjects in this study were all midwives and pregnant women in Indonesia. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling. The calculation of the sample size using the formula for the difference in the mean of independent samples. The number of samples of midwives was 80, the number of samples of pregnant women was 30. There was effect of SIBINAR on the improvement of midwife competence in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=65.86; post-test mean=80.95; SD=15.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=60.44; post-test mean=1.53; SD=31.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000). There was effect of SIBINAR on independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=79.5; post-test mean=99.06; SD=19.48 (54.3); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=67.86; post-test mean=3.82; SD=5.96 (15.5); p-value=0.000). There is an effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention and there is an effect of SIBINAR on pregnant women's independence in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

    SIBINAR on increasing midwife competence and independence of pregnant mothers in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

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    The competence of midwives and mother's independence in early detection of high-risk pregnancies and prevention of stunting are important factors to improve health status in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives and the independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention. This type of research was a quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test design. The subjects in this study were all midwives and pregnant women in Indonesia. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling. The calculation of the sample size using the formula for the difference in the mean of independent samples. The number of samples of midwives was 80, the number of samples of pregnant women was 30. There was effect of SIBINAR on the improvement of midwife competence in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=65.86; post-test mean=80.95; SD=15.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=60.44; post-test mean=1.53; SD=31.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000). There was effect of SIBINAR on independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=79.5; post-test mean=99.06; SD=19.48 (54.3); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=67.86; post-test mean=3.82; SD=5.96 (15.5); p-value=0.000). There is an effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention and there is an effect of SIBINAR on pregnant women's independence in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

    Modul Komunikasi Efektif : Hubungan Antar Manusia

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    Si Embul: Assesment In Baby And Children To Increasing Haemoglobin Level In 6-24 Months Children

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    Background: Iron deficiency anemia is one of the health problems in Indonesian children that need special attention because it has an impact not only for now but also on the upcoming time. The si Embul innovation program is a comprehensive activity that includes growth and development checks, evaluation of exclusive breastfeeding, identification of anemia by checking the baby’s hemoglobin, and consultations with nutritionists and doctors. Methods: This research used descriptive correlational with a cross-sectional research design. The sample was all children aged 6-24 months who are included in the Si Embul Program at the Tegalrejo Health Center in 2017-2019 as much as 149 children. The univariate analysis describes the characteristics of the research subjects. Relationship between the Si Embul Program and anemia status analyze using bivariate analysis, carried out with chi-square at a significant level of 5%. The research was carried out using secondary data in patient medical record and register books and taken from both books. Results: The incidence of anemia was more common in female respondents as many as 31 people (20.81%). Based on the baby's birth weight, the incidence of anemia was more common in BBLN (normal birth weight) as many as 50 people (33.55%). The Si Embul program was associated with anemia status in children aged 6-24 months with a p-value of 0.004 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The si Embul program was associated with anemia status in children aged 6-24 months with a p-value of 0.004. This shows that the excistence of Si embul program can reduce the incidence of anemia in children aged 6-24 months

    SIBINAR on increasing midwife competence and independence of pregnant mothers in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

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    The competence of midwives and mother's independence in early detection of high-risk pregnancies and prevention of stunting are important factors to improve health status in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives and the independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention. This type of research was a quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test design. The subjects in this study were all midwives and pregnant women in Indonesia. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling. The calculation of the sample size using the formula for the difference in the mean of independent samples. The number of samples of midwives was 80, the number of samples of pregnant women was 30. There was effect of SIBINAR on the improvement of midwife competence in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=65.86; post-test mean=80.95; SD=15.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=60.44; post-test mean=1.53; SD=31.09 (11.03); p-value=0.000). There was effect of SIBINAR on independence of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk (pre-test mean=79.5; post-test mean=99.06; SD=19.48 (54.3); p-value=0.000) and stunting prevention (pre-test mean=67.86; post-test mean=3.82; SD=5.96 (15.5); p-value=0.000). There is an effect of SIBINAR on increasing the competence of midwives in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention and there is an effect of SIBINAR on pregnant women's independence in early detection of pregnancy risk and stunting prevention

    Pemberdayaan Keluarga dalam Pendampingan Minum Tablet Tambah Darah Bagi Remaja

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    Terjadinya anemia disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Faktor risiko terjadinya anemia adalah rendahnya asupan zat besi, absorpsi zat besi yang rendah, yang dapat disebabkan dari makanan yang mengandung fitat dan fenol. Dalam rangka untuk mencegah peningkatan kejadian anemia pada remaja, bidan dan keluarga sangat berperan dalam melakukan pencegahan. Bidan merupakan seorang tenaga kesehatan masyarakat yang bertugas melakukan pendampingan pada keluarga yang memiliki remaja putri. Pendampingan tersebut dilaksanakan oleh satu bidan pada satu keluarga (Sabi Saga) untuk memberdayakan keluarga dalam mendampingi minum tablet tambah darah pada remaja putri. Tujuan dari dilakukannya program Satu Bidan Satu Keluarga adalah untuk memberdayakan keluarga dalam melakukan pendampingan minum Tablet Tambah Darah bagi remaja putri. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan teknik melakukan pre test dan post test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada kenaikan nilai rata-rata (mean) sikap keluarga sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan FGD. Nilai mean sebelum FGD adalah 58,77 sedangkan nilai mean setelah FGD adalah 66,47, terjadi peningkatan mean sebesar 10,6. Kesimpulannya adalah kegiatan FGD ini berhasil dilakukan dalam pemberdayaan keluarga untuk mendampingi remaja minum tablet tambah darah
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