5 research outputs found

    Muscular and tendon degeneration after achilles rupture: new insights into future repair strategies

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    Achilles tendon rupture is a frequent injury with an increasing incidence. After clinical surgical repair, aimed at suturing the tendon stumps back into their original position, the repaired Achilles tendon is often plastically deformed and mechanically less strong than the pre-injured tissue, with muscle fatty degeneration contributing to function loss. Despite clinical outcomes, pre-clinical research has mainly focused on tendon structural repair, with a lack of knowledge regarding injury progression from tendon to muscle and its consequences on muscle degenerative/regenerative processes and function. Here, we characterize the morphological changes in the tendon, the myotendinous junction and muscle belly in a mouse model of Achilles tendon complete rupture, finding cellular and fatty infiltration, fibrotic tissue accumulation, muscle stem cell decline and collagen fiber disorganization. We use novel imaging technologies to accurately relate structural alterations in tendon fibers to pathological changes, which further explain the loss of muscle mechanical function after tendon rupture. The treatment of tendon injuries remains a challenge for orthopedics. Thus, the main goal of this study is to bridge the gap between clinicians'' knowledge and research to address the underlying pathophysiology of ruptured Achilles tendon and its consequences in the gastrocnemius. Such studies are necessary if current practices in regenerative medicine for Achilles tendon ruptures are to be improved

    Periosteum-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells in engineered implants promote fracture healing in a critical-size defect rat model

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    An attractive alternative to bone autografts is the use of autologous mesenchymal progenitor cells (MSCs) in combination with biomaterials. We compared the therapeutic potential of different sources of mesenchymal stem cells in combination with biomaterials in a bone nonunion model. A critical‐size defect was created in Sprague–Dawley rats. Animals were divided into six groups, depending on the treatment to be applied: bone defect was left empty (CTL); treated with live bone allograft (LBA); hrBMP‐2 in collagen scaffold (CSBMP2); acellular polycaprolactone scaffold (PCL group); PCL scaffold containing periosteum‐derived MSCs (PCLPMSCs) and PCL containing bone marrow‐derived MSCs (PCLBMSCs). To facilitate cell tracking, both MSCs and bone graft were isolated from green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐transgenic rats. CTL group did not show any signs of healing during the radiological follow‐up (n = 6). In the LBA group, all the animals showed bone bridging (n = 6) whereas in the CSBMP2 group, four out of six animals demonstrated healing. In PCL and PCLPMSCs groups, a reduced number of animals showed radiological healing, whereas no healing was detected in the PCLBMSCs group. Using microcomputed tomography, the bone volume filling the defect was quantified, showing significant new bone formation in the LBA, CSBMP2, and PCLPMSCs groups when compared with the CTL group. At 10 weeks, GFP positive cells were detected only in the LBA group and restricted to the outer cortical bone in close contact with the periosteum. Tracking of cellular implants demonstrated significant survival of the PMSCs when compared with BMSCs. In conclusion, PMSCs improve bone regeneration being suitable for mimetic autograft design

    Culture of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on of poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds: potential application for the tissue engineering of cartilage

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    Due to the attractive properties of poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) for tissue engineering, the aim was to determine the growth and differentiation capacity of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in PLLA scaffolds and their potential use in the treatment of cartilage diseases. MSCs were cultured in PLLA films and thin porous membranes to study adherence and proliferation. Permeability and porosity were determined for the different scaffolds employed. The optimal conditions for cell seeding were first determined, as well as cell density and distribution inside the PLLA. Scaffolds were then maintained in expansion or chondrogenic differentiation media for 21 days. Apoptosis, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation was assessed after 21 days in culture by immunohistochemistry. Mechanical characteristics of scaffolds were determined before and after cell seeding. MSCs uniformly adhered to PLLA films as well as to porous membranes. Proliferation was detected only in monolayers of pure PLLA, but was no longer detected after 10 days. Mechanical characterization of PLLA scaffolds showed differences in the apparent compression elastic modulus for the two sizes used. After determining high efficiencies of seeding, the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) was determined and contained aggrecan and collagens type I and X. ECM produced by the cells induced a twofold increase in the apparent elastic modulus of the composite. Biocompatible PLLA scaffolds have been developed that can be efficiently loaded with MSCs. The scaffold supports chondrogenic differentiation and ECM deposition that improves the mechanics of the scaffold. Although this improvement does not met the expectations of a hyaline-like cartilage ECM, in part due to the lack of a mechanical stimulation, their potential use in the treatment of cartilage pathologies encourages to improve the mechanical component.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation DPI2010-20399-C04-00 project and Instituto de Salud Carlos III RETIC RD06/0014.Izal, I.; Aranda, P.; Sanz Ramos, P.; Ripalda, P.; Mora, G.; Granero Molto, F.; Deplaine, H.... (2013). Culture of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on of poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds: potential application for the tissue engineering of cartilage. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 21(8):1737-1750. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00167-012-2148-6S17371750218Alberich-Bayarri A, Moratal D, Ivirico JL, Rodriguez-Hernandez JC, Valles-Lluch A, Marti-Bonmati L, Estelles JM, Mano JF, Pradas MM, Ribelles JL, Salmeron-Sanchez M (2009) Microcomputed tomography and microfinite element modeling for evaluating polymer scaffolds architecture and their mechanical properties. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 91:191–202Aranda P, Agirre X, Ballestar E, Andreu EJ, Roman-Gomez J, Prieto I, Martin-Subero JI, Cigudosa JC, Siebert R, Esteller M, Prosper F (2009) Epigenetic signatures associated with different levels of differentiation potential in human stem cells. PLoS One 4:e7809Bentley G, Biant LC, Vijayan S, Macmull S, Skinner JA, Carrington RW (2012) Minimum ten-year results of a prospective randomised study of autologous chondrocyte implantation versus mosaicplasty for symptomatic articular cartilage lesions of the knee. 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    Morphologic comparison of cervical, thoracic, lumbar intervertebral discs of cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)

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    The aim was to analyze the morphological differences of the intervertebral disc and endplates at different levels. Forty-five vertebral motion segments were obtained from the spine of nine 3 to 4-year-old cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). From every spine, five discs were sectioned (C5–C6, T3–T4, T9–T10, L2–L3, L4–L5). In all the groups, tissue samples were collected and sections were stained with Masson’s trichrome, Safranine-O and van Gieson’s connective tissue stain to analyze the intervertebral discs. Immunohistochemistry was performed, using specific antibodies to detect collagens I and II. The intervertebral disc height, the maximum nucleus pulposus height, the superior and inferior endplate heights were histomorphometrically measured and different indexes were calculated to compare the differences between specimens of the same animal and between discs of the same level, and finally the differences between groups of discs of different levels. There were no differences existing in annular fibers anchoring on the endplate between discs of different levels. A positive immune reaction for type I collagen was observed in the longitudinal ligaments and in the annular region adjacent to them. Collagen II immune reactivity was found in the annulus close to the nucleus pulposus, in the endplates and in the nucleus. There were no differences between discs of different levels in the collagen I and II localization. The height of the discs varied along the spine. The smallest value was measured in T3–T4, with a larger increase caudally than cranially. The highest value was measured in L2–L3. A cervical disc was 55% the height of a lumbar one. The endplate height increased along the length of the spine. The inferior EP was always higher than the superior. The study provides a detailed structural characterization of the intervertebral disc and may be useful for further investigations on the disc degeneration process