58 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Waktu pada Penyimpanan Serum untuk Pemeriksaan Kolesterol Total

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    Pemeriksaan kolesterol total dianalisis karena merupakan parameter penting untuk memantau kelainan metabolisme lipid yang ditandai dengan peningkatan maupun penurunan fraksi lipid dan pemeriksaan kolesterol total juga sering dilakukan di laboratorium klinik namun tidak pernah dianalisis sebagai bahan penelitian. Pemeriksaan kolesterol dapat dilakukan dengan sampel berupa serum.Serum dapat disimpan untuk penundaan pemeriksaan yang terjadi karena jarak laboratorium dengan tempat pengambilan sampel terlalu jauh sehingga serum harus disimpan dalam lemari pendingin dan juga untuk mengantisipasi adanya komplain hasil pemeriksaan dari pasien dan biasanya di pakai untuk menggulang pemeriksaan yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar kolesterol total pada serum yang langsung diperiksa dan disimpan dalam lemari pendingin pada suhu 2-8oCselama 1 minggu.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode exsperimen, yang dilaksanakan di ruang laboratorium Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. Kadar kolesterol total diukur dengan metode (CHOD-PAP) secara enzimatis pada serum yang langsung diperiksa dan disimpan dalam lemari pendingin pada suhu 2-8oC selama 1 minggu.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kadar kolesterol total pada serum yang langsung diperiksa sebesar 147 mg/dl sedangkan yang disimpan dalam lemari pendingin suhu 2-8oC selama 1 minggu sebesar 139 mg/dl. Hal ini menunjukkan tidak terjadi penurunan yang signifikan terhadap kadar kolesteroltotal setelah dilakukan penyimpanan

    Efek Konsumsi Minuman Beralkohol terhadap Kadar Kreatinin

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    Long-term and excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as impaired kidney function. Acute and chronic alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure which is a risk factor for kidney damage. Oxidative stress play a role in the kidney damage that induced by ethanol. In this study aims to the description of creatinine levels in moderate and heavy alcohol drinkers in Jalan Mendawai Kota Palangka Raya. This study used the descriptive method to describe the effect of consuming alcohol on kidney function using creatinine level parameters. Total sample used is 20 people with snowballs Sampling technique. The inclusion criteria such as male, age over 20 years old, consumed alcohol more than 5 years, consumed alcohol every day. Creatinine examination was done by Jaffe Reaction method using Photometer 5010 V5 +. The results showed that 15 people (75%) had high creatinine levels and 5 people (25%) had normal creatinine levels

    Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Hemoglobin dengan Point of Care Testing (POCT) pada Sampel Darah Vena dan Kapiler

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    On examination of hemoglobin with POCT generally use capillary blood. The use of capillary blood as a test sample has a deficiency, namely the possibility of dilution in capillary blood samples caused by a deep puncture so that the blood that comes out is not smooth and usually the fingers will be pressed or sequenced. This condition can cause blood dilution by tissue fluid, so the test results will tend to be low. The purpose of this study was to find out the difference in hemoglobin results with POCT in venous and capillary blood samples. This study uses descriptive analytical methods that aim to describe or describe a situation objectively, and then describe it. The results showed the average hemoglobin level in the venous blood sample was 13.2 g/dl. While in capillary blood samples 12.9 g / dl. The results of the independent t-test obtained a significance value of 0.224 (p > 0.05) so it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the results of hemoglobin levels examination using venous blood samples and capillary blood samples

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Pencegahan Infeksi dan Penyebaran Penularan COVID-19 di Panti Asuhan/LKSA Darul Tazkiyah Kota Palangka Raya

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    COVID-19 infection regardless of age. It can infect children, adults, and older adults. Children and older adults are high-risk groups of infection. An orphanage where many children live in one place with a high risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Education about prevention of infection and the spread of COVID-19 transmission at Darul Tazkiyah orphanage Palangka Raya was needed. The implementation methods included a pre-test, education about COVID-19, post-test, and submission of calendars containing information on prevention of COVID-19, posters, betel leaf extract hand sanitizers and health protocols banners. A total of 46 orphanage children became respondents. The paired sample t-test showed that p-value (0.000) <0.05. It meant there was a difference between pre-test and post-test results, which meant there was an increasing children's knowledge about prevention of infection and the spread of COVID-19 transmission at Darul Tazkiyah Orphanage, Palangka Raya. Based on the results of the service activities carried out, it showed that providing education can increase children's knowledge about how efforts to prevent transmission of COVID-19, so it is hoped that this increased knowledge can minimize transmission of COVID-19 and help government programs to reduce positive cases of COVID-19 in Palangka Raya in particular

    Triglyceride Levels on Electronic Cigarette Vapers in Palangka Raya

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    The electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) is one of the Nicotine Replacement Therapy uses electricity from battery power to deliver nicotine as aerosols. Nicotine can stimulate secretion of catecholamine lead to increase secretion of hepatic triglycerides to the blood vessels. This study aimed to asses the triglyceride levels of electronic cigarette smokers (also known as vapers) on a vaporizer community in Pahandut, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. The cross-sectional design was carried out to asses triglyceride levels on 29 electronic cigarette users. Triglyceride assay was determined by an automated photometric technique using Photometers (5010 V5+ Robert Riele). This study found that mostly e-cigarette user considered normal triglyceride level as 75.9% with average triglyceride level 100.6 mg/dL, 13.8% considered borderline-high triglyceride level with average triglyceride level 180.8 mg/dL, and only 10.3% considered high triglyceride level with average triglyceride level 293.0 mg/dL

    Cholinesterase Activity on Palm Oil Plantation Workers in Parenggean, Kotawaringin Timur

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    Use of pesticide is widely used in palm oil plantation industry. Pesticide exposure can affect pesticide-spraying workers' health. This study aimed to determine acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) activity levels and identify of poisoning risk factors on pesticide-spraying workers in a palm oil plantation Comanditaire Venootschap (CV) unit in Parenggeran, Kotawaringin Timur, Central Kalimantan. The cross-sectional study design was conducted to examine cholinesterase enzyme activity levels on 15 pesticide-spraying workers. The cholinesterase levels were measured using an automated photometric technique. This study found that all workers have normal cholinesterase activity levels. The average cholinesterase activity levels were 7065,36 U/L and 6528 U/L, respectively for male and female workers. It was also found that two male workers cholinesterase activity levels of using glyphosate pesticide were almost close to the lower limit of the normal levels range, 4720 U/L, and 4958 U/L, respectively. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the pesticide spraying and maximum time allowed of pesticide spraying in a day have to be considered as an important rule to avoid excessive pesticide exposure

    Pengaruh Perubahan Ritme Sirkadian terhadap Marker Inflamasi pada Pedagang Pasar Subuh di Kota Palangka Raya

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    Dawn market traders in Pasar Seram Palangka Raya City with sleep deprivation and alteration of sleep pattern has the potential risk of circadian rhythm disruption. Circadian rhythm disruption is the beginning of various chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease. One of the inflammation markers that can be used to assess the onset of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is the platelet profile (platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW) and plateletcrit (PCT)). This study aimed to describe the effect of circadian rhythm disruption of inflammation marker as a platelet profile in dawn market traders in Pasar Seram Palangka Raya City. The descriptive observational method with a cross-sectional design was used in this study. Samples obtained as many as 100 people using purposive sampling technique. The examination of the platelet profile was done by an automated method using a hematology analyzer. The results showed, there was 6% with high platelet count and it only in women. Whereas for platelet indices in men, there was 6% with high MPV, 74% with high PCT, and 10% with low PCT. In women, there was 84% with high PCT and 6% with low PCT (6%). The result showed there were inflammation and accumulation of platelets as a result of circadian rhythm disruption in dawn market traders
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