355 research outputs found

    Budaya Organisasi Kampus Madani Uin Suska

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    Sebagai institusi pendidikan yang baru bertransformasi, tentunya UIN SUSKA harus memiliki perhatian yang serius berkaitan dengan budaya organisasi yang akan dikembangkan. Keberagaman latar belakang dosen, mahasiswa yang direkrut dan kesiapan penerimaan Perubahan dari anggota lama harus diiringi dengan penguatan budaya organisasi, sehingga Perubahan organisasi tidak hanya sebatas Perubahan nama tetapi juga menggambarkan semakin baiknya tata kelola dan meningkatnya kemampuan adaptasi organisasi terhadap tantangan yang di dapatkan dari lingkungan organisas

    How should the role of the nurse change in response to Covid-19?

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    The UK nursing workforce has made a substantial contribution during the Covid-19 public health emergency and we now need to evaluate its current skills and knowledge and what it needs to cope with future potential outbreaks. This article discusses several approaches that warrant urgent consideration from the UK government, nurse leaders and policy makers to ensure long-term investment is made to support the profession and that nurses are well equipped to effectively respond to outbreaks, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of vulnerable groups and advocating on their behalf to reduce inequity in access to healthcare, health protection and cultural sensitivity

    Hubungan Ukuran Kantor Akuntan Publik dengan Opini Audit (Studi pada Perusahaan Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2011-2012)

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    Financial Statements audited provide assurance to users of financial statements that the report has been fit for use as a basis for decision making. Audit quality provided by audit firm is important to provide assurance that the financial statements have been audited properly. This study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between the size of the audit firm with audit quality given. Audit firm size was measured using the total assets audited and total sales audited by audit firm during the year, while the audit quality is measured using the audit opinion provided by the firm. This study is a replication study of Li et al (2008).The population used is listed on the Stock Exchange the period 2011 to 2012, with a sample of non-financial companies that obtained by purposive sampling method. Processing of the data in this study using logistic regression. The results showed that there is a relationship between the size of the audit firm with audit quality, that the greater the size of the audit firm, the better the quality of a given audit

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan (Studi Kasus PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Cab. Kandis)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Compensation and Working Environment Employee Loyalty (Case Study PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Cab. Kandis). Compensation as a variable (X1), Environmental Working as a variable (X2) and employee loyalty as a variable (Y).The method in this research is descriptive and quantitative with program SPSS, where samples were used that all employees as many as 25 respondents. To determine the sample, this study used census techniques. Data collection through questionnaires.The study concluded that the variable compensation positive effect on employee loyalty, work environment positive effect on employee loyalty and significant influence between compensation and work environment on employee loyalty

    Kegiatan Siswa di Luar Sekolah pada Jam Pelajaran Sekolah ( Studi : Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas )

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    Delinquency of students is a student form of behavior that deviates from school rules.Delinquency of students many kinds, one of them is ditching. Skipping is a behavior thatviolates social norms as a result of Kartono's poor environmental conditioning process(2013). Misdemeanor mischievous occurs among high school students (SMA). Oftenencountered students who ditch from school gathered in oil palm plantations, gathered installs or playstation play. As the school students gather in the oil palm plantations they dosmoke, play mobile phones. This study aims to find out what activities students do whenditching the school and what the reason students do skip school at the school time. The theoryused in this research is Theory of Deviation, Theory of Behavior Deviation (DevianBehavior) according to Paul B.Harton (Elly M.Setiadi, 2011). This research uses Qualitativemethod. Data analysis is done by qualitative descriptive method, the data retrieval techniquein this research is accidental where the number of respondents are 6 students of Senior HighSchool. To collect research data using observation method, documentation and interview.From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the students' activities during schoolwork are often gathered in the oil palm plantations for smoking, playing mobile. and thereason students do skip school because students feel bored while in school and bored whilestudying

    Pembuatan Strategy Farming Game Berbasis Flash

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    Game is an activity to find a new challenge or for having fun. Game have several genres like farming game, simulation, strategy, action, and many more. Each tipe has its own advantage and disadvantage like strategy genre is usually more challenging because its rather difficult hand have to stay focus to win. But other game like farming game is very fun but fell not challenging enough because usually farming game is very easy to play.Because of the difficulty reason, this game with farming and strategy genre have enemy that will attack the plants. Player also can protect the plants by killing enemy or by buying a tower that can attack enemy otomatically when an enemy come closer to the plants around that tower. This game is made by using Adobe Flash Professional CS6.From questionnaire average score 7.4, proofing that game with farming and strategy genre will become an interesting game that can be played
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