24 research outputs found

    Penyerapan Formalin oleh Beberapa Jenis Bahan Makanan Serta Penghilangannya melalui Perendaman dalam Air Panas (The Adsorption Of Formaldehyde By Some Foodstuffs And Its Elimination By Soaking Them In Hot Water)

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    Back ground: Due to its toxicity, the uses of formaldehyde as food preservative is prohibited by the government. However, the surveys indicated that some foodstuffs in traditional market still contained formaldehyde. The used of formaldehyde as food preservative, is due to its capability to bind the protein forming the methylene bond (-NCHOH). In this structure, the protein is resistant to the activity of spoiling the foods either to microbial or oxidation activity. This article presents the result of study in adsorption of some foodstuff containing protein to the formaldehyde, and the effect of soaking process in hot water to the reduction of formalin content in the foods. Methods: The sample of foods was soaked in 1% of formalin solution. Whereas the effect of soaking in the hot water to the formalin content of the food was conducted by soaking of the food containing formalin in hot water. During the period of soaking time then the foods were analyzed for the content of water, formaldehyde, and protein. Results: The highest adsorption of formaldehyde was in tofu, then followed by chicken and the lowest was in traditional wet-noodle. However the adsorption of formaldehyde for different sample of tofu and between chicken breast chicken legs was different. The content of formalin in the food could be reduced by soaking in hot water. The reduction was depending on the formalin content of the foods. For example, the formalin content in sample of tofu I, before soaking in the hot water was 0.7 mg per g, and becoming 0 in the 2 hours soaking time in hot water. Conclusions: The adsorption of formaldehyde in foodstuff was depending on the availability of protein to react with formaldehyde. The soaking of the food containing formalin in hot water could be reduced its formalin content of the foods. Recommendation: The soaking of food containing formalin in hot water was an effort in households to avoid the formalin in the foods. [Penel Gizi Makan 2011, 34(1): 63-74

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Serat Galaktomanan Ampas Kelapa terhadap Penghambatan Kenaikan Kadar Kolesterol Darah

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    The high level of blood cholesterol is one of the risk factor for artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease as the consequence of their life style, particularly in the city. On the other hand, it was reported that dietary fiber supplementation could inhibit the increase of the blood cholesterol level. One of these dietary fibers known as galactomannan found sufficiently in the residue of coconut kernel. This study was to prove the effect cif this dietary fiber supplementation to the increased level of the blood cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDJ), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride, in the rabbit experiment. The result of the study shown that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber of the coconut kernel to the cholesterol level was in the form of isolated galactomanan. In 26 days, the isolated galactomannan reduced the cholesterol level by 12 mg/dl (p=0.069), 10 mg/dl (p=0.231) of the LDL, and 7 mg/dl (p=0.138) of the triglyceride. The HDL level raised 1 mgldl (p=0.021). The inhihitation raises significantly when the supplemetation was continued for 52 days. There were an increase of 24 mg/dl (p=0.010) for cholesterol, 15 mg/dl for HDL (p=0.045), 18 mg/dl (p=0.015) for triglyceride. Whereas the increase of the HDL level remained in 1 mg/dl (p=0.032). The conclusion of this study was that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber contained in the coconut kernel to the cholesterol, trigliseride was in the form of the isolated galactomannan. It could he suggested that the isolated galactomannan produced from the residue of coconut kernel was becoming an alternative food supplementation for reducing the cholesterol level of hyperlipidemia

    Penurunan Kadar Sianida Singkong Pahit Pada Proses Fermentasi Cair Bakteri Brevibacterium Lactofermentemum Bl-1m76

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    THE REDUCTION OF THE CYANIDE CONTENT OF BITIER CASSAVA BY THE PROCESS OF LIQUID FERMENTATION USING BREVIBACTERIUM LACTOFERMENTUM BL-1M76.Background: Cassava is one of the important source of carbohydrate in tropical countries, that easliy grows in any kind of soil. However, there is a kind of cassava containing cyanide substance, which is toxic for human consumption. This kind of cassava known as bitter cassava contains more starch, but it can\u27t be used as food directly. Usually, people uses this cassava as raw material for producing starch known as \u27tapioka\u27 by the traditional method. The cyanide substance in cassava can be degraded by bacteria known as Brevibacterium sp R312 that is capable to degrade about 80% of the cyianide content in cassava, since this bacteria produces some enzymes namely E glucosidase, nitrilhydratase, and amidase, which degrade this cyanide substance. In our laboratory, has another strain of this bacteria, Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76, which Is not harmful and has potential capability in producing amino acid of lysine. Objectives: The study was conducted to investigate the potential of the bacteria Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 in reducting of the cyanide substance of bitter cassava using the process of liquid fermentation. Materials and Methods: This experiment used four kinds of bitter cassava obtained from the Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Tanaman Pangan, Departemen Pertanian (The Research Station of Biotechnology for Food Crops). Those cassavas are known as Adira II, Adria IV, 39.1.1 code, and 46.8 code. The liquid fermentation was conducted in the erlenmeyer flask 250 ml containing 10 ml of 10% cassava medium. The process of fermentation was done in two steps. The first step was to decide the maxmium volume and concentration cell of bacteria suspension, and the duration time of the incubation at the 28°C. The observation was done to the changes content of cyanide, and protein of the cassava medium due to the fermentation. Results: The maximum volume of bacteria cell in the first fermentation was 5 ml for 10 ml of 10% cassava medium. In the second fermentation indicated that the achievement degradation of Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 cyanide substances for all kind bitter cassava was 100%. However, the protein content was not shown any different.Conclusions: The cyanide substance contained in bitter cassava known as Adira II, Adira IV, 39.1.1 code, and 46.8 code can be degraded by the bacteria of Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 in the process of liquid fermentation

    Isolasi Galaktomanan Ampas Kelapa Rumah Tangga Dan Bungkil Industri Minyak Kelapa

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    Background: Recent studies have shown significantly the effect of isolated galactomannan of coconut kernel in the lowering of the cholesterol content of the animal as well as the human serum. Those studies used the isolated galactomannan from the residual of coconut kernel of the households. However, the residual of kernel coconut is also available in the oil factory known as "bungkil". The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal process of isolation from the both source of galactomannan for commercial scale. Methods: The isolation method of galactomannan was performed in production scale by using the method of the previous studies. The weight of the residual of coconut kernel were varies from 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 g. Whereas the concentration of the solvent extraction were 2,4 and 6%. The products of isolated galactomannan were then analyzed for its composition of galactose and mannose using the HPLC method, and its content of chemical residue used in solution for isolation using the Flame photometer method. Results: The results study revealed that the optimal isolation of galactomannan was obtained by 4% concentration of the isolation solvent from 400 g of the residual of coconut kernel from the households, and by 6% from 300 g of the bungkil. The percentage of optimal isolation was 95.1% and 92.2% respectively. The product of isolated galactomanan from the households waste contained 47.8% galactose, and 42.6% manose, whereas from the bungkil contained 44.5% galactose, dan 38.5 % manose. The impurities of chemical residue were between 0.35 to 0.48 ppm as sodium. Conclusions: The isolated galactomannan gained from the residual of coconut kernel of the households and the bungkil was different in the optimalization of process; however its composition of galactose and mannose, and its content of residual chemical as sodium impurities were similar

    Kandungan Natrium Beberapa Jenis Sambal Kemasan Serta Uji Tingkat Penerimaannya (the Sodium Content of Some Chilli Sauces and Its Sensory Evaluation)

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    Background: Chili sauce is one the spice which is widely used in Indonesia. In making of the sauce, salt is added to increase the palatability of the Chili sauce. In the past salt was the only source of sodium, however, nowadays there are some food additives containing sodium such as sodium benzoate becoming the source of sodium. At the moment, the Chili sauce are available in the market, and in making those sauces, beside the addition of salt is also some food additive containing sodium were added. The excessive of sodium intake is related to the risk of hypertension and kidney failure. Objectives: to analyze the sodium contents of 10 kinds of Chili sauces available in the market and to evaluate the sensory of the sauce. Methods: Ten samples of Chili sauce in various brands were bought from supermarket, and then analyzed its sodium content using the Flame photometer method. Its sensory evaluation was performed by the thirty-two of testers. Results: The sodium content of sauces was shown that the value of the content was varying significantly (p £ 0.05). The highest content was 9.03 mg per gram, and the lowest was 3.82 mg per gram. The others were spread out between the highest and the lowest. Whereas the sensory evaluation of the sauce indicated that the sauce containing the higher content of sodium was tend to be more acceptance than the lower one. Conclusion: The sodium content of sauces in this study was varying between 9.03 to 3.82 mg per 100 g, whereas the sensory evaluation of the sauces revealed that the sauce which contained the higher content of sodium was more preference by the testers than the lower one. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 173-179

    Uji Keamanan dan Uji Daya Terima Produk Fermentasi Sari Pisang Kadaluarsa dengan Khamir Rhodotorula Glutinis

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    Banana is a kind of fruit whose stability during storage is very short. After its ripe is over, physically the banana is very soft, with some black spot of growing the yeast over the skin. This kind of banana is already no longer acceptable as food. Actually this banana is containing high glucose content which is useful for the growth of yeasts. The object of this study is to use this over ripe bananas as the raw material for making the fermented juice drink. The yeast uses was Rhodotorula glutinis, because this yeast able to synthesis the essential nutrients of fatty acid linoleat and linolenat, ergosetrol (pro­vitamin D) and carotene pigment (pro-vitamin A). In this study also performed the safety testing which was carried out on experimental rats for along 30 days. Observations were done on physical condition of rats. At the end of observation some rats were eradicated to see the organ vital such as kidney, heart, and liver. The observation concluded that the over ripe bananas juice fermented using Rhodotorula glutinis was safety to be consumed, without any effect. Whereas it\u27s sensory evaluation which was performed by 30 tester revealed that most of the testers accepted those product of bananas juice, without any different significantly at a 0.05. Except for colour for bananas juice which was fermented had the colour of reddish due to Rhodotorula glutinis

    Kandungan Garam (Nacl) Dalam Beberapa Makanan Jajan

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    Reduksi Kandungan Aflatoksin B1 (Afb1) pada Pembuatan Kacang Telur melalui Perebusan dalam Larutan Kapur (Reduction Of Aflatoxin B1 (Afb1) Content In The Egg Peanut By Boilling In Lime Solution)

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    Background: The harmful effect of aflatoxin B1 for human being because of its toxicity, as carcinogenic agent. The toxin is produced by the Aspergillus flavus which usually grows in grain and nuts. As the result that the grain, nuts and their product contaminated by the toxin. Egg peanut is one of peanut products which are widely consumed by the peoples. Consequently the egg peanut should be not containing the toxin. The modification of process of making peanut is one way to eliminate the toxin. Objectives: To eliminate the aflatoksin B1 content in the product of egg peanut through the preparation of raw peanuts by boiling the peanut in the boiled lime solution. The concentration of the lime solution in this research was 0.5 percent, and 1.5 percent for 10 minutes. Methods: There were two kinds of peanut egg, one was made from the raw peanuts which were already contaminated by the aflatoxin, and another one from the raw peanuts was not contaminated. The first product was to observe the influenced of boiling in the lime solution of peanuts to the content of aflatoxin. The second product was to observe the influenced of boiling in the lime solution of peanuts to the sensory of peanut eggs. Aflatoxin analysis was carried out by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Results: The result of research showed that the preparation of the raw peanuts by boiling in lime solution was able to reduce the content of aflatoxin in peanut eggs. The percentage of reduction was increased by increasing the concentration of lime solution. In this study, the reduction of aflatoxin for the peanuts which was boiled in the 0.5 percent of lime solution was 27.8 percent. The reduction was increased becoming 29.5 percent when the peanuts boiled in the 1.5 percent of lime solution. The roasting of the peanut increased 44 percent the reduction of aflatoxin content. Conclusion: The modification process of making the egg peanut by boiling in lime solution could reduce the aflatoxin content, whereas the sensory of peanuts was not affected. The reduction content of aflatoxin was depending on the concentration of lime solution. [Penel Gizi Makan 2011, 34(1): 21-28