212 research outputs found

    Limits of Detection of Topically Applied Products in the Skin Using In Vivo Raman Spectroscopy

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    We have developed a method to determine the limit of detection (LoD) for quantitative measurement of exogenous analytes in the outer layer of the human skin by in vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy. The method is in accordance with the guidelines of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use that have been adopted by regulatory authorities such as the American Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency. The method can be applied in silico so that the limit of detection can be assessed before starting a skin penetration study, for example, in areas of pharmaceutical formulation, pharmacokinetics, or toxicokinetics. This can significantly reduce the need for expensive and time-consuming feasibility studies. This paper describes the method to calculate this LoD as well as the experimental and methodological factors that can influence the calculation of the LoD.</p

    Imaging with extrinsic Raman labels

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    In two separate examples we demonstrate the use of extrinsic Raman scattering probes for imaging of biological samples. First, the distribution of cholesterol in a rat eye lens is determined with the use of the Raman scattered light from filipin, a molecule which binds specifically to cholesterol. The protein distribution in the same eye lens was obtained by using the 1450-cm-1 CH2 and CH3 bending modes as an intrinsic marker for protein. It appears that the cholesterol is concentrated in the membranes of the eye lens fibers, whereas the protein is distributed more evenly. Second, we demonstrate that phenotyping of lymphocytes can be done by using the Raman scattering of (antibody-coated) polystyrene spheres. The lymphocyte population was also fluorescently labeled with anti-CD4-FITC to demonstrate that Raman and fluorescence labeling can be used simultaneously. Finally, we discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of using Raman labels

    Chevron-type dielectric filter set for efficient narrow-band laser line rejection in Raman microspectrometers

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    A chevron-type dielectric bandpass filter set is described which combines laser line rejection by a factor >108 with a high throughput of Raman scattered light (70%). The rejection bandwidth is 60 cm−1 full width at half-maximum. Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman spectra can be recorded simultaneously from approximately 20 cm−1 from the laser line. The filter set, moreover, takes care of efficient coupling of microscope and spectrometer, replacing an otherwise necessary beamsplitter

    Franz cell diffusion testing and quantitative confocal raman spectroscopy: In vitro-in vivo correlation

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    Previously, we reported the use of Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS) to investigate the topical delivery of actives and excipients. We have also correlated the results from CRS with findings from in vitro diffusion studies in human skin. However, until now CRS has only been used as a semi-quantitative method of determining the skin uptake of molecules, with results expressed as arbitrary units of signal intensity. Clearly, this posed challenges for using CRS to determine skin delivery and to assess the drug bioavailability and bioequivalence of topical formulations. In the present work, the permeation of niacinamide (NIA) from various formulations in human skin was studied in vitro using conventional Franz cells and in vivo using a quantitative CRS m

    Development and validation of Raman spectroscopic classification models to discriminate tongue squamous cell carcinoma from non-tumorous tissue

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    Background Currently, up to 85% of the oral resection specimens have inadequate resection margins, of which the majority is located in the deeper soft tissue layers. The prognosis of patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) of the tongue is negatively affected by these inadequate surgical resections. Raman spectroscopy, an optical technique, can potentially be used for intra-operative evaluation of resection margins. Objective To develop in vitro Raman spectroscopy-based tissue classification models that discriminate OCSCC of the tongue from (subepithelial) non-tumorous tissue. Materials and methods Tissue classification models were developed using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) followed by (hierarchical) Linear Discriminant Analysis ((h)LDA). The models were based on a training set of 720 histopathologically annotated Raman spectra, obtained from 25 tongue samples (11 OCSCC and 14 normal) of 10 patients, and were validated by means of an independent validation set of 367 spectra, obtained from 19 tongue samples (6 OCSCC and 13 normal) of 11 patients. Results A PCA-LDA tissue classification model ‘tumor’ versus ‘non-tumorous tissue’ (i.e. surface squamous epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, adipose tissue, gland and nerve) showed an accuracy of 86% (sensitivity: 100%, specificity: 66%). A two-step PCA-hLDA tissue classification model ‘tumor’ versus ‘non-tumorous tissue’ showed an accuracy of 91%

    Monitoring Dermal Penetration and Permeation Kinetics of Topical Products; the Role of Raman Microspectroscopy

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    The study of human skin represents an important area of research and development in dermatology, toxicology, pharmacology and cosmetology, in order to assess the effects of exogenous agents, their interaction, their absorption mechanism, and/or their toxicity towards the different cutaneous structures. The processes can be parameterised by mathematical models of diffusion, of varying degrees of complexity, and are commonly measured by Franz cell diffusion, in vitro, and tape stripping, in vitro or in vivo, techniques which are recognised by regulatory bodies for commercialisation of dermally applied products. These techniques do not directly provide chemically specific measurement of the penetration and/or permeation of formulations in situ, however. Raman microspectroscopy provides a non-destructive, non-invasive and chemically specific methodology for in vitro, and in vivo investigations, in-situ, and can provide a powerful alternative to the current gold standard methods approved by regulatory bodies. This review provides an analysis of the current state of art of the field of monitoring dermal penetration and permeation kinetics of topical products, in vitro and in vivo, as well as the regulatory requirements of international guidelines governing them. It furthermore outlines developments in the analysis of skin using Raman microspectroscopy, towards the most recent demonstrations of quantitative monitoring of the penetration and permeation kinetics of topical products in situ, for in vitro and in vivo applications, before discussing the challenges and future perspectives of the field

    Raman spectroscopy to discriminate laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma from non-cancerous surrounding tissue

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    As for many solid cancers, laryngeal cancer is treated surgically, and adequate resection margins are critical for survival. Raman spectroscopy has the capacity to accurately differentiate between cancer and non-cancerous tissue based on their molecular composition, which has been proven in previous work. The aim of this study is to investigate whether Raman spectroscopy can be used to discriminate laryngeal cancer from surrounding non-cancerous tissue. Patients surgically treated for laryngeal cancer were included. Raman mapping experiments were performed ex vivo on resection specimens and correlated to histopathology. Water concentration analysis and CH-stretching region analysis were performed in the high wavenumber range of 2500–4000 cm−1. Thirty-four mapping experiments on 22 resection specimens were used for analysis. Both laryngeal cancer and all non-cancerous tissue structures showed high water concentrations of around 75%. Discriminative information was only found to be present in the CH-stretching region of the Raman spectra of the larynx (discriminative power of 0.87). High wavenumber region Raman spectroscopy can discriminate laryngeal cancer from non-cancerous tissue structures. Contrary to the findings for oral cavity cancer, water concentration is not a discriminating factor for laryngeal cancer.</p
