4 research outputs found

    Dynamic vacuum stability in SIS100

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    SIS100 is the main synchrotron of the FAIR project. It is designed to accelerate high intensity intermediate charge state uranium beams from 200 MeV/u up to 2.7 GeV/u. Intermediate charge state heavy ions are exposed to a high probability of charge exchange due to collisions with residual gas molecules. Since the charge exchange process changes the magnetic rigidity, the involved ions are lost behind dispersive elements, and an energy-dependent gas desorption takes place. The StrahlSim code has been used to predict the stability of the residual gas pressure in SIS100 under beam loss driven dynamic conditions. The results show, that a stable operation at highest U28+ intensities is possible, under the constraint that the vacuum chambers of the ion catcher system are cold enough to pump hydrogen. Furthermore, in order to determine the load to the cryogenic system, the average beam energy deposition onto the ion catcher system has been calculated

    SIS18 – intensity record with intermediate charge state heavy ions

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    n order to reach the de­sired in­ten­si­ties of heavy ion beams for the ex­per­i­ments at FAIR, SIS18 and SIS100 have to be op­er­at­ed with in­ter­me­di­ate charge states. Op­er­a­tion with in­ter­me­di­ate charge state heavy ions at the in­ten­si­ty level of about 1011 ions per cycle has never been demon­strat­ed else­where and re­quires a ded­i­cat­ed up­grade pro­gram for SIS18 and a ded­i­cat­ed ma­chine de­sign for SIS100. The spe­cif­ic prob­lems com­ing along with the in­ter­me­di­ate charge state op­er­a­tion in terms of charge ex­change pro­cess­es at col­li­sions with resid­u­al gas atoms, pres­sure bumps by ion in­duced des­orp­tion and cor­re­spond­ing beam loss ap­pears far below the typ­i­cal space charge lim­its. Thus, new de­sign con­cepts and new tech­ni­cal equip­ment ad­dress­ing these is­sues are de­vel­oped and re­al­ized with high­est pri­or­i­ty. The up­grade pro­gram of SIS18 ad­dress­ing the goal of min­i­mum ion­iza­tion beam loss and sta­ble resid­u­al gas pres­sure con­di­tions has been de­fined in 2005. A major part of this up­grade pro­gram has been suc­cess­ful­ly re­al­ized, with the re­sult of a world record in ac­cel­er­at­ed num­ber of in­ter­me­di­ate charge state heavy ions

    Conceptual Design Report for a Beta-Beam Facility

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    The Beta-Beam is a concept of large-scale facility that aims at providing pure electronic neutrino and antineutrino beams for the measurement of electron and muon neutrino oscillations. Beta-decaying nuclides are produced in large amounts in a facility of the scale of EURISOL, and are then post-accelerated and stored at large gamma in a racetrack decay ring. We present here a conceptual design of the accelerator chain of a Beta-Beam based at CERN