4 research outputs found

    Knowledge, Power, and Social Policy: John M. MacEachran and Alberta’s 1928 Sexual Sterilization Act

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    This article examines how academic knowledge and power have shaped the discourse on human classification and how political authorities use academic knowledge producers to legitimize public policy. Specifically, the article draws on the role of John M. MacEachran, a former academic at the University of Alberta, in the implementation of the Alberta 1928 Sexual Sterilization Act. The article argues that political authorities use academics and their knowledge in social policy when there is consistency with the interests of broader sociopolitical forces. Drawing on critical pedagogy, the selective use of academic knowledge-producers and the implications are discussed with reference to the relationship between educators and learners and university-society relations in general.Cet article traite, d’une part, de l’influence des connaissances et du pouvoir acadĂ©miques sur le discours relatif Ă  la classification des ĂȘtres humains et, d’autre part, de l’emploi par les autoritĂ©s politiques des producteurs de connaissances acadĂ©miques pour lĂ©gitimer les politiques publiques. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, l’article porte sur le rĂŽle qu’a jouĂ© de John M. MacEachran, un ancien professeur Ă  la University of Alberta, dans la mise en oeuvre de la loi albertaine de 1928 sur la stĂ©rilisation sexuelle. L’auteur maintient que les autoritĂ©s politiques ont recours aux connaissances des professeurs d’universitĂ© relatives aux politiques sociales quand il y a cohĂ©rence avec les intĂ©rĂȘts des forces sociopolitiques plus gĂ©nĂ©rales. Puisant dans la pĂ©dagogie critique, l’auteur discute de l’emploi sĂ©lectif des connaissances acadĂ©miques et de ses consĂ©quences dans le contexte du rapport entre les Ă©ducateurs et les apprenants, et celui entre l’universitĂ© et la sociĂ©tĂ© en gĂ©nĂ©ral

    Infrastructure and Capacity Development as a Catalyst for Regionalism and Economic Integration in Africa

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    The development prospects of any country or region requires a complex interaction of internal and external factors, as well as the availability and optimum combination of necessary and sufficient conditions, specifically human and physical resources. One particular variable and the source of intense interest has been the state of infrastructure, its quality within and beyond the national context. This interest has assumed a particularly significant place in the face of the growing relevance of regionalism in the development prospects of Africa. Indeed, infrastructure is of immense significance to regionalism, especially in the environment of contemporary globalization

    Internet use during childhood and the ecological techno-subsystem

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    Research findings suggest both positive and negative developmental consequences of Internet use during childhood (e.g., playing video games have been associated with enhanced visual skills as well as increased aggression). Several studies have concluded that environmental factors mediate the developmental impact of childhood online behaviour. From an ecological perspective, we propose the techno-subsystem, a dimension of the microsystem (i.e., immediate environments). The techno-subsystem includes child interaction with both living (e.g., peers) and nonliving (e.g., hardware) elements of communication, information, and recreation technologies in direct environments. By emphasizing the role of technology in child development, the ecological techno-subsystem encourages holistic exploration of the developmental consequences of Internet use (and future technological advances) during childhood. L’usage d’Internet chez les enfants et le sous-systĂšme Techno Ă©cologique RĂ©sumĂ© : Les rĂ©sultats de recherche semblent indiquer que l’usage d’Internet chez les enfants aurait des consĂ©quences dĂ©veloppementales qui soit Ă  la fois positives et nĂ©gatives (ex. : l’usage des jeux vidĂ©o auraient Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s Ă  un accroissement des habiletĂ© visuelles ainsi qu’à un accroissement de l’agressivitĂ©). Plusieurs Ă©tudes ont aussi conclue que l’impact du comportement des enfants quand il sont en ligne sur leur dĂ©veloppement serait affectĂ© par des facteurs environnementaux. Dans une perspective Ă©cologique, nous proposons le sous-systĂšme Techno, une dimension du microsystĂšme (ex :. les environnements immĂ©diats). Le sous-systĂšme Techno comprend l’interaction de l’enfant avec des Ă©lĂ©ments vivants (e. : les paires) et non vivants (ex; les ordinateurs) de communication, d’information et de technologie de jeux dans des environnements directes