3 research outputs found

    The Ander’s organ: A mechanism for Anti-predator Ultrasound in a Relict Orthopteran

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    The use of acoustics in predator evasion is a widely reported phenomenon amongst invertebrate taxa, but the study of ultrasonic anti-predator acoustics is often limited to the prey of bats. Here, we describe the acoustic function and morphology of a unique stridulatory structure in the relict orthopteran Cyphoderris monstrosa (Ensifera, Hagloidea): the Ander’s organ. This species is one of just eight remaining members of the family Prophalangopsidae, a group with a fossil record of over 90 extinct species widespread during the Jurassic. We reveal that the sound produced by this organ has the characteristics of a broadband ultrasonic anti-predator defence, with a peak frequency of 58 ± 15.5 kHz and a bandwidth of 50 kHz (at 10 dB below peak). Evidence from sexual dimorphism, knowledge on hearing capabilities and assessment of local predators, suggest the signal likely targets ground-dwelling predators. Additionally, we reveal a previously undescribed series of cavities underneath the organ that likely function as a mechanism for ultrasound amplification. Morphological structures homologous in both appearance and anatomical location to the Ander’s organ are observed to varying degrees in 4 of the 7 other extant members of this family, with the remaining 3 yet to be assessed. Therefore, we suggest that such structures may either be more widely present in this ancient family than previously assumed, or have evolved to serve a key function in the long-term survival of these few species, allowing them to outlive their extinct counterparts

    A narrow ear canal reduces sound velocity to create additional acoustic inputs in a micro-scale insect ear

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    Located in the forelegs, katydid ears are unique among arthropods in having outer, middle and inner components, analogous to the mammalian ear. Unlike mammals, sound is received externally via two tympanic membranes in each ear, and internally via a narrow ear canal (EC) derived from the respiratory tracheal system. Inside the EC sound travels slower than in free air, causing temporal and pressure differences between external and internal inputs. The delay was suspected to arise as a consequence of the narrowing EC geometry. If true, a reduction in sound velocity should persist independently of the gas composition in the EC (e.g. air, CO2). Integrating laser Doppler vibrometry, micro-CT scanning, and numerical analysis on precise 3D geometries of each experimental animal EC, we demonstrate that the narrowing radius of the EC is the main factor reducing sound velocity. Both experimental and numerical data also show that sound velocity is reduced further when excess CO2 fills the EC. Likewise, the EC bifurcates at the tympanal level (one branch for each tympanic membrane) creating two additional narrow internal sound paths and imposing different sound velocities for each tympanic membrane. Therefore, external and internal inputs total to four sound paths for each ear (only one for the human ear). New research paths, and implication of findings in avian directional hearing are discussed

    Ear pinnae in a neotropical katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) function as ultrasound guides for bat detection

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    Early predator detection is a key component of the predator-prey arms race, and has driven the evolution of multiple animal hearing systems. Katydids (Insecta) have sophisticated ears, each consisting of paired tympana on each foreleg that receive sound both externally, through the air, and internally via a narrowing ear canal running through the leg from an acoustic spiracle on the thorax. These ears are pressure-time difference receivers capable of sensitive and accurate directional hearing across a wide frequency range. Many katydid species have cuticular pinnae which form cavities around the outer tympanal surfaces, but their function is unknown. We investigated pinnal function in the katydid Copiphora gorgonensis by combining experimental biophysics and numerical modelling using 3D ear geometries. We found that the pinnae in C. gorgonensis do not assist in directional hearing for specific call frequencies, but instead act as ultrasound detectors. Pinnae induced large sound pressure gains (20–30 dB) that enhanced sound detection at high ultrasonic frequencies (> 60 kHz), matching the echolocation range of co-occurring insectivorous bats. These findings were supported by behavioural and neural audiograms and tympanal cavity resonances from live specimens, and comparisons with the pinnal mechanics of sympatric katydid species, which together suggest that katydid pinnae primarily evolved for the enhanced detection of predatory bats