13 research outputs found

    Diversity of Fish Species in the Sibam River, Pekanbaru, Riau

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    Sibam River is one of black water rivers in Riau. It was inhabit by numerous fish species, but information on these fish is almost none. To understand the diversity of fish in that river, a study has been conducted from May to July 2015. There were 5 sampling areas, in the upstream (St I and II), middle (St III and IV) and downstream (St V) of the river. The fish was sampled using net (mesh size 0.5 cm inch), scoop net (mesh size 0.5 cm) and electrofishing. Data were then analyzed to find out the diversity (H'), evenness (E) and dominance (C) indexes. The fish sampled were identified based on Saanin (1984) and Kottelat (1993). The fish species present were consisted of 5 order, 16 families, 30 genus, and 41 species. The highest fish abundance was found in the ST III, and the most common species was Bagrichthys macracanthus. Osteochilus hasselti and Rasbora argyrotaenia were distributed evenly along the river, as they were found in each sampling area (Fi 100%). In the St I, II and V, the Diversity index values were high, while those in the St III and IV were medium. In all study areas the uniformity index values were high, while the dominance indexes were low

    A Study on Fish Composition in the Air Hitam River, Pekanbaru, Riau Province

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    The Air Hitam River was inhabit by numerous fish species, information on these fishhowever is almost none. To understand the composition of fish in that river, a study hasbeen conducted from February to March 2014. There were 3 sampling sites, in theupstream (S1), middle (S2) and downstream (S3) of the river. The fish was sampledusing several net types (mesh size 0.1 – 1.0 inch), electrofoshing and line fishing. Datawere then analyzed to find out the diversity (H'), evenness (E) and dominance (C)index. The fish sampled were identified based on Kottelat (2013). The fish speciespresent were consisted of 34 species (15 families). There were Notopterus notopterus,Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Desmopuntius gemellus, D. hexazona, Esomus metallicus,Hampala macrolepidota, Labiobarbus leptocheilus, Osteochillus vittatus, Parachelaoxygastroides, Rasbora argyrotaenia, R. einthovenii, R trilineata, Tynnichthyspolylepis, Trigonopoma gracile, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Ompok rhadinurus,Pseudeutropius brachypopterus, P. moolenburghae, Mystus nigriceps,Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus, Poecilia reticulata, Monopterus javanensis,Pristolepis grooti, Oreochromis niloticus, Anabas testudineus, Helostoma temminckii,Belontia hasselti, Osphronemus goramy and Sphaerichthys osphromenoides,Trichopodus leerii, T. trichopterus, Trichopsis vittata, Channa lucius and C. striata.The most common fish was Pterygoplichthys pardalis that was present mainly in theS2. Trichopodus trichopterus and Trichopsis vittata were distributed evenly along theriver, as they were found in each sampling area (Fi 100%). In the Air Hitam River, thehighest H' value (3. 671) and the highest E value (0.880) were in the upstream, whilethe highest C (0.476) was in the middle stream

    Stomach Content Analysis of Pterygoplichthys Pardalis From the Air Hitam River, Payung Sekaki District, Riau Province

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    Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a type of freshwater fish that live in the Air Hitam River, one of polluted river in Riau. Eventhough the river is polluted, but this species well developed in that river. To understand the stomach content of that fish and its relationship with size, sex and level of maturity, a study has been conducted from February to May 2015. There were 169 fishes captured, however only 91 fishes were used for stomach content study as the other had empty stomach. The stomach content was analyzed and was used as a basis to calculate the Preponderance Index (PI). Results shown that the main food of P. pardalis is Bacillariophyceae (PI 41.19%), small fishes (91-124 mm TL) tend to consume Cyanophyceae (PI53.54%), while the big fish (more than 295 mm TL) tend to consume Bacillariophyceae (PI 45,48%) and rest of crustacea (PI 46,66%). Male eat more Cyanophyceae (PI 46,69%), the female consume Bacillariophyceae (PI 39,05%). Fish with low maturity level (2nd and 3rd maturity level) tend to eat Chlorophyceae (PI 48.81%) and Bacillariophyceae (PI 34.19%), while the mature fish prefer to consume Chlorophyceae (PI 37.14%). Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the main food of P. pardalis was various and it is related to body size, sex and gonad maturity level

    Length-weight and Length-length Relationship Among the Body Parts of Batak Fish (Tor Soro) From the Upstream of the Aek Godang River, North Sumatera Province

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    Tor soro is a North Sumatran endemic species. This fish have high economic value and play important role in Batak's culture. Biological information on this fish, including the morphological characteristic, however, is rare. To understand the information on length-weight relationship, a study has been conducted from March to June 2015. The fish was sampled from the Aek Godang River, especially in the Banuaji (St 1) and the Dolok Nauli (St 2) villages. Totally 123 fish were captured. Several body parts such as total length, head length, fork length, caudal rod length, body height and body weight were measured and then compared to standard length in order to understand the growth pattern of the fish. Results shown that the length-weight relationship of male and female was isometric (male b=3.039 and female b=3.024). The coefficient correlation (r) values of the relationship between standard length and other body parts ranged from 0.812-0.994. It's indicate that there is very significant relationship between standard length and the length of other body parts

    Stomach Content Analysis of Mystacoleucus Padangensis in Waters Naborsahan River and Toba Lake, Tobasa Regency, North Sumatra Province

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    Mystacoleucus padangensis is relatively small Cyprinids that commonly inhabit theToba Lake and surrounding waters. A study aims to understand the stomach contentand its relation with size, sex and level of maturity of gonads has been done onJanuary to April 2014. There were three stations, namely the Naborsahan River(Station I), river mouth of the Naborsahan River (Station II), and the Toba Lake(Stasiun III). There were 515 fishes captured, however only 52 fishes were used forstomach content analysis study as the other having almost empty stomach (stomachfullness index less than 50%. Parameters measured were Index of Preponderance(IP), type of food based on Total Length, sex, and maturity level. Results shown thatthe main food of this fish is Rotifera (IP 41.78%). Small fishes (less than 81 mm TL)tend consume Bacilliariophyceae (76.17%), medium sized (80 – 93 mm TL) fish tendto consume Cyanophyceae (39.87%), while the big fish (more than 139 mm TL)prefer to consume Rotifera 38.27-58.38%) and Xanthophyceae (52.51%). Based onsex, the male eat more Cyanophyceae (35.60%), while that of the female Rotifera(39.86%). Fish with relatively low maturity level (2nd and 3rd maturity levels) tend toeat Cyanophyceae (82.56%) and Bacilliariophyceae (76.29%) respectively, whilemature fish prefer Rotifers (81.58%). Based on data obtained, it can be concluded thatthe diet of M. padangensis was various, and it is related to body size, sex and gonadmaturity level

    Identification of Fish Species in the Coastal Waters of the Kepenghuluan Serusa, Bangko Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    The coastal waters of the Kepenghuluan Serusa village was inhabit bynumerous fish species. Information about it, however, is almost none. Tounderstand the type of fish present in that area, a study has been conducted fromMarch to April 2015. The purpose of this research is to identify the fish speciescaught by fishermen in the Kepenghuluan Serusa village. Samplings were donefour times, once a week, using scraping nets (mesh size 1-2 cm) and gillnet (meshsize 1,5-2 inch). The fish sampled were then identified based on Saanin (1968),Kottelat et al, (1993) and Matsuura et al,(2011). Results shown that there were787 fishes captured, consist of 20 fish species and they were belonged to 17genera, 15 families and 8 order. They were Congresox talabon, Setipinna taty,Stolephorus baganensis, Hemipimelodus borneesis, Harpadon nehereus,Hemirhamphus far, Strongylura strongylura, Terapon theraps, Johnius coitor,Panna microdon, Liza parmata, Liza tade, Eleutheronema tetradactylum,Taenioides Anguillaris, Trichiurus savala, Cynoglossus cynoglossus, Cynoglossuslingua, Cynoglossus microlepis, Zebrias zebra and Gastrophysus oblongus. Themost common species was Eleutheronema tetradactylum (211 fishes) and Pannamicrodon (132) and Stolephorus baganensis (124)

    Reproductive Biology of Pterygoplichthys Pardalis in the Air Hitam River Payung Sekaki District, Riau Province

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    Pterygoplichtys pardalis has known as sapu-sapu fish. It is commonly present in the Air Hitam River. To understand the reproductive biology of this fish, a research has been conducted on February to May and November 2015. Fish samples were obtained from the Air Hitam River. Parameters investigated were fish morphology, sex ratio, maturity level, fecundity and the relationship between fecundity, length and weight. Samplings were done at three stations, in the in the upstream (Station I), middle (Station II), and downstream (Station III) of the river. Totally 169 fishes (75 males and 94 females) were captured. Sex ratio between male and female was 1:1.2. The Gonado Somatic Index (GSI) of male was 0.0022% -2.6% and that of the female was 0.03-3.4%. Egg diameter was 1.5 -3.2 mm. The fecundity is around 5,351-48,980 eggs/fish. The relationship between fecundity and standart length was y= 2.056x -0.548, fecundity and body weight was y= 0.863x +2.290. The water quality parameters are as follows: temperature 27-28.5°C, turbidity 15-22 NTU, the depth of the water 0.75-0.80 m, the width of the river 8.06 m, current speed 0.15-0.44 m/s, pH 6-9, DO 2.5-3 mg/L. Data on water quality parameters indicate that water quality in the Air Hitam River is able to support the life of the fish and the fish may reproduce well