79 research outputs found

    London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. xviii: "Vitellius Psalter"

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    258. London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. xviii "Vitellius Psalter" [Ker 224, Gneuss 407] HISTORY: Probably written at Winchester mid-11c. The calendar, dated by Wormald (1934) to ca. 1060, is most likely from New Minster, but as Ker (Cat.) notes the added litanies "suggest the cathedral priory rather than New Minster." Bishop (1908) and Wildhagen (1921) favor the scriptorium of Winchester Cathedral as the place where the manu­ script was written. Belonged to Robert Boyer in 1590 according to a note in a transcript of portions of the manuscript by Francis Tate (Brit­ ish Library, Cotton Julius C. ii, f. 68v: "ii Junij 1590. ex libro n<ost>ri R. Boyeij ante psalmos dauides. Saxonice & Larine c<on>scripto"). CODICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Ff. [ii] + 146 + [ii]. Modernpaper endleaves. At the front of the codex are two inserted paper leaves, the first detailing the rearrangement of ff. 1-17 when the codex was rebound in 1954:New                                Old1-7                                   1-7(several leaves lost)8                                         89a                                      9b9b                                      9a10-12                                10-1213                                      1514                                      1415                                      1316                                      1617a                                    17b17b                                    17aThe second insert contains notes made by Rosier in August 1959 on the arrangement of misplaced patches in the manuscript. Leaves measure 210 x 126 mm. Leaves are ruled for 26 lines, but not ruled for a gloss. The litany is in two columns ruled for 26 lines each; the prayers following the litany are also ruled for 26 lines. Ff. 144v-145r are in two columns ruled for 36 lines; ff. 145v-146v are ruled for 34 lines. The litany and prayers were added in the 12c, the list of confraternities (f. 9r) and the invocations to the Virgin Mary (f. 17r/20a-l7v) 13/14c. Initial letters are in red, blue, and green ink, with psalm titles in red. The front matter and calendar show green, red, and blue ink. F. 18r shows a large initial B in green, blue, red, and brown. No major psalm divisions are indicated. The manuscript was burned in the Cotton fire of1731; the leaves have generally lost left and right margins (thus resulting in substantial loss of the psalm introductions to Pss. 1-50), and shrinkage is evident in the upper margins. Leaves have suffered severe splitting. Staining is evident on f. 104 and following. Leaves are mounted in separate paper frames numbered 1-146. The main texts (psalms and canticles) are glossed in two hands, the first from ff. 18r-138r, the second from the Magnificat on f. 138r until f. 140v. COLLATION: Collation is indeterminable, since the leaves are mounted separately in paper frames

    London, British Library, Royal 4 A. xiv: Missal, Pseudo-Hieronymus "In psalmos," Felix "Vita Guthlaci"

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    285. London, British Library, Royal 4 A. xiv Missal, Pseudo-Hieronymus "In psalmos," Felix "Vita Guthlaci" [Ker 250, 251, Gneuss 454, 455, 456] HISTORY: Dated to the 10c, and, given that the scribe of ff. 1r-106v is the same as that of British Library, Royal 2 B. v (284), almost certainly written at Winchester, although this ascription has been questioned by Dumville (1991: 48), who also notes that Royal 4 A. xiv was at Worcester Cathedral from the 12c at the latest. The bifolium (ff. 107r-108v) containing the prologue and chapter headings to Felix's life of St. Guthlac is not part of the orginal manuscript, but dates to the 8/9c. The manuscript was at Worcester Cathedral in the 17c (see Young 1944: 18, 32, 63), and came into the possession of John Theyer between 1644 and 1646 (Warner and Gilson 1921: 81)

    London, British Library, Royal 2. B. v: "Regius Psalter"

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    284. London, British Library, Royal 2. B. v "Regius Psalter" [Ker 249, Gneuss 451] HISTORY: Almost certainly written at Winchester in 10c, with additions in 11c. Associated with Canterbury 12c and later. Dewick assigns the office of the Virgin Mary (ff. fr-6v) to St. Mary's, Winchester, in the mid 11c. Ker (Cat.) notes that the items 'Eala þu ælmihtiga god unasecgendlicre' (ff. 197r-198r) and 'Man mot hine gebiddan' (f. 198r) dis­ play a hand "of the kind written at Christ Church" in 11c. The asso­ciation with Canterbury is confirmed by a note on f. 198v: '... midne winter ic scolde cuman ham ... þa axode [?mon] me hwæþer me wrere leofre ... þar þe wæstan [þonne on] Christes cyrcan. þa srede ic pret me wrere leofre on Christes cyrcean ponne par be westan. swa hit refre ge­ wyrþe. amen' (Sisam and Sisam 1959: 23). Additional notes on f. 198v have been linked with Christ Church charters and a royal grant (O'Neill 1986). Ker also notes that the letter-mark "r" on fol. 8r "shows that it was at Christ Church, Canterbury, in s. xi and later" (320). Belonged in the 16c to Archbishop Thomas Cramner and subsequently Lord Lumley (d. 1609) (see fol. 8r for names). CODICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Ff. iv + 198 + iv. Modern paper endleaves, the first and last marbled. Leaves measure 266 x 193 mm; writing grid measures 196 x 125 mm. Ff. 1-7 are ruled for twenty-one lines; the psalms are ruled for nineteen lines, with room provided for a gloss. Arrangement of leaves is HFHF. Quire numbering can be seen in the bottom margins: i (f. 15v), ii (f. 23v), v (f. 47v; erased but visible), vi (f. 55v), vii (f 63v), viii (f. 71v); traces of a "v' can be seen on f. 79v. Ff 1-7, containing the Office to the Virgin Mary, are later than the psalter; the use of Roman numbering to mark the end of a quire (e.g., what was originally quire I ends at f. 15v) suggests that no prefatory matter ac­ companied the psalter either originally or (if the quires were numbered later) by the time of the numbering of the quires; similar numbering in what appears to be the same hand is found in Royal 4. A. xiv, which was written by the same scribe as that of Royal 2. B. v. Psalms have been numbered in modern pencil from 1-70 (stopping at f. 82r), and from 84-86 (stopping at f. 102r). The original modern foliation is off by one number, with "107" repeated on f. 108, and continuing to the end of the codex. These numbers have been crossed out and corrected (Roeder follows the old numbering in his edition). Binding is in red leather. 1r contains four Latin lemmata and their OE glosses, the last in­ complete, in the right margin: 'calida aura: hat weder; frigida aura: ceald weder; umida aura: wæt weder; umidu<m>: wæt' (ed. Dewick 1902: note to f. 1); in bottom margin and on f. 8r is the name Lumley. Psalm divisions occur at Pss. 1 (f. 8r), 51 (f. 64r), and 101 (f. 117r), with initials in green, blue, and green, respectively. Initials to psalms are colored with green, red, and yellow ochre, mostly the latter, with yellow ochre used mostly for initial letters throughout (e.g., Ps. 1: green; Ps. 2: untinted; Ps. 3: green; Ps. 4: untinted; Ps. 5: yellow; Ps. 6 yellow with green band; Pss. 7-8: yellow with red band; Pss. 9-49: yellow; Ps. 50: green; Ps. 51: blue; Pss. 52-59: yellow; etc.). Psalm-titles are in red, with Latin text and gloss in brown ink. The added OE texts are written in a number of different hands at different times: (a) ff. 190v/8-192r/12 and ff. 192r/12-196v/9, 10/11c; (b) f. 196v/10-13, early 11c; (c) ff. 197r-198r/14 and f. 198r/15-19, early 11c; (d) f. 6r/14-20, mid 11c; <e> f. 6rv, early 11c.   COLLATION: I6+1 (ff. 1-7; leaf inserted after 6), II8 (ff. 8-15), III8 (ff. 16-23), IV8 (ff. 24-31), V8 (ff. 32-29), VI8 (ff. 40-47), VII8 (ff. 48-55) VIII8(ff. 56-63), IXs (ff. 64-71), X8 (ff. 72-79), XI8 (ff. 80-87), XII8 (ff. 88-95), XIIIs (ff. 96-103), XIV8 (ff. 104-111), XV8 (ff. 112-119), XVI8 (ff. 120-127), XVII8 (ff. 128-135), XVIII8 (ff. 136-143), XIXs (ff. 144-151), XX:8 (ff. 152-159), XXI8 (ff. 160-167), XXII8 (ff. 168-175), XXIII8 (ff. 176-183), XXIV8 (ff. 184-191), XXV8 (ff. 192-198; wants 8)

    London, British Library, Additional 37517: "Bosworth Psalter," "Canterbury Hymnal" (ff. 105r-128r)

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    166. London, British Library, Additional 37517"Bosworth Psalter," "Canterbury Hymnal" (ff. 105r-128r)[Ker 129, Gneuss 291] HISTORY: The psalter proper (ff. 4r--95r), Ps. 151 (f. 95v), canticles (ff. 96r--104r), hymns (ff. 105r--128r), and monastic canticles (ff. 129r--135r) were written in the second half of the 10c, the calendar (ff. 2r--3r), litany(f. 104rv), texts and prayers of the Mass (ff. 135v-139v) somewhat later (10/11c); a 12c hand has added in two columns on f. 64r/5-24 a series of incipits and rubrics to intercessory prayers and the psalm verses to be used with them. The extensive Latin commentary (see below) was added in the 12c. Gasquet and Bishop (1908) demonstrate that the calendar ultimately derives from a Glastonbury exemplar, but adapted for Canter­bury use, specifically, as Korhammer (1973) shows, Christ Church. Be­longed in the 16c to Archbishop Thomas Cramner (f. 2r Thomas Can­ tuarien<sis>>, Henry Fitz-Alan (the earl of Arundel), and Lord Lumley, his son-in-law (see f. 2r for signatures). After Lord Lumley's death in 1609, the manuscript was purchased as part of a collection by James I, but was later (under unclear circumstances) made part of the collection of 0. Turville-Petre of Bosworth Hall before 1789, and purchased from the Turville-Petre family in 1907 (see Ker Cat.; Gasquet and Bishop 1908: 3-4). CODICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Leaf size 390 x 265 mm.; writing grid 310 x 185 mm. Psalter proper ruled for twenty-five lines. Ruled for interlinear and marginal glosses as needed. Prickings visible in outer margins. Bound in oak boards secured by five leather hinges that tuck beneath a red leather spine. The inside cover bears a bookplate with the name "F. Fortescue Turvile." Two modern paper leaves precede f. 1, the first with the notation "Purchased of 0. Turville-Petre Esq. 13 July, 1907," and including two small sheets pasted in containing a list of bibliographical items relevant to the codex. The second paper leaf bears a paste-in with the following: 5. A large Ms bound in oak boards. The first three folios from another Ms exquisitely written. On the 2nd folio are the names Thomas Cantu­ ariefl and at the foot Arundel and Lumley. The body of the Ms is a Psalter with interlinear directions &c. inserted at a later date than the original Ms which is early. This Ms probably came from the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury and was given by him to the Earl of Arundel who gave it to his son in law Lord Lumley.F. 1r shows modern repairs to the upper right of the leaf. F. 1v,containing computistical notes on the calendar, shows two registers, the upper in red, green, blue, and brown inks; the bottom register was never en­ tered, although it is framed. Ff. 1 and 2-3 were prepared as a unit, as ink and ruling show. Natural holes are seen in ff. 6,18,27,54,63,84, 89, 92, 93, 97, 100, 111, 114, 117. A wormhole shows on f. 120 and continues to the end of the manuscript,as does a second on f. 129,and others on f. 130 and following. A brown smudge occurs on f. 87r and a lighter one at the bottom right off. 135v. F. 128v shows a number of diagonal slashes made in the leaf through the picture of Christ, with a few small modern patches used to strengthen the leaf Similar slashes occur on f. 131v. The word "Alleluia" is incised in large letters in dry­ point in the bottom margin off. 110v,causing an imprint on f. 109v. F. 135v (the beginning of the prayers and texts for the Mass) shows two large initials, the first a P drawn in lead retraced in brown ink; the second, a T, remains unfinished, having been marked out heavily in lead. On f. 98v occur two drypoint drawings in the left margin of two hands; f. 85v shows an initial letter "B" in drypoint to the left of"Beati." Two modern paper leaves are bound at the end of the manuscript, the first giving foliation and examination date of1907,the second bearing a note that ff. 32-33 were treated with ethanol peroxide in 1984.Full Latin commentary is added for Pss. 1-39 (ff. 4r-26r) and Pss. 71-82 (ff. 44r-53r); titular Latin commentary is added for psalms 40-50 (ff. 26v-32r). Psalm titles and numbers are omitted from Pss. 72-118, 131-138,and 144-151. Ps. 118 shows rubricated divisions at v. 161 (f. 83r) and v. 169 (f. 83v). Ps. 119 is unnumbered but bears a title. Both titles and numbers begin again with Psalm 120 (f. 83v). Until f. Slv (Ps. 79), all initial letters are in green ink, after which blue and red initials generally alternate (blue: Pss. 80,85,103,105,108,110,112,114,116, 118, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129,132,134, 136, 138, 140, 145, 147,148, 150; red: Pss. 104, 106, 107,111,113, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 126,128,131,133,135,137,139,141,142,143,146,149,151). Bene­dictine divisions within the psalter are indicated by display lines at Pss. 20, 26, 32, 38, 45, 59, 68, 73, 85, 95, 101, 105; expected divisions at Pss. 52 and 79 are wanting. Divisions within the psalms are indicated in either red or blue or in one instance green by "Diuisio sancti benedicti abbatis" (f 24r), "Diuisio benedicti" (f. 42r), "Diuisio institutionis benedicti" (ff. 41r, 92r), "Diusio beati benedicti" (f. lO0r), etc. (on Benedictine psalm-divisions, see Bishop and Gasquet 1907: 10, Sisam and Sisam 1959: 4). The psalms show frequent alterations to the Gallican version, usually indicated by underlining of the particular portion oftext with the altered text added (typically) above, often embedded in the Latin commentary and apparently added after the commentary.The OE gloss is found at Pss. 40.5, 50.1-5 (erased) and 6-21, 53.3-9, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 85, 101, 118-133, 139.2 and 9, 140.1-4, 142. Forthe canticles, see the distribution of contents below for ff. 101-104. COLLATION: Ff. [ii]+ 139 + [ii]. Three early flyleaves (ff. 1-3), I8 (ff. 4-11), II8 (ff. 12-19), III8 (ff. 20-27), IV8 (ff. 28-35), V8 (ff. 36-43), VI8 (ff. 44-51), VII8 (ff. 52-59), VIII8 (ff. 6o-68), IX8 (ff. 69-76), X8 (ff. 77-84), XI8 (ff. 85-92), XII8 (ff. 93-100), XIII8 (ff. 101-108), XIV8 (ff. 109-116),XV8 (ff. 117-124), XVI8 (ff. 125-132), XVII8 (ff. 133-138), one early flyleaf(f. 139). CONTENTS:1. Prefatory Matter:f. lr Miscellaneous scribbles and notes; upper right section of leaf miss- ing.f. 1v Diagram and computistical notes on the calendar.ff. 2r-3r Calendar (ed. Bishop and Gasquet 1908; Wormald 1934).f 3v Blank. 2. ff. 4r-95r Roman version of the psalms, partially glossed in OE, with extensive marginal and interlinear Latin commentary (ed. Lindelöf, 1909, glossed sections only). 3. f 64r/5-24 Added rubrics and incipits to intercessory prayers and cor- responding psalm verses (12c); in two columns. 4. f. 95v Psalm 151 'Pusillus eram inter fratres'. 5. Canticles (ed. Lindelof. 1909, glossed canticles only):f 96r 'CONFITEBOR TIBI D<OMI>NE'. f. 96r-96v 'Ego dixi in dimidio dierum'.ff. 96v-97r 'Exultauit cor meum in d<omi>no'. ff. 97r-98r 'Cantemus d<omi>no'. ff. 98r-99r 'D<omi>ne audiui auditum'. ff 99r-100v Canticum moysi ad filios israhel. | 'Adtende crelu<m> et loquar'.f 101r hymus trium puerorum 'Benedicite omnia opera d<omi>ni d<omi>n<um>' [gloss:] 'bletsiao ge ealle weorc drihtnes drihten'.ff. 101v-102v/ll 'Qiicumque uult' [gloss:] 'swa hwylc swa wille'.ff. 102v/12-103r/17 'Te d<eu>m laudamus' [gloss:] 'oe god we hergao'.f. 103r/18-103v/5 'Magnificat anima mea d<omi>n<u>m' [gloss:] 'gemic­ lao sawl min drihten'.f. 103v/6-17 'Benedictus d<omi>n<u>s d<eu>s israhel' [gloss:] 'sie geblet­ sod drihten god israhel'.f. 104r/1-4 'Nunc dimitte' [gloss:] 'nu forlæt'. 6. f. 104r-104v/5 Litany: Laetaniae (ed. Lapidge 1991: 138-39). 7. Prayers:f. 104v/5-7 Invitatory: 'Pater noster...Exsurge d<omi>ne Domine exaudi'.f. 104v/8-10 'Exaudi q<uo>s domine supplicum preces' [Orem<us> writ- ten in right margin].f. 104v/ll-13 'D<eu>s cui proprium est rnisereri semp<er>'.f. 104v/14-16 'Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam domine'.f. 104b/17-19 'Pretende domine famulus et famulabus tuis'.f. 104v/20-21 'Inueniant q<uesumu>s d<omi>ne animre famuloru<m> fa- mularu<m>que'.f. 104v/22-26 'Omniu<m> s<an>c<t>or<um> intercessionib<us>'. 8. Hymns (ed. Wieland 1982):f. l05r/la-186 'PRI|MO DIERVM |omnium quo mundus |extat conditus'.f. 105r/19b-105v/5b ymnus ad matutina<m> | ‘Æterne reru<m> conditor'.f. l05v/66-206 Item ymnus ad nocturna<m> |'Nocte surgentes. uigile­ mus omnes'.ff. 105v/21b-106r/7a hymnus ad matutina<m>. | 'Ecce iam noctis | tenuatur | umbra'.f. 106r/8a-25a hymnus ad primam. | 'lam lucis orto sidere'.f. 106r/lb-10b hymnus ad tertiam. | 'Nunc s<an>c<t>e nobis sp<iritu>s'. f. 106r/llb-20b hymnus ad sextam. | 'Rector potens uerax d<eu>s'.f. 106r/21b-106v/5a hymnus ad nonam. | 'Reru<m> d<eu>s tenax uigor'.f. 106v/6a-23a hymnus ad uesperam. | 'Lucis creator optime' [lines 1-8 contain neumes].f. 106v/24a-llb ymnus ad completoriu<m>. | 'Te lucis ante terminum'. ff. 106v/12b-107r/4a Item alius ymnus. 'le<s>u redemptor sæculi'.f. 107r/5a-5b ymnus ad completoriu<m>. | 'Chr<ist>e qui lux es'.f. 107r/6b-107v/10a Item alius ymnus. | 'Cultor d<e>i memento | te fontis'.f. 107v/lla-3b hymnus ad noctuma<m>. | 'Somno refectis artubus'.ff. 107' v/4b-108r/12a hymnus ad mat<utinam>. | 'Splendor paternę gloriæf. 108r/13a-4b F<e>r<ia> .ii. ymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. | 'lnmense cæli conditor'.f. 108r/5b-18b hymnus ad noctuma<m>. |'Consors paterni luminis lux ipse lucis'.f. 108r/19b-108v/11a ad matutina<m>. 'Ales diei nuntius | luce<m>'.f. 108v/12a-5b hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. f<e>r<ia> .iii.| 'Telluris ingens conditor | mundi solu<m>'.f. 108v/6b-20b hymnus ad noctumam. | 'Reru<m> creator optime'.f. 109r/la-18a ymn<us> ad matutinam. | 'Nox et tenebrę et nubila'.f. 109r/19a-llb hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. f<e>r<ia> .iiii. | 'Cæli d<eu>s s<an>c<t>issime'.f. 109r/12b-109v/4a ad noctumam. | 'Nox atra reru<m> contegit |terrę'.f. 109v/5a-22a ymnus ad noctum<am>. | 'Lux ecce surgit aurea'.f. 109v/22a-15b f<e>r<ia> .v. | hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. | 'Magne d<eu>s potentiæ'.ff. 109v/16b-110/12a ad noctumam. |'Tu trinitas unitas |orbem potenter'.f. 110r/13a-9b ad matutinam. | 'Æterna cæli gloria |beata spes mortaliu<m>'.f. 110r/10b-110v/2a f<e>r<ia> .vi. hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. | 'Plasmator hominis d<eu>s'.f. 110v/3a-20a ad noctumam. |'Summę d<eu>s clementiæ'.f. 110v/2la-9b ymnus ad matutinam. | 'Aurora ia<m> spargit'.ff. 110v/10b-lllr/18a hymnus ad uesperam. | in sabbato s<an>c<t>o 'D<eu>s creator omnium'.f. lllr/19a-7b Item alius ymnus. | 'O lux beata trinitas'.f. lllr/8b-lllv/12a hymnus ad uesperam. | de aduentu d<omi>ni. 'Conditor alme siderum | ęterna lux credentiu<m>'. f. 111v/13a-5b ad noctumam. | 'Uerbum supernu<m> p<ro>diens'. f lllv/66-236 hymnus ad matutinam. | 'Uox clara ecce intonat'.ff. 111v/24b-112r/17a In natale s<an>c<t>i andrey ap<osto>li. | 'Nobis ecce dies || ordine congruo'.f. 112r/18a-24b hymnus in natale d<omi>ni | ad uesperam. 'CHR<IST>E REDE<M>P|tor omnium'.f. 112r/25b-112v/11b hymn<us> ad noctumam || 'Surgentes ad te d<omi>ne'.ff. 112v/12b-113r/25a Ad matutinam. | 'Audi redemptor gentium natalis'.f. 113r/lb-113v/5a hymnus in festiuitate. | s<an>c<t>i stephani protomart<yris> | 'Iam rutilat sacrata dies'.f. 113v/6a-11b hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. | In ępiphania d<omi>ni. 'A solis ortus cardine | ad usq<ue> terrre'.ff. 113v/12b-114r/12a hymnus ad matutinam. | 'Hostis herodes impie chr<istu>mf. 14r/13a-9b In purificatione s<an>c<t>e marię. | 'Quod chorus uatum | uenerandus olim | sp<irit>u s<an>c<t>o'.f. 114r/10b-114v/9a In septuagesima. ad uesp<er>a<m>. | 'Alleluia duke carmen | uox perhenni'.f. 114v/10a-25a ymnus ad noctuma<m>. | 'Alleluia piis edite laudibus'. f. 114v/1b-13b ymnus ad matutinam. | 'Almum sideree iam patrię'• ff. 1.14. v/14b-115r/5a hymnus ad .iii. cotidie | in xl. | 'D<e>i fide qua um|mus.f. 115r/6a-19a hymn<us> ad .ui. | 'Meridie orandu<m> est | chr<istu>s- q<ue> deprecandus e<st>'.f. 115r/20a-8b hymn<us> ad nonam |'Perfecto trino numero'.f. 115r/9b-115v/1a hymn<us> ad uespera<m> |'Síc tér quaternis trahitur'.f. 115v/2a-22a Item alius ymnus. | 'Audi benigne conditor'.ff. 115v/23a-116r/6a Ite<m> alius ymnus | 'Ex more docti mystico'.f. 116r/7a-6b Item alius ymnus |'Ie<s>u quadragenariæ | dicator absti­ nentire'.f. 116r/17b-25b Item alius ymnus |'Clarum decus ieiunii'.ff. 116v/la-117r/11a In festiuitate s<an>c<t>i bene|dicti abbatis. | 'Chr<ist>e s<an>c<t>or<um>. decus atq<ue> |uirtus'.f. 117r/12a-22b hymnus ad uesp<er>a<m>. In purilficatione s<an>c<t>ę mariae. | 'Que<m> terra pontus | æthera'.f. 117r/23b-117v/lb Hymnus ad noct<umam>. | 'Aue maris stella | dei mater alma'. ff. 117v/2b-118r/10a ymn<us> ad uesp<er>a<m>. | 'Uexilla regis p<ro>deunt'.f. 118r/11a-9b hymnus ad matutina<m>. | 'Auctor salutis unicus'.f. 118r/7b-118v/18a hymnus ad uesp<er>am. | In pascha d<omi>ni. 'AD CENA<M> | agni prouidi | stolis albis'.f. 118v/19a-llb hymnus ad nocturnam. | 'Ie<s>u n<ost>ra redemptio'.ff. 118v/12b-119r/7b hymnus ad matutinam. 'Aurora lucis rutilat | cælu<m> laudibus intonat'.f. 119r/8b-119v/22a hymnus ad uesperam. In ascen|sione d<omi>ni. | 'Hymnu<m> canam<us> d<omi>no'.ff. 119v/22a-120r/5a Ad matutin<am>. | 'Optatus uotis omnium |sacratus'.f. 120r/5a-17b hymnus ad .iii. | In pentecosten. | 'lam chr<istu>s astra ascenderat'.f. 120r/18b-120v/20a hymnus |ad uesperam. | 'Veni creator sp<iritu>s | mentes tuor<um>'.ff. 120v/20a-121r/1a hymnus | ad noctumam. | 'Beata nobis gaudia'.f. 121r/2a-23a ad matutinam. | 'Anni p<er>actis mensibus'.f. 121r/24a-121v/9b ymnus ad uesp<er>a<m> In natale | s<an>c<t>i iohannis baptistę. | 'Ut queant laxis | resonare fibris'.ff. 121v/10b-122r/14a hymn<us> in | passione petri et pauli. | 'Aurea luce. et decore | roseo'.f. 122r/15a-122v/5a hymn<us> de s<an>c<t>o laurentio. | 'Martyris chr<ist>i colimus | triumphum'.f. 122v/6a-15b ymnus in sollempnitate | s<an>c<t>i michaelis arch<angeli>. | 'Misterior<um> signifer |celestiu<m> archangele'.ff. 122v/16b-123r/16a ad nocturnam. | 'Tibi chr<ist>e splendor patris | uita ac uirtus'.f. 123r/17a-17b ad matutinam. | 'Chr<ist>e s<an>c<t>or<um> decus ang<e>lor<um>'.f. 123r/18b-123v/24a ymnus in festiui|tate omniu<m> s<an>c<t>or<um>. | 'Festiua sęclis colitur | dies s<an>c<t>or<um> omnium'.ff. 123v/25a-124r/2a hymnus ad n[octurnam] | 'Chr<ist>e redemptor ommum'.f. 124r/3a-20a hymn<us> ad matutinam. | 'Omnium chr<ist>e. pariter | tuoru<m>'.f. 124r/2la-20b In festiuit<ate> s<an>c<t>i martini |'Martine confessor d<e>i'.f. 124r/20b-124v/20a hymnus | In sollempnit<ate> | omnium ap<osto>loru<m>. | 'EXVLTET | cælum laudibus'. ff. 124v/21a-125r/3a hymn<us> ad noct<ur>nam | 'Æterna chr<ist>i mu­ nera | et martyru<m> uictorias'.f. 125r/4a-6b hymnus de s<an>c<t>o petro ap<osto>lo. | 'lam bone pastor petre | clemens accipe'.f. 125r/7b-14b hymn<us> de s<an>c<t>o paulo ap<osto>lo. | 'Doctor egre­ gie. | paule mores instrue'.f. 125r/15b-21b hymn<us> de s<an>c<t>o andrea. | 'Andreas pie s<an>c<t>orum'.f. 125r/22b-125v/3a de s<an>c<t>o iacobo et iohanne | 'Bina celestis. aulæ | luminaria'.f. 125v/4a-9a de s<an>c<t>o iacobo fr<atr>e d<omi>ni. | 'Iacobe iuste. ie<s>u frater d<omi>ni'.f. 125v/10a-16a de s<an>c<t>o bartholomeae | 'Bartholomeus. creli sidus | aureum'.f. 125v/17a-23a de s<an>c<t>o matheae. | 'Mathee s<an>c<t>e bino pollens'.f. 125v/24a-5b de s<an>c<t>o philippo | 'Proni rogamus philippe | os lampadis'.f. 125v/6b-12b de s<an>c<t>o simone et iude. | 'Beate simon. et taddee | inclite. cernite n<ost>ros'.f. 125v/13b-19b de s<an>c<t>o thomae. | 'O thoma chr<ist>i. p<er>lustrator'.ff. 125v/19b-126r/7a hymnus in natale | unius martyris. | 'Martyr d<e>i qui unicu<m>'.f. 126r/8a-3b hymnus ad matut<inam> | 'D<eu>s tuorum militum'.f. 126r/4b-18b hymnus in natale pluri|morum martyrum. |'Rex glorie martyru<m>'.f. 126r/19b-126v/25a Item alius ymnus. |'S<an>c<t>or<um> meritis. inclita |gaudia'.f. 126v/lb-20b '[I]ste confessor d<omi>ni sacratus'. [Title wanting; text begins one line below normal position. First four lines contain neumes. Initial J incised with blunt drypoint.]ff. 126v/21b-127r/4b Item alius ymnus |'Chr<ist>e splendor glorire'. [First four lines contain neumes.]f. 127r/5b-25b Item alius ymnus. |'Ie<s>u redemptor omnium'.f. 127v/la-19b 'Summe confessor | sacer et sacerdos'. [Title wanting; text begins one line below normal position.]ff. 127v/20b-128r/16a hymn<us> de uirginibus. | 'Uirginis proles | opifexque. matris | uirgo'.f. 128r/17a-9b hymnus ad noctuma<m>. | 'Ie<s>u corona uirginum'. [Rest of column b blank.]f. 128v Full-page drawing (incomplete) in lead of Christ. 9. Monastic canticles:f. 129r/la-13b 'D<OMI>NE | miserere n<ost>ri |te eni<m> expectauimus'.f. 129r/14b-129v/19a Canticum aliud. | 'Audite qui longe | estis qua: fecerim dic<it> | d<omi>n<u>s'.f. 129v/20a-2lb Canticu<m> aliud. 'Miserere d<omi>ne plelbi tuy'•ff. 129v/22b-130r/8b lncipiunt cantica de aduentu d<omi>ni. | 'Confor­ tate manus dissol|utas'.f. 130r/9b-130v/6a Canticum aliud. |'Consolamini conso|lamini popule | meus'.f. 130v/7a-8b Canticum aliud. | 'Iurauit d<omi>n<u>s in dextera sua'.ff. 130v/9b-131r/20a Cantica In natiuitate d<omi>ni n<ost>ri. | 'Populus qui sedebat | in tenebris uidit | lucem magnam'.f. 131r/2la-131v/6a canticum aliud. | 'Letare hierusale<m> et diem festem agite omnes | qui diligitis earn'.ff. 13lv/7a-132r/2a canticu<m> aliud. | 'Vrbs fortitudinis n<os>trre'.f. 132r/2a-7b Cantica | In septuagesimae. | 'Deducant oculi mei | lacrimas per diem. et |noctem'.f. 132r/8b-132v/20a Canticum aliud. |'Recordare d<omi>ne quid |acci­ derit nobis in|tuere'.f. 132v/21a-16b canticum aliud | “Tollam uos de gentibus. et con|gre gabo uos'.ff. 132v/16b-133r/15a Cantica de re|surrectione d<omi>ni. | 'Quis est iste qui | uenit de edom'.f. 133r/16a-15b canticum aliud.| 'Venite reuertamur ad |d<omi>n<u>m'.f. 133r/16b-133v/5b Canticu<m> aliud. | 'EXpecta me dicit d<omi>n<u>s | in die resurrectio|nis’.ff. 133v/5b-134r/2a lncipiunt | cantica de om<n>ib<us> ap<osto>lis. | 'Qui sponte obtulistis | de israhel'.f. 134r/3a-6b canticum aliud. | 'Qui p<ro>pria uoluntate | optulistis uos'.f. 134r/7b-134v/2a Canticum aliud. | 'Uos s<an>c<t>i d<omi>ni uocabim[i]ni'.f. 134v/2a-15a lncipiunt can|tica. | 'Benedictus uir qui con|fidit in d<omi>no'.f. 134v/16a-5b canticum aliud. | 'Beatus uir qui inuent<us> | est sine macula'.f. 134v/6b-20b canticum aliud. | 'Ecce serous meus susci|piam'.ff. 134v/21b-135r/10a lncipiunt cant<ica>. de uirginib<us>. | 'Audite me diuini fructus'.f. 135r/11a-10b Aliud canticum. | 'Lauda ftlia sion. iubila israhel'.f. 135r/10b-24b Canticum aliud. | 'Gaude et letare ftlia sion'. 10. Prayers and texts of the Mass:Ordinarium misse:f. 135v/1a-10a 'PER OM<NI>A |secula seculor<um> |amen.|D<omi>­ n<u>s uobiscum'.f. 135v/11a-10b 'AEQVVM ET | salutare nos tibi semper | & ubique gr<ati>as agere'.Canon misse:ff. 135v/11b-136r/16a 'TE IGITVR. | clementissime | pater' [initial T in pencil; incomplete].f. 136r/17a-12b 'Communicantes et memo|riam uenerantes'.f. 136r/13b-21b 'Hane igitur oblatione<m> |seruitutis n<ost>ręf. 136r/22b-136v/3a 'Quam oblationem tu d<eu>s | in omnibus'.f. 136v/4a-18a 'Qui pridie quam pater & |accepit panem in s<an>c<t>as'.f. 136v/19a-2b 'Item t<ib>i gr<ati>as agens. Bene|dix(it) dedit discipulis suis | dicens'.f. 136v/3b-23b 'Vnde et memores d<omi>ne nos tui | serui'.ff. 136v/24b-137r/7a 'Supplices te rogam<us> om<ni>p<oten>s d<eu>s'.f. 137r/8a-14a 'Mem<en>to &ia<m> d<omi>ne famulorurn | famularum- q<ue> tuarum'.f. 137r/15a-5b 'Nob<is> quoq<ue> peccatoribus famu|lis tuis'.f. 137r/6b-12b 'P<er> que<m> hęc om<ni>a d<omi>ne se<m>p<er> bona | creas'.f. 137r/13b-16b OREMVS | 'P<er>ceptis salutaribus moniti | & diuina institutione for|mati audemus dicere'.f. 137r/17b-25b 'Pater n<oste>r qui es in cęlis'.f. 137v/la-15a 'Libera nos q<uesumu>s d<omi>ne ab om<n>ibus | malis'.f. 137v/15a-18a 'PAX D<omi>ni sit se<m>p<er> uobiscum'.f. 137v/19a-20a 'Agnus dei q<u>i tollis peccata | mundi miserere nob<is> .III.'[Rest of column blank.] Mass of the Holy Trinity:f. 137v/1-5 [Ad missam officium:] '[B]e

    London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. i: "Vespasian Psalter"

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    238. London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. i "Vespasian Psalter" [Ker 203, Gneuss 381]   HISTORY: The Latin text of the Roman psalter dates to the 8c and the continuous OE interlinear gloss to the 9c. Canticles, hymns,.and prayers (some glossed) were added in the 11c. Although Kuhn posits a Mercian origin for the manuscript, scholars generally favor a Canterbury prove­ nance. Nothing in the manuscript, however, supports the localization, which rests primarily upon an identification, supposedly of this manu­ script, made by Thomas of Elmham in his 15c catalogue of books at St. Augustine's:   Est etiam et aliud 'Psalterium' supra tabulam magni altaris positum; quod habet exterius imaginem Christi argenteam planam, cum quatuor Evangelistis. In hujus Psalterii primo folio incipit, 'Omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata.' In tertio folio incipit, 'Epistola Damasi papre ad Ieronymum,' et in fine Versus ejusdem Damasi; ac deinde 'Epistola Ieronymi ad Damasum,' cum Hieronymi versibus. Deinde in quarto folio, 'De Origine Psalmorum,' in cujus fine distinguit Psalterium in quinque libros   In quinto folio ejusdem Psalterii sequitur expositio de Alleluia secundum Hebrreos, Chaldreos, Syros, et Latinos. Item interpre­ tatio 'Glorire' apud Chaldreos. Item interpretatio Psalmi cxviii. per singu­las literas. In sexto folio sequitur quando psalli vel legi debeat, quomodo Hieronymus scribit; item 'Ordo Psalmorum per A, B, C, D.' In septimo folio de literis Hebrreis, qure in Psalterio scribunter. In octavo folio, 'lnterpretatio Psalmorum,' usque ad folium undecirnum, ubi incipit, Textus Psalterii,' cum imagine Samuelis sacerdotis, et in fine ejusdem Psalterii sunt hymni de matutinis, de vesperis, et de Dominico die, sicut in alio Psalterio prrenotatio habentur (Hardwick 1858: 98).   Nothing is known about the ownership of the manuscript with any cer­ tainty until it was acquired by Sir Robert Cotton by 1599 (cf. his nota­ tion on f. 12r: "Ro: Cotton Bruceus 1599") from William Cecil (Lord Burghley), into whose collection the manuscript came by 1566 (see British Library, Lansdowne 8, f. 190r, for Matthew Parker's letter to Cecil thanking him for the use of the psalter). CODICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: After trimming, leaves measure 235 x 180 mm., and are normally ruled for twenty-two lines of Latin text. The writing grid of the main text (including the nine canticles and three hymns) measures 172 x 145 mm., of the prefatory matter 199 x 149 mm., and of the 11c additions 177 x 132 mm. The arrangement of the leaves is generally HFFH or HFHF; vellum is of high quality and moderately suede-like. Pricking in outer margins. Gold is used in all decorated initials, silver for major incipits (except f. 21v). Pigments include green, blue, yellow, red, and violet; lead white is also occasionally used. The first leaf of quire VI (between present ff. 11 and 12) most likely contained a lost Beatus vir page. Stains on f. 142r (after the hymn Pusillus eram) suggest that a single leaf, perhaps a carpet page, prepared separately and with a blank recto, was originally inserted. F. 30v contains a full-page illustration ofDavid. Ornamental lines occur at liturgical di­ visions (Pss. 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, 109, and 118, with an additional dis­ play line at Ps. 17) along with two historiated initials at Pss. 26 and 52; the typical tripartite division found in many psalters does not appear here. Ff. 2-11 and 141v are written in rustic capitals; the psalter proper is written in rounded uncial script, with titles in rustic capitals. Toon (1991: 91) notes a series ofletters added in drypoint that he interprets as intended to help a scribe plan the layout of the codex; the marks are found at ff. 12r (c Ψ), 13r <e>, 14r (f), 14v (g), 15v (h), 16r <i>, 18r (k), 18v (1), 19r <m>, 19v <n>, 20r (o), 20v (p), 22r ®, 24v <s>, 25v <t>, 26r (u). Patches with monograms, probably added before the OE gloss was entered, are found on 18v, 19r, 19v, 22r, 91r, 121r, 121v, 128r, 128v; that on 153v is used to repair a hole. The monograms, some comprising one or two letters (e.g., ff. 18v, 19r, 19v, 91r, 128r, 128v), others having more elaborate combinations (e.g., ff. 121v, 153r, 153v), are difficult to interpret and may contain personal names or initials ofsaints' names. F. 11v contains a prayer added in the late 10c or early 11c. In the first half of the 11c, a gathering containing liturgical material was added (ff. 155- 160). The last two leaves of the gathering were not written and were subsequently cut out; the first two leaves are mounted to paper stubs and bound to f. 154, itselfattached to a stub. Cotton glued to f. 160v a cut­ ting taken from a 15c French breviary. The hand offf. 155r--160r has been identified as that ofEadui Basan (11c; Bishop 1971: 22). The fullest discussion and description of the psalter is given by Wright (1967). The entire psalter was edited by Kuhn (1965).   COLLATION: The collation added on a paste-in at the front of the manuscript was made in April 1954, before repair of the binding. The text was recollated for the facsimile edition published in 1967. I(l+l) (ff. 2-3; two single leaves), II8 (ff. 4-11), III6 (wantsl) (ff. 12-15; lost leaf before f. 12, originally forming a bifolium with f. 16 which is now bound with IV), IV6 (ff. 16-22; f. 16 properly belongs to quire III, but is wrongly bound as the first leaf here, the stub showing after f. 22), V6 (ff. 23-28), VI6•1 (ff. 29-35; f. 30 is an inserted leaf, the stub showng after f. 34), VII6 (ff. 42-47), VIII6 (ff. 48-53), IX6 (ff. 54-59), X6 (ff. 60-65), XI8 (ff. 66-73), XII8 (ff. 74-81), XIII8 ff. (82-89), XIV6+1 (ff. 90-96; f. 95 is an inserted leaf, the stub showing after f. 90), XV1l (ff. 97-104), XVI8 (ff. 105-113; f. 109 is inserted leaf at the center of the quire), XVII8 (ff. 114-121), XVIII8 (ff. 122-129), XIX8 (ff. 130-137), XX6+3 (ff. 138-146; ff. 139, 141, and 145 are inserted leaves, with stubs after ff. 144, 143, and 138, respectively; a carpet page comprising a single leaf was likely lost after f. 141), XXI8 (ff. 147-154; ff. 147 and 154 originally formed a bifolium, but are now non-conjugate), XXII8 (ff. 155-160; wanting two leaves after f. 160, originally conjugate with ff. 155 and 156, respectively). Gathering I is preceded by a blank, unnumbered bifolium; gathering XXII is followed by a bifolium and a single­ ton, both blank and unnumbered

    London, British Library, Arundel 155: Psalter, canticles, prayers, hymns

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    175. London, British Library, Arundel 155Psalter, canticles, prayers, hymns[Ker 135, Gneuss 306] HISTORY: Written in the first half of the 11c at Christ Church, Can­ terbury, with alterations and additions in the 12c (see below). At the top of f. iv recto and again on f. 8r: "Si qui inuenerit hu<n>c libru<m> Restituat do<m>pno Will<el>mo yngram"; below in a different hand: "Procter uendidit A<nn>o 1592." As Ker (Cat.) notes, "Ingram was warden of the Martyrdom in the cathedral in 1508." F. 1v bears the coiophon: "Psalte­ rium Dompni Iohannis Walthan Monachii Ecclesie Chr<ist>i cant' Ex dono dompni W. Hadley Supp<r>ioris." On ff. 2r and 133r: 'William Howarde 1592." F. 12r bears the stamp: "Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis." Donated by Howard to the Royal Society in 1667. Acquired by the British Museum in 1831. CODICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Leaves measure 290 x 211 mm., with a writing grid of 205 x 150 mm. Leaves are hair side out. Ff. 1-11 are ruled for thirty-five lines, although, e.g., in the tables following the calendar, the vertical rulings indicating columns are ignored, being ap­ propriate to the layout of the calendar only. The psalms are ruled for twenty-three lines; ff. 137-141r contain twenty-seven lines, the litany (ff. 14lv-143r) twenty-seven lines. Ff. 143r (following the litany) to f. 170v are in two columns of twenty-five lines. The codex underwent major alteration in the 12c with the removal of leaves after f. 136, the erasure of the original text and rewriting on ff. 135r/18-136 and, in part, on f. 134r/23-134v/5, and the addition of thirty-four leaves after f. 136. Ff. 145-146 comprise a bifolium in a hand markedly different from that responsible for the added folios. The texts on these leaves, ruled for thirty­ seven lines (with each column crossed through with a large "X''), all lack initial letters to the incipits. The psalms also show significant alterations throughout, mostly in adapting the Roman text to the Gallican version; these alterations are made in a dull brown ink, lighter than the original ink. The calendar (ff. 2r-7v), preliminary matter (ff. 8v-11r), psalms (ff.12r-132r), canticles (ff. 133v-135r/17), collects (f. 171r), and prayers and forms of confession glossed in OE (ff. 171r-191v/18) are original to the psalter. Ff. 191v/19-193v are written in a different Latin hand, although Campbell (1963) sees the OE gloss hand (ff. 191v/19-192v/6) as the same as throughout the prayers. Attached to f. 113r is a note: "N.B. Leaves 113- 120 are misplaced; they should follow f. 128." The leaves are numbered consecutively in pencil. To adjust the order of the leaves, the number 121 is written above original 113, although ff. 114-120 are not renumbered. The order of the leaves should thus be as follows: 113 > 121; 114 > 122; 115 > 123; 116 > 124; 117 > 125; 118 > 126; 119 > 127; 120 > 128; 121 > 113;122 > 114; 123 > 115; 124 > 116; 125 > 117; 126 > 118; 127 > 119; 128 > 120. Ff. 171-193 are also numbered in ink (16c?) from 1-24, although the number 17 is omitted (thus f. 186 is numbered 16 and f. 187 is numbered 18). The same hand responsible for the numbering in ink has also placed numbers next to the prayers, beginning with f. 172v/2-14, which is numbered 5, continuing to f. 187r/17, which is numbered 30; the remaining items in the sequence are unnumbered.Major psalm-divisions are indicated by full-page illustrations and minor divisions by display lines as follows: Pss. 1 (f. 12r), 20 (f. 25v), 26 (f. 30v), 32 (f. 35r), 38 (f. 42r), 45 (f. 48r), 51 (f. 53r; full page), 59 (f. 58v), 68 (f. 64v), 73 (f. 70r), 79 (f. 77v), 86 (f. 81v), 95 (f. 89v), 101(92r), 105 (f. 99r), 109 (f. 105r), 119 (f. 125v); f. 133r contains a full­ page illumination preceding the canticles. Initials in the display lines are in gold, red, green, and blue ink; the Beatus vir page shows lavish use of gold, with red, green, blue, and purple; the initial verse has lines alternating in green and red; similar use of alternating colors appears at the be­ ginning of Ps. 101. Psalm titles and minor initials are in green, red, and blue. The canticles begin with a gold "C," and red, blue, and green ink are used throughout for titles. The 12c additions use colored initials in yellow, red, blue, and green, with titles in red. The OE hymns and confessional prayers use red and green initials throughout. Scattered incised designs and drawings include: three crude portraits in pencil (f. iii recto), crude drawing of courtier with bird (f. iv verso), late drawing of lion rampant (f. 2r), large bird in brown ink (f. 88v), incised scroll-work in the lobes of initial "B" (f. 94v; Ps. 102), bird (f. l11r), nine faces in various stages of completion, in the same ink as the drawing on f. 88v (f. 191r). The litany, but not the closing petitions, has been lightly crossed through with larges "X's." F. 193v is darkened. F. 1 is written in a Gothic script. The text (to f. 191r) has been identified as in the hand of Eadui Basan (11c; Bishop 1971: 22).COLLATION: Ff. [ii-iv] + 1-193. Ff ii and 1 are half-sheets; ff. iii-iv form a bifolium; I10 (ff. 2-11), II6+1 (ff. 12-18;f. 12 added), III8 (ff. 19-26), IV8 (ff. 27-34), V8 (ff. 35-42), VI8 (ff. 43-50), VII6+1 (ff. 51-57; one added after f. 55, with stub showing afterf. 52), VIII8+1 (ff. 58-66;f. 66 added), IX8 (ff. 67-74), X8 (ff. 75-82; bifolium added after f. 79), XI6 (ff. 83-88); Xll8 (ff. 89-96), XIII8 (ff. 97-104), XIV8 (ff. 105-112), XV8 (ff. 113-120; two bifolia after f. 114), XVI8 (ff. 121-128), XVII8 (ff. 129-136), XVIII8+2 (ff. 137-146; ff. 145-146 form a bifolium), XIX8 (ff. 147-154), XX8 (ff. 155-162), XXI8+2 (ff. 163-170; ff. 163-164 form a bifolium), XXII12 (ff. 171-182), XXIII8 (ff. 183-190), ff. 191-193 comprise three half-sheets

    British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. xii: Hymnal, "Expositio hymnorum," canticles

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    244. British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. xii Hymnal, "Expositio hymnorum," canticles [Ker 208, Gneuss 191] HISTORY: Identified as a mid-llc product of Christ Church, Canterbury, although the history of the codex in the later Middle Ages remains unknown. Owned by Cotton in 1621 (see British Library, Harley 6018, no. 141; for discussion, see Ker Cat., 271; Gneuss 1968: 100-101, 245)

    London, British Library, Royal 5 F. iii: Aldhelm: "De laude virginitatis"

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    287. London, British Library, Royal 5 F. iii Aldhelm: "De laude virginitatis" [Ker 253, Gneuss 462] HISTORY: Dated to the 9/10c, with OE glosses of 10c and 11c. Listed in Young's catalogue of Worcester Cathedral manuscripts (ca. 1622) as "253" Aldelmus de virginitate charactere saxonico. 4to imperf." Belonged to John Theyer (1597-1673)

    London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. vi: Book of Proverbs, Alcuin "De virtutibus et vitiis," Hymn, Psalm 50, "Disticha Catonis," Eddius "Vita S. Wilfridi," etc.

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    243. London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. vi Book of Proverbs, Alcuin "De virtutibus et vitiis," Hymn, Psalm 50, "Disticha Catonis," Eddius "Vita S. Wilfridi," etc. [Ker 207 (Part 1), Gneuss 389, 390] HISTORY: Part 1 (ff. 1-77) dated to the mid-lOc, Part 2 (ff. 78-125) to 11c. Associated with St. Augustine's, Canterbury (cf. pressmark and ex libris on f. 2r); note also the added hymn for St. Augustine on f. 77r. The glosses are Kentish in Part 1, but the origin of the manuscript and its later history remain unknown, although in view of the notes on f. 12Sr, Colgrave (1927: xiii) suggests that the manuscript "was removed from somewhere in Yorkshire to Canterbury.

    London, British Library, Royal 10 C. v: Petrus Cantor: Biblical Commentaries

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    296. London, British Library, Royal 10 C. v Petrus Cantor: Biblical Commentaries [Ker 262, Gneuss - ] HISTORY: As Ker (Cat.) notes, the only clue to the manuscript's history occurs in a note in the top margin of f. 389r: "Mag<iste>r Will<elm> us de Weleb<ur>ne h<abe>t q<u>at<er>nu<m> q<u>i h<ic> deest de notul<is> sup<er> actus [apostolorum]." Master William may have been a canon of St. Paul's Cathedral in 1237. Petrus Cantor was precentor of Notre-Dame in 1184 and afterwards Dean of Reims; he died in Longpont Abbey in 1197. Two notes in OE in the bottom margins of ff. 18r and 74v and a comment in Latin written above the first assist in the dating. That on f. 7 4v refers, as Ker documents, to the raising of the siege of Verneuil on 28 May 1194, that on f. 18r to the capture of Gisors in April 1193. Above the second note is added in different ink: 'hoc sc<ri>psi parisi<us> sedens ad libru<m> meu<m> die quo gisortiu<m> captu<m> fuit'. Ker assigns the manuscript the date 1193-1194