990 research outputs found

    Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research

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    This paper discusses Grounded Theory, which is one of the newer methodologies becoming popular with social researchers since its evolution in the late 1960s. The paper discusses the principles and processes of the Grounded Theory and then explores the nature of codes, coding process and the concept of saturation. It then goes on to discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the use of Grounded Theory methodology in social research and explores the applicability of this methodology in producing sound theoretical basis for practice. Selected narratives from the author's recent studies are used to explain the processes of Grounded Theory methodology

    Unwanted Hysterectomies in India: Paid by Public Insurance Schemes

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    This is an editoria

    Unprecedented Move

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    In this issue, Dr. Venkat Pulla, Coordinator, Social Work Discipline & Senior Lecturer, Australian Catholic University, Australia (Brisbane Campus), writes the editorial on denominations by Modi Government to deal the pervasive corruption in India

    Vimla Nadkarni: Compassionate and Assertive Doyen of Social Work

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    Experiencias innovadoras del aula salesiana en la Unidad Educativa Salesiana María Auxiliadora

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    El cambio y las innovaciones en el campo educativo es una de las principales tareas a las que se enfrentan las instituciones educativas y el docente mismo en el interior de sus aulas de clase. Se trata de un cambio a nivel mundial y con repercusiones a nivel personal de cada estudiante, en este escenario entra en juego principalmente el rol del docente como guía, dosificador de conocimientos u orientador y del estudiante como protagonista principal del escenario educativo quedando lejos aquella educación tradicional en la cual el docente era el dador de conocimientos y el estudiante se limitaba únicamente a la copia escrita de los mismos. Lejos queda esa idea de escuela tradicional, dando cabida a nuevas estructuras e innovaciones educativas, con ideas, comportamientos y escena- rios nuevos, de acuerdo al contexto de cada institución

    The Not-So-Silent Rise of Nationalism: A COVID-19 Result

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    Since the discovery and surge of the COVID-19 virus in the early days of 2020, we saw the creepy crawl of accusations and counteraccusations, the divisions between the scientific communities, the lack of exemplary conduct by the political elites, the lack of transparency in the reporting of death statistics, and the increasing lack of confidence and support for people. Amidst all this was a burgeoning of defensive and, on many occasions, offensive nationalism. A stage that mirrored resounding the amended final command from the 1924 George Orwell’s Animal farms, wherein the Pigs, the more intelligent of the manor farm animals, proclaim that some animals are more equal than others


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    The nanoindentation technique has been used to identify the interfaces between dissimilar materials and subsequently to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties across the interfaces. The interfaces could represent the interface (transition face) between oxidized and unoxidized polymers, the interface between rigid fiber and polymer matrix, or other similar situations. It is proposed to use a nanoindenter equipped with small spherical tip to indent across the interfaces of dissimilar materials. The proposed method has been validated by conducting a large number of virtual experiments through 3-dimensional finite element simulations, by varying the properties of the two dissimilar materials, including various combinations of modulus (E1/E2), yield strength (σy1/σy2), hardening index (n1/n2), interface sizes (R/T), Poisson’s ratio (Îœ), etc. The mechanical properties across the interfaces have been obtained, and a quantitative model for predicting the interface sizes has been established

    Displacees and Health: Issues and Challenges

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    COVID-19: An Ontological Human Circus?

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    Geopolitical and national interests predominate, given that a war between Russia and Ukraine would result in a daily economic decline in both countries. I am convinced that countries, not their people, wage wars. People have other concerns, such as food and a virus that has apparently not yet left these countries. Several plausibility arguments are presented in the first section of the paper, which addresses the persistently debated virus's origins. In contrast, its leadership continues to flounder. Numerous healthcare workers perished on the front lines, but there was scant coverage of their deaths during the first year of the pandemic and none since. The elderly, the frail elderly, and even the young are the most severely affected by the pandemic deaths that have occurred over the past two years and continue to occur. Current ontology is concerned with the controversies, hypotheses, and theories surrounding this damned insignificant RNA and its capacity to cause such catastrophic harm to humanity. Indeed, the issue is its disputed and contested origin. After two years, it appears that the graphs, countries, and news that are updated every minute on the Worldometer have not changed. However, something has changed; for example, countries have ceased to report the incidence of COVID-19 deaths

    Growing Nationalism Exacerbated by COVID 19: Editorial Essay

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